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珙县国土资源局公民道德教育新风扑面四川珙县国土资源局在开展了四项公民道德教育活动中,着力做好以下几项工作:一是在全系统党员干部中开展“党风廉政教育”活动。该局组织党员干部认真学习“三个代表”重要思想,对照《公民道德实施纲要》检查自己,找出差距进行整改。二是在各股室队所开展“树文明形象、做最佳职工”活动。切实加强工作人员的文明公正执法教育,力争把各股室队所建设成解决问题的“服务部”。三是大力开展“五进家”“三学三争”活动和“十星级文明户”评选活动。“五进家”即“政策进家、道德进家、科技进家、文化进家、…  相似文献   

三台县国土资源局掀起“三学”活动热潮1三台县国土资源局按照上级对国土资源管理的新要求,再次掀起学普通话、学电脑、学外语的热潮。去年,三台县国土资源局率先开展了普通话、电脑、英语知识培训,但由于坚持不够好,一度时期“三学”活动有所回潮,今年中央决定省政下实行垂直管理,对国土资源干部队伍提出了更多的要求,针对这一情况,局再次邀请普通话、电脑、英语教师到机关对全体干部职工进行再培训。培训后,要求全体干部职工上班汇报工作,接待服务对象等工作时间一律用普通话,业务股室用电脑办公,学会用英语回答客户提出的国土资源管理知…  相似文献   

南充市局清理追收闲置土地欠款近日南充市局对市规划区内的闲置建设用地依法进行了清理,并追缴了部分用地单位拖欠的征地成本和土地出让金。到目前为止共收回闲置土地8宗,面积198郾924亩,为政府追回欠款5748万元,并通过对收回的土地公开招标拍卖,土地变现资金3214郾9万元。通过此次清查,促进了本市规划区内土地资源向土地资本转变,为政府高度垄断土地一级市场起到了积极推进作用。穴文晓光雪高原藏区敲响国有土地使用权拍卖第一槌日前,甘孜州乡城县举行首次国有土地使用权公开拍卖会。此次拍卖的是位于乡城县正街北段穴原县政府招待所雪和正…  相似文献   

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艾因是世界上浩瀚沙漠里的千百个绿洲之一,属阿拉伯联合酋长国——阿布扎比酋长国管辖。它的建设之快、变化之大,令人惊异,堪称是绿洲中迅速改变面貌的奇迹。  相似文献   

“大北京”的区域规划绝不是扶贫工程,京津唐足够了郑介甫环渤海控股公司董事长成立“大北京”最重要的利弊衡量是政治衡量。片面强调大,可能会给首都安定带来大问题。中国要稳定,北京首先要稳定,发生在北京的任何一个事件都会是国际事件,都会给首都带来无法估计的负面影响。因此,从这个意义上说,“大北京”和大首都是两个概念。“大北京”区域规划如果主要重心在经济发展就决不是扶贫工程,京、津、唐的分量足够了。没有必要将周边的落后城市全部包进来,那样会降低“大北京”的整体素质和环境优势,我们要把城市功能缩小到小的区域中来。  相似文献   

The obituary was short, to the point. It noted that he was thirty-seven years old, had died of pneumonia at Broadlawns Medical Center, and was survived by a wife, a daughter, his mother, five brothers and two sisters. Nine of the twenty-two lines that appeared on June 1, 1993, in the Des Moines Register reported on demographics about these relatives. Between the middle and last name was inserted, in quotation marks, the word "Wolfman." The information, squeezed in with other similar summaries about other people who had died recently, noted that he was a "self-employed carpenter," that he was from, and his family continued to be in and around, Fort Worth, Texas, and that the services would be at Hamilton's Funeral Home, with burial at Rest-haven Cemetery in West Des Moines.
It is not possible that twenty-two short lines could do justice to thirty-seven years of any person's life. Yet that is what he was allotted. The summer after he died was the summer of the Great Iowa Flood. Wolfman, as everyone called him, never lived to experience the natural event that brought notoriety to the city and devastation to the lives of so many people who shared his community but never knew he existed. I doubt that many people in Des Moines who brushed against his life even knew that his real name was Billy Dean Roberts.  相似文献   

立踞龙脉风水相袭1215年,成吉思汗攻下北京,设置燕京路大兴府.元世祖至元四年开始修建皇城元大都.元大都设计成长方形,城墙左右对称,皇城坐落在中轴线上.  相似文献   

The share of fast food restaurant jobs held by blacks is smaller in the suburbs than in the central city. This is of interest because expected wages are higher in the suburbs. Estimating a model of the racial composition of the restaurant's workforce, we find that 36 percent of the difference in black employment share between central city and suburban firms is attributable to the fact that suburban firms are less frequently served by public transit. City/suburban differences in the race of managers and customers also play an important role, accounting for 29 percent of the difference.  相似文献   

Abstract  In examining the growing inter-ethnic complexity as an issue of social change in major Japanese cities since the mid-1980s, it is essential that in addition to learning from the experience of Western society.
  • 1) 

    this discussion be carried out in the context of research on Korean residents in Japan, and

  • 2) 

    the analysis include an examination of the inter-ethnic relationships.

These two essential points have largely been ignored in previous research on the internationalization of the Japanese city. This paper is based on field research from the Ikaino district of Osaka city, which is the largest non-Japanese "ethnic" community in Japan. The research reveals hitherto neglected aspects of contemporary urban internationalization by examining the Korean community from the point of view of the relationship between the Korean and Japanese communities. We find that:
  • 1) 

    A Japanese community exists within Ikaino (widely known as "Korea town").

  • 2) 

    The Korean and Japanese communities live side by side but emphasize their separate identities.

  • 3) 

    The only condition which offers hope for cooperation between the two groups is a common feeling of loss and deprivation.

Arguments for and against the employment of unskilled foreign laborers continue to be heard. It is the task of the sociologist to provide an objective, unbiased analysis and to accumulate relevant data, rather than to attempt a quick resolution by supporting one side or the other.  相似文献   

This article examines the discursive and material presence of the “rural” in the “urban,” relating it to the historical and contemporary production of African American culture and identity. By using the case of the Great Migration, it discusses how African Americans negotiated and shaped their urban surroundings and formed individual and collective identities by drawing on their rural, southern histories. It then suggests the relevance of these broad historical processes to contemporary analyses and interventions in the urban environment of Baltimore, Maryland. This article challenges assumptions that obscure the agency of urban residents in the formation of identity and the establishment of community. It demonstrates ways in which the historical movement from rural South to urban North was accompanied by a range of cultural resources that have been adapted, discarded, or reconstructed.  相似文献   

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