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This paper compares the properties of various estimators for a beta‐binomial model for estimating the size of a heterogeneous population. It is found that maximum likelihood and conditional maximum likelihood estimators perform well for a large population with a large capture proportion. The jackknife and the sample coverage estimators are biased for low capture probabilities. The performance of the martingale estimator is satisfactory, but it requires full capture histories. The Gibbs sampler and Metropolis‐Hastings algorithm provide reasonable posterior estimates for informative priors.  相似文献   

If the capture probabilities in a capture‐recapture experiment depend on covariates, parametric models may be fitted and the population size may then be estimated. Here a semiparametric model for the capture probabilities that allows both continuous and categorical covariates is developed. Kernel smoothing and profile estimating equations are used to estimate the nonparametric and parametric components. Analytic forms of the standard errors are derived, which allows an empirical bias bandwidth selection procedure to be used to estimate the bandwidth. The method is evaluated in simulations and is applied to a real data set concerning captures of Prinia flaviventris, which is a common bird species in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   


We develop a Bayesian statistical model for estimating bowhead whale population size from photo-identification data when most of the population is uncatchable. The proposed conditional likelihood function is a product of Darroch's model, formulated as a function of the number of good photos, and a binomial distribution of captured whales given the total number of good photos at each occasion. The full Bayesian model is implemented via adaptive rejection sampling for log concave densities. We apply the model to data from 1985 and 1986 bowhead whale photographic studies and the results compare favorably with the ones obtained in the literature. Also, a comparison with the maximum likelihood procedure with bootstrap simulation is considered using different vague priors for the capture probabilities.  相似文献   

We use a class of parametric counting process regression models that are commonly employed in the analysis of failure time data to formulate the subject-specific capture probabilities for removal and recapture studies conducted in continuous time. We estimate the regression parameters by modifying the conventional likelihood score function for left-truncated and right-censored data to accommodate an unknown population size and missing covariates on uncaptured subjects, and we subsequently estimate the population size by a martingale-based estimating function. The resultant estimators for the regression parameters and population size are consistent and asymptotically normal under appropriate regularity conditions. We assess the small sample properties of the proposed estimators through Monte Carlo simulation and we present an application to a bird banding exercise.  相似文献   


This article proposes a new method for estimating heterogeneous externalities in policy analysis when social interactions take the linear-in-means form. We establish that the parameters of interest can be identified and consistently estimated using specific functions of the share of the eligible population. We also study the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators using Monte Carlo simulations. The method is illustrated using data on the PROGRESA program. We find that more than 50% of the effects of the program on schooling attendance are due to externalities, which are heterogeneous within and between poor and nonpoor households.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to explain the role played by the catchability and sampling in the Bayesian estimation of k, the unknown number of classes in a multinomial population. It is shown that the posterior distribution of k increases as the capture probabilities of the classes become more unequal, and that the posterior distribution of k increases with the number of classes observed in the sample and decreases with the sample size. Moreover, it is shown that the posterior mean of k is consistent.  相似文献   

The use of the Cormack-Jolly-Seber model under a standard sampling scheme of one sample per time period, when the Jolly-Seber assumption that all emigration is permanent does not hold, leads to the confounding of temporary emigration probabilities with capture probabilities. This biases the estimates of capture probability when temporary emigration is a completely random process, and both capture and survival probabilities when there is a temporary trap response in temporary emigration, or it is Markovian. The use of secondary capture samples over a shorter interval within each period, during which the population is assumed to be closed (Pollock's robust design), provides a second source of information on capture probabilities. This solves the confounding problem, and thus temporary emigration probabilities can be estimated. This process can be accomplished in an ad hoc fashion for completely random temporary emigration and to some extent in the temporary trap response case, but modelling the complete sampling process provides more flexibility and permits direct estimation of variances. For the case of Markovian temporary emigration, a full likelihood is required.  相似文献   

I review the use of auxiliary variables in capture-recapture models for estimation of demographic parameters (e.g. capture probability, population size, survival probability, and recruitment, emigration and immigration numbers). I focus on what has been done in current research and what still needs to be done. Typically in the literature, covariate modelling has made capture and survival probabilities functions of covariates, but there are good reasons also to make other parameters functions of covariates as well. The types of covariates considered include environmental covariates that may vary by occasion but are constant over animals, and individual animal covariates that are usually assumed constant over time. I also discuss the difficulties of using time-dependent individual animal covariates and some possible solutions. Covariates are usually assumed to be measured without error, and that may not be realistic. For closed populations, one approach to modelling heterogeneity in capture probabilities uses observable individual covariates and is thus related to the primary purpose of this paper. The now standard Huggins-Alho approach conditions on the captured animals and then uses a generalized Horvitz-Thompson estimator to estimate population size. This approach has the advantage of simplicity in that one does not have to specify a distribution for the covariates, and the disadvantage is that it does not use the full likelihood to estimate population size. Alternately one could specify a distribution for the covariates and implement a full likelihood approach to inference to estimate the capture function, the covariate probability distribution, and the population size. The general Jolly-Seber open model enables one to estimate capture probability, population sizes, survival rates, and birth numbers. Much of the focus on modelling covariates in program MARK has been for survival and capture probability in the Cormack-Jolly-Seber model and its generalizations (including tag-return models). These models condition on the number of animals marked and released. A related, but distinct, topic is radio telemetry survival modelling that typically uses a modified Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazards model for auxiliary variables. Recently there has been an emphasis on integration of recruitment in the likelihood, and research on how to implement covariate modelling for recruitment and perhaps population size is needed. The combined open and closed 'robust' design model can also benefit from covariate modelling and some important options have already been implemented into MARK. Many models are usually fitted to one data set. This has necessitated development of model selection criteria based on the AIC (Akaike Information Criteria) and the alternative of averaging over reasonable models. The special problems of estimating over-dispersion when covariates are included in the model and then adjusting for over-dispersion in model selection could benefit from further research.  相似文献   

Summary.  We propose a mixture of binomial and beta–binomial distributions for estimating the size of closed populations. The new mixture model is applied to several real capture–recapture data sets and is shown to provide a convenient, objective framework for model selection. The new model is compared with three alternative models in a simulation study, and the results shed light on the general performance of models in this area. The new model provides a robust flexible analysis, which automatically deals with small capture probabilities.  相似文献   

Capture–recapture experiments are commonly used to estimate the size of a closed population. However, the associated estimators of the population size are well known to be highly sensitive to misspecification of the capture probabilities. To address this, we present a general semiparametric framework for the analysis of capture–recapture experiments when the capture probability depends on individual characteristics, time effects and behavioural response. This generalizes well‐known general parametric capture–recapture models and extends previous semiparametric models in which there is no time dependence or behavioural response. The method is evaluated in simulations and applied to two real data sets.  相似文献   

The use of the Cormack-Jolly-Seber model under a standard sampling scheme of one sample per time period, when the Jolly-Seber assumption that all emigration is permanent does not hold, leads to the confounding of temporary emigration probabilities with capture probabilities. This biases the estimates of capture probability when temporary emigration is a completely random process, and both capture and survival probabilities when there is a temporary trap response in temporary emigration, or it is Markovian. The use of secondary capture samples over a shorter interval within each period, during which the population is assumed to be closed (Pollock's robust design), provides a second source of information on capture probabilities. This solves the confounding problem, and thus temporary emigration probabilities can be estimated. This process can be accomplished in an ad hoc fashion for completely random temporary emigration and to some extent in the temporary trap response case, but modelling the complete sampling process provides more flexibility and permits direct estimation of variances. For the case of Markovian temporary emigration, a full likelihood is required.  相似文献   

Nuisance parameter elimination is a central problem in capture–recapture modelling. In this paper, we consider a closed population capture–recapture model which assumes the capture probabilities varies only with the sampling occasions. In this model, the capture probabilities are regarded as nuisance parameters and the unknown number of individuals is the parameter of interest. In order to eliminate the nuisance parameters, the likelihood function is integrated with respect to a weight function (uniform and Jeffrey's) of the nuisance parameters resulting in an integrated likelihood function depending only on the population size. For these integrated likelihood functions, analytical expressions for the maximum likelihood estimates are obtained and it is proved that they are always finite and unique. Variance estimates of the proposed estimators are obtained via a parametric bootstrap resampling procedure. The proposed methods are illustrated on a real data set and their frequentist properties are assessed by means of a simulation study.  相似文献   

I review the use of auxiliary variables in capture-recapture models for estimation of demographic parameters (e.g. capture probability, population size, survival probability, and recruitment, emigration and immigration numbers). I focus on what has been done in current research and what still needs to be done. Typically in the literature, covariate modelling has made capture and survival probabilities functions of covariates, but there are good reasons also to make other parameters functions of covariates as well. The types of covariates considered include environmental covariates that may vary by occasion but are constant over animals, and individual animal covariates that are usually assumed constant over time. I also discuss the difficulties of using time-dependent individual animal covariates and some possible solutions. Covariates are usually assumed to be measured without error, and that may not be realistic. For closed populations, one approach to modelling heterogeneity in capture probabilities uses observable individual covariates and is thus related to the primary purpose of this paper. The now standard Huggins-Alho approach conditions on the captured animals and then uses a generalized Horvitz-Thompson estimator to estimate population size. This approach has the advantage of simplicity in that one does not have to specify a distribution for the covariates, and the disadvantage is that it does not use the full likelihood to estimate population size. Alternately one could specify a distribution for the covariates and implement a full likelihood approach to inference to estimate the capture function, the covariate probability distribution, and the population size. The general Jolly-Seber open model enables one to estimate capture probability, population sizes, survival rates, and birth numbers. Much of the focus on modelling covariates in program MARK has been for survival and capture probability in the Cormack-Jolly-Seber model and its generalizations (including tag-return models). These models condition on the number of animals marked and released. A related, but distinct, topic is radio telemetry survival modelling that typically uses a modified Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazards model for auxiliary variables. Recently there has been an emphasis on integration of recruitment in the likelihood, and research on how to implement covariate modelling for recruitment and perhaps population size is needed. The combined open and closed 'robust' design model can also benefit from covariate modelling and some important options have already been implemented into MARK. Many models are usually fitted to one data set. This has necessitated development of model selection criteria based on the AIC (Akaike Information Criteria) and the alternative of averaging over reasonable models. The special problems of estimating over-dispersion when covariates are included in the model and then adjusting for over-dispersion in model selection could benefit from further research.  相似文献   

In the Bayesian analysis of a multiple-recapture census, different diffuse prior distributions can lead to markedly different inferences about the population size N. Through consideration of the Fisher information matrix it is shown that the number of captures in each sample typically provides little information about N. This suggests that if there is no prior information about capture probabilities, then knowledge of just the sample sizes and not the number of recaptures should leave the distribution of Nunchanged. A prior model that has this property is identified and the posterior distribution is examined. In particular, asymptotic estimates of the posterior mean and variance are derived. Differences between Bayesian and classical point and interval estimators are illustrated through examples.  相似文献   

Empirical Bayes methods and a bootstrap bias adjustment procedure are used to estimate the size of a closed population when the individual capture probabilities are independently and identically distributed with a Beta distribution. The method is examined in simulations and applied to several well-known datasets. The simulations show the estimator performs as well as several other proposed parametric and non-parametric estimators.  相似文献   


Using a model-assisted approach, this paper studies asymptotically design-unbiased (ADU) estimation of a population “distribution function” and extends to deriving an asymptotic and approximate unbiased estimator for a population quantile from a sample chosen with varying probabilities. The respective asymptotic standard errors and confidence intervals are then worked out. Numerical findings based on an actual data support the theory with efficient results.  相似文献   

One of the main aims of a recapture experiment is to estimate the unknown size, N of a closed population. Under the so-called behavioural model, individual capture probabilities change after the first capture. Unfortunately, the maximum likelihood estimator given by Zippin (1956) may give an infinite result and often has poor precision. Chaiyapong & Lloyd (1997) have given formulae for the asymptotic bias and variance as well as for the probability that the estimate is infinite.
The purpose of this article is to tabulate the inversions of the above cited formulae so that practitioners can plan the required capture effort. This paper develops simple approximations for the minimum capture effort required to achieve (i) no more than a certain probability of breakdown, (ii) a given relative standard error.  相似文献   


Suppose a finite population of N objects each of which has an unknown value μ i  ≥ 0, i = 1, … , N of a nonnegative characteristic of interest. A random sample has been drawn, but only for a selected subset of the sample the μ-values have been observed. The subset selection procedure has been somewhat obscure, and thus the subsample is censorized rather than random. Despite that, a reliable lower bound for the population total (the sum of all μ i ) is required which uses the statistical information contained in the data. We propose a resampling procedure to construct an under-estimate of the population total. We also consider the case when the objects of the population have unequal sampling probabilities, in particular when the population is divided into a few number of strata with constant probabilities within each stratum. A real data example illustrates the method.  相似文献   

The good performance of logit confidence intervals for the odds ratio with small samples is well known. This is true unless the actual odds ratio is very large. In single capture–recapture estimation the odds ratio is equal to 1 because of the assumption of independence of the samples. Consequently, a transformation of the logit confidence intervals for the odds ratio is proposed in order to estimate the size of a closed population under single capture–recapture estimation. It is found that the transformed logit interval, after adding .5 to each observed count before computation, has actual coverage probabilities near to the nominal level even for small populations and even for capture probabilities near to 0 or 1, which is not guaranteed for the other capture–recapture confidence intervals proposed in statistical literature. Thus, given that the .5 transformed logit interval is very simple to compute and has a good performance, it is appropriate to be implemented by most users of the single capture–recapture method.  相似文献   

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