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This paper analyses a linear model in which both the mean and the precision change exactly once at an unknown point in time. Posterior distributions are found for the unknown time point at which the changes occurred and for the ratio of the precisions. The Bayesian predictive distribution of k future observations is also derived. It is shown that the unconditional posterior distribution of the ratio of precisions is a mixture of F-type distributions and the predictive distribution is a mixture of multivariate t distributions.  相似文献   

We consider a sequence of posterior distributions based on a data-dependent prior (which we shall refer to as a pseudoposterior distribution) and establish simple conditions under which the sequence is Hellinger consistent. It is shown how investigations into these pseudo posteriors assist with the understanding of some true posterior distributions, including Pólya trees, the infinite dimensional exponential family and mixture models.  相似文献   

The modeling and analysis of lifetime data in which the main endpoints are the times when an event of interest occurs is of great interest in medical studies. In these studies, it is common that two or more lifetimes associated with the same unit such as the times to deterioration levels or the times to reaction to a treatment in pairs of organs like lungs, kidneys, eyes or ears. In medical applications, it is also possible that a cure rate is present and needed to be modeled with lifetime data with long-term survivors. This paper presented a comparative study under a Bayesian approach among some existing continuous and discrete bivariate distributions such as the bivariate exponential distributions and the bivariate geometric distributions in presence of cure rate, censored data and covariates. In presence of lifetimes related to cured patients, it is assumed standard mixture cure rate models in the data analysis. The posterior summaries of interest are obtained using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. To illustrate the proposed methodology two real medical data sets are considered.  相似文献   

We will pursue a Bayesian nonparametric approach in the hierarchical mixture modelling of lifetime data in two situations: density estimation, when the distribution is a mixture of parametric densities with a nonparametric mixing measure, and accelerated failure time (AFT) regression modelling, when the same type of mixture is used for the distribution of the error term. The Dirichlet process is a popular choice for the mixing measure, yielding a Dirichlet process mixture model for the error; as an alternative, we also allow the mixing measure to be equal to a normalized inverse-Gaussian prior, built from normalized inverse-Gaussian finite dimensional distributions, as recently proposed in the literature. Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques will be used to estimate the predictive distribution of the survival time, along with the posterior distribution of the regression parameters. A comparison between the two models will be carried out on the grounds of their predictive power and their ability to identify the number of components in a given mixture density.  相似文献   

Summary.  Advances in understanding the biological underpinnings of many cancers have led increasingly to the use of molecularly targeted anticancer therapies. Because the platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) has been implicated in the progression of prostate cancer bone metastases, it is of great interest to examine possible relationships between PDGFR inhibition and therapeutic outcomes. We analyse the association between change in activated PDGFR (phosphorylated PDGFR) and progression-free survival time based on large within-patient samples of cell-specific phosphorylated PDGFR values taken before and after treatment from each of 88 prostate cancer patients. To utilize these paired samples as covariate data in a regression model for progression-free survival time, and be cause the phosphorylated PDGFR distributions are bimodal, we first employ a Bayesian hierarchical mixture model to obtain a deconvolution of the pretreatment and post-treatment within-patient phosphorylated PDGFR distributions. We evaluate fits of the mixture model and a non-mixture model that ignores the bimodality by using a supnorm metric to compare the empirical distribution of each phosphorylated PDGFR data set with the corresponding fitted distribution under each model. Our results show that first using the mixture model to account for the bimodality of the within-patient phosphorylated PDGFR distributions, and then using the posterior within-patient component mean changes in phosphorylated PDGFR so obtained as covariates in the regression model for progression-free survival time, provides an improved estimation.  相似文献   

The authors propose a novel class of cure rate models for right‐censored failure time data. The class is formulated through a transformation on the unknown population survival function. It includes the mixture cure model and the promotion time cure model as two special cases. The authors propose a general form of the covariate structure which automatically satisfies an inherent parameter constraint and includes the corresponding binomial and exponential covariate structures in the two main formulations of cure models. The proposed class provides a natural link between the mixture and the promotion time cure models, and it offers a wide variety of new modelling structures as well. Within the Bayesian paradigm, a Markov chain Monte Carlo computational scheme is implemented for sampling from the full conditional distributions of the parameters. Model selection is based on the conditional predictive ordinate criterion. The use of the new class of models is illustrated with a set of real data involving a melanoma clinical trial.  相似文献   

In this article we propose mixture of distributions belonging to the biparametric exponential family, considering joint modeling of the mean and variance (or dispersion) parameters. As special cases we consider mixtures of normal and gamma distributions. A novel Bayesian methodology, using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, is proposed to obtain the posterior summaries of interest. We include simulations and real data examples to illustrate de performance of the proposal.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a Bayesian analysis of exponential power mixture models in the presence of a covariate. Considering Gibbs sampling with MetropolisHastings algorithms, we obtain Monte Carlo estimates for the posterior quantities of interest.  相似文献   

The authors offer a unified method extending traditional spatial dependence with normally distributed error terms to a new class of spatial models based on the biparametric exponential family of distributions. Joint modeling of the mean and variance (or precision) parameters is proposed in this family of distributions, including spatial correlation. The proposed models are applied for analyzing Colombian land concentration, assuming that the variable of interest follows normal, gamma, and beta distributions. In all cases, the models were fitted using Bayesian methodology with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for sampling from joint posterior distribution of the model parameters.  相似文献   

This investigation considers a general linear model which changes parameters exactly once during the observation period. Assuming all the parameters are unknown and a proper prior distribution, the Bayesian predictive distribution of the future observations is derived.

It is shown that the predictive distribution is a mixture of multivariate t distributions and that the mixing distribution is the marginal posterior mass function of the change point parameter.  相似文献   

Posterior distributions for mixture models often have multiple modes, particularly near the boundaries of the parameter space where the component variances are small. This multimodality results in predictive densities that are extremely rough. The authors propose an adjustment of the standard normal‐inverse‐gamma prior structure that directly controls the ratio of the largest component variance to the smallest component variance. The prior adjustment smooths out modes near the boundary of the parameter space, producing more reasonable estimates of the predictive density.  相似文献   

An expression for the Bayesian predictive survival function of the median of a set of future observations is obtained whether its size is assumed to be odd or even. Both of the informative and future samples are drawn from a population whose distribution is a general class that includes several distributions used in life testing (and other areas as well) such as the Weibull (including the exponential and Rayleigh), compound Weibull (including the compound exponential and compound Rayleigh), Pareto, beta, Gompertz and compound Gompertz, among other distributions. A general proper (conjugate) prior density function is used to cover most prior distributions that have been used in literature. Applications to the Weibull, exponential and Rayleigh models are illustrated.  相似文献   


Recently, the Bayesian nonparametric approaches in survival studies attract much more attentions. Because of multimodality in survival data, the mixture models are very common. We introduce a Bayesian nonparametric mixture model with Burr distribution (Burr type XII) as the kernel. Since the Burr distribution shares good properties of common distributions on survival analysis, it has more flexibility than other distributions. By applying this model to simulated and real failure time datasets, we show the preference of this model and compare it with Dirichlet process mixture models with different kernels. The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation methods to calculate the posterior distribution are used.  相似文献   

We generalize the Gaussian mixture transition distribution (GMTD) model introduced by Le and co-workers to the mixture autoregressive (MAR) model for the modelling of non-linear time series. The models consist of a mixture of K stationary or non-stationary AR components. The advantages of the MAR model over the GMTD model include a more full range of shape changing predictive distributions and the ability to handle cycles and conditional heteroscedasticity in the time series. The stationarity conditions and autocorrelation function are derived. The estimation is easily done via a simple EM algorithm and the model selection problem is addressed. The shape changing feature of the conditional distributions makes these models capable of modelling time series with multimodal conditional distributions and with heteroscedasticity. The models are applied to two real data sets and compared with other competing models. The MAR models appear to capture features of the data better than other competing models do.  相似文献   

Sequences of independent random variables are observed and on the basis of these observations future values of the process are forecast. The Bayesian predictive density of k future observations for normal, exponential, and binomial sequences which change exactly once are analyzed for several cases. It is seen that the Bayesian predictive densities are mixtures of standard probability distributions. For example, with normal sequences the Bayesian predictive density is a mixture of either normal or t-distributions, depending on whether or not the common variance is known. The mixing probabilities are the same as those occurring in the corresponding posterior distribution of the mean(s) of the sequence. The predictive mass function of the number of future successes that will occur in a changing Bernoulli sequence is computed and point and interval predictors are illustrated.  相似文献   

We propose a mixture model that combines a discrete-time survival model for analyzing the correlated times between recurrent events, e.g. births, with a logistic regression model for the probability of never experiencing the event of interest, i.e., being a long-term survivor. The proposed survival model incorporates both observed and unobserved heterogeneity in the probability of experiencing the event of interest. We use Gibbs sampling for the fitting of such mixture models, which leads to a computationally intensive solution to the problem of fitting survival models for multiple event time data with long-term survivors. We illustrate our Bayesian approach through an analysis of Hutterite birth histories.  相似文献   

In this article, an alternative estimation approach is proposed to fit linear mixed effects models where the random effects follow a finite mixture of normal distributions. This heterogeneity linear mixed model is an interesting tool since it relaxes the classical normality assumption and is also perfectly suitable for classification purposes, based on longitudinal profiles. Instead of fitting directly the heterogeneity linear mixed model, we propose to fit an equivalent mixture of linear mixed models under some restrictions which is computationally simpler. Unlike the former model, the latter can be maximized analytically using an EM-algorithm and the obtained parameter estimates can be easily used to compute the parameter estimates of interest.  相似文献   

In this paper, recurrence relations from a general class of doubly truncated continuous distributions which are satisfied by single as well as product moments of order statistics are obtained. Recurrence relations from doubly truncated generalized Weibull, exponential, Raleigh and logistic distributions have been derived as special cases of our result, Some previous results for doubly truncated Weibull, standard exponential, power function and Burr type XII distributions are obtained as special cases. The general recurrence relation of single moments has been used in the case of the left and right truncation to characterize the Weibull, Burr type XII and Pareto distributions.  相似文献   

Abstract.  One of the main research areas in Bayesian Nonparametrics is the proposal and study of priors which generalize the Dirichlet process. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive Bayesian non-parametric analysis of random probabilities which are obtained by normalizing random measures with independent increments (NRMI). Special cases of these priors have already shown to be useful for statistical applications such as mixture models and species sampling problems. However, in order to fully exploit these priors, the derivation of the posterior distribution of NRMIs is crucial: here we achieve this goal and, indeed, provide explicit and tractable expressions suitable for practical implementation. The posterior distribution of an NRMI turns out to be a mixture with respect to the distribution of a specific latent variable. The analysis is completed by the derivation of the corresponding predictive distributions and by a thorough investigation of the marginal structure. These results allow to derive a generalized Blackwell–MacQueen sampling scheme, which is then adapted to cover also mixture models driven by general NRMIs.  相似文献   


We introduce a new family of distributions using truncated discrete Linnik distribution. This family is a rich family of distributions which includes many important families of distributions such as Marshall–Olkin family of distributions, family of distributions generated through truncated negative binomial distribution, family of distributions generated through truncated discrete Mittag–Leffler distribution etc. Some properties of the new family of distributions are derived. A particular case of the family, a five parameter generalization of Weibull distribution, namely discrete Linnik Weibull distribution is given special attention. This distribution is a generalization of many distributions, such as extended exponentiated Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, Weibull truncated negative binomial, generalized exponential truncated negative binomial, Marshall-Olkin extended Weibull, Marshall–Olkin generalized exponential, exponential truncated negative binomial, Marshall–Olkin exponential and generalized exponential. The shape properties, moments, median, distribution of order statistics, stochastic ordering and stress–strength properties of the new generalized Weibull distribution are derived. The unknown parameters of the distribution are estimated using maximum likelihood method. The discrete Linnik Weibull distribution is fitted to a survival time data set and it is shown that the distribution is more appropriate than other competitive models.  相似文献   

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