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The indigenous people have been identified to be among the poorest and the most socioeconomically and culturally marginalized people all over the world. The main purpose of the paper is to explore the socioeconomic and demographic factors of indigenous people in Peninsular Malaysia in context of poverty and the role of income dependency of non-timber forest products (NTFP). The data were collected in 2014 and 2015 through primary and secondary sources. Partial least squares (PLS) method was used to analysis the data. PLS is a modeling technique that features multiple regression and principal component analysis. The study shows that still a large number of indigenous households is involved in the NTFP activities. But the communities are moving away from NTFP based income to cash-crop based income because of poor sustainable forest management and lack of forest property rights. However, NTFP have a significant role in the household income and contribute 24% of the average income. Moreover, the analysis shows that location is significant to the poverty. There should be a suitable sustainable forest management system which can teach these indigenous communities about proper way of NTFP gathering and given proper rights to forest land. Furthermore, education is not significant to indigenous people and there is a high rate of school dropout among them. The government should introduce a different education system for indigenous communities which will emphasize the importance of education to them.  相似文献   

从人口抚养比到社会抚养比的探索分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者认为"人口红利"的存在与否,并不单由人口年龄结构决定,还受人口规模、人口素质、就业结构、生产与消费模式等因素的影响.于是作者在对人口抚养比进行标准化的基础上,引入"标准消费人口"的概念,对不同年龄结构人口的消费状况进行统一,同时考虑不同产业的劳动人口就业率和产业之间的产出差异,并将标准化后的抚养比称为"社会抚养比".研究发现,标准化后的实际抚养比很大程度上与该地区的产业结构有关.  相似文献   

Age patterns of elderly migration: An international comparison   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Andrei Rogers 《Demography》1988,25(3):355-370
Age-specific rates of migration exhibit remarkably persistent regularities in age profile. These regularities seem to hold all over the world and across time. This article identifies some of the principal antecedents of such regularities, focusing especially on the age patterns of migration exhibited by the elderly. It examines the differentials introduced by gender, distance, and marital status.  相似文献   

This paper explores the components and determinants of health attitudes that have accompanied the process of modernization in Accra. Due to the numerous failures to predict behavior from unidimensional measures of attitudes, a multidimensional approach to health attitudes was used. Factor analysis of the components revealed that this multidimensional tripartite structure of health attitudes is theoretically meaningful. Both the simple correlational and multivariate analysis of responses form a sample interview survey of 1000 women show that social, structural and community factors are important determinants of modern health attitudes; and that the influence of modern health attitudes on utilization behavior is independent of the effects of education and general modernity. The implications of these for health care delivery are discussed.  相似文献   

Lack of an adequate measure of disability for specific subpopulations and geographic areas has long been a problem for planners, in particular those concerned with the growing needs of aging people. This paper first assesses the quality and utility of the query on public transportation disability (PTD) in the 1980 census for the noninstitutional population aged 75 and older. Next, patterns of disability by age, sex, race, educational attainment, family income, area of residence, and availability of transportation are analyzed for reasonableness and internal consistency. Finally, the implications of the findings for transportation policy are discussed in light of data availability, policy goals, and the observed heterogeneity of the 75+ population.This research was supported by National Institute on Aging Grant No. 5-RO1-AG-03128. I am indebted to Eileen Crimmins, Ira Rosenwaike, and Judith Treas, as well as the editors, for valuable comments and suggestions on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

Female genital cutting (FGC) continues to be widespread particularly in sub-Saharan African countries. We use data from the 1999 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey to consider factors that influence attitudes toward this procedure held by Nigerian women aged 15–49. We test four models: model 1 explores whether attitudes are consistent with a view of FGC as a social convention associated with marriageability of women. Model 2 examines the impact of modernization factors such as education and urbanization. In model 3, the influence of media and community activities are considered. Model 4 includes all of the factors in the three previous models. We find strong support for considering FGC a social convention. Modernization has minimal impact on attitudes about FGC mainly through its influence on the social convention.
Robert H. FreymeyerEmail:

从抚养比变化看东北地区人口老龄化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口抚养比是反映社会经济负担的一项重要指标,抚养比的高低主要取决于人口年龄结构的变化,老年人口抚养比是反映地区人口老龄化程度的一项重要指标。东北地区的总抚养比在全国处于较低水平,而这种总抚养比较低的现状是少年儿童抚养比较低造成的,东北地区应避免被较低的抚养比误导,忽视低抚养比下老龄化程度的日益加深,要利用当前的人口机会窗口为未来的深度老龄化时期的到来做好准备。  相似文献   

Recently, McDonaldet al. (2006) outlined a new method of projecting living arrangements, households and dwellings at the national and subnational level, using quinquennial census data. The purpose of this paper is to apply this new simulation method to project the composition of elderly living arrangements at the national and subnational level in Australia over the period 2001 to 2016. This study presents projections of living arrangements for Temporal Statistical Districts within New South Wales and for Australia as a whole. Results show a strong increase in the number of the elderly living alone, particularly elderly males. The rate of growth in lone-person households is particularly strong in coastal and regional New South Wales, underlining the importance of capturing subnational differences in probabilities of births, deaths, migration and household movements when producing regional projections of living arrangements. This paper concludes by considering implications of the findings and potential uses of the net transition probability method.  相似文献   

This paper describes the changing spatial distribution and concentration of Chinese and Vietnamese communities in Australia over the two past decades. The research analyses data of individuals (i) born in the People’s Republic of China or Vietnam, (ii) of Chinese or Vietnamese ancestry, and (iii) who spoke Chinese or Vietnamese languages at home. Basic demographic and economic factors at the SLA level are considered to provide an initial discussion of meso-level factors which may have contributed to changes in Chinese-and Vietnamese-Australian distributions and concentrations since 1986. As expected, from field observations, the data reveal a contrasting picture of the spatial distribution and concentration of the Chinese- and Vietnamese-Australian communities, and indicate that although a few areas of high Vietnamese spatial concentration have persisted into 2006, and a few areas of high’ Chinese spatial concentration have developed since 1986, overall there is an increasing dispersion of both communities into the broader Australian community.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe capacity for midwifery to improve maternity care is under-utilised. Midwives have expressed limits on their autonomy to provide quality care in relation to intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring.AimTo explore how the work of midwives and obstetricians was textually structured by policy documents related to intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring.MethodsInstitutional Ethnography, a critical qualitative approach was used. Data were collected in an Australian hospital with a central fetal monitoring system. Midwives (n = 34) and obstetricians (n = 16) with experience working with the central fetal monitoring system were interviewed and observed. Policy documents were collected and analysed.FindingsMidwives’ work was strongly structured by policy documents that required escalation of care for any CTG abnormality. Prior to being able to escalate care, midwives were often interrupted by other clinicians uninvited entry into the room in response to the CTG seen at the central monitoring station. While the same collection of documents guided the work of both obstetricians and midwives, they generated the expectation that midwives must perform certain tasks while obstetricians may perform others. Midwifery work was textually invisible.Discussion and conclusionOur findings provide a concrete example of the way policy documents both reflect and generate power imbalances in maternity care. Obstetric ways of knowing and doing are reinforced within these documents and continue to diminish the visibility and autonomy of midwifery. Midwifery organisations are well placed to co-lead policy development and reform in collaboration with maternity consumer and obstetric organisations.  相似文献   

Although Chinese folklore holds that the Dragon Year is an auspicious time to have a birth, notable increases in Chinese fertility in Dragon Years did not occur before 1976. Demographic explanations for the belated occurrence of this phenomenon rely on the notion of natural fertility: that is, couples’ lack of modem contraception had kept such decisions outside the realm of choice. The decomposition performed in this article, however, shows that the bulk of the 1976 Dragon Year baby boom on Taiwan was due to strategies that had always been available: marriage timing, abortion, and coital behavior. The natural fertility paradigm thus is insufficient in explaining the motivation for this behavior and should be complemented by institutional approaches.  相似文献   

Although one of the most marked demographic trends observed over the twentieth century is the increased rate of divorce, relatively little research has explored the effects of these changing marital patterns in the context of an aging society. Using a sample of lone elderly parents and their adult children, we analyze the direct and indirect effects of marital disruption on four important dimensions of intergenerational transfers: coresidence, financial assistance, adult children's provision of informal care, and parental purchase of paid care. Our findings suggest that divorce has deleterious effects on intergenerational transfers, particularly for elderly fathers. Remarriage further reduces exchange. Our results reveal that parents engage in lower levels of transfers with stepchildren relative to biological children. Moreover, intergenerational transfers are sensitive to characteristics of biological children but not to those of stepchildren. Taken together, these results suggest that exchange at the end of the life course continues to be adversely affected by marital disruption.  相似文献   

本文以“五普”数据为基础,对比“三普”、“四普”数据,对我国少数民族出生人口性别比问题进行研究。研究表明我国少数民族出生人口性别比偏高问题已经存在。虽然问题没有汉族严重,但其发展的趋势与汉族相当接近;少数民族出生人口性别比偏高表现出较强的区域差异、城乡差异和民族差异。  相似文献   

吴帆 《人口研究》2016,(4):66-75
文章通过构建“老年人照料负担比”指数,从宏观角度分析中国老年人照料资源供求关系及其变化的趋势,并在国际比较的基础上探讨了中国老年人照料负担的特点.研究发现,中国目前的老年人照料负担仍处于较轻阶段,但分省来看,在照料负担的水平、城乡差异及差异格局上都呈现出显著的不同.从未来的变化趋势看,中国的老年人照料负担将持续提高,在2030年代进入重负阶段,2040年代进入超重负阶段,2080年可能成为全世界老年人照料负担最重的国家.在老年人照料人力资源供求关系日趋紧张的情况下,除了传统的非正式照料支持系统,还须建立正式的社会照料支持系统.因此,无论是社会民众还是政府都需有长远的目光,社会发展也需要更为适应老龄社会的长远制度安排.  相似文献   

Li H  Zhang J  Zhu Y 《Demography》2008,45(1):223-243
Testing the trade-off between child quantity and quality within a family is complicated by the endogeneity of family size. Using data from the Chinese Population Census, we examine the effect of family size on child educational attainment in China. We find a negative correlation between family size and child outcome, even after we control for the birth order effect. We then instrument family size by the exogenous variation that is induced by a twin birth and find a negative effect offamily size on children's education. We also find that the effect of family size is more evident in rural China, where the public education system is poor. Given that our estimates of the effect of having twins on nontwins at least provide the lower bound of the true effect of family size, these findings suggest a quantity-quality trade-off for children in developing countries.  相似文献   

We apply aggregate demographic analysis and computer microsimulation to project the number of older Thais who will lose children to AIDS during their own lifetimes and to assess their involvement with ill children through caregiving and coresidence. Parental bereavements from AIDS are predicted to peak at around 80,000 per year between 2003 and 2007. Despite an HIV prevalence of only 2%, 13% of Thais who were over age 50 as of 1995 are likely to experience the loss of at least one adult child to AIDS, and 12% of them will lose multiple children. The chance of losing an adult child during one's lifetime will be 70% higher than if there were no AIDS epidemic.  相似文献   

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