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传统未分组的藤Copula模型可用于刻画金融资产间的相依性,但其存在将所有不同行业资产视为一个整体的问题。本文在充分考虑金融市场中各机构所属行业不同的基础上,提出了藤Copula分组模型,给出了该模型算法的具体步骤,并证明了算法的收敛性。最后通过返回检验方法,对比研究了藤Copula分组模型和未分组的藤Copula模型对银行业、证券业和保险业间VAR估计的精度差异,结果表明藤Copula分组模型的预测效果更准确且更有效。  相似文献   

选取2001-2014年中国30个省份数据作为样本,考虑空气污染的空间自相关性,采用空间杜宾滞后模型(SDM)和半参数空间滞后模型实证检验经济发展与空气污染的非线性关系。结果表明:①中国空气污染存在显著的空间正相关性,高空气污染水平集聚地随时间推移呈现出“由西向东”的转移特征。②空气污染与经济增长存在一种震荡曲线形式的关系,并不完全吻合传统的EKC倒U型曲线形状,但震荡关系也符合EKC所描述的环境污染与经济发展的关系将长期存在的特征,说明了经济增长并不能自发解决空气污染问题。③半参数空间滞后模型的拟合优度高于普通参数模型,其刻画的空气污染与经济增长的非线性特征验证了前人对二者震荡关系的猜想,结果更为稳健、准确与有效。  相似文献   

In Bielecki et al. (2014a Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014a ). Dynamic hedging of portfolio credit risk in a markov copula model . J. Optimiz. Theor. Applic . doi: DOI 10.1007/s10957-013-0318-4 (forthcoming) .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), the authors introduced a Markov copula model of portfolio credit risk where pricing and hedging can be done in a sound theoretical and practical way. Further theoretical backgrounds and practical details are developed in Bielecki et al. (2014b Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014b ). A bottom-up dynamic model of portfolio credit risk - Part I: Markov copula perspective . In: Recent Adv. Fin. Eng. 2012 , World Scientific (preprint version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1844574) . [Google Scholar],c) where numerical illustrations assumed deterministic intensities and constant recoveries. In the present paper, we show how to incorporate stochastic default intensities and random recoveries in the bottom-up modeling framework of Bielecki et al. (2014a Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014a ). Dynamic hedging of portfolio credit risk in a markov copula model . J. Optimiz. Theor. Applic . doi: DOI 10.1007/s10957-013-0318-4 (forthcoming) .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) while preserving numerical tractability. These two features are of primary importance for applications like CVA computations on credit derivatives (Assefa et al., 2011 Assefa , S. , Bielecki , T. R. , Crépey , S. , Jeanblanc , M. ( 2011 ). CVA computation for counterparty risk assessment in credit portfolios . In: Bielecki , T.R. , Brigo , D. , Patras , F. , Eds., Credit Risk Frontiers . Hoboken : Wiley/Bloomberg-Press . [Google Scholar]; Bielecki et al., 2012 Bielecki , T. R. , Crépey , S. , Jeanblanc , M. , Zargari , B. ( 2012 ). Valuation and Hedging of CDS counterparty exposure in a markov copula model . Int. J. Theoret. Appl. Fin. 15 ( 1 ): 1250004 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), as CVA is sensitive to the stochastic nature of credit spreads and random recoveries allow to achieve satisfactory calibration even for “badly behaved” data sets. This article is thus a complement to Bielecki et al. (2014a Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014a ). Dynamic hedging of portfolio credit risk in a markov copula model . J. Optimiz. Theor. Applic . doi: DOI 10.1007/s10957-013-0318-4 (forthcoming) .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Bielecki et al. (2014b Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014b ). A bottom-up dynamic model of portfolio credit risk - Part I: Markov copula perspective . In: Recent Adv. Fin. Eng. 2012 , World Scientific (preprint version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1844574) . [Google Scholar]) and Bielecki et al. (2014c Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014c ). A bottom-up dynamic model of portfolio credit risk - Part II: Common-shock interpretation, calibration and hedging issues . Recent Adv. Fin. Eng. 2012 , World Scientific (preprint version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2245130) . [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

In the context of the Cardiovascular Health Study, a comprehensive investigation into the risk factors for strokes, we apply Bayesian model averaging to the selection of variables in Cox proportional hazard models. We use an extension of the leaps-and-bounds algorithm for locating the models that are to be averaged over and make available S-PLUS software to implement the methods. Bayesian model averaging provides a posterior probability that each variable belongs in the model, a more directly interpretable measure of variable importance than a P -value. P -values from models preferred by stepwise methods tend to overstate the evidence for the predictive value of a variable and do not account for model uncertainty. We introduce the partial predictive score to evaluate predictive performance. For the Cardiovascular Health Study, Bayesian model averaging predictively outperforms standard model selection and does a better job of assessing who is at high risk for a stroke.  相似文献   

使用允许长记忆参数d服从区制转换的MS—ARFIMA模型对中国月度通货膨胀路径的动态行为进行新的实证研究,结果显示:中国通货膨胀不仅均值水平和不确定性存在着“低通胀”区制和“高通胀”区制,而且更为重要的是,通货膨胀序列的平稳性也表现出显著的区制转换动态。“低通胀”区制下,长记忆参数d1=0.361,说明通货膨胀是协方差平稳序列,“高通胀”区制下,长记忆参数d2=1.145,说明通货膨胀是非平稳序列。这一新的研究结论意味着中国通货膨胀冲击的持久性效应也存在相应的区制转移变化。这要求央行在管控通货膨胀过程中,既要考虑均值和不确定性的区制变化,又要兼顾平稳性和持久性的区制变化。  相似文献   

In this article, the ruin probability is examined in a discrete time risk model with a constant interest rate, in which the dependent claims are assumed to have a one-sided linear structure. An explicit asymptotic formula is obtained for the ruin probability. Generalized Lundberg inequalities for the ruin probability are derived by martingale and inductive approaches.  相似文献   

This article proposes a Bayesian estimation framework for a typical multi-factor model with time-varying risk exposures to macroeconomic risk factors and corresponding premia to price U.S. publicly traded assets. The model assumes that risk exposures and idiosyncratic volatility follow a break-point latent process, allowing for changes at any point on time but not restricting them to change at all points. The empirical application to 40 years of U.S. data and 23 portfolios shows that the approach yields sensible results compared to previous two-step methods based on naive recursive estimation schemes, as well as a set of alternative model restrictions. A variance decomposition test shows that although most of the predictable variation comes from the market risk premium, a number of additional macroeconomic risks, including real output and inflation shocks, are significantly priced in the cross-section. A Bayes factor analysis massively favors the proposed change-point model. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a new insurance risk model based on the entrance process proposed in Li et al. (2005 Li , Z. , Zhu , J. , Chen , F. ( 2005 ). Study of a risk model based on the entrance process . Statist. Probab. Lett. 72 : 110 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and investigate the finite time ruin probabilities of this model. It is showed that an exponential upper bound for the finite time ruin probability exists, when the distributions of the claim size are light tailed. Furthermore, when the distributions of the claim size are heavy tailed, an asymptotic formula for the finite time ruin probability is obtained.  相似文献   

对操作风险所要求的经济资本的度量以及配置能极大提高金融机构的风险控制能力。采用PCIT模型对操作风险度量时,阈值的选取是关键所在,它决定了拟合操作风险损失分布的近似程度。通过变点理论来定位Hill估计曲线开始进入稳定状态的位置,以精确地估计出阈值的大小。同时,为确保误差更小,结果更稳定,用平方误差积分法来估计POT模型的参数。结果表明,所改进的方法能为经济资本的度量提供有效的方法支持。  相似文献   

以沿海11省市的风暴潮灾害风险为研究对象,采用遗传与粒子群混合算法对投影寻踪动态聚类(PPDC)模型进行优化,将粗糙集理论(RST)与修正的PPDC模型组合运用,对中国沿海地区风暴潮灾害的风险进行综合评估与区域等级划分。实证结果表明:广东和福建两省是中国风暴潮灾害的高风险区,风险评估值超过2.5,山东、浙江、海南和广西属于风暴潮灾害的中风险区,风险评估值处于[1.8,2.2]之间,江苏、天津、辽宁、河北和上海属于风暴潮灾害的低风险区,风险评估值低于1.5。研究结论为国家实施差异化的灾害风险管理战略提供了思路与参考。  相似文献   

We propose a simple but effective estimation procedure to extract the level and the volatility dynamics of a latent macroeconomic factor from a panel of observable indicators. Our approach is based on a multivariate conditionally heteroskedastic exact factor model that can take into account the heteroskedasticity feature shown by most macroeconomic variables and relies on an iterated Kalman filter procedure. In simulations we show the unbiasedness of the proposed estimator and its superiority to different approaches introduced in the literature. Simulation results are confirmed in applications to real inflation data with the goal of forecasting long-term bond risk premia. Moreover, we find that the extracted level and conditional variance of the latent factor for inflation are strongly related to NBER business cycles.  相似文献   

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