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2005年8月,四川省政府办公厅向各市(州)人民政府、省级各部门下发了《关于加强部门统计工作的通知》,要求提高对部门统计工作的认识、健全部门综合统计机构、加快部门统计工作现代化建设。同时,要求统计局加强对部门统计工作的管理。随后,省统计局主持召开了省级部门统计工作会  相似文献   

1993年10月,在新加坡上学的美国青年费伊,伙同8名同学,用油漆喷涂18辆停放在路边的小轿车,拆换汽车牌照,并向过往车辆投掷鸡蛋,被新加坡政府依法逮捕。1994年3月3日,费伊在法庭上伏法认罪,被判入狱4个月,罚款3300美元,另加鞭刑6鞭。判词当庭宣布,吓得费伊当场目瞪口呆,惊得费母当众嚎啕大哭。且不说4个月监禁多么难耐难熬,三千三美金多么心疼肉疼,单是那打一鞭皮开肉绽,打两鞭魂飞魄散的用浸了水的雷公藤做成的6记藤鞭,就能够震撼一下费伊的人心,也可以对费伊们产生一点“处理一案,教育一片”的小小的震慑作用的。费伊一案,一经宣判,美国上…  相似文献   

我们把这篇文章推荐给一切关心统计工作计算技术现代化的同志.此文的内容是从实践中概括出来的,所以,对于我们开阔思路、改进统计工作有一定的参考价值.文字虽长一些,但生动通俗,可以一口气读完.  相似文献   

仲秋的广州,仍暖流涌动。来自全国各省(区、市)的统计系统办公室主任们会聚一堂,共同探讨在新时期怎样做好办公室工作。在短短的两天里,大家聆听了国家统计局朱向东副局长的重要讲话,听取了国家统计局办公室副主任韩安国、资料管理中心主任翟艳的工作部署,在国家统计局办公室主任谢鸿光语重心长的总结讲话中体味着办公室工作的种种感触,在兄弟省市的经验交流中思考着自身工作的短长,一些新到任的办公室主任纷纷表示,这次会议开得及时,学到了真经。同时,建议今后多提供这样的学习、交流机会。会议是成功的。正如谢鸿光主任所言:时间虽短,但取…  相似文献   

本刊讯:全国统计工作会议结束后,各地区、各部门积极组织传达贯彻。绝大多数代表回去后都及时向本地区、本部门的领导作了汇报。截至10月中旬,已经或正在召开会议传达贯彻的有山西、辽宁、吉林、山东、福建、江西等省;部分地区正在做好召开会议的准备工作,青海、河南、江苏等省已发出通知,要求地县市做好准备。许多地区、部门计划把传达贯彻全国会议精神与布置1983年统计年报、1984年定期统计报表的工作结合一起进行。下面是一些地区、部门传达贯彻的情况。  相似文献   

初春3月,沐浴着温暖的阳光,全省、市、州、县300多名统计工作者相聚成都,交流经验,畅谈未来.借此机会,围绕着新世纪统计工作的改革与发展,创新与突破等问题,记者采访了部分与会代表.  相似文献   

《中国统计》宣传工作会议的全体代表:你们好!欣闻《中国统计》宣传工作会议在黑龙江召开,本想到会和大家一起,共同探讨《中国统计》宣传工作议题,由于需要参加西部地区经济社会发展的考察活动,不能到会,深感遗憾。借此机会,请允许我代表国家统计局和《中国统计》专家指导委员会,向《中国统计》宣传工作会议的召开,表示热烈的祝贺!可以说,《中国统计》与国家统计局同生共息,新中国统计的历史赋予了她宣传统计的神圣使命。作为国家统计局的机关刊物,《中国统计》对推动统计的改革与发展,培养统计人才起到了不可替代的重要作用,尤其是近些年,…  相似文献   

根据7月31日止广西、贵州等19个省区的报告,参加全国省市统计工作保定现场会议的各地代表回去后,都及时地将会议精神向党政领导作了汇报,并在统计干部中进行了传达和布置.目前,各地统计部门正在党的领导下,依靠群众,鼓足干劲,力争上游,为实现向毛主席提出的“苦战三个月,实现全国统计工作大改革、大跃进”的保证而奋斗.  相似文献   

吴辉 《统计研究》1986,3(2):75-80
一、实际收入变化统计 一个国家内各类人在一定时期中实际收入的变化情况,是一个受到普遍关注的问题。荷兰中央统计局的沃特尔·J·凯勒尔(Wouter J·Keller)等人在《荷兰住户1977—1983年间实际收入的变化》一文中,介绍了他们对这个问题的研究结果。 在荷兰,人们的收入主要由以下几部分组成:(1)工资、薪金等劳务收入;(2)利润;(3)转移收入;(4)养老金、抚恤金;(5)资本收入;(6)自有房屋的假定租金;(7)房租津贴。  相似文献   

周迎 《中国统计》2002,(8):23-23
在新疆乌鲁木齐市沙依巴克区统计局,美国人科克·默文(Kirk Merwin)是一个耳熟能详的名字,这个金发碧眼、戴着斯文眼镜、一身旅行装束的外国人总会定期出现在统计局。或许是受《马可·波罗游记》的影响,科克·默文先生和他新疆维吾尔族夫人在沙区开了一家很有中国西部韵味的公司—新疆丝路商务咨询公司,专门从事公司、宾馆员工的英语培训。公司只有3、4个人,年收入不高。因为他的公司很小、很中国味,也因为他的与众不同,人们很容易记住了他的名字,却很少有人记得他公司的全称。这样的公司在中国真的很不起眼,如果计算起GDP来,丝…  相似文献   

Open Dialog     
Libraries have been building publishing programs in increasing numbers, with motivations including the needs of local authors and editors and the desire to positively impact scholarly communications. Library publishers offer diverse services, depending on their goals and capabilities. In this column, two librarians involved in managing publishing services profile their institutions' respective programs. Efforts aimed at increasing library–publisher cooperation and education are briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

论图书馆咨询服务工作的革新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对图书馆咨询服务工作发展的要求,提出了电话咨询、重点咨询、网络咨询、"镜像"咨询、聘专家咨询等方式方法,力求为用户提供更快、更金、更深、更准的信息服务.  相似文献   


This article is based on a presentation from the 2019 North Carolina Serials Conference that described the changing nature of the mentor/mentee relationship in the face of shrinking budgets, downsized technical services departments, and the profession-wide commitment to recruiting librarians at an earlier stage in their professional career. Mentors have had to focus more on the training aspect of said relationships than they did in the past in order to create a fully autonomous colleague. In the presentation, we shared our goals, challenges, and experiences as mentor and mentee in this new paradigm.  相似文献   


In examining data transfer challenges from both librarian and publisher perspectives, this article based on a NC Serials Conference presentation calls for proactive industry communication across publisher, library, and discovery service channels. The authors discuss the importance of collaborative communication across the industry.  相似文献   

专家咨询约束下的最大方差权数计算法姜国麟刘弘朱平芳ABSTRACTAmethodtodeterminetheweightsinacompositeevaluationofmultindicatorsisaddressed.Thismethodover...  相似文献   

Given the increasing level and scope of biostatistics expertise needed at academic health centers today, we developed best practices guidelines for biostatistics units to be more effective in providing biostatistical support to their institutions, and in fostering an environment in which unit members can thrive professionally. Our recommendations focus on the key areas of: (1) funding sources and mechanisms; (2) providing and prioritizing access to biostatistical resources; and (3) interacting with investigators. We recommend that the leadership of biostatistics units negotiate for sufficient long-term infrastructure support to ensure stability and continuity of funding for personnel, align project budgets closely with actual level of biostatistical effort, devise and consistently apply strategies for prioritizing and tracking effort on studies, and clearly stipulate with investigators prior to project initiation policies regarding funding, lead time, and authorship.  相似文献   

Many schools offer a statistical collaboration curriculum using standard instructional methods such as lectures whereby students are taught to successfully apply their training. The process of building statisticians' collaborative skills and characteristics can be challenging due to logistical issues, time constraints, unstructured research problems, and resources. Instructors vary in their pedagogy and topics taught, and students' experiences vary. There is a dearth of literature describing how to implement a course integrating communication skills, critical thinking, collaboration, and the integration of team members in a learner-centered format. Few courses integrate behavior-based learning using role-playing, video demonstration and feedback, case-based teaching activities, and presentation of basic statistical concepts. We have developed and implemented a two-semester biostatistics collaboration course, of which the purpose is to develop the students' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors necessary to interact effectively with investigators. Our innovative curriculum uses a multimodal, project-based, experiential process to address real-world problems provided by real and/or simulated collaborators while minimizing usual challenges. Rubrics and peer evaluation forms are offered as online supplementary materials. This article describes how a collaboration curriculum focusing on communication and team practice is feasible, how it enhances skill and professionalism, and how it can be implemented at other institutions.  相似文献   

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