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Sampling procedures using randomized observation-points are suggested for estimating parameters in renewal and Markov renewal models. The usual asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood method are shown to hold. The method we suggest provides a solution to the ML estimation problem in either or both of the following situations: (i) observations on between-event intervals are unavailable, (ii) the interval densities are unknown or difficult to evaluate while their Laplace-Stieltjes transforms are known.  相似文献   

Traditional methods for estimating parameters in the generalized Pareto distribution have theoretical and computational defects. The moment estimator and the probability‐weighted moment estimator have low asymptotic efficiencies. They may not exist or may give nonsensical estimates. The maximum likelihood estimator, which sometimes does not exist, is asymptotically efficient, but its computation is complex and has convergence problems. The likelihood moment estimator is proposed, which is computationally easy and has high asymptotic efficiency.  相似文献   

The Fisher distribution is frequently used as a model for the probability distribution of directional data, which may be specified either in terms of unit vectors or angular co-ordinates (co-latitude and azimuth). If, in practical situations, only the co-latitudes can be observed, the available data must be regarded as a sample from the corresponding marginal distribution. This paper discusses the estimation by Maximum Likelihood (ML) and the Method of Moments of the two parameters of this marginal Fisher distribution. The moment estimators are generally simpler to compute than the ML estimators, and have high asymptotic efficiency.  相似文献   

A method of maximum likelihood estimation of gross flows from overlapping stratified sample data is developed. The approach taken is model-based and the EM algorithm is used to solve the estimation problem. Inference is thus based on information from the total sample at each time period. This can be contrasted with the conventional approach to gross flows estimation which only uses information from the overlapping sub-sample. An application to estimation of flows of Australian cropping and livestock industries farms into and out of an “at risk” situation over the period 1979–84 is presented, as well as a discussion of extensions to more complex sampling situations.  相似文献   

A new approach, is proposed for maximum likelihood (ML) estimation in continuous univariate distributions. The procedure is used primarily to complement the ML method which can fail in situations such as the gamma and Weibull distributions when the shape parameter is, at most, unity. The new approach provides consistent and efficient estimates for all possible values of the shape parameter. Its performance is examined via simulations. Two other, improved, general methods of ML are reported for comparative purposes. The methods are used to estimate the gamma and Weibull distributions using air pollution data from Melbourne. The new ML method is accurate when the shape parameter is less than unity and is also superior to the maximum product of spacings estimation method for the Weibull distribution.  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of maximum likelihood estimators of unknown parameters in linear models with equi‐correlated random errors are presented. The basic technique we use is that these models are, first, orthogonally transformed into linear models with two variances, and then the maximum likelihood estimation problem is solved in the environment of transformed models. Our results generalize a result of Arnold, S. F. (1981) [The theory of linear models and multivariate analysis. Wiley, New York]. In addition, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of restricted maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters. The results of Birkes, D. & Wulff, S. (2003) [Existence of maximum likelihood estimates in normal variance‐components models. J Statist Plann. Inference. 113 , 35–47] are compared with our results and differences are pointed out.  相似文献   

Patterson & Thompson (1971) introduced residual maximum likelihood estimation in the case of unbalanced incomplete block designs. Harville (1974) and Cooper & Thompson (1977) give alternative derivations of the likelihood function. The purpose of this note is to provide another derivation of the likelihood function which may be useful in teaching.  相似文献   


The paper deals with Bayes estimation of the exponentiated Weibull shape parameters under linex loss function when independent non-informative type of priors are available for the parameters. Generalized maximum likelihood estimators have also been obtained. Performances of the proposed Bayes estimator, generalized maximum likelihood estimators, posterior mean (i.e., Bayes estimator under squared error loss function) and maximum likelihood estimators have been studied on the basis of their risks under linex loss function. The comparison is based on a simulation study because the expressions for risk functions of these estimators cannot be obtained in nice closed forms.  相似文献   


Parameter estimation based on truncated data is dealt with; the data are assumed to obey truncated exponential distributions with a variety of truncation time—a 1 data are obtained by truncation time b 1, a 2 data are obtained by truncation time b 2 and so on, whereas the underlying distribution is the same exponential one. The purpose of the present paper is to give existence conditions of the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) and to show some properties of the MLEs in two cases: 1) the grouped and truncated data are given (that is, the data each express the number of the data value falling in a corresponding subinterval), 2) the continuous and truncated data are given.  相似文献   


Maximum likelihood estimation for the type I generalised logistic distributions is investigated. We show that the maximum likelihood estimation usually exists, except when the so-called embedded model problem occurs. A full set of embedded distributions is derived, including Gumbel distribution and a two-parameter reciprocal exponential distribution. Properties relating the embedded distributions are given. We also provide criteria to determine when the embedded distribution occurs. Examples are given for illustration.  相似文献   

Two procedures are considered for estimating the concentration parameters of the Fisher matrix distribution for rotations or orientations in three dimensions. The first is maximum likelihood. The use of a convenient 1-dimensional integral representation of the normalising constant, which greatly simplifies the computation, is suggested. The second approach exploits the equivalence of the Fisher distribution for rotations in three dimensions, and the Bingham distribution for axes in four dimensions. We describe a pseudo likelihood procedure which works for the Bingham distribution in any dimension. This alternative approach does not require numerical integration. Results on the asymptotic efficiency of the pseudo likelihood estimator relative to the maximum likelihood estimator are given, and the two estimators are compared in the analysis of a well-known vectorcardiography dataset.  相似文献   

Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) is a procedure for estimating a variance function in a heteroscedastic linear model. Although REML has been extended to non-linear models, the case in which the data are dominated by replicated observations with unknown values of the independent variable of interest, such as the concentration of a substance in a blood sample, has not been considered. We derive a REML procedure for an immunoassay and show that the resulting estimator is superior to those currently being used. Some interesting properties of the REML estimator are derived, and its relationship to other estimators is discussed.  相似文献   

Semiparametric maximum likelihood estimation with estimating equations (SMLE) is more flexible than traditional methods; it has fewer restrictions on distributions and regression models. The required information about distribution and regression structures is incorporated in estimating equations of the SMLE to improve the estimation quality of non‐parametric methods. The likelihood of SMLE for censored data involves complicated implicit functions without closed‐form expressions, and the first derivatives of the log‐profile‐likelihood cannot be expressed as summations of independent and identically distributed random variables; it is challenging to derive asymptotic properties of the SMLE for censored data. For group‐censored data, the paper shows that all the implicit functions are well defined and obtains the asymptotic distributions of the SMLE for model parameters and lifetime distributions. With several examples the paper compares the SMLE, the regular non‐parametric likelihood estimation method and the parametric MLEs in terms of their asymptotic efficiencies, and illustrates application of SMLE. Various asymptotic distributions of the likelihood ratio statistics are derived for testing the adequacy of estimating equations and a partial set of parameters equal to some known values.  相似文献   

If X and Y are independent standard Cauchy random variables then (i) Y and (X+Y)/(1-Xu) are independent, (ii) X and (X + Y)/(1 -XU) are identically distributed, and (iii) X and 2X/(1-X2) are identically distributed. Each of these three properties is shown to characterize the Cauchy distribution among absolutely continuous distributions. Some related uniform characterizations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a Poisson‐based model that uses both error‐free data and error‐prone data subject to misclassification in the form of false‐negative and false‐positive counts. It derives maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) for the Poisson rate parameter and the two misclassification parameters — the false‐negative parameter and the false‐positive parameter. It also derives expressions for the information matrix and the asymptotic variances of the MLE for the rate parameter, the MLE for the false‐positive parameter, and the MLE for the false‐negative parameter. Using these expressions the paper analyses the value of the fallible data. It studies characteristics of the new double‐sampling rate estimator via a simulation experiment and applies the new MLE estimators and confidence intervals to a real dataset.  相似文献   

This paper explores the asymptotic distribution of the restricted maximum likelihood estimator of the variance components in a general mixed model. Restricting attention to hierarchical models, central limit theorems are obtained using elementary arguments with only mild conditions on the covariates in the fixed part of the model and without having to assume that the data are either normally or spherically symmetrically distributed. Further, the REML and maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be asymptotically equivalent in this general framework, and the asymptotic distribution of the weighted least squares estimator (based on the REML estimator) of the fixed effect parameters is derived.  相似文献   

Suppose it is known that the mean of a normal distribution is non-negative. Naturally one will use the sample mean truncated at zero as an estimator of the distribution mean. In this paper the properties of such an estimator are investigated.  相似文献   

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