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This article analyses a nationally representative sample of 3,000 respondents from the 2006 wave of the International Social Justice Project to investigate the determinants of citizens' perceptions of the injustice of their country's prevalent pension system. We studied two ‘most‐different’ cases: Israel, a relatively new democracy and demographically young society, and Western Germany, an established democracy and demographically older society. We found that age is negatively associated, and social status positively associated, with reported levels of PPI. Moreover, PPI is higher both when citizens lack intra‐familial social solidarity and when they more strongly endorse pro‐state welfare attitudes. At the same time, there are distinct culture‐specific patterns in PPI, such as the stronger effect of subjective class position and pro‐social family norms in Israel. We explain these by reference to the institutional characteristics of the Israeli pension system and the particularly dominant normative position of the family in Israeli‐Jewish culture.  相似文献   

The article examines how the three Scandinavian countries are responding to the seemingly growing gap between demands and resources. Various strategies and approaches are identified and evaluated, and their relevance and potential are discussed in a comparative context across time and between countries. What about the recent changes in the Scandinavian welfare policies on aging? Do they merely represent minor adaptations in order to protect and sustain “the Scandinavian model”, or are they early signs of major changes in progress?  相似文献   

In the United States at the end of the twentieth century, government policies regarding elderly people appear to be in transition. In part this reflects the traditional American ambivalence between radical individualism and collective assistance - especially in the form of tax-supported public welfare provided through government agencies - for those unable to earn or save for their own support. But in part this reflects new concerns about the growth of welfare "entitlements" for elderly people and the presumed "generational inequity" of public support for the aged at the expense of funds for children and young families. We review 1) the changing demography of the United States elderly population, 2) the complex and ambivalent history of welfare policy in the United States and 3) the evidence for tensions and conflicts between older and younger Americans in the context of politicized "generational inequity" debates, with special attention to changing government health care policies. We conclude that in American society, particularly in terms of federal assistance to the aged, there is considerable public support for current policy measures, and - contrary to the predictions of many - it is not likely that there will be dramatic policy changes in the near future.  相似文献   

王水雄  杨颖琳 《社会》2006,26(1):61-82
关系网络未必总是积极的,从而也未必总能构成社会资本。本文试图将信息经济学的信号传递问题与社会学的关系网络研究结合起来,以职业流动的个案为例,来探讨人力投资、信息传递与关系网络改变的逻辑联系。在求职过程中,行为者随机会集合的状况不同会对关系网络有不同的倾向;行为者可选择的机会集合与其人力的状况、人力显示方式和程度有着密切的关系。在机会集合一定的情况下,关系网络除了有助于行为者获取职业信息之外,还会影响外界对他/她的评价,进而影响其人力信息的传递;而对自己感兴趣的方向进行人力投资不仅会改善人力状况,还能多样化人力显示方式(包含改变关系网络在内),强化人力显示程度。  相似文献   

This article explores the conditions in which policy changes occur over time. It studies the institutional pathways taken by national pensions in Korea over an extended period by identifying the key moments which have pushed through their development: initiation (1973), implementation (1988) and reform (1998). Public pensions have developed over time in an incremental fashion, bringing an ever‐growing proportion of the population under their umbrella. What accounts for this development? A number of factors may be at work. The elderly population has rapidly increased; the traditional extended family has increasingly become a nuclear one, meaning that what used simply to be a family issue of protecting the elderly has become a social matter; urbanization and industrialization have resulted in an ever‐growing number of life‐time contingencies such as unexpected income losses. Convincing as these socio‐economic accounts may seem, however, they offer only a snapshot, underscoring the politics of national pensions which stretch over long periods. This article seeks to answer how and in whose interest national pensions come on to the political agenda; how they are framed and defined; and how political actors respond to pressures for national pension reform. In each of the three stages, it is suggested, somewhat different institutional rules have operated. Defining institutional rules as ‘the process of who gets represented in the decision‐making processes’, this article identifies the different institutional rules which have played a pivotal role in the social policy‐making processes.  相似文献   

关于人力资本价值及其有效实现的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人力资本是一种物化于人力资源所有者身上的长期消费资本.人力资本价值的形成过程就是教育等投资和接受这些投资所放弃的机会收入等价值在劳动者身上凝结的过程.有效实现人力资本价值应着重考虑建立以人力资本为核心的个人所有制,协调人力资本与其他产权主体的利益关系,建立以产权激励、机会激励为核心的激励机制等方面问题.  相似文献   

虽然实施人力资源会计迫在眉睫 ,但多年来我国人力资源会计始终处于理论研究阶段 ,实际运用困难重重 ,主要原因在于存在研究误区 ,使现有的计量方法和模型难以应用。当前人力资源会计的学科归属、计量方法、人力资产及人力资本核算内容等存在许多问题。从具有可操作性出发 ,根据人力资产是能为企业带来超额收益的那部分人力资源的观点对人力资产及人力资本的计量、核算和报告形式等进行更为科学的设计。  相似文献   

黄延  杨亦龙 《创新》2009,3(5):33-35
在日趋激烈的竞争条件下,经济的竞争就是人才的竞争,但是,人才资本不足已经成为广西北部湾经济区各市实现跨越式发展的“瓶颈”。因此,在“人才倒挂”的大背景下,如何科学激发现有人才资本的活力成为广西北部湾经济区当前突破经济发展人才瓶颈的重要抓手。当前,广西北部湾经济区激发人才资本活力的关键举措是确立科学的用才理念,建立综合动态考评体系;健全人才市场运作机制,规范人才合理流动;积极搭建国际化人才平台,全面推进人才国际化发展;突破人才合作壁垒,充分发挥人才资本的最大潜能。  相似文献   

李黎明  张骞 《社会》2022,42(5):207-240
本文使用2014—2015学年中国教育追踪调查(CEPS)数据,以中国为例考察了代际网络对子女学业成就的影响。本文通过将代际网络效应置于个体能动与网络情境的双重视角之下,检验了个体能动与网络情境的解释进路及间接机制,分析了个体能动效应基于网络情境的条件效应,进而揭示了两种解释路径之间的内在关联。研究发现:第一,代际网络宏观及微观效应在中国均存在。父母认识其他家长和网络情境特征均能提高子女的学业成就。第二,随着宏观代际网络资源的增加,由个体能动效应带来的学业成就回报逐渐增强。影响增强的网络资源因素主要来源于网络规范与关系人阶层地位。第三,宏微观代际网络的间接机制得到了进一步的检验。宏微观代际网络在一定程度上通过影响家庭和同伴社会资本、学业态度和行为进而影响子女的学业产出。  相似文献   

This article argues that most government policies towards intergenerational issues are deficient. Government attention has focused largely on environmental and economic considerations, at the expense of other concerns such as social dimensions. Some of these neglected issues, such as social inequality and generational legacies are presently hindering the formation of social capital and social development, as well as preventing individuals from reaching their full potential. These examples highlight that governments should consider a broader range of concerns within the context of reviewing the underlying intergenerational contract in each society as a result of demographic, economic and political changes.  相似文献   

人力资本对就业地区、就业行业、单位性质和承诺月薪的影响力分别为3.08%、10.4%、2.89%、12.38%,总影响力为7.19%;社会资本对以上四项的影响力分别为17.57%、3.54%、3.48%、1.82%,总影响力为4.69%。人力资本和社会资本成为大学生就业质量的双轮驱动力。就业质量差异扩大是一国经济发展的必然结果。人力资本的影响是合理的,而社会资本的影响具有两面性。大学生要努力积累人力资本,高校应开展就业能力导向的教学改革,政府要完善劳动力市场,以改善大学生就业质量。  相似文献   

李黎明  张顺国 《社会》2008,28(2):162-162
本文利用2006年5月6月份对西部地区三所高校大学生就业行为调查的数据,分析了家庭背景和自身学业成就对大学毕业生职业选择的影响。研究发现,社会资本和人力资本对大学生职业选择有显著影响作用。大学生拥有的社会资本越充裕,人力资本越丰富,其就业意向越高。具体表现在:就业单位选择更倾向于选择资源丰富的单位就业;就业地区更倾向于选择经济发达、收入较高的地区;其毕业期望月薪值也越高。  相似文献   

目前高技术产业已在京津、长三角和珠三角形成了显著的产业集聚。本文通过考察这三个地区高技术产业集聚的现状与成因,从实证角度探讨了人力资本的重要作用。其中,特殊专业化人力资本是产品研发的主体,而一般专业化人力资本的分布也影响了高技术产业的区位选择。  相似文献   

在知识技术主导经济增长的时代,人力资本日益成为重要的投资方式。合理确认“投资法人”和“研发执行人”对人力资本内生增值价值的占有权,科学评估投资成本与收益,明晰人力资本增值后的产权关系,建立合理的共享分配机制,维护投资者和研发者的合法权益,对促进人力资本投资,建立现代企业制度具有重要意义。  相似文献   

程诚  边燕杰 《社会》2014,34(4):67-90
本文以农民工与城市职工收入差距研究为切入点,探讨社会资本对收入不平等的影响路径及其程度。通过分析中国8城市的调查数据,运用收入分解方法,考察社会资本影响农民工与城市职工收入差异的两条路径,即进入职业的机会差异和职业内的收入差异。研究结果表明,户籍制度和交往同质性原则导致农民工(相比城市职工)在社会资本存量方面更加欠缺,难以进入收入高的职业,且职业内的讨价还价能力也很有限。两种路径差异的综合,是导致农民工收入较低的重要社会原因,因此,社会资本是维持和固化社会不平等的微观机制。  相似文献   

This study explores whether family and community social capital variables influence children's school status in Mexico. Additional predictors related to human and financial capital were included as control variables. Two hundred and four mothers were interviewed as part of a larger study on the impact of social capital on children's street work in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Logistic regression results suggest that family and community protective factors associated with children's academic achievement include parental help with homework, mothers' academic aspirations, extended family support and mothers' social support networks. The author reports on family- and community-based predictors of children's school status and discusses the social work profession's role in strengthening families and communities to enhance children's academic achievement.  相似文献   

Drawing on social capital literature from the international realm, this article presents a critical synthesis of this social resource in relation to children's and youth's wellbeing. Although considerable evidence indicates that social capital can have a positive impact on future outcomes for children and youth, no prior comprehensive review exists of the literature on social capital and children's wellbeing. Adopting the systematic review method (SR), the author explores how social capital has been conceptualised and operationalised as an explanatory variable in research on individual and collective wellbeing with children and youth. Oft-cited indicators of family social capital and community social capital are identified, together with common control variables, such as human and financial capital. The author concludes by examining several social capital trends in relation to children's wellbeing and offering recommendations for future research using a social capital theoretical framework to explore additional outcomes related to children's and youth's wellbeing.  相似文献   

陆德梅 《社会》2005,25(3):101-115
“职业流动”是经济学和社会学共同关注的重要主题之一。对于这一现象,经济学家往往站在“理性人”的角度上,把劳动者解释为追求利益最大化的“理性”行动者(霍夫曼,1989:20),流动与否、采用何种途径流动以及相应的结果都是其理性决策的过程。在他们看来,劳动者的职业流动如果不是因为劳动力市场产生了职位空缺需要有人去填补(White, 1970; Tuma & Hannan, 1984),就是因为劳动者预计流动后的收益大于不流动的收益(陆铭,2002:135 137)。但在社会学家看来,这些解释显然不够充分,因为他们发现职业流动中劳动者的行为往往混杂着对非经济目标的…  相似文献   

About 73% of the global population is not, or is only partly, covered by social protection. Particularly across low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs), social protection coverage is highly heterogeneous. What explains the large differences in the inclusiveness of social protection across LMICs? By analysing 100 LMICs using retirement schemes as an example, this study shows that non‐contributory schemes in LMICs are, by far, more inclusive than contributory ones. Surprisingly, democratic institutions characterised by low levels of political corruption only promote the inclusiveness of non‐contributory social protection while reducing the coverage of contributory schemes.  相似文献   

经济增长:内生增长理论与中国人力资本投资   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
内生增长理论是现代经济增长理论中的一个核心内容.从长期经济增长率所依赖的路径来看,人力资本和技术进步作为经济增长的内生因素,可以弥补因其他要素收益递减而带来经济增长停滞这一局面.技术进步是由人力资本投资所形成的有效机制而演化成增长动力的一种必然结果.中国技术进步贡献度低下的最主要原因,是由于人力资本投入不足(人力资本积累不足)造成的.在国家财政政策干预下,以内生增长为动力,逐步形成有利于经济增长的物质资本投资向人力资本投资转换的机制.  相似文献   

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