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(一) 2005年7月7日和7月21日,伦敦相继发生恐怖主义爆炸事件;2005年7月23日埃及沙姆沙伊赫也发生了恐怖主义袭击事件,这些事件引发了许多亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

Children's early word learning is not usually considered creative in the same sense as artistic productions of later life. Yet early word learning is a creative response to the intrinsic instability of word meaning. As the child acts to participate in her community, she strives for intersubjectivity, manifest in neologisms and under- and overextensions, commonly characterized as errors. Young children's innovative productions, as those of second-language learners, may raise new possibilities for rich understandings of linguistic creativity, if from dialogical approaches to linguistics the local quality of interpretations is properly incorporated into theory. Language use into adulthood, including for literary functions, continues to interplay routines and innovations; semiotic transformation is a central process of human creativity.

Derwent extends the idea of Door so far that he not only [calls] the Lids of Boxes Doors, but even the Covers of Books/a year & 8 months. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge, [1802] as cited in Perry, 2002 Perry, S., ed. 2002. Coleridge's notebooks: A selection, Oxford, , England: Oxford University Press.  [Google Scholar], p. 25)  相似文献   

Consistency is a concept central to most social science research. In this paper we challenge the typical simplistic assumptions of consistency between words and deeds. We contend that consistency is a complex concept which must be studied through a situated approach. By employing the literature on motives in sociology and communication, we consider the means by which actors construct consistency and inconsistency in social interaction. Central to this process are anticipated, or actual, calls for accountability. Consistency and inconsistency become issues when we attempt to hold self, or other, accountable.  相似文献   

The author deals with a very challenging subject: the mental state of a couple compelled to confess under torture during the last Uruguayan dictatorship (1973–1985). This case is presented from the point of view of the therapist—a viewpoint which is informed by second order cybernetics. I describe the way I as therapist resonated with the problems of this couple, my way of intervening, and the way in which my intervention resonated in the patients, allowing a shift in perceptions. Finally, I identify some difficulties in repairing the social network destroyed by the dictatorship.  相似文献   

大学生另类行为思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当代大学生群体中突出存在着语言另类、穿着另类、示爱另类、宠物另类、节日另类等另类行为。创新性思维发展、情感的冲动和波动性、自制力较差、追求个性释放与叛逆性格以及排解心理压力的需要等心理因素是其根源所在。对另类行为,我们既不可全盘肯定,也不能一味否定,而应给以适当的引导,使其真正体现大学生的个性差异和个性发展。  相似文献   

Since Labor came to power in December 1972, increased and novel opportunities have been created for social workers in contexts in which, however, other occupations are also being offered similar opportunities within the same operational territory. This situation has urged social work to take a close look at itself as a collectivity, a social system for which effective communication and interchange with its environment—internal and external—is essential to survival and adaptation.  相似文献   

The study of deviance and social control can be expanded to recognize that (1) organizations, not just individuals, commit deviant acts, and (2) other organizations have responsibilities for preventing or controlling that deviance. This paper focuses on these phenomena. It defines organizational deviance, applies Blau and Scot?s cui bono taxonomy to suggest types of organizational deviance, provides a categorization of controller organizations by the types of deviance they control, and considers the social control of organizational deviance. The paper concludes by suggesting that organizational deviance should be among the theoretical, empirical, and methodological interests of an increasing number of contemporary sociologists.  相似文献   

Personal Tailor, Chinese director Feng Xiaogang's latest comedy, is a story about a company that allows ordinary people to fulfill their fantasies. The company, Personal Tailor, is run by Yang Zhong (played by Ge You), who is the "dream planner;" Miss Bai (played by Bai Baihe), who is the "scenario designer;" Xiao Lu (played by Ei Xiaolu), who is the "dream builder;" and Ma Qing (played by Zheng Kai), the "spiritual anesthetist." The business is unique, as it satisfies the clients' demands and makes their dreams come true.  相似文献   

Abstract To revisit the rural-urban contrast, we use data from non-metropolitan and metropolitan subsamples of the 1985 General Social Survey to test whether, compared to personal networks in urban settings, personal networks in rural settings contain ties of greater intensity and role multiplexity, are based more on kinship and neighborhood solidarities rather than on friendship, are smaller, are denser, and have greater educational, race-ethnic, and religious homogeneity, but less age and gender homogeneity. Our results are generally consistent with these predictions. We then present evidence for rural diversity by comparing data from residents of a two-parish nonmetropolitan area in southwestern Louisiana to the nonmetropolitan subsample of the GSS. After discussing possible mechanisms for this covariation of spatial and aspatial communities, we conclude by commenting on the potential of network analysis to contribute to the resolution of these and other substantively important problems in rural sociology.  相似文献   

Behavioral specimens are slices of ongoing interaction that take particular behavioral observations from beginning to end and report the temporal sequence of the behaviors under investigation. This article takes the position that behavioral specimens as a symbolic interaction tool preserve the context of natural interaction in interpersonal relationships. Whereas this technique of data collection was first used by Barker and Wright in 1954, over 30 years ago, the format of the specimen presented here is new, because nonverbal behaviors are now recorded in a fashion that reflects the timing of the behaviors in relation to verbalizations. The intent of the new specimen format is to enhance the ecological validity of recordings through a more accurate representation of the contemporaneous nature of nonverbal behaviors and to convey a working knowledge of the actors under analysis.  相似文献   

We analyze how twenty graduates of a Batterer Intervention Program constructed autobiographical stories about their relationships with women they assaulted. We focus on the presentation of gendered selves via narrative manhood acts, which we define as self‐narratives that signify membership in the category “man” and the possession of a masculine self. We also show how graduates constructed self‐narratives as a genre that was oppositional to organizational narratives: rather than adopting the program's domestic violence melodrama or preferred conversion narrative, graduates used the larger culture—especially “bitch” imagery and sometimes racialized discourse—to construct tragedies. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of narrative analysis for research on batterers' accounts and manhood acts, and also shows how oppositional genre‐making can be a method to resist organizational narratives.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between machismo and implicit power processes at a conceptual and empirical level. Implicit power processes are the taken‐for‐granted ways in which organizational members reproduce sexual divisions in their organizations. The empirical data are derived from the Argentine auto components industry. This is a male‐dominated industry and machismo was used to explain and justify selection decisions that favoured men. Machismo is intrinsically linked to masculinity and power and should be defined as a set of hegemonic masculinities. Machismo represents four images of the dominant ideal of manhood in the Argentine society. These images are the authoritarian image, the breadwinner image, the virility image and the chivalry image. Machismo can then be studied as a discourse on masculinity that, when translated into particular selection discourses, implicitly leads to the exclusion of women from this industry. Machismo and implicit power processes are thus intertwined; both sexes routinely reproduce the male standard. In order to show how discourses on masculinity implicitly shape selection processes, this article presents a typology. The typology consists of four types, the power of natural differences, the power of denial, pastoral or caring power, and the power of the male standard. The typology serves as an analytical tool to reveal the intertwining of machismo and implicit power processes at the shop floors of Argentine auto components firms.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the Swedish personal assistance program for persons with severe impairments, introduced in 1994. The personal assistance program makes it financially possible for people with severe disabilities to appoint a personal assistant, by themselves or through a provider, to create support adapted to the individual and to optimize the person's influence over how the support is arranged. The article describes how the reform has increased the opportunity for people with severe disabilities to choose their own way of living. Overall, the personal assistance has enhanced the quality of life for people with severe disabilities and their families.  相似文献   

Refugee research has tended to focus exclusively on the mental health consequences of migration with little attention being devoted to factors that facilitate adjustment. Recently, several cross‐cultural researchers have suggested that the growing literature on moderators of stress may elucidate why some migrants experience adverse effects whereas others remain relatively unscathed. This study examines the moderating effects of social and personal resources on the relationship between stress and subjective well‐being in 60 recently‐arrived and 60 established Salvadoran refugees in Canada. The participants completed a questionnaire that included scales pertaining to stress (life events, hassles, migration‐related events), resources (social support, locus of control, self‐esteem) and well‐being (quality of life, life satisfaction). Varying results were found for both groups. For Recent Refugees, personal resources were found to moderate migration stress. In particular, locus of control buffered the relationships between migration stress and quality of life and life satisfaction, whereas self‐esteem buffered the migration stress‐quality of life relation. For Established Refugees, social support and self‐esteem moderated the relationship between life events and life satisfaction. In addition, social support buffered the effects of hassles on quality of life. The findings underscore the relevance of integrating more firmly the study of refugee adjustment with current developments in stress research.  相似文献   

This article provides an explanatory model of the way in which trauma leads to serious delinquency. Using perspectives from information processing, social learning, and self-regulation theories, we present evidence to suggest that adolescents whose lives were shaped by trauma perceive and encode social cues differently than non-traumatized individuals. A number of assessment tools and therapeutic interventions are recommended, followed by suggestions for advocating on the behalf of adolescents incarcerated in the juvenile justice system.  相似文献   

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