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曹魏时期司马氏霸府的形成与机构设置考论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏晋禅代,司马氏霸府起到了决定性作用。对司马氏霸府的形成及府僚、机构建制、运作方式作了探讨,研究表明其霸府机构设置有三个特点:一是职主禁卫的中卫将军及骁骑将军的设置,二是参战的设立,三是霸府诸曹十分完备。其运作方式主要表现为朝官的幕僚化、霸府僚佐的官与职之间权限界定上保持着相当的含混性两个方面。  相似文献   

The paper uses the Hungarian Generations and Gender Survey ‘Turning Points in the Life-course’ (HGGS) to describe recent changes in union formation, onset of childbearing, leaving home and cohabitation. By estimating survivor functions and semi-parametric hazard regression models with time-varying covariates for the timing of first union and first birth, we find a long delay among the youngest cohorts, but also remarkably strong period effects. Reduced employment, increased educational enrolment, and a higher level of uncertainty are important drivers behind these changes. Moreover, our evidence suggests that certain policy changes during the transition have exacerbated this effect, having an asymmetric impact on family formation – depending on the social status of individuals.Aassve, A., Billari, F. C. et Spéder, Zs., 2006. Société en transition, changements de politiques et formation de la famille: le cas de la Hongrie. Revue europé enne de démographie 22: 127–152.  相似文献   

家乘谱牒是我国许多民族记载家族历史的重要方式。与汉族家谱相比较,回族家谱具有一定的特色。回族家谱历来被学界所看重,是回族研究的宝贵资料,在探究回族渊源、回族宗法制度、回族婚姻等方面具有很高的史料价值。  相似文献   

图书馆常用条形码CODE39的打印设计及实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前图书馆自动化系统中条形码多采用 39码 ,文章介绍了 39码的编码原理及特点 ,打印设计方法及简短的VisualC + +程序代码。  相似文献   

家庭教育的特点及实施素质教育的原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在分析了我国现代家庭教育的灵活性、针对性和社会性等特点的基础上,提出了在家庭教育中实施积极暗示,正面教育;理智施爱,爱而有度;立足家庭,面向社会等素质教育的十项原则.  相似文献   

Gender role attitudes andfamily formation are related in a dynamicprocess. In this paper both substantive as wellas methodological issues are raised. At thesubstantive level we demonstrate that attitudesinfluence family formation in terms ofcommitment to particular states. Emancipatorygender roles increase the likelihood of singleliving or cohabitation. Remaining in thatparticular situation for at least two yearsimplies that these women further develop theiremancipatory attitudes. `Traditional' forms offamily living, such as being married or being amother, are related to traditional familyvalues. At the methodological level, it isobvious that only panel data allow broachingthe issue. We propose a log-linear path modelwith latent variables that allows takingmeasurement error into account. The designitself resembles a non-equivalent control groupdesign.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate (1) the mutualcausal relationship between first unionformation and first childbirth, and (2) theexistence of constant unmeasured determinantsshared by these two events. We argue that thesedeterminants mainly consist of valueorientations that are heterogeneous in thepopulation. We apply event-history techniquesto retrospective survey data on Spain, allowingfor unobserved heterogeneity components whichsimultaneously affect the two processes. Ourfindings confirm the existence of a strongselection effect, which influences both unionformation and first birth. When controlling forthese shared factors, we find that the risk ofconception increases immediately at marriage,and it continues to be high during thefollowing four years. Entry into cohabitation,in contrast, produces a much smaller increasein the relative risk of conception. The effectof conception on union formation isparticularly strong during pregnancy, but itdeclines sharply after delivery.  相似文献   

在“五四”新文化大背景下 ,白马湖作家群聚集在白马湖畔 ,他们中有很多作家都是文学研究会的成员 ,但他们没有响亮的口号 ,也没有鲜明的旗帜 ,他们创作的作品冲淡平和 ,有着独特而鲜明的个性。白马湖作家群是一个内涵丰富、特征鲜明、成就卓著的作家群体。中国现代文学并不缺乏对这些作家的个案研究 ,却忽略了对他们进行群体性的研究。本文从“白马湖作家群”的形成和发展轨迹这一角度 ,对白马湖作家群作了探索性研究。  相似文献   

我国家族上市公司的最终控制人多数采用金字塔结构实现对上市公司的超额控制,现金流量权和控制权的分离程度较为严重。以2002-2004年家族上市公司为研究样本,论文实证考察了家族上市公司所处地区的法律环境及金字塔结构与"掏空"行为之间的关系。研究结果表明,控制性家族"掏空"上市公司的概率与其拥有的现金流量权显著负相关,与现金流量权和控制权的分离程度正相关;同时,较高的法治水平能够有效地遏制控制性家族的"掏空"行为。因此,建立一个有效的股东权利保护机制,同时完善家族上市公司的现金流量权和控制权结构,对于推进公司治理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

重大突发事件中的舆论形成是一个复杂的过程,在引导正确舆论时,要以马克思主义新闻观的核心理论及习近平新闻舆论重要思想为指导,把准其形成机制,创新思维方式,以破解形势不明、百姓关切、思想多元、定力不够等难题;通过内化于心地坚持党的领导、坚定文化自信,外化于行地担当大国责任、发挥舆论传播实效,指引重大突发事件的舆论向着主流意识形态发展,更加高效地做好舆论引导工作。  相似文献   

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