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Summary This paper explores some findings of a survey of intermediatetreatment, carried out as part of a larger research study ofits management and practice. Excerpts from two interviews withsocial workers provide sources for the two accounts of practiceconsidered below each illustrating contradictory themes embodiedin the official thinking about intermediate treatment. One,the rational approach, emphasizes a planned, ordered approach,whilst the other, the intuitive version, expresses an unplanned,anarchic, democratised approach. It is argued that it is only if these are viewed from an absolutiststandpoint that one version emerges as more professional orsuperior. If a relativist stance is adopted, a more neutralappraisal is possible of both versions and the opportunity isprovided of moving to a more critical analysis of the conditionsproducing these contrasting accounts of intermediate treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Current criticisms of the correctional approach to offendersare examined, viz. (a) that it is ineffective, (b) that it isoften unjust, (c) that it is deterministic and (d) that thereare other approaches to which these strictures do not apply.It is concluded that these arguments do not justify the abandonmentof correctional policies.  相似文献   

Summary Stigma management should be part of social work practice, inaddition to attempts to combat stigma by social policy initiatives.The objectives of stigma management are to reduce awarenessand length of dependence on social services, to demonstrateclients' contribution to society, and to reduce social and spatialdistance between clients and others. Strategies are identified,which include the selection of various combinations of targetsfor intervention from three aspects of stigma (the attribute,the stereotype and the relationship between them) and from thepossibilities of work with the audience, both public and professionaland the stigmatised person, or both. Factors to evaluate inassessment; methods of intervention, including help in passing,group identification, social exchanges, public reviews, theuse of agents, benefactor relationships and elevation ceremonies;and reducing stigma at the end of social work intervention areconsidered.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Justine Schneider. PSSRU. University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NF. Summary Two years after the care programme approach in mental healthwas introduced there is still widespread confusion about itsmeaning and its relation to other changes in the arena of communitycare. This paper looks at how care programmes are being implementedand at whom they are being targeted. It also examines the relationbetween care management and care programming and raises somequestions about future developments in the light of communitycare reforms. It draws on data collected during 1992 from threecontrasting health districts, all of which had made considerableprogress in care programming. Sixty practitioners were interviewedabout the theory and practice of care programming. Their experienceis presented here in the context of a review of community careplans for 1992/93 which characterizes the responses of differentlocal authorities to the approach.  相似文献   

Summary Some account is given of a small group of offender/patientsdefined as dangerous or potentially dangerous. Reasons are putforward in an attempt to explain an apparent reluctance to workwith such clients and the unease that often occurs when so doing.It is suggested that an approach may be required to such offender/patientswhich differs in some respects from more traditional modes oftreatment. Emphasis is placed upon the need for careful observationof material facts and events in the lives of such clients inaddition to the careful observation of the manifestations offeelings and attitudes which may give premonition of dangerousor potentially dangerous behaviour  相似文献   

Summary This article examines the recommendations of the Black Reportconcerning the future treatment of the young offender in NorthernIreland. The Black Report represents an attempt to operationalisea justice approach in the treatment of the young offender. Theanalysis is set in the context of (i) the sequelae of the currentcivil conflict in the Province; (ii) previous legislation andprovision in the Province and (iii) recent developments, withinthe United Kingdom as a whole, regarding the future directionof social policy in this area.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this article is to examine the published viewsof two leading politicians who can claim to speak for theirparties. From their discussion of poverty and social deprivation(and the terms will be used interchangeably) an attempt willbe made to emonstrate that their policies or proposals reston similar assumptions about society and a similar model ofpoverty. Their consensus of approach will mean that no alternativepolicies are being seriously mooted within the party politicalsystem. Their assumptions will be examined critically and thesuggestion made that an approach deriving from an alternativemodel is required to counter poverty.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Michael Sheppard, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA Summary The new managerialism associated with care management has, aswith other areas of health and welfare work, promoted ideasof efficient use of resources, quality assurance and the capacityto audit the work of welfare agencies. This approach placesa high premium on measurement, and emphazises a long-standingdesire to develop instruments the use of which would providethe basis for resource allocation. This paper presents a methodby which such data can be rigorously generated and analysed.It uses as its basis an instrument of established reliabilityand validity, designed to collect data on problems identifiedin clients in the child and family care social work group. Ituses a combination of principal component and cluster analysisto provide a clear picture of the nature and range of problemsand the grouping of cases with similar characteristics. Thesedata provide a quantitative basis upon which judgements aboutresource allocation can be made.  相似文献   

Summary The new Diploma in Social Work (DipSW) requires practice teachersand academic tutors to foster student empowerment while at thesame time ensuring practice competence. A model for achievingthese aims is that of adult learning. This paper traces thedevelopment of adult learning research and offers suggestionsfor effective teaching methods. It argues that the principlesof adult learning could provide a unified framework for professionaltraining and that, moreover, this educational approach couldbe used to benefit social work practice itself.  相似文献   

Summary Between January 1980 and December 1982, a team of probationofficers in South Yorkshire attempted a new approach to probationpractice. The project arose initially out of the ideas put forwardin Bottoms and McWilliams (1979) ‘A Non-Treatment Paradigmfor Probation Practice’, but the team members developeda version of the paradigm which in many respects differed markedlyfrom the original. In this paper, their statutory work is describedwith particular reference to their social enquiry practice andto their attempted separation of the care and control aspectsof probation orders.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Paul Cambridge, Tizard Centre, The University of Kent at Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7LZ, UK. Summary This paper examines care management arrangements in servicesfor people with learning disabilities. Its perspective is informedby research on the long-term outcomes and costs of care in thecommunity for people with learning disabilities (Cambridge etal., 1994) and by earlier experimental approaches to care managementin Britain. Building on arguments developed by the author ina position paper in 1992 (Cambridge, 1992), the focus here shiftsto the performance of mainstream care management in servicesfor people with learning disabilities, with an identificationand review of critical dimensions for reviewing competence.Lessons from earlier experimental and demonstration approachesare used to inform the analysis and to construct pointers forcommissioners or providers who are looking to assess the effectivenessof care management arrangements in learning disability withintheir own service systems.  相似文献   

Summary After discussing the huge undifferentiated tasks facing socialworkers in the social services departments, it is suggestedthat one of the most urgent research needs is the developmentof systematic record and review systems to provide basic informationabout social worker activities and their effects on differentclient groups. The development of a social worker oriented computerizedCase Review System in close collaboraation with a group of fieldworkersin an area office is described. The system enables social workersto evaluate and plan their work for individual clients; it canassist the process of supervision; as a management tool it cancontribute towards the planning of fieldwork services; as aninformation system it gives an on-going account of the size,nature and scope of social work activities with different clientgroups. So far the impact of the system has been to raise questionsabout practices and to encourage a climate favourable to change.  相似文献   

Summary The literature would have us believe that behavioural procedurescan be applied extremely effectively to a wide range of familyproblems. As with any other therapeutic approach there are,however, a wide range of specific and non-specific factors whichwill determine whether or not a behavioural approach is successful.This paper sets out to examine some of these and also attemptsto draw a few conclusions about the effectiveness of behaviourmodification with families, especially when it is practisedin a routine clinical setting.  相似文献   

Summary It has been argued that an interactionist approach illuminatesthe relationship between public issues and private troubles.However, the model has been fundamentally criticized as beingtheoretically empty. The value of the approach is examined bythe analysis of a practice example. The basic criticisms ofthe model are confirmed but nevertheless it may offer a usefulstepping-stone away from the rigidities of case-based practice  相似文献   

Correspondence to ReadingLasses, Wigtown, Galloway, DG8 9EH. Summary Noting the significance of women in management in the localauthority children's departments (1948–72) and the preoccupationwith women in management during the 1990s, the authors comparethese two periods. In particular, they focus upon the discoursesof femininity which shape the ways in which women as managersand as professionals are talked about, understood and analysed.The argument, presented from a feminist post-structuralist perspective,is based on an analysis of data generated through interviewswith women who were significant in the children's departments(as children's officers or members of the children's committees)between 1948 and 1972. The paper shows that the ways in whichfemininity is constructed, socially and through women's subjectivities,act as powerful mechanisms through which women are controlled,but also present opportunities to women for resistance and change.  相似文献   

On the Trail of a Radical Pedagogy for Social Work Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Dr William De Maria, Department of Social Work and Social Policy, The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia. Summary This article uses a general decade by decade approach to notethe emergence (1970s), decline (1980s), and re-emergence (1990s)of radical social work. An issue for this 1990s'-type radicalsocial work will become one of attending to its own teachingmission. A range of radical pedagogic principles is presented:cause-sensitive action, tailoring, contradiction-based learning,de-monopolized values, radical analysis, polemic storytelling,and centring marginality.  相似文献   

Summary Change has heightened contradictions inherent in the probationservice's functions. The effects of this on officers' behaviourare described and a new conceptualization of the relationshipbetween care and control is offered. It is argued that modelsof possible future developments for the service must addressthe impact of work function and work context on practice, andan example of an alternative approach to the future is provided.  相似文献   

Summary The established sociological approach to social workers' orientationshas led to a restricted picture of the day-to-day conduct ofsocial workers. Adopting a different perspective, the work discussedhere resulted in an ideal typology of eight orientations. Thearticle describes these types and refers briefly to some propositionsand conclusions that arise.  相似文献   

Summary The delivery of health and social care has undergone massivechange in the UK in the 1990s. A key factor in the drive forreform was the failure of joint working arrangements betweenhealth and social services and the need to provide integratedcare for people who have overlapping health and social careneeds. This article draws on a research study investigatingthe community care provided to people with Parkinson's diseasein the wake of the 1990 National Health Service and CommunityCare Act. As a chronic progressive disease predominantly affectingolder people, the management of Parkinson's provides an exemplarof some of the key features of supporting people with continuingcare needs. This study found serious deficits in the assessmentand meeting of need, arising from weaknesses at the health andsocial care interface. The article concludes by consideringan approach which resources and supports the service user/carerin managing their own care pathway.  相似文献   

Summary This paper looks at certain over-systematizing trends in familytherapy, and at a group of practices, connected with such systems-thinking,which espouse manipulation and deception. It is argued thatthese theories and methods, couched in a language of scientism,represent a questionable and cynical direction in therapeuticwork. This technocratic approach not only disfigures personaland social being, but erodes social work principles foundedmorally upon a respect for persons. An alternative view is advocatedin which the value of the person is considered as central toan adequate human science. This regards the nature of understandingas based upon the finitude of experience, and therefore offersan appreciation of the person not as an ‘object’fit for technocratic manipulation, but in terms of his subjectiveand historical being.  相似文献   

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