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The traditional way of caring for frail elders in long-term care facilities is based in the medical model. This type of care focuses primarily on the biological needs of individual elders. A new paradigm for these care facilities is seen in the idea of culture change. This paradigm implicitly has within it elements of compassion emphasized in the teachings of world religions. The focus of this article is on the thoughts of Hesston College students in a World Religions class who spent two hours a week during the spring term 2003 interacting with frail elders in a long-term care facility. These intergenerational interactions are analyzed from the perspective of six world religions. The article concludes with reference to culture change and intergenerational relationships as related to practitioners, policy makers, and researchers.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper attempts to examine the factors affecting the significance of grandparenthood and grandparent behaviors in Japan. The study pays specific attention to the interplay of gender and aging, notably the mixture of maintenance and transformation of gendered family life from middle age to later life. The data analyzed in this study are from a random sample aged between 60 and 75, containing 322 grandparents (146 grandfathers, 176 grandmothers). Results indicate a complicated mechanism of aging and gender operating in the construction of grandparenthood. Analyses show that continuity and transformation of gendered family life are mainly reflected in the significance of grandparenthood rather than grandparent behaviors. The significance of grandparenthood for females, with less dynamic changes in later life, could be a product of the long-standing and cumulative effects of gendered midlife. On the contrary, grandparenthood could become increasingly important for males with advancing age, implying a dynamic transformation of masculinity or male identity with family in later life. This increasing significance of grandfatherhood is discussed with respect to possible structural changes of male personal networks during the transition to later life.  相似文献   

The market-based approach of delivering affordable housing has led to a net loss of traditional public housing and an increase in alternative subsidized housing options. For poor, physically frail older adult residents, subsidized housing and its associated services and support provide an important safety net. This article explores the implications and consequences of this movement for low-income seniors. Specifically, we look at the past and current housing policies, the focus on public-private partnerships, and the transition toward mixed-income communities. The article ends with suggestions for protecting vulnerable older adult populations in a market-driven arena.  相似文献   

Lifetime experience of selling sex among adolescents was investigated together with sociodemographic correlates, parent–child relationship, and the existence of people to confide in. Changes over time regarding the selling of sex were investigated through a comparison of data from 2004 and 2009. This study was carried out using 3,498 adolescents from a representative sample of Swedish high school students with a mean age 18.3 years. Of these adolescents, 1.5% stated that they had given sexual services for reimbursement and both male and female buyers existed. The adolescents who had sold sex had a poorer parent–child relationship during childhood and had fewer people to confide in about problems and worries. Changes over time were found especially regarding the Internet as a contact source and also immigrant background.  相似文献   


India is witnessing a demographic revolution, leading to a considerable increase in the proportion of older people in the population. Similarly, life expectancy of both the mentally and physically disabled has improved considerably. About 5% of Indian older people have problems with physical mobility. Aging has become a gender issue in India not only because more women are surviving into old age; they are also vulnerable and disadvantaged in many ways. In most cases they are the only caregivers available for the old and disabled. Older Indians are considered a high-risk group for multiple morbidity. It is estimated that nearly four million Indians suffer from mental problems. India has around 12 million people designated as “handicapped.” However, little information is available about disabled people who grow older. The National Policy on Older Persons, which has been recently formulated, aims at providing an improved quality of life for millions of older Indians. However, the concerns of older disabled and of the disabled who grow old are still treated separately in both policy and practice.  相似文献   

Intergenerational solidarity and ambivalence paradigms suggest that emotional relationships between generations consist of both positive and negative sentiments. We applied latent class analysis to measures of affection and conflict in 2,698 older parent–child relationships in 6 developed nations: England, Germany, Israel, Norway, Spain, and the United States (Southern California). The best fitting model consisted of 4 latent classes distributed differently across nations but with a cross‐nationally invariant measurement structure. After controlling for demographics, health, coresidence, contact, and support, the following classes were overrepresented in corresponding nations: amicable (England), detached (Germany and Spain), disharmonious (United States), ambivalent (Israel). We discuss policy and cultural differences across societies that may explain why the prevalence of particular emotional types varied by nation.  相似文献   


As the demographics of aging change in the United States, the number of persons over the age of 65 will continue to grow. By 2030, one in every five persons will be over the age of 65. Several factors are important when considering the reality of these demographic changes. First, successful aging, given new medical technologies, is more probable today than it was for our parents and grandparents. Second, the range of diverse populations within the aging communities has become recognized. Third, generational differences impact who cares for the elderly. Fourth, baby boomers, who will soon turn 65, will likely have a huge impact on society. And lastly, spiritual matters are important as we approach and enter old age.  相似文献   

International comparisons of the economic impact of population aging across nations can give valuable insights regarding which policies are most effective in addressing aging-related economic issues. Traditional old-age dependency ratios, by not accounting for differences in labor force participation rates, can be misleading. A new measure, the difference between an age group's share of total employment and its share of the total adult population, is developed and shown to be empirically sensitive to different policy actions. The analysis is built upon readily available and comparable International Labour Organization age-group data on population and labor force participation rates.  相似文献   

The concept of ambivalence emphasizes the complexity of family relations and the potential for individuals to evaluate relationships as both positive and negative. Using multilevel models, we investigate ambivalence in adult children's relationships with their aging parents and in‐laws (N= 1,599). We focus on factors predicting adult children's ambivalence toward parents and in‐laws within a gendered kinship structure that shapes these relations. We conclude that ambivalence is a useful concept for representing the complexity of parent‐child relationships and is produced within the context of social relations structured by gender and kinship. Results show greater ambivalence among dyads of women, toward in‐laws, among those in poor health, for daughters providing assistance, and for adult children with poor parental relations in early life.  相似文献   

Given the growing evidence of the influence of the environment on older adult health, the need to design and implement effective environmental policy around healthy and vital aging is urgent. This article describes issues amenable to improvement through policy change, evidence supporting specific policy approaches and outcomes, and promising strategies for implementing those approaches. Key areas of focus are neighborhood design and safety, housing, transportation, and mobility. Strategies to build capacity for policy change are also addressed. Our goals are to foster greater attention to environmental change in support of healthy aging and to illuminate directions for policy change.  相似文献   

The aging population has an impact on health, social, and economic issues in regard to individuals, communities, and organizations. The challenge for local policies in response to aging is to create sufficient resources to meet the population’s needs, wishes, and rights as people age. Active aging constitutes one of the guiding perspectives on policies. Taking into account the local governance perspective, the Model for Aging Local Policies Analysis (MALPA) was created in order to convert the active aging paradigm into a practical approach, as a technique to evaluate and analyze local aging policies. In this research, the MALPA instrument was applied in two Portuguese communities (Coruche and Oeiras). The objective was to identify the intervention priorities of aging policies in both communities, determining whether the instrument can facilitate the development of proposals for the improvement of local aging policies. It was possible to evaluate the communities and programs, identifying the least appropriate policy actions regarding the intervention priorities. The results allowed us to identify 10 priorities about collaborative governance, involvement of the elderly in the policy-making process, lifelong learning, economic hardship, policies for all ages, isolated vulnerable and fragile groups, intergenerational contacts, safety in all policies, labor opportunities, and conditions and transport network improvement.  相似文献   

This research seeks to understand goals and the gender differences in goals among men and women who are transitioning into permanent supportive housing. Men and women experience homelessness differently. Data collected for this study come from a longitudinal investigation of HIV risk behavior and social networks among women and men transitioning from homelessness to permanent supportive housing. As part of this study, 421 baseline interviews were conducted in English with homeless adults scheduled to move into permanent supportive housing; participants were recruited between September 2014 and October 2015. This paper uses goals data from the 418 male-or female-identified respondents in this study. Results identified goal differences in education and general health between men and women that should be taken into account when service providers, policy makers, and advocates are addressing the needs of homeless women.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to introduce a theoretical model for an aging-in-place housing specialist for those living in congregate housing facilities. A “needs assessment” tool is outlined to help facilitate the successful implementation of a Health and Aging Residential Service Coordinator (HARSC), both from a research perspective and from implementation of training curriculum for this specialized population. A model that provides both on- and off-site services is hypothesized to be most effective.  相似文献   

This study considers the process by which parents accept their transgender children through an analysis of the stories of parents in Japan. The study also considers how the gender identity of parents is affected by their child and the discourses related to queer identities. The mothers were strongly motivated to understand their child and reconstructed the image and life stories of the child. Through these processes, the mothers came to reconsider their own gender identities in queer ways. In contrast, the fathers had a lack of motivation to understand their child, and their masculinity was not significantly influenced by deessentialism.  相似文献   


Objective: The present study aims to examine gender differences in attitudes toward professional psychological help–seeking behavior and how gender differences could be affected by other cultural factor such as race. Participants: The authors selected studies that involved undergraduate and graduate students as samples, making the total number of participants in this meta-analysis 5,713. Methods: Statistical procedures were administrated by the MIX (Meta-analysis with Interactive eXplanations) program, which does meta-analyses. Results and Conclusions: The results indicated that gender itself was a significant predictor on attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. In addition, individual's cultural background (eg, Western versus non-Western ethnicity) moderated the gender differences on attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Practical implications for mental health professionals in college settings were discussed.  相似文献   

Age-related declines in capabilities may compromise older adults’ ability to maintain their homes, threatening successful aging in place. Structured interviews were conducted with 44 independently living older adults (mean age = 76.1, standard deviation = 4.7) to discuss difficult home maintenance tasks and how they managed those tasks. Solutions to managing difficulties were categorized as person-related or environment-related. The majority (85%) of responses were person-related solutions. An understanding of the specific challenges that older adults face in maintaining their homes can guide redesign efforts and interventions to effectively support older adults’ desire to age in place.  相似文献   

Active aging is established as the leading global policy strategy in response to population aging. In practice, however, the term active aging serves as a convenient shelter for a wide range of policy discourses and initiatives concerning demographic change. The twin purposes of this article are, first, to examine its European origins and how it has been applied in the world's oldest region. This policy analysis illustrates the contrast between the primarily European discourse on active aging, which emphasizes health, participation, and well-being, and the U.S. discourse that prioritizes productivity. The application of active aging in Europe has, nonetheless, been predominantly in the productivist mold. The examination of the emergence of this key policy concept in Europe is contextualized by an outline of the changing politics of aging in this region. The second purpose of the article is to set out a new, comprehensive strategy on active aging that is intended to realize the full potential of the concept. Understanding of the need for this broad vision of active aging is facilitated by the historical policy review.  相似文献   

This paper examines the patterns and determinants of four types of support provided by adult children to their parents, with particular attention to differences in the helping behaviors of sons and daughters. The data come from the 1989 wave of the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan. The analysis is based on 12,166 adult children from 2,527 families. We find that usually only one child in a family provides help with activities of daily living (ADLs) or instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), but for financial or material support the responsibility is likely to be shared among siblings. Sons generally carry the major responsibility for taking care of their older parents, and daughters fulfill the son's roles when sons are not available.  相似文献   


At a fiftieth birthday party 17 years ago, a group of women—lesbian, bisexual, and straight—decided to create a conscious community in which they could age together. The group, where they discuss this process and support each other, is politically and personally meaningful, and a buffer against the isolation and powerlessness many aging women experience. They meet monthly, and at weekend retreats twice a year. They have become a “family of choice,” sharing holidays and celebrations and supporting each other when necessary and possible. After several years, they decided to commit for life. In the group, each feels held and seen in the complex experience of aging in today's world.  相似文献   

老年人口占总人口比例以及提供健康服务成本的财政需求增加,正日益威胁着全球的稳定性。同时,这样的人口发展趋势也给传统的老年人健康服务供给带来挑战。本文以澳大利亚的案例为背景,论证在养老服务中运用场所性的健康促进能够给老年人创造更大的福利,缩短通常与年龄增长有关的慢性病患病率时间。提倡生态养老意味着无需像以前那样对老年人实行隔离管理,而是将他们视为整个社会生活、工作和娱乐不可缺少的一部分。文章比对了健康促进学校与养老产业等场所性的健康促进的特征,认为涵盖各种养老服务的场所是建立一个新的健康促进场所的最佳选择。场所性的健康促进策略的核心就在于为老年人的生活创造有利的环境。更广义地说,生态养老指导我们将环境与健康联系在一起,减少这一日益庞大的人口群体对环境的影响。因此,在老龄事业中应用场所性的健康促进策略有助于降低待赡养的老年人口对全球稳定性的威胁。  相似文献   

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