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The author describes a position of a supervisor in a clinical institution, which he would have rejected some years ago??to adopt a management role as supervisor and to act mainly in the role of a supervisor. But the recent experiences have shown, that this may be possible and successful. This is illustrated by a case study.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of the requirements for the supervision of staff members in “crisis hot line” (“Telefonseelsorge”) the organization structure and the specific setting of telephone counseling are presented. The motives of the voluntary staff members are proving to be various and they are transforming from an altruistic desire to be helpful towards an increased need for personal development. In co-operation with volunteers the supervisor plays a special role. In addition to the routine supervision the supervisor is continually working with the volunteers to increase their scope of the basic principles of professional counseling. Finally, practical supervisory work is illustrated with case studies including frequently discussed topics such as intervention in situations of an existential crisis and dealing with sexually motivated calls and repeat permanent calls.  相似文献   

Team supervision in varying settings The author describes a team supervision regarding the question, whether it is meaningful to work with a team in supervision always as a total or in varying settings, if required by spicific situations. Sometimes, team members of different levels may more easily discuss their problems in an open way, if there is at first the opportunity of an interchange on an equal level of hierarchy, in order to finally develop outcomes in a supervision with the complete team, that are accepted by all team members.  相似文献   

Lukas, hero of the movie “Jagten”, is the only male teacher in a small town kindergarten. He is a supposed perpetrator but an innocent man and we experience, how suspicions turn to apparent certainties in kindergarten and the rural community. Klara, a kindergartenchild, loves Lukas, but when she feels refused by him, she tells the female leader of the kindergarten, that Lukas is malevolent, and being urged by her, that she saw his penis. Unprofessional handling of the situation, leading questions and premature blaming mount to uncontrolled emotional displays regarding the topic of sexual abuse in kindergarten and community. It ends in hunting Lukas and his expulsion.  相似文献   

The film “Made in Dagenham”, produced by the British director Nigel Cole, focuses on the turbulent times of the first labor dispute led by women in British history. The sewing machinists strike at the Ford Dagenham plant in 1969 was a major step towards gender equality in the workplace and initiated the “Equal Pay Law” which was passed in 1970 in England. The film is a cinematic monument to women and at the same time an adorable comedy characterized by a typical British sense of humor. This contribution addresses the continuing discrimination of women in employment as well as the male chauvinist culture of trade unions.  相似文献   

Mehrperiodige Bewertung mit dem Tax-CAPM und Kapitalkostenkonzept   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Zusammenfassung  Aus der Empfehlung des IDW, die für die Unternehmensbewertung mittels der DCF-Verfahren erforderlichen Kapitalkosten aus dem einperiodigen Tax-CAPM abzuleiten, ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit, dieses Modell mehrperiodig anzuwenden. Sowohl die hierzu erforderlichen Pr?missen als auch die Struktur der aus der mehrperiodigen Anwendung resultierenden Bewertungsgleichungen sind bislang ungekl?rt. Der vorliegende Beitrag spezifiziert ein mehrperiodiges Tax-CAPM, welches zur Bewertung mehrperiodiger stochastischer Cash-Flows bei differenzierter Besteuerung von Zinsen, Dividenden und Wert?nderungen eingesetzt werden kann. Die aus der Anwendung dieses Modells resultierenden Bewertungsgleichungen erm?glichen die Abbildung sowohl des Risikos als auch der Besteuerung einer durch den Kapitalmarkt bestimmten Alternativanlage mittels deterministischer Diskontierungsfaktoren, welche die Kapitalkosten der zu bewertenden Cash-Flows darstellen. Unter den restriktiven Pr?missen des vorliegenden Modells ist es demnach m?glich, die Einkommensbesteuerung der Kapitalgeber konsistent in die DCF-Verfahren zu integrieren. Der Autor dankt zwei anonymen Gutachtern der ZfB für wertvolle Hinweise und Verbesserungsvorschl?ge.  相似文献   

The success businessThis article explores dubious strategies engaged in by individuals and organizations in the lifelong learning, coaching and consultancy field. Business in this fledgling industry is largely conducted outside the bounds of quality standards and neutral accrediting bodies and is considered fertile ground for making a fast buck by profit-hungry companies. They beguile practitioners in the field to invest their assets in purportedly attractive businesses. The author analyzes the business practices used by these fly-by-night organizations and reveals the types of enticing offers inexperienced practitioners may fall a prey to. The author presents ways to determine, whether a company is employing practices of this kind and to safeguard against exploitation by potentially fraudulent business partners.  相似文献   

Supervision with volunteers in social workWhat have professional supervisors to consider when working with volunteers? Professional supervision with volunteers involves a basic tension. It can be regarded as a specific field where volunteer and professional ?cultures“ meet together — sometimes even collide. Common concepts of supervision with professionals cannot be transferred one-to-one in the work with volunteers. We have to consider the specific features of the field as well as methodical strategies and supervisory role-taking. The author reflects on the fundamental characteristics of volunteer work, the basic motivation of those who are engaged in it, their specific group-mentality and applies this to the setting of supervision.  相似文献   

Conflicts and crises in Family Businesses often arise through paradoxical demands, which result from the paradoxical organisation of the family business. This organisation refers to the coupling of the two social systems “family” and “business” which follow different (and in parts contradicting) guidelines and principles. Thus, the situation could arise that right behaviour in the company is wrong behaviour in the family (and vice versa). A special tool for counselling is the Value-and Development Square, which enables to capture the paradoxes and to reframe in a resource and development oriented way.  相似文献   

Training for a life in multiplicity. The competence of trainers in intercultural settings Training in intercultural skills is often requested in social and administrative organizations and institutions. Since up to now an education for intercultural trainers analogous to traditional training in psycho-social skills doesn’t exist, the author discusses the standards of quality which are generally applied in measuring the professional competence of psychosocial trainers and which standards should be applied to those offering intercultural trainings.  相似文献   

Handling a coachees individual crisis in the setting of a job-coachingThe author reports about an individual crisis in the setting of a job-coaching. The job-coaching is successful, so that after three sittings the coachee has achieved a job-contract. Three months later she asks for a follow-up-coaching, and it is becoming obvious that the coachee finds herself in a crisis. She feels socially isolated in the new city, she recognizes that she is less and less able to function and she suffers from feeling deficitary. By telling her concrete situation and by working on her resources within the crisis-coaching she is able to clarify her new situation, to see abilities to act and enlarge and strengthen them.  相似文献   

This article deals with the extent to which consulting research and consulting practice are pulling in the same direction or whether the gap between them still seems insurmountable. Therefore we examine the literature on consulting research, report what kind of research coaching practitioners would consider beneficial and introduce first findings from an empirical survey in which coaching practitioners were asked about their motivation for—or against—taking part in coaching research.  相似文献   

With the conducted Delphi study diverse alternatives could be identified which have been used by Consultants in dealing with their own unawareness. Superior strategies, which controlled the adoption of individual steps and oriented the activities in dealing with unawareness, as well as organisational regulations for dealing with unawareness, were noticeable, which could be adopted depending on the subjective perception and assessment of the present unawareness and its relevance and impacts. The detected strategies ranged from the maintenance and use of unawareness to open communication and elimination of unawareness to total ignorance and the hiding of unawareness. Concerning organisational regulations, on the one hand formal regulations and on the other hand informal regulations could be found.  相似文献   

In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues zweistufiges Verfahren zur Flie?bandabstimmung mit praxisrelevanten Nebenbedingungen (GALBP), wie parallelen Stationen, Stationssynergien, Verfahrensalternativen, Zuordnungsrestriktionen und u-f?rmiger Anordnung pr?sentiert. Im Gegensatz zu bekannten Verfahren l?sst sich das hier vorgestellte Vorgehen flexibel an unterschiedliche Nebenbedingungen anpassen. Es werden nicht nur einzelne der genannten Erweiterungen herausgegriffen; vielmehr k?nnen sie in beliebiger Zusammenstellung kombiniert werden.  相似文献   

Case oriented supervision in groups and teams: Potential Problems of Psychodramatic role-playingCase-oriented supervision is seen as promoting variety in perspectives upon cases. This relates to various levels (client-helper, team dynamics, institutional dynamics) and is a means of generating insights and new ways of working. Psychodramatic Role-playing is directed at broadening perspectives. Since it has become a widespread procedure in supervision some problems inherent in this are described. Psychodramatic role-playing is based upon group cohesion. Dramatic production itself leads by to ?prägnant“ solutions and gives a directive role to the supervisor. Hence the procedure can be inappropriate for groups in a timid or scapegoating phase. Furthermore it can be used to evade painful insights and the director can become the group leader. These problems are intensified in teams. Some proposals for dealing with these problems are presented. The question whether the illusion of feasibility is a general problem in supervision is broached.  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on the interrelation of biography and diversity in the context of supervisory processes. It is highlighted how the biography of the supervisee can be used as an important resource when dealing with diversity issues. The contribution gives a short overview of the current status of the theoretical discourse in this field. Next, an example case from supervision is used to outline how the reflection of the own biographical context provides new views and perspectives for the supervisee. Theoretical as well as practical impact and perspectives on the supervisory process are outlined.  相似文献   

Even if marketing in the entrepreneurial context has been regarded as a central issue, knowledge about the characteristics of marketing in venture and growth phases of firms is still scarce in both the entrepreneurship and the marketing literature. With regard to current research results on market uncertainty in the entrepreneurial context, this article proposes a characteriziation of entrepreneurial marketing as a management function that has the task of coping with and thereby controlling uncertainty in entrepreneurial situations. To this end the discussion draws on the cognition-based concept of effectuation in order to show how this control-based logic adds value in coping with liabilities of new firms as opposed to its complement, prediction-based causal logic.  相似文献   

Academic migrant company founders have not been in the focus of entrepreneurship research in Germany so far. The Project “StartMiUp—support for academic entrepreneurs with migration background” is dealing with this target group in the context of the German IQ-Network. In an empiric study the project investigates the specific challenges in starting up business and the support requirements of academic migrant founders. The study includes the perspective of start-up consultants and entrepreneurs from the target group. The results point out the necessity to increase the intercultural awareness and the competence orientation of existing start up consultancy institutions.  相似文献   

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