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城镇教育的优势集合,是未来发展趋势,但是正如我们新一届政府领导人提出的城镇化是基于人的城镇化,教育应该更应该具有公平的教育。在教学资源薄弱的前提下,更应该引起教育者的思考,特别是乡村一线的教育工作者。本文浅析了乡村教育。  相似文献   

实现乡村振兴,要把教育放在优先发展位置去考量,全面提升和高质量发展教育。当前,在乡村振兴进程中,乡村教育已经取得可喜成绩,同时还面临着诸多现实挑战。站在新的历史阶段,进一步厘清乡村教育推进乡村振兴的逻辑前提,分析现实挑战,在实践层面寻求乡村教育推进乡村振兴的实践路径,有助于推进我国乡村教育的发展,构建高质量的乡村教育体系,对促进乡村经济发展、满足村民文化需要、推进乡村振兴和以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴大有裨益。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》《中华人民共和国教育法》《中华人民共和国义务教育法》等若干法律法规条例的提出,为我国实现教育公平、提高教育资源利用效率均作出了重要的指示。尤其在乡村地区,依托相对倾斜的教育法规,一方面能够促进乡村学校开展幸福教育,另一方面也可以完善乡村地区学校的基础设施建设和教师资源条件,进而为振兴乡村经济提供有效的教育资源。本文主要研究教育法规促进乡村学校幸福教育的相关问题。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力的提升,我国整体教育水平也全面提升,然而城乡教育差距悬殊的问题日益突出,集中表现在教学设施落后、师资力量薄弱、教学内容单一、缺乏家庭教育环境、学生自身素质水平不高、能力不足等方面。为推进乡村儿童教育的进一步发展,我们必须重视乡村教育,推行乡村教师补贴政策,加大乡村教育宣传力度。  相似文献   

俚语是通俗的口头语,它可以帮助读者更好地体味汉语语言的丰富性和佳妙之处,更有效地进行沟通与交流。  相似文献   

俚语是通俗的口头语.它可以帮助读者更好地体味汉语语言的丰富性和佳妙之处,更有效地进行沟通与交流。  相似文献   

杨琼 《现代妇女》2010,(6):84-86
民俗是文化的重要载体,怎样更好地关注民俗文化及其传承,是觉醒的本文化持有者、政府和学者们一直在思考的问题。民族民俗音乐与民俗有不可分割的共生关系。民俗音乐中,相当一部分都是由女性创作、演唱并传承的。她们或独立构建或与男性一起架构其民俗的文化空间。然而,一直以来,女性与民俗的关系都不太被重视,在民俗音乐受到外来文化冲击的今天,她们的作用显得更为重要,甚至关系到某些民俗音乐文化的存亡。表现民族、民俗的音乐是近年来各大作曲家竞相关注的焦点,很多时候也是通过这种方式走向国际舞台的,即“民族的,才是世界的”。可是怎样才是真正用音乐表现了中国优秀女性仍是一个值得探讨的话题。  相似文献   

俚语是通俗的口头语,它可以帮助读者更好地体味汉语语言的丰富性和佳妙之处,更有效地进行沟通与交流。  相似文献   


Social work education has traditionally been taught in urban universities in on-campus programs. In the present paper, the author outlines the nature of social work education at Charles Sturt University, a regional Australian university. The author argues that social work education in a rural/regional university is shaped by rural social contextual issues, as well as by changes in the higher education sector. The author notes that social work education fills a significant gap in that it attracts students who are unable to access urban campuses, adds value to rural service delivery, supports rural/regional research, and highlights issues of rural disadvantage. Despite this, the paper argues that rural disadvantage and higher education sector pressures place the delivery of social work education shaped around and responsive to rural social justice issues in regional universities in jeopardy.  相似文献   

乡村文化对留守儿童具有较大教育功能,能够在一定程度上弥补留守儿童家庭教育的缺失,丰富留守儿童的精神生活。但是,乡村本土文化被边缘化,乡村家庭文化失序,乡村学校教育文化衰弱,乡村邻里关系逐渐陌生化等变迁对农村留守儿童的身心发展产生了深刻影响。在乡村文化变迁背景下,需要重视乡村文化建设,通过家庭、学校、邻里社区,树立留守儿童对乡村文化的认同,提高内在精神修养,促进健全人格的塑造,推进社会化发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to examine children’s education financing alternatives among households in rural China. Data on education financing was from a household survey conducted in three poverty villages in Guizhou, China. The difference in financing education by households was verified through non-parametric testing. Findings show that private savings is dominant in financing education of children in school. Formal loans are almost absent even in the highest wealth group examined. The findings implied that the extension of financial services to children’s education could motivate parents to send their children for more education, increase disposable income of rural households by reducing precautionary savings, and provide better-educated labors in rural China.  相似文献   

Many schools of social work have targeted rural communities as critical regions for distance education (DE) facilitated degree delivery. This article reports on an initial alumni survey of DE graduates in Hawai'i, suggesting that the DE program has been successful in its mission to address workforce shortages in the number of social workers in rural areas. Not only are the majority of alumni still living and working rural areas, but they are also pursuing licensure at high rates. This study proposes that distance education not only transforms individuals, but can also be a tool of community change.  相似文献   

Despite China's substantial internal migration, long‐standing rural–urban bifurcation has prompted many migrants to leave their children behind in rural areas. This study examined the consequences of out‐migration for children's education using longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (N = 885). This study took into account the complex family migration strategies and distinguished various types of migration in China, including different forms of parental migration as well as sibling migration. The results showed that migration of siblings generates benefits for children's education, which is particularly pronounced for girls and children at middle‐school levels. But parental migration has not given children left behind a significant advantage in educational prospects as their parents had hoped. Younger children seem to be especially susceptible to the disruptive effect of parental out‐migration.  相似文献   

农村留守儿童家庭教育的现状、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段婧 《职业时空》2012,(1):134-135,138
随着中国社会经济的飞速发展,城市里的农民工越来越多,留守儿童的数量也随之增加,由于留守儿童在家庭教育中存在一些问题,导致各类相关问题也日渐突出。文章阐述了农村留守儿童家庭教育的现状,分析了留守儿童家庭教育中存在的问题,提出了解决的对策。  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查与个案访谈相结合的方法,对鄂西北农村208名留守儿童的家庭教育状况进行了研究探讨。文章从当前家庭教育“喜”与“悲”二个方面对留守儿童的家庭教育状况进行了全面分析,并在此基础上提出了针对留守儿童家庭教育中存在问题的主要对策。  相似文献   

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