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The Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) were introduced to overcome the constraint of a geometric sojourn time distribution for the different hidden states in the classical hidden Markov models. Several variations of HSMMs were proposed that model the sojourn times by a parametric or a nonparametric family of distributions. In this article, we concentrate our interest on the nonparametric case where the duration distributions are attached to transitions and not to states as in most of the published papers in HSMMs. Therefore, it is worth noticing that here we treat the underlying hidden semi-Markov chain in its general probabilistic structure. In that case, Barbu and Limnios (2008 Barbu , V. , Limnios , N. ( 2008 ). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications: Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis . New York : Springer . [Google Scholar]) proposed an Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm in order to estimate the semi-Markov kernel and the emission probabilities that characterize the dynamics of the model. In this article, we consider an improved version of Barbu and Limnios' EM algorithm which is faster than the original one. Moreover, we propose a stochastic version of the EM algorithm that achieves comparable estimates with the EM algorithm in less execution time. Some numerical examples are provided which illustrate the efficient performance of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

Hidden Markov models (HMMs) have been shown to be a flexible tool for modelling complex biological processes. However, choosing the number of hidden states remains an open question and the inclusion of random effects also deserves more research, as it is a recent addition to the fixed-effect HMM in many application fields. We present a Bayesian mixed HMM with an unknown number of hidden states and fixed covariates. The model is fitted using reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo, avoiding the need to select the number of hidden states. We show through simulations that the estimations produced are more precise than those from a fixed-effect HMM and illustrate its practical application to the analysis of DNA copy number data, a field where HMMs are widely used.  相似文献   

The hidden Markov model (HMM) provides an attractive framework for modeling long-term persistence in a variety of applications including pattern recognition. Unlike typical mixture models, hidden Markov states can represent the heterogeneity in data and it can be extended to a multivariate case using a hierarchical Bayesian approach. This article provides a nonparametric Bayesian modeling approach to the multi-site HMM by considering stick-breaking priors for each row of an infinite state transition matrix. This extension has many advantages over a parametric HMM. For example, it can provide more flexible information for identifying the structure of the HMM than parametric HMM analysis, such as the number of states in HMM. We exploit a simulation example and a real dataset to evaluate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

In unsupervised classification, Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are used to account for a neighborhood structure between observations. The emission distributions are often supposed to belong to some parametric family. In this paper, a semiparametric model where the emission distributions are a mixture of parametric distributions is proposed to get a higher flexibility. We show that the standard EM algorithm can be adapted to infer the model parameters. For the initialization step, starting from a large number of components, a hierarchical method to combine them into the hidden states is proposed. Three likelihood-based criteria to select the components to be combined are discussed. To estimate the number of hidden states, BIC-like criteria are derived. A simulation study is carried out both to determine the best combination between the combining criteria and the model selection criteria and to evaluate the accuracy of classification. The proposed method is also illustrated using a biological dataset from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. A R package HMMmix is freely available on the CRAN.  相似文献   

Hidden Markov models form an extension of mixture models which provides a flexible class of models exhibiting dependence and a possibly large degree of variability. We show how reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques can be used to estimate the parameters as well as the number of components of a hidden Markov model in a Bayesian framework. We employ a mixture of zero-mean normal distributions as our main example and apply this model to three sets of data from finance, meteorology and geomagnetism.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the analysis of a time series comprising the eruption inter‐arrival times of the Old Faithful geyser in 2009. The series is much longer than other well‐documented ones and thus gives a more comprehensive insight into the dynamics of the geyser. Basic hidden Markov models with gamma state‐dependent distributions and several extensions are implemented. In order to better capture the stochastic dynamics exhibited by Old Faithful, the different non‐standard models under consideration seek to increase the flexibility of the basic models in various ways: (i) by allowing non‐geometric distributions for the times spent in the different states; (ii) by increasing the memory of the underlying Markov chain, with or without assuming additional structure implied by mixture transition distribution models; and (iii) by incorporating feedback from the observation process on the latent process. In each case it is shown how the likelihood can be formulated as a matrix product which can be conveniently maximized numerically.  相似文献   

While the literature on multivariate models for continuous data flourishes, there is a lack of models for multivariate counts. We aim to contribute to this framework by extending the well known class of univariate hidden Markov models to the multidimensional case, by introducing multivariate Poisson hidden Markov models. Each state of the extended model is associated with a different multivariate discrete distribution. We consider different distributions with Poisson marginals, starting from the multivariate Poisson distribution and then extending to copula based distributions to allow flexible dependence structures. An EM type algorithm is developed for maximum likelihood estimation. A real data application is presented to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed models. In particular, we apply the models to the occurrence of strong earthquakes (surface wave magnitude ≥5), in three seismogenic subregions in the broad region of the North Aegean Sea for the time period from 1 January 1981 to 31 December 2008. Earthquakes occurring in one subregion may trigger events in adjacent ones and hence the observed time series of events are cross‐correlated. It is evident from the results that the three subregions interact with each other at times differing by up to a few months. This migration of seismic activity is captured by the model as a transition to a state of higher seismicity.  相似文献   

Normality and independence of error terms are typical assumptions for partial linear models. However, these assumptions may be unrealistic in many fields, such as economics, finance and biostatistics. In this paper, a Bayesian analysis for partial linear model with first-order autoregressive errors belonging to the class of the scale mixtures of normal distributions is studied in detail. The proposed model provides a useful generalization of the symmetrical linear regression model with independent errors, since the distribution of the error term covers both correlated and thick-tailed distributions, and has a convenient hierarchical representation allowing easy implementation of a Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme. In order to examine the robustness of the model against outlying and influential observations, a Bayesian case deletion influence diagnostics based on the Kullback–Leibler (K–L) divergence is presented. The proposed method is applied to monthly and daily returns of two Chilean companies.  相似文献   

Functional linear models are useful in longitudinal data analysis. They include many classical and recently proposed statistical models for longitudinal data and other functional data. Recently, smoothing spline and kernel methods have been proposed for estimating their coefficient functions nonparametrically but these methods are either intensive in computation or inefficient in performance. To overcome these drawbacks, in this paper, a simple and powerful two-step alternative is proposed. In particular, the implementation of the proposed approach via local polynomial smoothing is discussed. Methods for estimating standard deviations of estimated coefficient functions are also proposed. Some asymptotic results for the local polynomial estimators are established. Two longitudinal data sets, one of which involves time-dependent covariates, are used to demonstrate the approach proposed. Simulation studies show that our two-step approach improves the kernel method proposed by Hoover and co-workers in several aspects such as accuracy, computational time and visual appeal of the estimators.  相似文献   

We consider the development of Bayesian Nonparametric methods for product partition models such as Hidden Markov Models and change point models. Our approach uses a Mixture of Dirichlet Process (MDP) model for the unknown sampling distribution (likelihood) for the observations arising in each state and a computationally efficient data augmentation scheme to aid inference. The method uses novel MCMC methodology which combines recent retrospective sampling methods with the use of slice sampler variables. The methodology is computationally efficient, both in terms of MCMC mixing properties, and robustness to the length of the time series being investigated. Moreover, the method is easy to implement requiring little or no user-interaction. We apply our methodology to the analysis of genomic copy number variation.  相似文献   

Multistate capture-recapture models are a natural generalization of the usual one-site recapture models. Similarly, individuals are sampled on discrete occasions, at which they may be captured or not. However, contrary to the one-site case, the individuals can move within a finite set of states between occasions. The growing interest in spatial aspects of population dynamics presently contributes to making multistate models a very promising tool for population biology. We review first the interest and the potential of multistate models, in particular when they are used with individual states as well as geographical sites. Multistate models indeed constitute canonical capture-recapture models for individual categorical covariates changing over time, and can be linked to longitudinal studies with missing data and models such as hidden Markov chains. Multistate models also provide a promising tool for handling heterogeneity of capture, provided states related to capturability can be defined and used. Such an approach could be relevant for population size estimation in closed populations. Multistate models also constitute a natural framework for mixtures of information in individual history data. Presently, most models can be fit using program MARK. As an example, we present a canonical model for multisite accession to reproduction, which fully generalizes a classical one-site model. In the generalization proposed, one can estimate simultaneously age-dependent rates of accession to reproduction, natal and breeding dispersal. Finally, we discuss further generalizations - such as a multistate generalization of growth rate models and models for data where the state in which an individual is detected is known with uncertainty - and prospects for software development.  相似文献   

Multistate recapture models: modelling incomplete individual histories   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multistate capture-recapture models are a natural generalization of the usual one-site recapture models. Similarly, individuals are sampled on discrete occasions, at which they may be captured or not. However, contrary to the one-site case, the individuals can move within a finite set of states between occasions. The growing interest in spatial aspects of population dynamics presently contributes to making multistate models a very promising tool for population biology. We review first the interest and the potential of multistate models, in particular when they are used with individual states as well as geographical sites. Multistate models indeed constitute canonical capture-recapture models for individual categorical covariates changing over time, and can be linked to longitudinal studies with missing data and models such as hidden Markov chains. Multistate models also provide a promising tool for handling heterogeneity of capture, provided states related to capturability can be defined and used. Such an approach could be relevant for population size estimation in closed populations. Multistate models also constitute a natural framework for mixtures of information in individual history data. Presently, most models can be fit using program MARK. As an example, we present a canonical model for multisite accession to reproduction, which fully generalizes a classical one-site model. In the generalization proposed, one can estimate simultaneously age-dependent rates of accession to reproduction, natal and breeding dispersal. Finally, we discuss further generalizations - such as a multistate generalization of growth rate models and models for data where the state in which an individual is detected is known with uncertainty - and prospects for software development.  相似文献   

In this article, dichotomous variables are used to compare between linear and nonlinear Bayesian structural equation models. Gibbs sampling method is applied for estimation and model comparison. Statistical inferences that involve estimation of parameters and their standard deviations and residuals analysis for testing the selected model are discussed. Hidden continuous normal distribution (censored normal distribution) is used to solve the problem of dichotomous variables. The proposed procedure is illustrated by a simulation data obtained from R program. Analyses are done by using R2WinBUGS package in R-program.  相似文献   

Multilevel Mixed Linear Models for Survival Data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For the analysis of correlated survival data mixed linear models are useful alternatives to frailty models. By their use the survival times can be directly modelled, so that the interpretation of the fixed and random effects is straightforward. However, because of intractable integration involved with the use of marginal likelihood the class of models in use has been severely restricted. Such a difficulty can be avoided by using hierarchical-likelihood, which provides a statistically efficient and fast fitting algorithm for multilevel models. The proposed method is illustrated using the chronic granulomatous disease data. A simulation study is carried out to evaluate the performance.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of statistical models have been proposed for the purposes of high-level image analysis tasks such as object recognition. However, in general, these models remain hard to use in practice, partly as a result of their complexity, partly through lack of software. In this paper we concentrate on a particular deformable template model which has proved potentially useful for locating and labelling cells in microscope slides Rue and Hurn (1999). This model requires the specification of a number of rather non-intuitive parameters which control the shape variability of the deformed templates. Our goal is to arrange the estimation of these parameters in such a way that the microscope user's expertise is exploited to provide the necessary training data graphically by identifying a number of cells displayed on a computer screen, but that no additional statistical input is required. In this paper we use maximum likelihood estimation incorporating the error structure in the generation of our training data.  相似文献   

A broad spectrum of flexible univariate and multivariate models can be constructed by using a hidden truncation paradigm. Such models can be viewed as being characterized by a basic marginal density, a family of conditional densities and a specified hidden truncation point, or points. The resulting class of distributions includes the basic marginal density as a special case (or as a limiting case), but also includes an array of models that may unexpectedly include many well known densities. Most of the well known skew-normal models (developed from the seed distribution popularized by Azzalini [(1985). A class of distributions which includes the normal ones. Scand. J. Statist. 12(2), 171–178]) can be viewed as being products of such a hidden truncation construction. However, the many hidden truncation models with non-normal component densities undoubtedly deserve further attention.  相似文献   

Even though integer-valued time series are common in practice, the methods for their analysis have been developed only in recent past. Several models for stationary processes with discrete marginal distributions have been proposed in the literature. Such processes assume the parameters of the model to remain constant throughout the time period. However, this need not be true in practice. In this paper, we introduce non-stationary integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) models with structural breaks to model a situation, where the parameters of the INAR process do not remain constant over time. Such models are useful while modelling count data time series with structural breaks. The Bayesian and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedures for the estimation of the parameters and break points of such models are discussed. We illustrate the model and estimation procedure with the help of a simulation study. The proposed model is applied to the two real biometrical data sets.  相似文献   

We investigate the extremal clustering behaviour of stationary time series that possess two regimes, where the switch is governed by a hidden two-state Markov chain. We also suppose that the process is conditionally Markovian in each latent regime. We prove under general assumptions that above high thresholds these models behave approximately as a random walk in one (called dominant) regime and as a stationary autoregression in the other (dominated) regime. Based on this observation, we propose an estimation and simulation scheme to analyse the extremal dependence structure of such models, taking into account only observations above high thresholds. The properties of the estimation method are also investigated. Finally, as an application, we fit a model to high-level exceedances of water discharge data, simulate extremal events from the fitted model, and show that the (model-based) flood peak, flood duration and flood volume distributions match their observed counterparts.  相似文献   

朱慧明等 《统计研究》2014,31(7):97-104
针对不可观测异质性非时变假设导致的删失变量偏差及推断无效问题,构建贝叶斯隐马尔科夫异质面板模型,刻画截面个体间的动态时变不可观测异质性,诊断经济系统环境中可能存在的隐性变点,设计相应的马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛抽样算法估计模型参数,并对中国各地区的金融发展与城乡收入差距关系进行实证分析,捕捉到金融发展与城乡收入差距间长期稳定关系的隐性变化,发现了区域个体不可观测异质性存在的动态时变特征。研究结果表明各参数的迭代轨迹收敛且估计误差非常小,验证了贝叶斯隐马尔科夫异质面板模型的有效性。  相似文献   

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