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现代民族素质的结构及其相互关系--民族素质研究之三   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从智能素质在民族素质结构中的作用、体能素质与智能素质的关系、智能素质和传统文化及民族历史积淀对民族心理、意识素质的影响等方面,对民族素质的结构及其相互关系进行了开创性的研究.  相似文献   

本文利用丰富的资料,从智能素质和体能素质人手,论述了中国民族素质的发展现状.在对民族素质现状进行分析、评价的基础上,对未来的发展趋势进行了研判.  相似文献   

本文在论述工业革命和知识革命过程的基础上,简要介绍了现代民族素质的发展状况.  相似文献   

本文认为,<民族素质论>的出版,既是对中国民族理论学科研究领域的拓展和深化,又是民族素质研究的标志性成果.它的学术贡献主要有深度探讨了民族素质的概念;全面论述了研究民族素质的意义和其所能发挥的作用;科学地分析了民族素质的形成与发展过程;辩证地阐述了现代民族素质诸结构及其相互关系等.  相似文献   

本文利用丰富的资料,从相关指数、智能素质、体能素质等方面,论述了世界民族素质的发展及其趋势.  相似文献   

论民族素质与民族地区发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对民族地区人口素质的实际情况,阐释了民族素质对民族地区发展的作用及提高民族素质的一些建议。  相似文献   

本文从与发展内涵相关的人类发展的诸项指数、国家实力概念的探讨情况,论述了民族素质在现代发展概念中的重要地位.  相似文献   

本文利用相关资料,论述了民族素质与环境改善的关系,得出了民族素质高低决定环境改善程度的结论。  相似文献   

本文利用丰富的资料,从教育、研究与开发、知识产权保护、开放度等四个方面,对民族素质能量积聚的途径、方式进行了开拓性的研究.  相似文献   

本文扼要介绍了我国民族素质概念的研究历史和状况 ,并对民族素质概念提出了独到的观点  相似文献   

This article addresses a lesser-known part of post-war migration to Europe: the actual trajectories through which guest workers arrived in the countries of destination. Currently, these trajectories are explained through two models: that of large-scale employer recruitment and that of chain migration through personal networks. This article argues, however, that these two explanatory models oversimplify a complex historical reality. First, both models tend to be interpreted rather narrowly. Through an extensive discussion of the many different trajectories of guest workers to the Belgian city of Ghent, this article provides a more diffuse interpretation, focusing on the high degree of complexity within and overlap between them. Second, the existing models do not leave much space for a third category of agents: the so-called migration middlemen. This article places these middlemen in the spotlight, looking at their role as well as at their perception by contemporary actors. By providing a more encompassing picture of the actual migration trajectories of guest workers, of the many actors involved in them, and of the different migration regimes framing them, the article hopes to contribute to a better understanding of the ways in which people move not only in the past but also in the present.  相似文献   

This article engages with Montserrat Guibernau's argument about the ‘non-emotional’ nature of European identity. In critiquing this argument, this article also advances a broader argument of its own: that we are witnessing an emergent European nationalism. The article suggests that although there are few people who passionately defend European integration today, those that do are increasingly resorting to arguments that depend simultaneously on invoking and rejecting collective memories of intra-European conflict derived from the ‘emotive’ period of European integration in the 1940s to shore up the increasingly challenged legitimacy of the European Union today in its hour of greatest crisis.  相似文献   

本文概述了抗日战争时期不同党派、不同领域、不同阶层的回族人民,在反对日本帝国主义侵略,争取中华民族解放的斗争中所作出的巨大贡献。  相似文献   

The article examines the rationality behind the simultaneous enhancement and restriction of mobility of various categories of migrants in the European Union. Through Foucauldian understanding of economic man as a dominant subjectivity in neoliberal risk society, the article shows how the European migration law produces two types of economic men: EU citizens and bogus asylum seekers. Whereas migration of EU citizens is considered not only rational but also moral behaviour, migration of those perceived as bogus asylum seekers is condemned as immoral and irrational. This differing approach towards EU citizens on the one hand, and asylum seekers on the other, constitutes a mode of governing migration in the EU referred in this article as technology of morality.  相似文献   

本文在分析民国初年鄂伦春族传统文化的变化后,指出鄂伦春族的民族文化是动态的文化,是具有自我选择性的与时俱进的文化。  相似文献   

本文详细阐述了现代宇宙学的主要理论和目前存在的主要问题,并进一步探讨了未来发展的可能途径。  相似文献   

朱仙镇伊斯兰教研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文概述了朱仙镇的繁荣过程 ,指出在朱仙镇的繁荣中穆斯林起了不可低估的作用。在伊斯兰教传入朱仙镇的时间上 ,采用了与开封大抵类似的提法 ,只是着重以清真寺的始建时间为标志。本文重点分析了朱仙镇伊斯兰教在明清达到繁荣的原因及繁荣的五项具体表现 ;对朱仙镇清真北寺的文物进行了较为详细的列举介绍。最后简单分析了朱仙镇与开封两地伊斯兰教的关系 ,并对作者将两地分开来进行研究的特定角度作了交代说明  相似文献   

本文论述了 2 0世纪 90年代初的俄罗斯民族关系  相似文献   

本文以汉藏边界地区乐都县中坝藏族乡为个案,对当地汉族民间信仰中的主要神衹及其相关仪式进行了初步调查,期望引起更多人的关注。  相似文献   

论中国少数民族传统文化现状及其走向   总被引:98,自引:0,他引:98  
本文对我国少数民族传统文化的现状和发展趋向作了宏观分析。文章认为 ,改革开放以来现代化的强烈冲击以及国家和社会对少数民族传统文化着力弘扬的双重作用 ,使当前少数民族传统文化呈现出复兴、衰退和变异并存的状况 ;而随着现代化进程的推进 ,尤其是西部大开发的实施和中国加入WTO的完成 ,这种状况将持续存在并加剧或扩展。为此 ,文章提出了正确对待衰退、引导健康变异和促进全面繁荣等应对建议  相似文献   

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