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我国从1993年开始在《中国统计年鉴》上公布缄镇登记失业率的统计数据,数据结果受到学界以及国际社会的广泛质疑,究其原因在于所运用的失业统计指标的内涵不准确、外延过窄、指标单一和时效性差。文章在分析上述各种缺陷的基础上,有针对性地提出了参照国际标准和结合我国实际情况重新界定失业人员的定义,构建主要指标和辅助指标相配套的失业统计指标体系等改进方法。  相似文献   

建立市场经济体系和加入WTO使我国经济面临结构调整,失业现象日趋突出。我国现行失业统计指标存在诸多问题:失业率指标仅为城镇登记失业率,统计范围较为狭窄;失业人口统计口径仅限于城镇,没有包括农村失业人口;失业统计只有失业人数和失业率两个指标,指标太少,结构单一。文章针对上述问题进行了分析,并提出了重建我国失业统计指标体系的方法。  相似文献   

失业统计方法的缺失与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国在相当长一段时间内一直使用"待业"这一概念,直到1994年,才将"城镇待业"改为"城镇失业",正式启用了"失业"和"失业率"的概念,并公开发布城镇登记失业人数和城镇登记失业率.自1996年起,国家统计局开始建立城镇劳动力情况抽样调查制度,按季向政府和社会提供城镇劳动力就业和失业数据.目前我国的失业率统计主要采用两种方法,即城镇登记失业事和调查失业率,城镇登记失业率由劳动保障部提供,调查失业率的数据来源于人口普查和抽样调查.  相似文献   

本文利用人口普查中失业调查的城镇失业率对历年的城镇登记失业率进行调整计算,得出作者认为的我国城镇真实失业率,并在此基础上,通过计算城镇真实失业率与社会经济发展水平之间的协调度,对我国城镇失业水平的适度性进行分析,认为我国的失业—经济协调度周期性特征明显,且与GDP增长率之间具有较强的相关关系。  相似文献   

中国失业问题的简便测量   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
熊祖辕  喻东 《统计研究》2004,21(7):56-3
我国的失业状况究竟怎么样,目前到达了何等程度,失业率到底是多少,失业人数到底有多少,许多专家和学者提出了多种测算方法,其实,应用一些简便的测算方法反而更符合实际状况。  一、城镇失业率的一种参考测算方法在我国目前的现实经济生活中,关于失业率的数据众说纷纭,莫衷一是,低的只有3%左右,高的近30 % ,给我们认识和控制失业问题带来了很大困难。鉴于这种情况,本文拟结合已有的失业率统计资料,采取适当的方法对我国的失业率和失业人数进行推算。(一)现行失业统计存在的问题在我国城镇失业统计的实践中,存在三种不同的方法。一是劳动部…  相似文献   

我国城镇登记失业率指标稳定在4%左右,难以较为准确反映就业动态;而劳动力调查样本量有限,城镇调查失业率对省以下各级行政区域代表性不足。本文将针对大数据的机器学习算法与针对传统统计数据的核算思想结合起来,基于某四百万人口城市2016—2018年的全样本行政大数据,利用机器学习算法,对每个城镇居民每个月的就业状态进行预测,再利用统计核算方法,估计出该城市的失业率。在个人层面,本文的模型在样本外测试集上的准确率达到96.7%。经过统计核算加总,本文估计的当地失业率在合理区间范围内,并表现出明显的周期性特征,对就业形势动态变化的刻画明显优于当地一年发布一次的登记失业率数据。本文基于个人层面的预测结果,进一步探讨了当地失业人口 的性别与文化程度特征,以及再就业的时间规律。本文针对如何使用行政大数据辅助经济决策提出了新的范式,对大数据时代如何理解经济与制定政策具有参考意义。  相似文献   

我国的失业率同世界大多数国家相比是很低的。但是通过深入比较研究,我们可以发现我国的失业率指标与国际通行的失业率指标在统计概念,指标定义,计算口径等方面都存在着很多差异。①我们现在所说的失业率是登记失业率,与美国、日本等西方国家通过有关调查获取的失业率不同。国家把到当地劳动保障部门登记的符合失业条件的人员统计为失业人员,没有登记的不统计为失业人员。②许多人把下岗职工等同于失业人员,应该说两者有相同之处,都实质性的失去了职业,但下岗职工只是离开本企业  相似文献   

建立和健全新的失业统计指标体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在政府和公众面临严重失业问题的今天,统计学如何运用~套统计指标科学地、有效地反映我国的失业情况,从而为制定就业政策、失业安置与保障政策提供科学的依据,这是摆在统计工作者面前的重要课题,本文拟在分析现有失业统计指标与我国失业现状的差距的基础上,借鉴国外有益的经验试图建立健全适合我国国情的失业统计指标体系。一、我国现有的失业统计指标的不足从实际来看,1997年末我国公布的城镇登记的失业率仅3.1%,而1994年美国的失业率为6.3%,欧盟各国平均失业率则为121%。就国际通行标准来判断,失业率在5-9%为失业较轻,2…  相似文献   

陈智 《四川统计》2013,(9):48-48
“错误的数据比没有数据更糟糕” 经济增长率、失业率、通货膨胀率(物价上涨率)和国际收支状况是衡量和判断宏观经济形势的四大指标。其中,我国失业率目前使用公布的是“城镇登记失业率”这一指标。由于该指标与现实脱节,不能客观地反映和描述就业失业状况,长期以来被学者专家和社会舆论批评指责,认为“错误的数据比没有数据更槽糕”。  相似文献   

关于完善我国失业统计指标体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济体制和劳动用工制度的改革,失业问题越来越突出,失业统计面临着极大的挑战。1996年我国打破了过去只统计城镇登记失业人口的统计方式,开始在全国实行城镇劳动力调查制度,重新确定了失业、就业的统计口径和新的调查方法,这无疑使失业统计改革”迈出了坚实的一步。然而,针对我国目前失业现象的成因和特点,如何深化改革,完善失业统计指标体系,仍需统计工作者做出深入的分析和思考,本文拟就此提出一些粗浅的看法。一、失业统计指标体系应具备的功能目前的失业统计指标体系仍然是针对城镇劳动力调查而设计的,没有涉及农村…  相似文献   

Worker flows to and from unemployment occur at all stages of the U.S. business cycle. The flows' dynamics affect the dynamics of the unemployment rate. This article studies the dynamics of unemployment flows and the unemployment rate and explores and documents changes over time. Rigorous diagnostic tests are used to investigate the structural stability of projectional relationships involving flows and the unemployment rate.  相似文献   

This article estimates how demographic changes in the composition of the labor force affect the unemployment rate in the United States. In addition to the effect from changes in the weights of the individual groups composing the total, the impact of compositional changes on the individual unemployment rates is estimated by using a dummy-variables model and incorporated into the estimate on the overall unemployment rate. The results suggest that the incorporation of the latter effect is significant. Indedd, the estimates presented in this article are almost twice as high as those provided by the fixed-weight method used in previous studies.  相似文献   

Summary: We compare information on the length of unemployment spells contained in the IAB employment subsample (IABS) and in the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). Due to the lack of information on registered unemployment in the IABS, we use two proxies of unemployment in the IABS as introduced by Fitzenberger/Wilke (2004). The first proxy comprises all periods of nonemployment after an employment spell which contain at least one period with unemployment compensation transfers. The second proxy includes all episodes between two employment spells during which an individual continuously received unemployment benefits. Estimation of standard duration models indicates that conclusions drawn from the IABS and the GSOEP differ in many cases. While the GSOEP suggests that the hazard rate has a maximum at about 12 months of unemployment, the IABS results suggest that this maximum is at about 20 months. Contrary to our GSOEP results and contrary to many results based on the GSOEP found in the literature, we find a statistically significant association between longer maximum entitlement periods of unemployment benefits (‘Arbeitslosengeld’) and longer unemployment durations for men in the IABS. The results for women do not show such clear patterns. The large sample size of the IABS also allows to trace out statistically significant effects of characteristics such as regional and industry indicators, which is generally not possible in the relatively small GSOEP. * Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the editors of this special issue, Joachim M?ller and Bernd Fitzenberger, two anonymous referees, the participants of the ‘Statistische Woche 2004’ in Frankfurt (in particular Reinhard Hujer, Olaf Hübler and Gerd Ronning), seminar participants at the ZEW Mannheim (especially Fran?ois Laisney and Alexander Spermann) and Jennifer Hunt for their many helpful comments and suggestions. All remaining errors are our own. Financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the research project ‘Microeconometric modelling of unemployment durations under consideration of the macroeconomic situation’ is gratefully acknowledged. The data used in this paper were made available by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) at the Federal Labour Office of Germany, Nürnberg, and the German Socio Economic Panel Study (GSOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Berlin.  相似文献   

近年来,中国的就业形势日趋严峻,采取有效措施缓解就业压力成为全社会关注的问题;同时,自从2006年底,物价悄然上涨,出现了通货膨胀的苗头。以动态最优化的方法解出通货膨胀和失业率的关系,再用计算机模拟了不同参数值时通货膨胀政策对降低周期性失业率的效果并不明显,得出结论:应该更加关注降低自然失业率,这是通货膨胀政策所解决不了的。  相似文献   

Using spatial econometric models, this paper focuses attention on the spatial structure of provincial unemployment disparities of Italian provinces for the year 2003. On the basis of findings from the economic literature and of the available socio-economic data, various model specifications including supply- and demand-side variables are tested. Further we use ESDA analysis as equivalent to integration analysis on time series; therefore it is applied on each variable, dependent and independent, involved in the statistical model. The suggestions of ESDA lead us to the most adequate statistical model, which estimates indicate that there is a significant degree of neighbouring effect (i.e. positive spatial correlation) among labour markets at the provincial level in Italy; this effect is present notwithstanding we controlled for local characteristics. The unemployment shows a polarized spatial pattern that is strongly connected to labour demand and to a much lesser extent to the share of young population and economic structural composition.  相似文献   

We show how register data combined at person-level with survey data can be used to conduct a novel type of nonresponse analysis in a panel survey. The availability of register data provides a unique opportunity to directly test the type of the missingness mechanism as well as estimate the size of bias due to initial nonresponse and attrition. We are also able to study in-depth the determinants of initial nonresponse and attrition. We use the Finnish subset of the European Community Household Panel (FI ECHP) data combined with register panel data and unemployment spells as outcome variables of interest. Our results show that initial nonresponse and attrition are clearly different processes driven by different background variables. Both the initial nonresponse and attrition mechanisms are nonignorable with respect to analysis of unemployment spells. Finally, our results suggest that initial nonresponse may play a role at least as important as attrition in causing bias. This result challenges the common view of attrition being the main threat to the value of panel data.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show the flexibility and capacity of penalized spline smoothing as estimation routine for modelling duration time data. We analyse the unemployment behaviour in Germany between 2000 and 2004 using a massive database from the German Federal Employment Agency. To investigate dynamic covariate effects and differences between competing job markets depending on the distance between former and recent working place, a functional duration time model with competing risks is used. It is build upon a competing hazard function where some of the smooth covariate effects are allowed to vary with unemployment duration. The focus of our analysis is on contrasting the spatial, economic and individual covariate effects of the competing job markets and on analysing their general influence on the unemployed's re-employment probabilities. As a result of our analyses, we reveal differences concerning gender, age and education. We also discover an effect between the newly formed and the old West German states. Moreover, the spatial pattern between the considered job markets differs.  相似文献   

Since departures from the classical assumptions regarding the disturbances in a linear tegression model arise frequently in empirical application, deveral computationally Straightforward procedutes are presented in this paper for testiog non-nested models when the disturbances of these models follow first- or higher-order autoregressive processes. Anempirical example is used to illustrate how the procedures may be used to test competing Keynesian and New Classical non-nested models of unemployment for the U.S using annual time series data for 1955-85.  相似文献   

Three Mixed Proportional Hazard models for estimation of unemployment duration when attrition is present are considered. The virtue of these models is that they take account of dependence between failure times in a multivariate failure time distribution context. However, identification in dependent competing risks models is not straightforward. We show that these models, independently derived, are special cases of a general frailty model. It is also demonstrated that the three models are identified by means of identification of the general model. An empirical example illustrates the approach to model dependent failure times.  相似文献   

我国失业统计的改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶世芳 《统计研究》1998,15(3):33-35
目前我国失业和就业不足的现象已普通存在,并已引起政府和社会各界的高度重视。近年来,我国公布的失业率数字一直在3%以内,同世界大多数国家相比,我国是低失业率的国家。但是,我国的失业率与国际通行标准在统计概念、指标定义、调查方法方面存在着诸多差异。全面分析这些差异、改进我国的失业统计,对我国宏观经济政策的指导和社会主义市场经济体制的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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