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How do different types of social service providers experience and respond to violent clients? The street-level social service environment is a fertile ground for manifestations of violence by dissatisfied clients. This study examines the violence, verbal, and physical, to which street-level bureaucrats are exposed, and the different coping strategies they adopt. We explore these issues using interviews with 71 Israeli social service providers. Our results indicate that while some street-level bureaucrats are tolerant of client violence, others refuse to accept it. The former weigh their words, express empathy and seek to satisfy demands. The latter recruit the support of additional players and server relationships.  相似文献   

Governments are increasingly protective of the information they gather. This creates a dilemma for feminist researchers retained as consultants, who recognise that those who provide information to researchers have a stake in its use. The current emphasis on crisis management rather than redistributive goals and social rights, poses further problems for researchers who challenge this emphasis by government, and question the bureaucratic forms which maintain women in dependent situations. A suppressed report on women, disability and rehabilitation in Australia is used as a case study.  相似文献   

Citizen—bureaucratic relationships are particularly important in the urban government context. Drawing upon survey data from one city, this article examines whether certain individual-level characteristics, such as ethnic background and age, are related to citizen evaluations of bureaucratic treatment. Different individual-level characteristics are related to citizen evaluations of different types of bureaucratic contacts. The evidence also suggests that several dimensions of bureaucratic treatment (e.g., politeness, understanding) may be evaluated somewhat differently. In general and most important, these findings support the contention that at the interpersonal or “street-level” certain biases, perceived or real, may exist.  相似文献   

This article looks at how welfare conditionality is delivered at the street level. It argues that the street-level delivery of welfare conditionality is structured by policies, the governance context in which workers deliver welfare conditionality, the organization in which they work, and the occupation they are part of. Characteristics of these contexts present street-level workers with a variety of signals and incentives that direct their decision making. The article elaborates on this proposition on the basis of a review of academic studies analysing the street-level delivery of various aspects of welfare conditionality: the use of sanctions, service personalization, and the treatment of vulnerable clients. The review shows that context characteristics together have a significant impact on the street-level transformation of welfare conditionality policies into practices. Street-level decision making concerning the use of sanctions is far more complex than can be captured by a perspective on street-level workers as merely policy implementers. Sanctioning practices are sometimes harsher, sometimes more lenient than policies lead us to expect. The “soft” side of welfare conditionality—represented by service personalization—is often under pressure at the street level, potentially strengthening welfare conditionality's tough side. This affects vulnerable jobseekers most: Street-level studies show that the balance between disciplining and enabling aspects of welfare-to-work is most at risk for more vulnerable groups. The article concludes that the contextual pressures street-level workers have to deal with in their daily work hardly reflect the “delicate equilibrium” that they need to deliver welfare conditionality in a professional, responsive, and responsible way.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is a discussion of the application of social workknowledge and values in practice. It draws on ethnographic researchin a child-care team in the UK which set out to explore theconstruction of clients as gendered. It is argued that socialworkers' accounts of practice reveal tensions between an emphasison clients as individuals and an emphasis on social collectivity.These tensions could be seen as inherent in social work knowledgeand values. There are various implications of these tensionsbetween the individual and the social, but there is a particularfocus in the paper on the implications for questions of gender.It concludes with some ideas for a theory for practice thatwould better equip social workers for the complex task of negotiatingthe gender tensions raised in the paper.  相似文献   

Since its official recognition in New Zealand law in 1989, family group decision making (FGDM) has been utilized by a growing number of child welfare workers throughout the world. In the USA, social workers in 35 states utilize FGDM. The seeming popularity of the practice, however, belies its complex position in American child welfare policy. This brief analytic essay examines this position by focusing on the relationship between street-level bureaucracy and FGDM. Specifically, it describes the role of street-level bureaucracy in FGDM's diffusion throughout the USA during a time of considerable policy skepticism towards family support, and it explains the dilution of the FGDM model through use of street-level bureaucracy theory. The essay concludes by raising important policy questions concerning the use and replication of FGDM in the USA.  相似文献   

This article presents a decision-making model that gives a structure to institutionalized strategies used by rehabilitation workers in the face-to-face encounters with clients at a social insurance office. The model is developed from my 24 observations of encounters between rehabilitation workers and long-term sick people, and my conversations with the rehabilitation workers about their impressions of these very encounters. The strategies are tightly connected to the rehabilitation workers' efforts to convey the working-track principle. Two different main strategies have been identified. The reinforcement strategy is used when a client seems to consent to the working-track principle, and the motivating strategy is used when a client does not seem to consent. When the motivating strategy is used some dilemmas of the role of the rehabilitation workers are actualized. The dilemmas concern a tension between, on the one hand, what the rehabilitation workers are supposed to be doing (care-advocate or administer) and, on the other hand, how they are doing it (flexibly or strictly). Acting within the discrepancy of the role, the rehabilitation workers try to solve the dilemmas. Four different ideal-typical strategies have been identified: the caring professional strategy, the caring amateur strategy, the bureaucratic administrator strategy and the coordinator strategy. All of these acting strategies are represented in the observed encounters. Further studies are needed in order to make statements on the representativeness of each strategy.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to explore how officials' institutionalized patterns of acting can be useful for understanding encounters between immigrant clients and representatives of a welfare organization. The data indicate that there are two fundamental social mechanisms at work: the materialization of the organizational ideology, and the cultural filter. Both have an impact on the type of action strategy chosen by an official in handling client problems. An analysis of the strategy outcomes according to the social mechanisms shows that: 1) The outcome will depend on the client's consent to the organizational ideology. Immigrant clients more often than other clients are assumed to have different views on, for example, sickness, work capability and retirement age; 2) Comparing clients to the image of an ideal-typical long-term sick person can lead to the definition of clients with different cultural backgrounds or those of immigrant status as deviant, and therefore problematic to deal with; 3) The cultural filter through which the officials interpret their clients' situation can be an important obstacle in understanding the responses of immigrant clients.
The study was conducted at a local social insurance office in a suburban area of a major Swedish city. Immigrants represented approximately 60% of the long-term sick people. The empirical material consists of observations of encounters and interviews with the officials working with rehabilitation of the long-term sick.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr F. K. Ejaz Research Associate Applied Research Institute Menorah Park Center for the Aging 27100 Cedar Road, Beachwood, OH 44122 USA. Summary Self-determination is a controversial principle in social workpractice. On the one hand it is accepted as being central tosocial work and stems from the broader philosophical issuesof autonomy and respect for the individual. On the other hand,there are many doubts about its implications for practice. Thisarticle examines how the Western social work principle of self-determinationis influenced by cultural beliefs and expectations in India. Twenty-six social workers participated in a qualitative studyon the influence of culture on casework practice in Bombay,India. Open-ended questions and case studies were used to examinehow culture specific problems were handled and how workers interpretedand used some of the principles of social work practice. Social workers believed that Indian clients expected to be guidedin a therapeutic relationship. Further, clients were generallyapathetic and fatalistic about circumstances in their lives.Indian social workers came across as being maestros at bridgingeast-west differences. They subtly fulfilled social and culturalexpectations and at the same time enabled clients to assumeenough autonomy to handle their own problems.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of information and communications technology (ICT) use on rural child welfare practice using a technology-in-practice framework to derive the social structures that are instantiated by rural child welfare workers (CWWs) and to examine their agency as actors. ICT use was tracked, and interviews were conducted with rural CWWs who work with children and families to gain an understanding of and describe their day-to-day ICT use at the practice level. Findings demonstrate that CWWs enact social structures along four frames: bureaucratic structure, family centricity, ICT context and information–documentation culture. In terms of agency, CWWs not only are constrained by but also exert some influence on the social structures they enact through facilities (material resources), norms and interpretive schemes. These findings have implications for how ICT can be used to facilitate the CWW–client relationship and the need in rural areas for increased infrastructure to support CWWs.  相似文献   

在社会工作实务过程中要求案主透露大量信息,而且随着工作关系不断深入,这些信息的广度和深度也将不断增加。很自然地,案主会非常关心社会工作者会怎样对待和使用这些信息,因此对案主有关资料的保密,既是社会工作专业伦理的要求,也是社会工作者的道德要求,同时这也会影响到案主对社会工作者的信任,进而影响到干预的效果。但是这种保密也不是绝对的,在有些情况下,社会工作者又不得不打破保密原则,这就使得保密原则陷入了伦理困境。怎样才能处理好这一困境?笔者从隐私权和知情权的角度进行了分析,以期得到一个较好的解决方案。  相似文献   

对知识产权滥用的认识,应当构建在清晰梳理知识产权行使行为与知识产权滥用行为之关系的基础上。它们两者之间虽有联系,但决然不能简单等同,因为超越知识产权权利范围行使权利的行为不是滥用行为,知识产权垄断行使行为是否构成滥用需要依其是否具有正当性而做出判断,知识产权不当行使行为与滥用行为有着本质不同。防止知识产权滥用,需要制度理性的思考。防止知识产权滥用的制度理念,一是在法律正义的基础上解决知识产权的利益冲突,对利益冲突与法律正义作出正确的判断,在利益实现与秩序安全之间寻找衡平点;二是在私权基础上关注知识产权的社会功能。现代社会不仅需要高扬私权保护的旗帜,也需要更多地关注权利的社会功能,尤其需要关注社会发展与知识产权社会功能的强化之间的关系。  相似文献   

Based on analysis of 60 tape-recorded or observed interviews from a Danish social welfare office the article examines the Lipssky-like question: How and to what extent are macro structures such as social legislation and local municipal rules brought into real live existence in the meeting between case workers and clients? To what extent do the case workers show rule-conforming practice? Illustrated by several extracts, it is shown that the legislation is not a simple governing instance and that the case workers do not serve as simple tools for fulfilling decisions made as formal rules at a macro level. On the contrary, the case workers made use of those rules and official client or benefit categories that seemed helpful to them for their own professional purposes, and so did the clients in order to secure their interests. All in all, the case workers showed a considerable distance to social security office which was presented for the clients as distant and partly hostile towards the clients.  相似文献   

徐丽敏 《社会工作》2011,(12):20-22,25
从20世纪社会工作发展轨迹来看,专业社会工作的发展曾先后受到社会民主主义和新自由主义两种价值体系的影响。随着第三条道路福利思想的提出及其在西方国家的政策实践,专业社会工作开始受到了第三条道路福利思想的启发,在社会工作价值基础、受助者与工作者关系、社会工作功能和过程模式上都出现了新的反思和发展。  相似文献   

宋红娟 《社会》2022,42(6):107-131
费孝通的社会理论在社会结构方面更受学界重视,而其中的情感维度尚未得到足够关注。本文试图在费孝通早年有关中国现代化的理论视域中,梳理他有关“桑梓情谊”与“亲属情谊”“乡土工业”“村镇地方团体”之间关系的探索和讨论,进而呈现费孝通社会理论中对于情感的重视。 在费孝通看来,中国的现代化应该以中国传统社会组织为基础来嫁接西方现代技术, 从而推动整个社会从传统向现代的有效过渡。 在此过程中,他尝试将既旧且新的“桑梓情谊”阐释为现代中国社会的情感基础。 文章认为,“桑梓情谊”表征并构造了本地的根源与大社会的流动以及地方与国家的人际关联, 是理解费孝通社会理论之情感维度的关键,对我们思考当代中国现代化建设也有一定的启示。  相似文献   

People living in an institution will leave this residential context one day and have to proceed to a stable independent way of living. This transition is not without difficulties as it turns out this socially vulnerable group runs an increased risk of becoming homeless. Research in Flanders (Belgium) has shown that a considerable share of the homeless population has previously stayed in an institutional setting, mostly in youth care (48.7%), psychiatric (34.4%) and penitentiary (33.1%) institutions. Moreover, the share of homeless people with a history in one of these institutions has increased in the past decades. Institution leavers, face at least three obstacles to a stable housing situation in Flanders: a lack of affordable housing, a lack of access to (non-residential) social assistance and personal difficulties in coping with living independently. Yet, there are several programs that support institution leavers and prepare them for the transition to an independent living situation and legal developments that strengthen their position in society and on the housing market. In this paper, we explore these initiatives and developments in three case studies (Antwerp, Ghent and Leuven). Based on in-depth interviews with “street-level bureaucrats” who work in these institutions (youth care, psychiatric and penitentiary settings), social support services and social housing organizations, we reconstruct the pathways of institution leavers to the housing market, the support they receive and the experienced difficulties.  相似文献   

Heideggerian existentialism has not been applied on a widespread basis to the Generalist Social Work Practice Model. This paper explores the relationship between social work practice with bereavement issues and Heideggerian existentialism. Applications of Heideggerian existentialism in the social work profession with clients and families experiencing bereavement are examined. Conceptual applications also address future utilization of Heideggerian existentialism.  相似文献   

A case-oriented analytical approach compared the index national case of France with the typical European outcome, other European cases and American results on social epidemiological indicators. Modal distributions were found to be most similar between the French sample and the total European sample on most social network items in a European therapeutic community cohort ( n =723). The characteristics of the American and our sample were also found to be strikingly similar. Network size varies mainly with the number of substance-dependent contacts reported by the client. Southern European clients have been living with their parents while northern clients have been living alone. Spending most of the time with drug-using friends is not related to developing intimate relationships and a counterbalance to a situation of peer loneliness. The importance of looking at the function of social network relations in risk networks in harmonising European policy is emphasised.  相似文献   


A sample of 222 Swedish social services officers were surveyed in regard to their opinions on a fictitious case addressing the needs of a same-gender client. The 49-question survey was statistically analyzed through a comparison of female and male same-gender dyads. The findings suggest that gender is an important factor in assessment, and this seems to be influenced by the gender of the client, the gender of the assessor, and how the problem area or situation of the client is “gendered.” Also, same-gender dyads tend to strengthen stereotypical expectations of men and women as clients and influence what forms of assistance are offered to the client. The male same-gender dyad tends to reduce the likelihood of assistance being offered, while the female same-gender dyad increased it. These results suggest that assessments are based upon stereotypical beliefs about men and women rather than being focused directly on individual differences and needs. Further research is recommended that incorporates a number of more refined “gendered” problem areas and situations and how these assessments can affect social work practice.  相似文献   

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