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据美国《政策科学》1983年第16卷第3期报道,美国政治学家兼美国全国人文科学捐赠基金委员会的副主席J·阿格雷斯托对询问者提出的关于人文科学包括哪些学科以及什么样的研究才有资格向该会申请资金等问题作了回答: 在社会科学与全国人文科学捐赠基金委员会(下简称NEH)的关系方面,已出现两个有争议的问题。首先涉及的是定义,即如  相似文献   

·学习贯彻十六大精神专栏·学习贯彻十六大精神专家笔谈康渝生 ,刘占兴 ,王朗玲 ,王雅林 ( 1 .1 )马克思主义执政党建设的光辉文献 ———初学十六大报告的体会马国钧 ( 1 .8)深入学习贯彻十六大精神认真做 好社会科学工作刘占兴 ( 4 .1 1 )十六大报告对马克思主义发展观的 新拓展李国俊 ( 6.6)·“三个代表”思想研究·“三个代表”思想是对“历史周期率”的 跨越孙玉娟 ( 1 .1 7)全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想繁荣 和发展哲学社会科学事业孙启文 ( 3.1 )落实“三个代表”重要思想与权力 价值的实现马长杰 ,马英林 ( 8.1 7)论“三个…  相似文献   

1978年9月苏联就“社会科学、自然科学和技术科学相互作用的方法论问题”召开了全苏学术会议。Ю·В·萨奇科夫在开幕词中谈到研究这个问题的基本方面:1、研究科学相互作用的认识论前提、方法论前提和社会前提;2、阐明科学技术革命条件下科学一体化的意义;3、分析一般的科学概念和观念在科学相互作用过  相似文献   

(一) 艺术职业造就艺术亚文化亚文化是每一个社会都不可或缺的组成部分。“任何群体,凡在某些方面与社会主导性文化的价值体系不同者都被称为亚文化。亚文化产生的原因很多。从事不同职业的人形成不同的职业亚群体,各社会阶级常形成各自的亚世界,宗教群体有时拥有与主导性文化不同的价值体系”。“它们并不否定主导性文化,仅仅是忽视其某些方面,并以自己的特有形态补充主导性文化”。(J·V·Baldridge:《Acritical Appoach to power,conflict,and change》p·97) 作为社会分工的必然产物,职业在亚文化的形成中起着重要的作用。职业是人们参与社会并获取经济收入的主要途径,它占据了绝大  相似文献   

<正> 18世纪麦斯麦(A·/mesmes)最早用催眠来治疗疾病,相信催眠是“动物磁气”的作用。19世纪英国医生布雷德(J·Braid)研究出令患者凝视发光物体而诱导出催眠状态,并认为应用“催眠术”一词表达这种诱导术。催眠技术的共同点大多是要求被试者彻底放松,把注意固定地集中于某个较小的物体上,减少通常感觉的输入和运动的输出。催眠的具体方法一般首先要向患者说明  相似文献   

<正> 在全国哲学社会科学“七五”规划会上,中宣部部长朱厚泽同志在发言中,对上海社科院副院长夏禹龙提出的要建立社会科学学的建议表示赞同。他说,现在整个社会科学究竟是一个什么图景,很不清晰,要解决的问题是成堆的。看来社会科学要树立主体意识,社会科学的问题要靠我们搞社会科学的同志自已来解决。如果能在加强对自身的认识上花一点功夫,集中一点力量,把社会科学当  相似文献   

科尔曼以法人行动者为核心概念创立了法人行动理论,为人们洞察法人行动者影响力逐渐提升的现代社会提供了一个有力的工具。法人行动理论在概念工具和理论逻辑方面具有的独特性和创新性使它成为了一种社会理论的新思维;同时,它在社会科学领域内部以及面对变动中的社会实践所特有的开放性,使其因此具有了一种强大的生命力。对科尔曼的法人行动理论进行深入探究有利于社会科学理论的创新发展。  相似文献   

生产力是一个社会经济范畴 每一个研究社会科学和从事经济工作的人,天天都要接触生产力问题。可以说,离开生产力这个基本范畴,社会科学的研究和教育工作就寸步难行;不去合理地组织生产力,经济工作也就失去存在的意义。多年来,在一些社会主义国家里泛滥成灾的穷社会主义思潮,其理论上的谬误就在于否定生产力在社会发展中的决定作用,要在生产力还很落后的情况下开展生产关系的“不断命革”,搞“穷过渡”,从而造成了严重的社会后果。这些历史教训表明,违背生产力决定生产关系、进而决定整个社会发展的客观规律,是要受到惩罚的。 社会科学、特别…  相似文献   

(枯亏内的教手,丽首为期教。后贡为更码)张宛丽《日·理论与方法论·4 8 11 14 14陈隆生陆小伟(11(12立宇黄陈、J、,龟.,叨J︸匕4竞争与社会公平社会学研究中经脸主义方法论的局限性社会公平的主观认定社会学研究中经验主义方法论的 局限性(续)模栩语言与人际交往官旅主义作风与科层组织制度社会学与软科学应当协调发展冯之浚离婚率统计方法种种社会公平的主观认定(续)村委会建设与农村杜会控制踌文化研究中的一些方法论问题杜会学研究方法的主体性与客体性浅议 “回到马克思”与‘.超越马克思“社会问肠研究的“三个W.,权力泛化论人口控…  相似文献   

李彬  沈莉 《社会》1994,(10)
D·洛克菲勒说:“他是我心爱的儿子,我非常喜欢他.”J·P摩根说:“它是对辛劳与美德的奖赏。”尤金·德布斯说:“很多人的钱被一个人拿在手里。”一般来讲,有钱人爱选第一种说法,可望有钱的人爱选第二种,贫穷的人则选第三种。  相似文献   

All production activities generate health risks to workers. This article employs input-output analysis in conjunction with job-risk data by industry to construct measures of the direct and indirect risks imposed by expenditures. Both fatalities and nonfatal injuries (which include illnesses) are considered. The occupational-risk component of expenditures is generally in the range of 3–4% of costs, with nonfatal injuries contributing the larger share. Expenditure levels that generate a fatality or a lost-workday injury are provided by industry, as are a variety of other measures that consider both created and avoided risks pertinent to risk-risk analyses and cost-effectiveness analyses, respectively.Viscusi's research was supported by EPA Cooperative Agreement number CA-814-388-02 with Duke University. Zeckhauser's research was supported by grant number SES91-11056 from the Decision, Risk and Management Science division of the National Science Foundation. Wassily Leontief and Mark Dreyfus provided excellent input. Please direct all correspondence to Professor Viscusi.  相似文献   

段云 《学术交流》2002,(3):47-49
我国推行住房抵押贷款证券化已是必然趋势。对住房抵押贷款证券获得的收益及其所面临的风险进行分析 ,有利于对风险予以防范和控制。  相似文献   

Statistical analysis for negotiation support   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we provide an overview of the issues involved in using statistical analysis to support the process of international negotiation. We will illustrate how the approach can contribute to a negotiator's understanding and control of the interactions that occur during the course of a negotiation. The techniques are suited to the analysis of data collected from ongoing discussions and moves made by the parties. The analyses are used to illuminate influences and processes as they operate in particular cases or in negotiations in general. They do not identify a best strategy or outcome from among alternatives suggested either from theoretical assumptions about rationality and information-processing (see Munier and Rullière's paper in this issue), from personal preference structures (see Spector's paper in this issue), or from a rule-based modeling system (see Kersten's paper in this issue). This distinction should be evident in the discussion to follow, organized into several sections: From Empirical to Normative Analysis; Statistical Analysis for Situational Diagnosis; Time-Series Analysis of Cases, and Knowledge as Leverage Over the Negotiation Process. In a final section, we consider the challenge posed by attempts to implement these techniques with practitioners.  相似文献   

The family of decision analysis techniques can be applied effectively to support practical negotiators in international settings. These techniques are most appropriate in support of the prenegotiation phase, when parties are diagnosing the situation, assessing their own plans and strategies, and evaluating likely reactions and outcomes. The paper identifies how these approaches have and can be used to assist negotiation practitioners, offers a rationale for the application of decision analytic approaches in terms of the particular analytical requirements of the prenegotiation period, suggests how these process-oriented tools can be integrated with substantive tools, and discusses ways in which these tools can be presented and delivered to practitioners in a practical and confidence-building manner.  相似文献   


The current case definition of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was developed by consensus rather than empirical methods. From a practice point of view, if the case definition is not empirically-based, it is possible that some individuals with this illness might not be diagnosed, and others who do not have the disorder might be diagnosed. In the present study, 114 individuals with CFS were provided a theoretically driven questionnaire that featured neuropsychiatric, vascular, inflammatory, muscle/joint, infectious, and other symptoms. When symptoms using this classification were factor analyzed, a more interpretable factor structure was identified than when using symptoms from traditional case definition criteria. Factor scores from the new classification system were cluster analyzed, and four types of patient groups were identified. The field of CFS studies needs to be grounded in empirical methods for determining a case definition versus more consensus-based efforts. Such efforts will ultimately help social service providers better diagnose and provide services to those with this chronic illness.  相似文献   

多元话语分析:社会分析模式的新尝试   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谢立中 《社会》2010,30(2):1-19
话语分析就是对那些已经说出来的“话”究竟是以怎样的方式以及按照什么样的规则被说出和被传播的过程加以分析。多元话语分析就是从多元主义的立场对话语进行分析。倡导多元话语分析的目的是消除以实证主义和古典诠释社会学为主要代表的传统“实在论”分析模式在社会研究中的影响。多元话语分析包括话语策略分析和话语构成规则分析等基本程序。采用多元话语分析模式进行社会研究,对我们具有多方面的重要意义。  相似文献   

This study explores the psychometric characteristics of childhood experiences ('Barndomsupplevelser'), using a Swedish translation of the 53–item version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). Fifty–five female addicts, treated in a compulsory–care setting, completed the questionnaire. Homogeneity and reliability were studied using principal component analyses (PCA) and Cronbach's alpha. The test was submitted to content analysis. Nearly all (94.5%) had experienced childhood abuse or neglect. The internal consistency is high. The 4–factor solution corresponded to the subscales of emotional and physical abuse (combined), of sexual abuse and of emotional neglect, while the items in the physical neglect subscale were distributed to several factors. In the 5–factor solution, this subscale was divided into two factors. Content analyses of these factors point to other meanings than physical neglect. The CTQ (Swedish translation) was found to have high consistency and homogeneity in four of the five subscales (emotional, physical and sexual abuse, and emotional neglect), while the subscale on physical neglect may need revision. The new 28–item brief version seems to be an improvement, with regard to these problems.  相似文献   

Developments in sociological theory since the 1960s have been responses to disciplinary problems rather than changes in fashion. The problem of topic and resource—where sociology has to use everyday understandings and practices as study resources even though they are legitimate topics of enquiry—has been an important and sometimes neglected spur to many of these developments. The turn to discourse, conversation analysis and the rise of Bourdieu's reflexivity are all attempts to address the problem, but each is shown to be unsatisfactory in different ways. In summary, they seek to address the issue as requiring either a principled methodological or a principled theoretical solution, and neither approach is capable of comprehensively addressing the matter. It is argued that these ‘solutions’ depend, in turn, on one of two particular construals of what the ‘problem’ consists in, neither of which is necessary or coherent. Each, it is argued, depends on a philosophical trick: making language out to need formal improvement (the Bertrand Russell trick) or introducing inappropriate scepticism to everyday life (the René Descartes trick). It is suggested that treating topic and resource not as a problem but as something which opens up new areas of investigation successfully deflates the issue and avoids unnecessary theoretical and methodological contortions.  相似文献   

天气预报产品的制作必须在服务理念的指引下进行。天气预报产品的服务理念不同于专门的气象服务产品的服务理念。对于天气预报产品来说,服务并不靠附加单独的具体化的提示和建议来实现,其服务理念要着眼于天气、着手于预报,增加对天气的分析、判断和评估。以国家级天气预报产品《天气公报》为例,天气预报类产品存在服务功能不足的缺陷。因此,在描述介绍未来天气的同时,应加大分析解读的比重,将静态描述与动态分析相结合,定量描述与定性分析相结合,独立描述与关联分析相结合,以便强化服务功能,提升服务能力。  相似文献   

满相忠  路艳 《创新》2007,1(1):103-108
农村金融体系建构和改革是社会主义新农村建设的重要内容和重要保障。实践证明,以往以机构范式为指导的农村金融改革,忽略了对农村金融体系功能的关注,往往是以牺牲效率或违背市场发展方向为代价的。本文在金融功能研究范式框架下探讨与社会主义新农村建设相适应的农村金融体系建构和改革问题,以现实需求和发展方向为依据,明确社会主义新农村金融体系的功能定位,并在此基础上确定农村金融体系的机构构成和各自的职能分工,以期为我国深化农村金融改革提供新的思路和有效的路径。  相似文献   

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