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I propose a holistic practice of interlistening (Lipari, 2014) with/to nature’s voice as an ethical eco-feminist intervention in the Western humanities that privilege speech acts (Corradi Fiumara, 1990, Location No. 15). As I discuss, this unfortunate cultural disengagement with listening as an object of desire is in fact a call of Western communicative praxis’ deep rooted disenfranchised grief, an inadequate and unrecognized pain of separation from the infant’s first point of connection, the mother’s voice. To address this loss, I offer that one attunes with/to nature’s fluid and nourishing voice much like Mladen Dolar’s (2006) idea of the acousmatic voice, the untraceable, material yet incorporeal sonic excess to re-enfranchise the mother’s lost voice in listening and imagine ethical communicative practices that welcome the Other.  相似文献   

I problematise my own concept of children's voices in research by reflecting on certain practices in a study that I conducted in a kindergarten classroom in a city in Saudi Arabia. I examine the cultural and social contexts of my research by drawing on my experience of obtaining children's assent or dissent, my assumptions regarding the possibility of reducing power differentials, and finally, my understanding of the ways children voice their feelings and views. I conclude that voices manifest themselves in multiple ways that extend beyond visual or verbal media. Voices are constructed socially and are shaped culturally to reflect norms regarding how individuals should express their views and feelings within a particular setting and time.  相似文献   


In this article, I reflect on three incidents that occurred in my inclusive research work. As a conceptual framework, I use Bourdieu’s call for a reflexive sociology. My reflection is informed by the principles of the disabled people’s movement, especially giving primacy to the experiences and voice of disabled people. It is also informed by the strong link between the disabled people’s movement and disability studies, which requires academics (including non-disabled ones like myself) to be attentive to their activist role. Making sure that this role is carried out effectively, I argue, entails considering the various factors that make our work possible, and being attentive to the impact of our work. It also entails asking questions, of ourselves and others, and being especially attentive to questions that would go unasked unless we stop to reflect about our work, and the possible answers that these reflections can lead to.  相似文献   

As a result of the publication of Country of my Skull, an extraordinary literary enactment of witness and confession, Antjie Krog has become internationally known as a writer profoundly engaged with the events and human drama uncovered by the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Her voice is read as that of an expert witness of trauma, forgiveness and the means by which the horrors of the past may be addressed. In seeking to understand how Krog came to be taken up internationally as a representative voice of the South African transition, I focus on a particular global–local nexus for an explanation. I theorise that dealing with the past via truth commissions, a global publishing context and the work of a local writer with a record of excellent literary output and political action enabled a fit which resulted in Krog coming to prominence on a world stage. This then amplified her public status in South Africa. I argue that Krog is emblematic of a new type of representative public person who is no longer afforded a hearing just because of the excellence of their ideas, writing or speech, but who also embodies pain, suffering and affectedness.  相似文献   


In this article I offer an account of some of the 'boundary oscillations' I experienced during the writing of my doctoral thesis, and attempt to illustrate my personal struggle with the presentation of qualitative data. This struggle evolved through my search for an appropriate style to [re]present both voice and experience as a text, resulting in my turning towards genres alternative to those normally adopted in social science research. And it was during that process that I experienced both change and conflict in my epistemological position, as I moved from positivism, through postpositivism and towards postmodernism.  相似文献   

This paper tells the story of how I came to understanding my practice and my research by means of a metaphor, that of the waterhole. I demonstrate how the ideas contained below have great resonances with the concept of practice nearness. In the process I recount the story of my reflective practices and my research with other black professionals to inquire into our experiences in white organisations and to give voice to our lived experiences.  相似文献   

Conclusion The comments can be ordered on a linear scale according to the amount of disagreement with my position. Roemer has virtually no quarrels with my position, which is why I have virtually nothing to say on his comment. Van Parijs is also fairly close to my view, even if we disagree about the nature and importance of the non-intentional mechanisms that can sustain functional explanations. With Cohen the disagreement goes deeper, because he argues that we can dispense with knowledge of the mechanism altogether, though I accept his criticism of my analysis of exploitation. Next on the scale, still further come Berger and Offe. We share an interest in the same problems, such as the nature of the capitalist state and the problem of collective action, but we use quite different conceptual tools to handle them. I feel very far from Giddens's position, to the extent that it is at all intelligible to me. Social theory in his hand becomes extremely abstract, without acquiring the precision for which one is sometimes prepared to pay a high price in terms of level of abstraction. Though, at the most general level, I symphatize with his objections to the dualism of choice versus structure, my agreement gives way to puzzlement when I try to understand how his views could make a difference for the working social scientist.  相似文献   

The existing literature on race and ethnicity overlooks learning disability (LD), and the latter often overlooks Black males and segregated schooling. Thus, this poetic account embodies the voice of a Black male with LD. As an autoethnographer, I applied critical disability theory to learn and become cognizant about my academic journey and identity development. Autoethnography allowed me to examine my personal experiences to understand the cultural experiences that were meaningful during my academic journey. The purpose of the poetic account serves two purposes: to shatter all notions that Black males with LD in special education cannot succeed academically; and to become a voice by offering an inside perspective of how I understood my position in special education. Moreover, this account is important because it is rare that scholarship captures the combination of academic literature and poetry among Black students who have navigated the special education system.  相似文献   

I write to speak of silencing and the suffering of survivors of domestic abuse in the family courts of England and Wales and the struggle to find a voice to articulate the hardship faced in this lockdown through court. It has taken the whole period of lockdown to find the words, the courage to keep writing, even as tears stream down my face, even as I sit in a virtual court hearing, even as my voice breaks as I fight to be heard. This text is a glimpse into a world that is hidden in plain view, where I will share fragments of my lived experience. I am scared to write but know I speak or am lost in the silent void that I have known for too long. Domestic abuse and the taboo around it screams at me to remain unseen, hidden, and invisible. I keep returning to find the words, as the very real cost of not naming the violence and reaching out to speak through it is too high. The fragmented account that follows is a raw telling of living life through the court system; it is written to share a voice that was unheard in the family law court and has been minimized, side-lined, ordered, and silenced through 3 years of the court journey and the embodied effects this has had. It moves between space and time to show a journey endured. Can you hear me? Will you bear witness?  相似文献   


In my casework with women I have been impressed by the striking similarities in their experiences, particularly as wives and mothers, and in their feelings about themselves. Even more surprising has been the fact that most of the women I have worked with have considered themselves 'unique' in these feelings and deficient because of them. Feelings of low self-esteem, of failure in their socially ascribed roles and confusion about these feelings are common. In trying to understand the difficulties and conflicts confronted by these women (and the similarities I find they bear to my own feelings) I have found the feminist analysis of women's psychology and a feminist approach to therapy most informative. I present here my early attempts to integrate a feminist theory into my psychodynamically oriented casework.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of the fundamental frequency band in speech of interview partners reveals covariance of voice energy levels and thus a possible form of rudimentary social synchrony. Though this phenomenon of paralinguistic covariance has been observed by a number of researchers, techniques for examining it have not been exploited using modern instruments for Fast Fourier Transform analysis nor has the effect been statistically explicated in depth. This study reports on research showing that the acoustic signal conveying covariance information resides in the fundamental frequency band of the speech spectrum, a band which in itself has traditionally been considered inconsequential to perceived intelligible verbal communication. Acoustic signals from speech of four interview partners interacting with the author were analyzed in three frequency settings—2 KHz., .5 KHz., and .2 KHz.—to target the low frequency band in which the covariance phenomenon is most coherently transmitted. Analysis was performed using a dedicated instrument, the Fast Fourier Transform analyzer, to obtain spectra, and spectral output was processed statistically to produce relationships showing the covariance effect. Also, this paper addresses means by which potency of influences from technical artifacts, as introduced by instrumentation, interview environment, or statistical protocols are appraised. Research conclusions present an efficient, lucid, and reliable method for analyzing the paralinguistic mode of nonverbal behavior, and, in addition, offer evidence that the nonverbal, vocal channel of communication carries a signal embodying a semantic message. These conclusions raise some crucial questions regarding the influence of a hitherto unreported function of the fundamental frequency in voices of interview partners.I wish to acknowledge support of Bebe Lavin, Chairperson, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Rudolph O. Buttlar, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Stephen Webster, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and the Research Council, Kent State University.  相似文献   

Intersectionality allows better understanding of the differences between individuals' experiences. In this article, I use intersectionality to explore how my lived experience of marginalization is different from one context to another. I reflect on how the nature of intersectionality and the intensity of oppression are altered by context. Grounded in a brief reflection of my fragmented experience in two different contexts, I explore how my identities and their intersection “mutate” from the Egyptian context to the UK context. Then, I reflect on how the intensity of oppression changed with this alteration in my intersectionality. In contextualizing my intersectional experience, first I problematize viewing intersectionality as a fixed acontextual ontology. Second, as a student immigrant and racialized minority in the United Kingdom, I seek to extend intersectionality and move beyond the traditional categories of race, class, gender, religion, and sexuality to include precarity as a pivotal social category that amplifies the intensity of oppression and marginalization, especially when intersected with race and gender. Finally, in sharing my reflection as a Middle Eastern woman, I contribute my unique experiences into the conversation, and a voice that has been muted, invisibled, marginalized, and excluded from the literature.  相似文献   

This article describes my experiences of leading a commissioned child mental health service through a process of change in my role as manager. The article uses the metaphor of the Argentine tango to conceptualize my efforts to implement leadership in my work. I look at the influence of the music, the relationship between leadership and followership, and the idea of mutual presence to draw out aspects of my experience. In so doing, I relate theory to practice and bring together various theories of leadership in a creative synthesis. The article draws away from realist notions of management theory to ask how it is that we perform leadership. It suggests that we do so by the provision of an ‘intelligible formulation’ of chaotic events. This can be reached through the reflective understanding of the nature of the work. It can also be striven toward through creative acts of ‘discernment’ of the practices of the agency. These acts are fostered through the distribution of leadership that simultaneously dissolves yet persists. The need for mutual presence is highlighted and the role of leadership outside the immediate circle of authority is examined. The use of the Argentine tango as a metaphor draws together these various strands and provides a clear conceptual framework in this autoethnographic article.  相似文献   

This paper is presented in three major parts. The Prelude serves as an introduction to the issue of researcher bias. To illustrate how my own personal experience with homelessness biases my place in the research of homeless youth, three voices are presented in the Interlude. My voice, the voices of homeless youth, and voices of authority are displayed in three columns. The closing part of this paper returns to the motif: issues of researcher bias. In the Postlude I discuss how I see my biases influencing my research with homeless youth.  相似文献   

In light of the common mission of social studies education to prepare future democratic citizens, the field continues to be rooted in didactic and monologic practices. Finding an alibi in the current accountability movement that favors teaching about democracy instead of teaching through democracy, many social studies teachers have reneged on their responsibility to engender the democratic capacities of students. In this article, I draw on the writings of literary scholar Mikhail Bakhtin to examine the possibilities that emerge when grounding pedagogy in dialogue. Based on Bakhtin's writings, I sketch three possible pathways that a dialogic pedagogy allows social studies educators to explore: (1) nonneutrality of language, (2) testing of authority, and (3) development of voice. Through my discussion of Bakhtin's history, pedagogic action, philosophy, and sociology, I argue that pedagogy in social studies grounded in dialogue provides an aesthetic for democracy as a means to an end.  相似文献   

This paper reflects upon Evelyn Blackwood's 1995 ‘Falling in Love with An-Other Lesbian’ essay on love and desire during fieldwork research as it intersects with the figure of the ‘virtual anthropologist’ in Kath Weston's 1997 essay of the same name. My multiple subjectivities (specifically those nativised) enabled and restricted what I considered bonds and differences between me and others during ethnographic research among gay Filipino men using mobile dating apps. I revisit an experience from four weeks of preliminary data collection between May and June 2015 in Manila, Philippines, where I decided not to include a sexual encounter with a research participant named Wesley. Moving forward with my study, my reflections on censoring sexual encounters with research participants helped me to acknowledge several sources of moral anxieties and ethical considerations that influence how this specific testimony took its shape and to consider how to construct and apply a malleable ethic of honesty for current and future projects especially when intimacies themselves are the focus.  相似文献   


By way of a vignette about my childhood mix of British and American accents, I explore how the Mother of the primal scene becomes a nodal point in the recursive iteration of psyche and society that is given voice in the child’s mother tongue.  相似文献   

This article includes the text from my Presidential Address given at the annual banquet of the Mid-South Sociological Association in November of 2014. In the speech, I highlight the challenges to academic freedom, the importance of a right to free speech, and the responsibility that comes with having both. I further argue that the MSSA, as an association of professionals, draws on the camaraderie it fosters in our organization to support and aid those who fight against the threats to academic freedom.  相似文献   

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