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This paper concerns the problems that transnational mining companies posed for British abolitionists in the years after emancipation in Britain's Caribbean empire. British-owned mines, operating in Cuba and Brazil, were the largest slave enterprises in the western hemisphere c. 1840. Abolitionists were, of course, outraged by the existence of London-based companies that exploited slave labour, but an attempt in 1843 to prohibit the owning of slaves by British subjects anywhere in the world, regardless of local jurisdiction, proved ineffectual. This paper explores the reasons for this failure and raises questions about the potency of abolitionism within early Victorian political culture.  相似文献   


This article examines the convergence of various forces that constructed a public image of Cuban Americans in the United States as a politically united, socially homogeneous, and economically successful ethnic group. The claims that comprise the Cuban “success story” are not well‐grounded in an objective, empirical reality, but do reflect the historical interplay of power and politics locally, nationally, and internationally. The focus is on how politicians, the media and the civic elite construct images of reality, the processes that determine which images gain prominence in the public mind, and the ways in which the images, themselves, shape social and political outcomes. Metropolitan Miami provides the laboratory, but the analytical approach generates important insights for the study of ethnicity and the politics of identity more generally.  相似文献   

Drawing its inspiration from the writings that Sartre dedicated to the Cuban revolution after his 1960 visit to the island, this article discusses his understanding of the relationship between socialism and freedom. The importance of these texts, which were never published in book form in France, goes beyond their specific analysis of the Cuban revolutionary process. They offer a good opportunity to deepen the study of themes central to Sartre’s thought and help us understand the complex connection that Sartre made between his criticism of colonialism and imperialism, and his vision of a socialist society that, by being centered on man and freedom, would not make the critical errors of so-called “real socialism.”  相似文献   

"This article highlights some of the principal demographic determinants of recent Cuban emigration, while also considering how these demographic variables interact with other social and economic determinants, utilizing a broad conceptualization of emigration. It also makes reference to Cuban military activities abroad. The conclusions that follow suggest that labor migration is more responsive to demographic factors than some theorists assume."  相似文献   

The independent production by slaves of subsistence and surplus food, as well as material goods holding economic value, is a critical component in understanding the complexities of slavery as an institution. However, in the context of Cuba, scholars have either ignored or undervalued this practice – a result of the long-standing attention paid to slaves laboring in sugar production at the expense of scholarship on other slave-based agricultural economies. In an effort to highlight the existence of an internal, material economy within Cuba's slave community, this article analyzes Cuban tobacco slavery through a structural argument emphasizing how tobacco's unique labor arrangements facilitated the existence of an internal economy. As a result, within this specific community, tens of thousands of slaves had the potential to become autonomous economic actors whose independent activities fundamentally transformed the very nature of enslavement, most notably through the opportunity of self-purchase.  相似文献   

The authors examined relations among different measures of acculturation, and between acculturation and sexual behavior, in a sample of female Cuban American college students (n=61, M age = 18.4 years) who completed self-report surveys. In the first set of analyses, weak to moderate associations emerged among 4 measures of acculturation (birthplace, childhood language use, current language use, and ethnic identity), suggesting that inconsistent findings from prior research may have resulted from measurement limitations. In multivariate analyses, the authors examined predictors of sexual behavior and found that 1 aspect of acculturation (higher levels of ethnic identity) and background characteristics (being older and less religious) were associated with voluntary sexual intercourse. Moreover, higher levels on a sexual risk composite were associated with being born in the United States, more ethnically identified, older, and less religious. These analyses highlight the need for specificity in assessing acculturation in a college student population and support the need to examine cultural factors directly in sexuality research.  相似文献   

"This article assesses the notion that the determinants of remittances generated by refugee flows, particularly from Communist-inspired systems, are different from those associated with labor migrations....These differences have a major bearing on how labor migrants and refugees perceive their relationship with countries of origin. The propensity of labor migrants to dissociate themselves from the home country is considerably less than among refugees whose perceptions are mediated by opposition to the ruling regime and other factors, such as political relations between refugee-sending and refugee-receiving countries and whether or not there has been a regime change or one is expected to occur. The conceptual issues elaborated here are based on the Cuban-American experience, but also reflect an assessment of Nicaraguan emigration during the 1980s."  相似文献   

The discussion of marriage migration in Denmark primarily has focused on citizens of immigrant descent (‘New Danes’) who marry partners from their ancestral homeland (often Turkey or Pakistan). This type of marriage migration was the target of the strict Danish family reunification policy instituted in 2002. This article examines the genealogy of the morality underpinning the family reunification policies and asks whether the rules actually promote this moral agenda or have unintended consequences. Empirically, I shift the focus from immigrant Danes to native Danes who marry Cubans. Finally, while little attention is paid to the non-western country involved, transnational marriages always involve two nations. This article investigates how state policies on both ends of this migration trajectory shape moral-territorial borders that transnational couples navigate.  相似文献   

The economic adjustment of Cuban-origin persons in the US has been analyzed traditionally at 2 levels: the individual and the community (enclave). The analysis presented here represents a complementary approach at the household level. Data from the 1980 census show that the relatively successful economic adjustment of Cubans is largely a family, rather than an individual, phenomenon. The data also permit an identification of the structural features of the Cuban-origin family that facilitate economic adjustment. The results have special implications for the study of the labor-force experience of Cuban women and their role within the enclave economy (author's).  相似文献   

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