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Previous empirical studies have long noted the existence of an “Asian effect” on students' math and science performance. Yet, few studies have developed a conceptual model that explains why Asian-American students outperform students from other race-ethnic backgrounds. In this study, I incorporate the concepts of financial, human, cultural, and social capital into an investment model to study racial differences in educational performance. Analyses of a nationally representative sample of 8th grade students have indicated that families from East-Asian origins invest more aggressively in financial, human, and within-family social capital than families from other racial groups, even after social and demographic controls are taken into consideration. These differences in investment explain a large portion of the Asian effect. In addition, half of the investment measures examined yield a greater educational return for East-Asian students than for students of other racial groups. Overall, the analyses have demonstrated that the investment model is an attractive approach to study the Asian effect.  相似文献   

师范生作为一类特殊的学生群体,承载着社会和家庭的双重期望和压力,他们的心理健康对社会教育工作具有重要影响。文章阐述了师范生心理健康教育的重要性,找出了目前师范高校心理健康教育存在的问题及原因,在此基础之上提出了相应的对策,并建议高校从自身实际情况出发,加大经费投入,拓展师范生心理健康教育的新途径。  相似文献   

Using data from 19,839 adolescents from the National Education Longitudinal Study, this study investigates whether the effects of parental divorce on adolescents’ academic test performance vary by sibship size. Analyses show that the negative effect of divorce on adolescent performance attenuates as sibship size increases. On the other side of the interaction, the inverse relationship between sibship size and test performance is weaker in disrupted than in two-biological-parent families. Trends of such interactions are evident when sibship size is examined either as a continuous or a categorical measure. Finally, the observed interactions on adolescents’ academic performance are completely explained by variations in parental financial, human, cultural, and social resources. In sum, this study underlines the importance of treating the effect of parental divorce as a variable and calls for more research to identify child and family features that may change the magnitude of such an effect.  相似文献   

社会资本视域中的中国城市社区建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗月霞 《河北学刊》2007,27(2):198-201
社会资本是1990年代以后形成的、为许多学科关注的热门概念和分析范式,社会资本理论为中国城市社区建设提供了一个新的研究视角。本文认为,当前在政府主导下进行的城市社区建设使城市社区居民委员会组织出现了行政化倾向,而对城市社区社会资本的培育关注不够,城市居民在城市社区建设中的参与明显不足。为此,应该通过发展城市社区自治以及增加社区社会资本的存量,最终实现城市社区自治和培育城市社区社会资本的长远目标。  相似文献   

社会资本理论的再现是时代的要求,是不断地解构、批判和综合理性选择和新制度主义的结果。科尔曼对社会资本理论有比较透彻的分析,他概括出了社会资本的义务与期望、信息网络、规范和有效惩罚、权威关系和社会组织等五种形式及其现代意义。在社会资本的形成过程中,权力将发挥很大的作用。当今中国正处于社会转型和法治建设(传统型法制向现代法治的转变)关键时期,如何使政治权力为建构新型社会资本服务,使社会资本成为法治的补充并促进法治秩序的建构,将是一个十分重要的理论和实践问题。  相似文献   

Regarding the methods used to examine the early maternal age-child academic outcomes relationship, the extant literature has tended to examine change using statistical analyses that fail to appreciate that individuals vary in their rates of growth. Of the one study I have been able to find that employs a true growth model to estimate this relationship, the authors only controlled for characteristics of the maternal household after family formation; confounding background factors of mothers that might select them into early childbearing, a possible source of bias, were ignored. The authors’ findings nonetheless suggested an inverse relationship between early maternal age, i.e., a first birth between the ages of 13 and 17, and Canadian adolescents’ mean math performance at age 10. Early maternal age was not related to the linear slope of age. To elucidate whether the early maternal age-child academic outcomes association, treated in a growth context, is consistent with this finding, the present study built on it using US data and explored children’s mathematics and reading trajectories from age 5 on. Its unique contribution is that it further explicitly controlled for maternal background factors and employed a three-level growth model with repeated measures of children nested within their mothers. Though the strength of the relationship varied between mean initial academic performance and mean academic growth, results confirmed that early maternal age was negatively related to children’s mathematics and reading achievement, net of post-teen first birth child-specific and maternal household factors. Once maternal background factors were included, there was no statistically significant relationship between early maternal age and either children’s mean initial mathematics and reading scores or their mean mathematics and reading growth.  相似文献   

现有的将社会资本分成社会金融资本、社会人力资本、社会网络资本和社会文化资本的研究,虽有启发意义,但难免有泛化之嫌。鉴于此,笔者对企业家社会资本重新作了厘定,并以非正式制度补充正式制度的视角对家族企业作了分析:企业家社会资本的正向运作有助于形成对称性信息、对称性信任,有益于泛化家族网络、家族理性,有利于降低信息成本、代理成本;家族企业所有人和经营人在运作社会资本中达成的“关系契约”可通过关系曲线加以描述:企业家社会资本与企业家个人能力、泛家族理性、对称性信息、对称性信任、制度性信任等因素正相关。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between chosen field of study and the race gap in college completion among students at elite colleges. Fields of study are characterized by varying institutional arrangements, which impact the academic performance of students in higher education. If the effect of fields on graduation likelihoods is unequal across racial groups, then this may account for part of the overall race gap in college completion. Results from a large sample of students attending elite colleges confirm that fields of study influence the graduation likelihoods of all students, above and beyond factors such as students’ academic and social backgrounds. This effect, however, is asymmetrical: relative to white students, the negative effect of the institutional arrangements of math-oriented fields on graduation likelihood is greater for black students. Therefore, the race gap is larger within math-oriented fields than in other fields, which contributes to the overall race gap in graduation likelihoods at these selective colleges. These results indicate that a nontrivial share of the race gap in college completion is generated after matriculation, by the environments that students encounter in college. Consequently, policy interventions that target field of study environments can substantially mitigate racial disparities in college graduation rates.  相似文献   

积极发展农村社区公共服务是实现“基本公共服务均等化”的重要任务。从农村公共服务供给的重要性与紧迫性、供给内容、供给主体、供给方式、困境和影响因素等维度展开对我国近年来农村公共服务研究的文献回顾,可以发现既有文献虽然取得了丰硕的学术成果,但也存在“重政府、轻社区”、“重问题、缺优势”、“重负担、轻资本”、“重结果、轻过程”、“重单一学科研究、缺交叉学科研究”等不足。  相似文献   

陈殷华  朱峰 《兰州学刊》2010,(10):66-69,58
家族性就是企业家庭通过独特而系统的影响带给家族企业的资源和能力,具体包括物理和财务资本、人力资本、社会资本。每类资本对家族企业都有积极效应和消极效应。家族企业深刻认识和妥善管理家族性资源,可以获得相对于非家族企业的战略优势。对家族性资源的内涵及其特性的分析,为从资源基础论的角度揭示家族企业的行为和绩效能力之间的关系打下了理论基础,也为企业战略理论更多地运用于家族企业研究拓宽了渠道。  相似文献   

钟诚 《云梦学刊》2013,34(1):5-10
晚近以来在中国学术界兴起的"西方政治哲学热"很大程度上忽略了本国学术界中人文学与社会科学处于长期的分裂状态这一宏大背景,中国政治思想研究要想拓展自身的学术研究的范围和深度,就不能简单复制西方政治哲学的研究路径,必须在评价体系建设方面纳入上述大背景,认真思考人文学和社会科学之间错综复杂的关系。具体来说,中国政治思想领域的学术评价体系建设需要努力的方向应当是:首先,评价体系应多关注"问题导向"型的研究。其次,评价体系自身需要具有国际视野且不断完善;应持续地反思并修订已有的标准和规则;应多关注研究问题的原创性和深刻性,而不只是以研究方法和技术是否成熟作为唯一衡量标准;同时,要强调和重视"细读经典文本"的研究路径。  相似文献   

This study offers a structural explanation for the female advantage in college completion rates, stressing the importance of horizontal sex segregation across fields of study in shaping educational outcomes and gender inequality. Results from a nationally representative sample of students who matriculated at 4-year institutions in 1995 reveal a high level of gender segregation by field of study. Field of study creates the immediate learning environment for the students and between-major differences in academic and social arrangements—such as different grading norms, academic intensity, size and social support—shape both female and male performance. We find that this variation is a key factor in the creation of the female advantage in grades and graduation likelihood. The simulation we conduct demonstrates that if sex integration were achieved and both groups had the male distribution of majors, the female advantage in graduation likelihood and grades, which remains after socioeconomic and academic factors are netted out, would be substantially reduced.  相似文献   

当下,全新的视频博客Vlog正以强大的个人属性与圈层聚合力成为品味表演的绝佳选择,构成媒介语态下的“品味区隔”。研究基于网络民族志获得22名Vlog青年创作者的深度访谈资料,以布尔迪厄的品味社会学为理论基础,从表演主体、表演途径、表演载体三个维度阐释网生青年通过物品展示与文化资本养成,以“远距离”的生活审美表现形式实现自我搭建的品味表演策略,呈现品味共同体同一性与区分性并存的动态发展路径,探索彰显个人生活风格的Vlog如何影响社交表演与圈层拆合,完成社交网络中的品味区隔。  相似文献   

Studies of peer effects in educational settings confront two main problems. The first is the presence of endogenous sorting which confounds the effects of social influence and social selection on individual attainment. The second is how to account for the local network dependencies through which peer effects influence individual behavior. We empirically address these problems using longitudinal data on academic performance, friendship, and advice seeking relations among students in a full-time graduate academic program. We specify stochastic agent-based models that permit estimation of the interdependent contribution of social selection and social influence to individual performance. We report evidence of peer effects. Students tend to assimilate the average performance of their friends and of their advisors. At the same time, students attaining similar levels of academic performance are more likely to develop friendship and advice ties. Together, these results imply that processes of social influence and social selection are sub-components of a more general a co-evolutionary process linking network structure and individual behavior. We discuss possible points of contact between our findings and current research in the economics and sociology of education.  相似文献   

经典物理学发展了基督教的线性时间,确立了量度物体运动变化的绝对时空观;资本概念的发育和资本主义的生产实践在绝对时空观中获得支持,而时空也被资本不断的塑造为资本化的时空;马克思在批判绝对时空观和黑格尔的绝对资本观的过程中确立了实践唯物主义时空观,在实现了时空坐标转换的同时展开了对资本的批判。马克思从历史哲学的高度透过资本品看到了隐藏在资本背后的社会关系,从而深刻的分析了资本主义社会的资本剥削的本质,揭示了资本和资本主义社会的过程性,破除了资本的永恒符咒,通过以自由时间扬弃必要劳动时间深层地规定未来理想社会取代资本主义社会的历史发展的逻辑。在当代,科学技术的突飞猛进促进了信息交换速度和交通水平的提高,空间壁垒逐渐消融从真正意义上实现了“时间就是发展的空间”,时间与空间的关系逐渐变得松散,产生了时空分延或时空压缩现象,而这正是资本追求利润的结果。时空化的资本与资本化的时空纠缠在一起共同形塑了当代社会。  相似文献   

以H社区的参与状况为例,分析了社区参与的特点和社区参与的影响因素,并提出加强社区参与、推进社区建设的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

现有文献在研究企业家社会资本与企业绩效关系时,很少关注二者关系得以产生的路径,在研究战略决策速度影响因素及其与绩效间关系时则忽略了企业家社会资本的影响。本研究以293家中国企业样本数据的研究结果表明:企业家社会资本的制度性维度和市场性维度均部分通过战略决策速度的中介作用对企业绩效产生积极影响,但是该中介作用对不同维度而言是不同的。其意义在于可以丰富和补充战略决策过程的相关理论,提高现有理论的解释能力,可以为中国企业家如何构建社会资本以提高战略决策速度和企业绩效提供参考和实践指导。  相似文献   

刘平青 《河北学刊》2002,22(3):59-63
转轨期中国家族企业家群体的崛起,是一个特色鲜明的动态成长过程。家族企业家利用并发展其物质资本、人力资本、社会资本三维机制,通过市场的“生存检验”,逐渐成为一个新型的企业家群体。在中国经济转轨过程中,该群体日渐成为市场经济的“弄潮儿”、地方经济的“领头羊”、资本市场的“新宠儿”和市场规则博弃的“局中人”。  相似文献   

学术虚拟社区已成为学术信息和知识交流的重要场所,其发展受到知识共享意愿不高的困扰,亟待研究.文章尝试基于社会交换理论中的效益与约束双重模型,探讨两种导向的快速关系对学术虚拟社区用户持续知识共享的影响.研究结果表明,效益导向快速关系和约束导向快速关系对持续知识共享意愿都有显著的正向影响,社区信任与社区规范能够促进效益导向与约束导向快速关系的建立.最后,根据研究结果,分析讨论、提出运营建议及研究展望,以期为学术虚拟社区的运营和相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

“经济伦理学与马克思的资本理论”应该研究的重点不仅仅在于“资本”的一般运动及其逻辑,而且在于它的具体的展开方式和实现方式。即使是现代经济生活本身的伦理维度也必然地发生着某种历史变迁,它在后来的发展过程中起了很多变化。这些新的变化,我们还研究得很不够。“社会现实”的问题,乃是经济伦理学必须首先深入思考和认真把握的根本问题。揭示和切中社会现实,应当成为经济伦理学研究的一个非常重要的基础。  相似文献   

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