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The linear regression model is commonly used by practitioners to model the relationship between the variable of interest and a set of explanatory variables. The assumption that all error variances are the same (homoskedasticity) is oftentimes violated. Consistent regression standard errors can be computed using the heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator proposed by White (1980). Such standard errors, however, typically display nonnegligible systematic errors in finite samples, especially under leveraged data. Cribari-Neto et al. (2000) improved upon the White estimator by defining a sequence of bias-adjusted estimators with increasing accuracy. In this paper, we improve upon their main result by defining an alternative sequence of adjusted estimators whose biases vanish at a much faster rate. Hypothesis testing inference is also addressed. An empirical illustration is presented.  相似文献   

In this article, we employ a regression formulation to estimate the high-dimensional covariance matrix for a given network structure. Using prior information contained in the network relationships, we model the covariance as a polynomial function of the symmetric adjacency matrix. Accordingly, the problem of estimating a high-dimensional covariance matrix is converted to one of estimating low dimensional coefficients of the polynomial regression function, which we can accomplish using ordinary least squares or maximum likelihood. The resulting covariance matrix estimator based on the maximum likelihood approach is guaranteed to be positive definite even in finite samples. Under mild conditions, we obtain the theoretical properties of the resulting estimators. A Bayesian information criterion is also developed to select the order of the polynomial function. Simulation studies and empirical examples illustrate the usefulness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

We evaluate the finite-sample behavior of different heteros-ke-das-ticity-consistent covariance matrix estimators, under both constant and unequal error variances. We consider the estimator proposed by Halbert White (HC0), and also its variants known as HC2, HC3, and HC4; the latter was recently proposed by Cribari-Neto (2004 Cribari-Neto , F. ( 2004 ). Asymptotic inference under heteroskedasticity of unknown form . Computat. Statist. Data Anal. 45 : 215233 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We propose a new covariance matrix estimator: HC5. It is the first consistent estimator to explicitly take into account the effect that the maximal leverage has on the associated inference. Our numerical results show that quasi-t inference based on HC5 is typically more reliable than inference based on other covariance matrix estimators.  相似文献   

This paper considers the issue of estimating the covariance matrix of ordinary least squares estimates in a linear regression model when heteroskedasticity is suspected. We perform Monte Carlo simulation on the White estimator, which is commonly used in.

empirical research, and also on some alternatives based on different bootstrapping schemes. Our results reveal that the White estimator can be considerably biased when the sample size is not very large, that bias correction via bootstrap does not work well, and that the weighted bootstrap estimators tend to display smaller biases than the White estimator and its variants, under both homoskedasticity and heteroskedasticity. Our results also reveal that the presence of (potentially) influential observations in the design matrix plays an important role in the finite-sample performance of the heteroskedasticity-consistent estimators.  相似文献   

This article considers the issue of performing tests in linear heteroskedastic models when the test statistic employs a consistent variance estimator. Several different estimators are considered, namely: HC0, HC1, HC2, HC3, and their bias-adjusted versions. The numerical evaluation is performed using numerical integration methods; the Imhof algorithm is used to that end. The results show that bias-adjustment of variance estimators used to construct test statistics delivers more reliable tests when they are performed for the HC0 and HC1 estimators, but the same does not hold for the HC3 estimator. Overall, the most reliable test is the HC3-based one.  相似文献   

This article suggests an improved class of estimators under the general framework of two-phase sampling scheme in presence of two auxiliary variables. This class includes a large number of estimators (Chand, 1975 Chand , L. ( 1975 ). Some Ratio-Type Estimator Based on Two or More Auxiliary Variables. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Iowa State University, Iowa . [Google Scholar]; Kiregyera, 1980 Kiregyera , B. ( 1980 ). A chain ratio-type estimator in finite population double sampling using two auxiliary variables . Metrika 27 : 217223 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar], 3; Mukharjee et al., 1987 Mukharjee , R. , Rao , T. J. , Vijayan , K. ( 1987 ). Regression-type estimators using multiple auxiliary information . Aust. J. Statist. 29 : 244254 . [Google Scholar]) and also the class of estimators suggested by Sahoo et al. (1993 Sahoo , J. , Sahoo , L. N. , Mohanty , S. ( 1993 ). A regression approach to estimation in two phase sampling using two auxiliary variables . Curr. Sci. 65 ( 1 ): 7375 . [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

This article gives a matrix formula for second-order covariances of maximum likelihood estimators in exponential family nonlinear models, thus generalizing the result of Cordeiro (2004 Cordeiro , G. M. ( 2004 ). Second-order covariance matrix of maximum likelihood estimates in generalized linear models . Statist. Probab. Lett. 66 : 153160 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) valid for generalized linear models with known dispersion parameter. Some simulations show that the second-order covariances for exponential family nonlinear models can be quite pronounced in small to moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

Under Stein's loss, a class of improved estimators for the scale parameter of a mixture of exponential distribution with unknown location is constructed. The method is analogous to Maruyama's (1998 Maruyama , Y. ( 1998 ). Minimax estimators of a normal variance . Metrika 48 : 209214 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) construction for the variance of a normal distribution and also an extension of the result produced in Petropoulos and Kourouklis (2002 Petropoulos , C. , Kourouklis , S. ( 2002 ). A class of improved estimators for the scale parameter of an exponential distribution with unknown location . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 31 : 325335 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Also, robustness properties are considered.  相似文献   

In covariance structure analysis, the Studentized pivotal statistic of a parameter estimator is often used since the statistic is asymptotically normally distributed with mean zero and unit variance. For more accurate asymptotic distribution, the first and third asymptotic cumulants can be used to have the single-term Edgeworth, Cornish-Fisher, and Hall type asymptotic expansions. In this paper, the higher order asymptotic variance and the fourth asymptotic cumulant of the statistic are obtained under nonnormality when the partial derivatives of a parameter estimator with respect to sample variances and covariances up to the third order and the moments of the associated observed variables up to the eighth order are available. The result can be used to have the two-term Edgeworth expansion. Simulations are performed to see the accuracy of the asymptotic results in finite samples.  相似文献   

Generalized Autoregressive (GAR) processes have been considered to model some features in time series. The Whittle's estimates have been investigated for the GAR(1) process by a simulation study by Shitan and Peiris (2008 Shitan , M. , Peiris , S. ( 2008 ). Generalised autoregressive (GAR) model: a comparison of maximum likelihood and whittle estimation procedures using a simulation study . Commun. Statist. Simul. Computat. 37 ( 3 ): 560570 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This article derives approximate theoretical expressions for the enteries of the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix for those estimates of GAR(1) parameters. These results are supported by a simulation study.  相似文献   

We study the finite-sample properties of White's test for heteroskedasticity in stochastic regression models where explanatory variables are random and not given. We investigate by simulation the effect of non independence of explanatory variables and error term and heteroskedasticity on White's test. A standard bootstrap method in the computationally convenient form is found to work well with respect to the size and power.  相似文献   

In this article, a general class of estimators for the linear regression model affected by outliers and collinearity is introduced and studied in some detail. This class of estimators combines the theory of light, maximum entropy, and robust regression techniques. Our theoretical findings are illustrated through a Monte Carlo simulation study.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce two almost unbiased estimators for the vector of unknown parameters in a linear regression model when additional linear restrictions on the parameter vector are assumed to hold. Superiority of the two estimators under the mean squared error matrix (MSEM) is discussed. Furthermore, a numerical example and simulation study are given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Sakall?oglu et al. (2001 Sakall?oglu , Kaç?ranlar , Akdeniz ( 2001 ). Mean squared error comparisons of some biased estimators . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 30 : 347361 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) dealt with the comparisons among the ridge estimator, Liu estimator, and iteration estimator. Akdeniz and Erol (2003 Akdeniz , F. , Erol , H. ( 2003 ). Mean squared error matrix comparisons of some biased estimators in linear regression . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 32 : 23892413 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) have compared the (almost unbiased) generalized ridge regression estimator with the (almost unbiased) generalized Liu estimator in the matrix mean squared error sense. In this article, we study the ridge estimator and Liu estimator with respect to linear equality restriction, and establish some sufficient conditions for the superiority of the restricted ridge estimator over the restricted Liu estimator and the superiority of the restricted Liu estimator over the restricted ridge estimator under mean squared error matrix, respectively. Furthermore, we give a numerical example.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two simple and frequently used capture–recapture estimates of the population size are compared: Chao's lower‐bound estimate and Zelterman's estimate allowing for contaminated distributions. In the Poisson case it is shown that if there are only counts of ones and twos, the estimator of Zelterman is always bounded above by Chao's estimator. If counts larger than two exist, the estimator of Zelterman is becoming larger than that of Chao's, if only the ratio of the frequencies of counts of twos and ones is small enough. A similar analysis is provided for the binomial case. For a two‐component mixture of Poisson distributions the asymptotic bias of both estimators is derived and it is shown that the Zelterman estimator can experience large overestimation bias. A modified Zelterman estimator is suggested and also the bias‐corrected version of Chao's estimator is considered. All four estimators are compared in a simulation study.  相似文献   

This article suggests an improved class of estimators for estimating the general population parameter using information on an auxiliary variable. The properties of the suggested class of estimators have been studied under large sample approximation. The general results are then applied to estimate the population coefficient of variation of study variable using auxiliary information. An empirical study is given in support of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this work, we develop a method of adaptive non‐parametric estimation, based on ‘warped’ kernels. The aim is to estimate a real‐valued function s from a sample of random couples (X,Y). We deal with transformed data (Φ(X),Y), with Φ a one‐to‐one function, to build a collection of kernel estimators. The data‐driven bandwidth selection is performed with a method inspired by Goldenshluger and Lepski (Ann. Statist., 39, 2011, 1608). The method permits to handle various problems such as additive and multiplicative regression, conditional density estimation, hazard rate estimation based on randomly right‐censored data, and cumulative distribution function estimation from current‐status data. The interest is threefold. First, the squared‐bias/variance trade‐off is automatically realized. Next, non‐asymptotic risk bounds are derived. Lastly, the estimator is easily computed, thanks to its simple expression: a short simulation study is presented.  相似文献   

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