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利用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2015的调查数据,采用Ologit回归分析青年的社会经济地位、主观阶层对幸福感的影响。研究发现:家庭社会经济地位越高的青年人群其幸福感越高;个人社会经济地位整体上对青年人群幸福感的影响有限;主观阶层和对未来阶层流动的期许对青年群体幸福感存在正向影响,而青年群体对自身过去阶层流动的感知对其幸福感无显著影响;家庭社会经济地位、个人社会经济地位和主观阶层对青年群体幸福感的影响不存在明显的城乡差异;家庭社会经济地位对婚姻续存状态下的青年人的幸福感影响更大,个人社会经济地位和主观阶层对婚姻非续存状态下的青年人的幸福感的影响更大。  相似文献   

通过对上海基督教两堂的调查发现:当代中国都市青年基督徒这一信仰群体,在身份上表现出“移民”、“高知”和“白领”的特点;他们对基督教教义的理解比较正统,在信仰倾向上,体现出保守性和“福音派”的特点。当代都市青年基督徒的基本精神状况比较健康,并对基督教的发展前景表现乐观,这体现了他们对宗教信仰自由政策的认可,以及对基督教能与社会主义社会相适应的积极态度。  相似文献   

青年与风险:反思性及其挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从某种程度上说。当今的青年一代可被认为是在一个以风险社会为主要标志的社会背景下成长起来的。当今青年社会化环境向“脱域”与陌生变迁;青年社会化机构向“时空压缩”与即时性转变;青年个体化方式也产生了“选择‘与责任的革新。在风险社会中。青年的教育、就业及亲密关系都表现出新的特征,在这种境况下,一直以来被认为权威的专家调查和分析也越来越使人感到迷惑,一种有效的方式就是深度反思新一代青年在未来的时期中将要面对的各种挑战。所以,适当的反思是可行而且重要的。  相似文献   

本文基于全国抽样调查数据 ,依据职业声望和社会经济地位指数测量 ,考查当代中国社会的声望分层状况。研究发现 ,在当前中国社会 ,决定人们声望地位的主要因素是教育、收入、权力、就业单位性质 ,以及是否从事受歧视职业 ;主导声望地位评价的标准是工业化社会的普遍主义价值 ;但同时 ,相互冲突的多元评价标准仍有可能存在。  相似文献   

农民工在中国转型中的经济地位和社会态度   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
中国在改革和发展中产生的大量从农业向非农产业转移的农民工,通过推动劳动力市场的形成,为中国的市场化转型和现代化发挥了重要而特有的作用。本文基于对2006年在中国28个省市区进行的大规模问卷调查资料的分析,发现农民工的收入地位更多地是由教育、工作技能等获得性因素决定的,而不是身份歧视因素所决定的;同时还发现收入和经济社会地位相对较低的农民工,却意外地具有比较积极的社会态度。影响农民工态度和行为的因素,更重要的可能不是社会横向利益比较,而是自身的纵向利益比较,因而更显著地遵循历史决定逻辑,而不是经济决定逻辑。  相似文献   

基于2013年中国综合社会调查数据,对青年环境友好行为的影响因素的分析发现,环境知识水平和风险感知对青年环境友好行为有积极的影响,但环境知识水平和环境风险感知对青年环境友好行为有积极促进作用,这种作用部分受到社会人口学特征变量的抑制。同时,青年私人领域环境友好行为和青年公共领域环境友好行为的影响因素存在较大差异,青年私人领域环境友好行为受到阅历、经济基础和风险感知的影响,公共领域环境友好行为与"人的现代化"程度有关。  相似文献   

通过对2002年至2014年中国重要报纸全文数据库中涉及都市青年住房压力的75篇报道以及49篇有关都市青年住房压力的期刊论文内容分析发现,本质相同而表述名称不同的都市青年的住房压力可区分为经济能力型住房压力、居住质量型住房压力、婚姻型住房压力、家庭型住房压力、工作发展型住房压力和寻求住房过程中的压力六大类型,这为寻找个体权利与社会整体利益的平衡点和建立合理的应对住房压力的解决机制提供参考。  相似文献   

以省钱、节约为宗旨的“拼客”消费引领了一股新的时尚潮流,这种类似于“AA制”的消费吸引了越来越多青年人的加盟,且衍生出众多“拼法”。拼车、拼房、拼吃、拼玩、拼贿等众多“拼”消费已成为都市青年人的另类时尚,“拼”的项目几乎覆盖了人们的衣、食、住、行。他们认同“花钱少,办事多”的生活方式,期待用最小的经济成本追求全方位的品位生活。随着都市“拼”客一族逐渐发展壮大.他们在创造节约消费文化的同时.也给城市公共管理提出了新的课题。本研究于2009年1月以杭州、宁波两地的上班青年为研究个案。通过对9人深度访谈和852人问卷调查,描述了上班青年拼客消费的现状。分析和解释了“拼客”消费呈上升趋势的原因和弊端。  相似文献   

青年的发展与社会经济的发展始终有着千丝万缕的联系。经济的发展不仅催生了青年的概念,促使了青年的社会流动,而且青年的价值观念、行为方式无不打上一个时代社会经济发展的烙印。处在社会转型期的当代中国青年,既享受着经济高速发展带来的机遇,又面临着诸多的问题和困惑。  相似文献   

基于青年民营企业家的经济心态调查发现,在现状认知上,其宏观经济和行业经济评价乐观,财税制度和政务处理评价较低,资税和人地成本问题是阻碍民营经济发展的市场因素,政商关系认知处于总体正面、轻度不平衡不对等的状态。在情感体验上,经济自豪感和经营自立感强,竞争与合作中情感倾向由"控制式"迈向"共享式",也存在不公平、不安全和懈怠感等情感体验。在行为意向上,其公司发展规划趋于乐观且谨慎;在价值取向上,其个人角色与经营理念定位呈现传统与现代的分化。基于此,应从体制政策、市场环境、文化价值和政商边界等四方面优化青年民营企业家经济心态。  相似文献   

Drug Trafficking and Urban African American Youth: Risk Factors for PTSD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines how African American youths (ages 12–17) who are raised in neighborhoods that are centers for illegal drug trade and drug dealing (trafficking, running) cope with violent events such as shooting, stabbings and other intentional injuries. Using qualitative research methods, the study explores urban youths' perceptions of drug trafficking and related activities in their neighborhoods. The study then explores issues of personal encounters with traumatic events related to drug trafficking activities (shootings, stabbings, deaths, other violence) in their community. Finally, the study discusses implications of findings for risk and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) among these youths.  相似文献   

The present study examines exposure to adversity as a predictor of psychological distress and risk behavior among 266 elementary students in 14 low income neighborhood schools in Chicago. Two indices of adversity exposure were created, reflecting neighborhood, school, and peer group risk (NSP) and the lack of protective resources within the family and neighborhood (LPR). Regression analyses investigated these indices as independent and potentially interacting predictors of self-reported symptoms of depression and anxiety, frequency of substance use, and involvement in violence-related behavior. The LPR index was found to be a linear predictor of greater reported anxiety and exhibited a significant curvilinear association with reports of depression, substance use, and violence-related behavior. Similarly, the NSP index was a linear predictor of greater reported levels of substance use and violence-related behavior. Significant interaction between the two indices was found. Implications for research and school clinicians (social workers and psychologists) are offered.  相似文献   

城市青年隐婚现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如今在城市青年中,有越来越多的人选择隐瞒自己的已婚事实,而以单身面目出现在各种场合,这种现象引发人们的思考。本文从多方面分析了隐婚现象的特点,其之所以出现的动机和条件,并从隐私权、生活方式选择、婚姻质量问题和劳动用工制度的改良四个角度对之进行了分析。  相似文献   

当前,“80后”正值婚恋高峰期。在改革开放和多元时代下成长起来的“80后”在恋爱观、择偶观、性观念和婚姻观上有着自己独特鲜明的看法。他们直白朴素的恋爱观、多元务实的择偶观、热情与保守相交织的性观念以及“个人主义”的婚姻观,不仅直接影响着个体对未来婚姻、家庭的责任和义务的承担,而且还间接影响着整个社会的主流婚恋价值观趋势。对“80后”婚恋观现状及其原因的探讨,有利于“80后”树立起正确的婚恋观,实现婚姻家庭幸福;有利于社会稳定及和谐社会的构建:更有利于实现中华民族的伟大复兴。  相似文献   

In this article, the concept of lifestyle is traced to its early roots in personality psychology and in marketing. In the latter field, many commercial marketing firms have made strong claims as to the explanatory power of lifestyle dimensions, often based on procedures which have been kept secret, but researchers have seldom been able to verify such claims. In spite of this, the approach is very popular, has wide credibility and is often given very favorable media coverage. Probably because of this, it is often considered as a very important and promising approach by administrators working with the regulation of risk and risk communication. It may also be credible in some quarters because it affords a way of ‘explaining’ risk perception as being non-rational. In this paper, we give results from an empirical study of nuclear waste risk perception which is related to a basic risk perception model and three approaches to lifestyles: Kahle's List of Values, a Swedish adaptation of the ‘Agoramétrie’ approach suggested by a group of French researchers, and Dake and Wildavsky's Cultural Theory dimensions. It was found that nuclear waste risk perception could be modeled successfully with risk attitudes and perception data (basic model about 65% of the variance explained), but that lifestyle dimensions added virtually nothing to the explanatory power of the model. Lifestyle dimensions in isolation only explained a minor part of the variance.  相似文献   

Using data from Wave 1 (n = 5,070) and Wave 2 (n = 4,404) of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we examined the relationship between cumulative risk exposure and youth problem behavior. Cross‐sectional analyses revealed a positive, linear association between cumulative risk and problem behaviors. The association between cumulative risk and externalizing problems was stronger for White youth than for Black youth. The association between cumulative risk and internalizing problems was stronger for girls than for boys, and stronger for White youth than for Black and Hispanic youth. Cumulative risk predicted change over time in internalizing problems. Findings support the theoretical notion that adolescents experience diminished psychological comfort when risk factors are present across several social domains.  相似文献   

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