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2010年6月3日至7日,第六届中俄妇女文化周暨第四届中俄妇女论坛活动于俄罗斯莫斯科和伏尔加格勒成功举行。本届文化周以“妇女与经济”为主题,两国妇女深入交流,分享经验,探讨合作,取得了丰硕的成果,相互之间的友谊又迈上了一个新台阶。  相似文献   

妇女是推动文化强国建设不可或缺的重要力量,妇女发展与文化强国建设联系紧密,两者相辅相成、相互促进、辩证统一.文化强国的工作应该重视妇女发展的重要作用,通过全面建设妇女权益法律法规政策,发挥妇女在家庭文化中的作用,促进妇女学习工作,构建妇女发展建设的长效机制.本文探索了妇女发展的重要作用,分析了影响妇女发展的主要障碍,总结了妇女发展促进文化强国的基本途径,提出了妇女发展促进文化强国的政策措施,为我国文化强国工作提供了建设性的建议.  相似文献   

中国妇女发展基金会在全国妇联的领导下,始终遵循全面提高妇女素质、促进妇女发展的建会宗旨,在社会各界的大力支持下,围绕党和国家工作大局,充分发挥基金会的特殊职能,在妇女安全饮水、健康、扶贫等多项公益活动中做了大量卓有成效的工作,产生了积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

2010年9月16日至18日,来自世界各地的300余位代表相聚上海,在世博会举办期间出席妇女与城市发展暨纪念第四次世界妇女大会十五周年论坛,用性别观点审视城市发展,交流信息、分享经验,为实现“城市,让生活更美好”建言献策。  相似文献   

在1991-1995年二五普法教育期间,借助第四次世界妇女代表大会在我国北京召开的契机,我国的妇女运动、妇女事业以及妇女权益的保护都取得了长足的发展。尤其在保护妇女、儿童、老人合法权益的法制建设方面成绩更加突出,初步形成了以宪法为根据,以《妇女权益保障法》、《婚姻法》、《劳动法》等为基础的保护妇女合法权益的体系,使我们审理婚姻家庭案件有法可依。  相似文献   

中国妇女九大以来的五年,是改革开放30年里妇女运动发展的重要阶段。各族各界妇女以奋发向上的精神状态向着全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标迈进,妇女运动呈现出新气象、实现了新跨越。  相似文献   

五年来,全国妇联妇女发展部坚持用科学发展观统筹推进城乡妇女发展工作,在思想观念上、方式方法上、工作推进中形成了清晰的思路。总的说来,妇女发展工作在继承中发展,在发展中创新,确立了新的指导思想,实现了教育培训的新跨越,工作方式的新突破,工作领域的新拓展和工作水平的新提升。  相似文献   

杨健 《现代妇女》2014,(12):I0083-I0084
在倡导和谐的现代社会,女性在法律地位上与男性是平等的。但忽视妇女人权、家庭暴力、用工性别歧视、妇女政治经济地位“被低下”等现象却充当着不和谐的角色,这使妇女权益严重被践踏。我国的法律体现了对妇女权益的特殊保护并且与国际人权法的求相一致,但须进一步完善。祛除性别歧视、维护妇女权益是国际人权法的应然求,也是劳动法必须面对的现实问题。和谐与发展语境下当代妇女权益保护的理念,必须建立“以人为中心”的新发展观。  相似文献   

近年来,随着劳务经济的发展,留守妇女问题逐渐成为全社会关注的问题。为了做好农村留守妇女工作,甘肃雀妇联从2009年12月开始,在全省8个市州17个县市区留守妇女相对集中、文化活动比较丰富、乡镇妇干能力较强的乡镇文化站、新农村建设示范点和有妇女产业发展基地的30个行政村试点建设了30个农村“留守妇女阳光家园”。  相似文献   

全国妇联党组书记、副主席、书记处第一书记宋秀岩在第三届海峡论坛.海峡妇女论坛上致辞  相似文献   

Promoting gender equality and representing and protecting women's lawful rights and interests are the primary functions of women's federations in China.In fact,women's federations,at all levels,have long attached importance to the protection of women's rights.Under the guidance and promotion efforts of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),women's federations,at all levels,have achieved excellent results in the protection of women's rights and interests.Regarding the protection of women's rights,the fed...  相似文献   

In three studies, we developed and validated a self-report measure of women's sexual working models. In a pilot study we created an initial version of the Women's Sexual Working Models Scale (WSWMS), administered it to an exploratory sample of 470 women, and identified its 5-factor structure. Study 1 confirmed the 5-factor structure in a new sample: (1) Fostering commitment; (2) Evaluating a sexual partner's suitability; (3) Promoting frequent sexual activity through positive affect; (4) Restricting sexuality through shamefulness; and (5) Negative emotions that signal incompatibility with relationship goals. In Study 2, 444 Israeli women completed the WSWMS. Confirmatory factor analysis provided cross-national evidence for the generalizability of the underlying factor structure of the WSWMS.  相似文献   

The lesbians' rights movement in South Korea has undertaken various projects for solidarity with feminist movement groups for over 10 years. In spite of these efforts, lesbian issues have been blatantly excluded from all the agendas of women's rights. The same thing has happened in Women's Studies. Some feminists express homophobic thoughts without understanding the reality of lesbians, and other young scholars take on a lesbian identity temporarily as a sign of being progressive and liberated; in neither situation are they committed to dealing with the oppression of lesbians or seeing lesbian rights as a feminist concern. In order to further lesbian rights there are two strategies possible: forming a movement only for lesbians or forming solidarity with feminists. In the latter case, a concern about lesbian rights will help achieve the goals of a true feminism as patriarchy is built upon heterosexism. doi:10.1300/J155v10n03_11.  相似文献   

全国人大常委会副委员长、全国妇联主席陈至立谈中国妇女事业发展。  相似文献   

The impact of women's social position on fertility in developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines ideas about possible ways in which the extent of women's autonomy, women's economic dependency, and other aspects of their position vis-à-vis men influence fertility in Third World populations. Women's position or status seems likely to be related to the supply of children because of its links with age at marriage. Women's position may also affect the demand for children and the costs of fertility regulation, though some connections suggested in the literature are implausible. The paper ends with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This study examines how Sudanese women are portrayed in the mass media. Data are obtained from a content analysis of historical records of Sudanese daily newspapers and women's magazines and from surveys among female editors in print media. The following types of newspapers are reviewed: independent newspapers; papers for the Al-Umma Party, a communist party, a Bathist party, a Muslim Nationalist Islamic Front Party, and a National Union Democratic Party; and a current military government paper. Women's magazines are published by women. Articles focus on women as the main newsmakers, women's life issues, female authors, a female focus but a male author, and famous Sudanese women. 16 content themes are identified. Women were not extensively featured or photographed in either newspapers or magazines. The Al-Umma Party paper and Al-Sudan Al-Hadith paper (an independent paper) were the only two newspapers with at least 10 photos of women. Women were pictured as professionals, educated persons, and leaders. There were 17 female editors. These editors preferred an image of women as leaders, followed by productive workers. Only 11.76% believed that women's dual roles as producers and reproducers should be portrayed. Female editors did not want a special women's page. 52.94% (the largest percentage) preferred targeting women with substantial leadership abilities. 17.65% desired the portrayal of women as workers and housewives. 58.82% did not think that the mass media image changed behavior or attitudes, because most Sudanese women are illiterate. Women's issues in both newspapers and women's magazines were devoted to women's work, achievements, and needs. The authors recommend removal of obstacles to women's equal participation in the mass media and press and research on the effect of media images on women's self-perception and behavior.  相似文献   

In 1997, the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education convened with 1500 participants. This Conference was marked by a new involvement of the broader adult education community in all stages of the planning process and by the inclusion of representatives of nongovernmental organizations as official participants. The conference specifically sought a sex balance among delegates, included women's issues in all of the planning meetings, and convened a seminar on the promotion of female empowerment through adult learning to elaborate on strategies for the Conference. This led to an almost 40% participation rate by women in the conference where women also held highly visible positions. Women's issues were highlighted by individual women in these positions and by the fact that the Women's Caucus created the most active and productive network. This allowed the highlighting of women's education concerns and a gender perspective in the conference outputs: the Hamburg Declaration on Adult Learning and the Agenda for the Future. The Agenda calls for the advancement of women's learning opportunities along with increased gender sensitivity and justice and seeks to reduce female illiteracy in 2000 to half of 1990 levels. The Conference also noted the necessity of communicating the adverse effects of globalization and structural adjustment policies on women and the need to help women protect themselves from domestic and sexual violence.  相似文献   

2020年注定是不平凡的一年。新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中国政府和人民全力以赴抗击疫情。外国妇女组织和机构、国际组织、港澳台妇女组织、海外华人华侨妇女组织以及在华留学生代表,纷纷向全国妇联发来慰问,为中国加油,为武汉加油。2020年也是北京第四次世界妇女大会25周年,在今年“三八”国际妇女节来临之际,他们将暖心的祝福,送给所有中国的妇女姐妹。  相似文献   

Family members of women substance users may be at risk for stress-related problems. Family coping responses may affect outcomes for both families and women in treatment. Eighty-two women in treatment for substance use disorders (56 with comorbid psychiatric conditions) and 82 family members were interviewed. Stressors related to women's disorders were significantly related to increased family member burden. Women's behavioral problems predicted greater family member Worry, Displeasure, and Impact. Extent of women's drug or alcohol use predicted greater family member Stigma and Impact. Family member maladaptive coping partially mediated relationships between family member stressors and family member Displeasure and Impact. Family member maladaptive coping also functioned as a moderator between the stressors and Impact.  相似文献   

In this interview, Maria Isabal Plata discusses the work of the nongovernmental organization Profamilia in Colombia. Since its founding in 1965, Profamilia has assumed direct and indirect responsibility for nearly 70% of family planning (FP) and reproductive health activities in the country. These activities are complemented by a legal service program, an evaluation and research program, and a documentation center. In Colombia, women gained equal rights under the law in 1974 and a constitutional prohibition on discrimination in 1991, but sex stereotypes still dictate responsibility for family chores. When women realize their economic and social rights, poverty and inequalities will diminish. Thus, it is crucial to safeguard reproductive and sexual rights and ban violence against women. The traditional concept of family forces a disregard for the rights of family members and allows societies to oppose the interests of women. The aftermath of the UN Fourth Women's Conference in Colombia will be to work towards achieving full citizenship for women and democratic societies. The experience women's groups had at the conference has created a situation in which grassroots organizations can consider beginning to work with development organizations to achieve some of these goals.  相似文献   

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