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Abstract The relationship between the different ways leaders may relate to rural communities and their ability to relate to extracommunity individuals and organizations is examined. Drawing from the insights of Merton (1957) into local and cosmopolitan influentials and a newer literature on community attachment, two dimensions of attachment to the local community are identified. A survey of 75 leaders in five midwestern rural communities provides evidence that sociodemographic and social-network characteristics of leaders have different relationships to the two dimensions. Implications of the findings for understanding the effectiveness of leadership in rural communities are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract A resurgence of informal economic work, such as home-working, occurred in some rural areas during the 1970s and the 1980s. In two midwestern communities, an employer of industrial homeworkers was recruited in an effort to boost the local economy with new jobs. In these communities, ideas about women's roles in households and the labor market are crucial to the states' ability to couple industrial homeworking with rural community development. Industrial homeworking as development in the United States shows how development goals support and maintain the sexual division of labor in households and in the local labor market. Personal interviews and archival documents form the basis of the case study data. These data are content-analyzed for themes about the process of development and the relationship of the local states and industrial firms.  相似文献   

Abstract Two models of community attachment in mass society—the linear development model and the systemic model—are reviewed. Based on data from respondents living in 27 communities in north-central Iowa, population size and density, key variables in the linear-development model, relate only weakly to community attachment as measured by social bonds and local sentiments. Length of residence, income, and age, which are variables in the systemic model, generally are more strongly related to the bonds and sentiments. Because samples were sufficiently large that data for each community could be analyzed independently, additional tests of the systemic model were possible; results indicate that differences occur among communities within an area thought to be relatively homogeneous.  相似文献   

Abstract Previous models of community satisfaction and attachment have not included personal economic attitudes and behaviors as independent variables. Their inclusion is theoretically justified when residents of communities are viewed as consumers in a larger social/economic context first and residents of a particular community second. As locally-oriented economic processes—once part of the community experience—were removed to nonlocal markets, local economic and demographic attributes became less important to rural residents' experience of community. In two rural communities with extreme scores on a service center viability index, satisfaction with employment and location of employment are important predictors.  相似文献   

Abstract This study critically reviews theoretical concepts and measurements of social capital and tests hypotheses that elaborate how four dimensions of social capital (informal social ties, formal social ties, trust, and norms of collective action) and sense of community are related to participation in community improvement activities for elderly residents in small towns and rural communities. Mail surveys of 2,802 elders in 99 small towns and rural communities in Iowa reveal that many elders are actively involved in their community. Social capital and sense of community are very important in predicting elderly participation in community improvement activities, but they relate differently to elderly community involvement. Formal ties and sense of community have much stronger relationships with community involvement than informal ties and norms of collective action. Generalized trust is not significantly related to elderly community involvement.  相似文献   


This study examines differences in rural and urban mental health service utilization and service satisfaction. A cross-sectional survey design was used to gather information from a sample of 311 mental health consumers regarding their use of services relative to accessibility, availability, affordability, and acceptability. Data were collected from respondents individually or in small groups in various locations in one Midwestern state. Study findings showed that rural consumers are aware of fewer services, use fewer services, and are less satisfied with services than are urban consumers. Implications for rural mental health policy, practice, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Although the elderly as a while show relatively little geographic migration in the U.S., we were interested in the geographic migration patterns among a specific subset of elderly that we know have moved out of the traditional family home—those living in assisted living and independent living communities. We analyze data from the Residents Financial Survey, a survey of 2,617 residents in assisted living and independent living communities that asked about their previous living arrangement, where they lived before moving to their current community, and how their care needs were previously met. We find there is substantial migration among respondents. Using self-reported and community-reported location and zip code information, we calculated whether people moved across state lines and we computed the distance people moved between their previous location and their current community. While the median distance moved is less than 10 miles, 20% moved across state lines and 21% of the sample moved more than 100 miles, with the average distance moved among the sample being 165 to 190 miles. The evolution of living arrangements shows that there are strong correlations among respondents' current living arrangements, previous living arrangements, and their plan to move in the future.  相似文献   

大型居住社区居民社区满意度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用2014年上海大型居住社区居民生活调查数据,文章采用多类别对数比率回归模型探讨影响大型居住社区居民社区满意度的重要因素。研究发现,职住距离、居住时间、受教育程度与居民社区满意度存在负相关关系;年龄、住房产权、住房类型对社区满意度具有显著影响。  相似文献   

With improvements in transportation and communication, rural consumers no longer are limited to their local trade center and personal factors become more important in shaping consumer patterns. With data from residents in two small rural communities in northwestern Missouri, this study examines the effects of consumers' socioeconomic characteristics, personal location situations, and community satisfaction on buying within the local community (inshopping) versus in other communities (outshopping) for selected goods and services. Age is the socioeconomic variable most strongly related to inshopping. Residing in the center versus open country, jobholders outside the community, and residing in the more viable community are related to shopping for certain of the goods and services as is satisfaction with the community. Location remains an important influence on shopping behavior but it needs to be conceptualized differently.  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey was to explore volunteer preferences, perceived benefits and barriers, and the factors that influence volunteering among older adults living in a continuing care retirement community. This was a single group, one-time survey completed via a face-to-face interview. The sample included 127 older adults who were eligible and completed the survey. The majority were women (78%) and White (98%), with an average age of 88.0 (SD = 6.5) years. Engagement in volunteer activities ranged from 0 to 7, with a mean of .94 (SD = 1.30). Just under half (47%) of the participants were engaged in volunteer work, with the majority (87%) volunteering within the facility. Perceived benefits and barriers to volunteering were described. Chronic illness, age, time spent exercising, and resilience accounted for 25% of the variance in volunteer activity. Those who had fewer chronic illnesses, were younger, spent more time exercising, and were more resilient were more likely to volunteer. Findings from this study suggest that there are advantages to offering volunteer activities within senior living facilities. Ongoing study is needed to develop and implement successful facility-specific volunteer programs.  相似文献   

Abstract Post-agricultural rural communities are emerging in the Midwest as a consequence of regional economic restructuring. Such communities are dominated by residents without economic or social links to those who operate surrounding farms. An ethnographic study of an Illinois hamlet provides a case study for probing the assertion that property issues, more than occupation or family background, shape social relations in post-agricultural communities. Described is a variant of a post-agricultural community termed downscale due to an inmigration of working-poor families attracted by deteriorated, surplus housing. Examined are why and how a village of 200 became a highly contested territory where the struggle between newcomers and the old guard about differing notions of respectability became symbolized by conflict over the appearance and use of private and public property.  相似文献   

Abstract In the on-going sociological debate over rural-urban differences, rural conflict over natural resources is often attributed to environmental attitudes of new residents from urban areas. An alternative hypothesis is that new residents provide not new attitudes, but a new voice for attitudes already held by many local residents. Data from a survey of residents of communities near two national forests show little support for the hypothesis that residential status affects forest management attitudes, dissatisfaction, or action. The findings support the “new-voice” thesis and show that it is often a female voice.  相似文献   

This article employs appreciative inquiry to investigate factors that mediate or foster rural well-being in Tatamagouche and Advocate Harbour, Nova Scotia. Study participants identified many factors involved in bolstering well-being: community engagement, an appreciation of the natural magnificence, vibrant arts and culture, citizen efficacy, and a sense of shared responsibility. They also included environmental sustainability, healthy lifestyles, self-sufficiency, being hospitable, compassionate, and responsible citizens with playful and grateful spirits. Further study is needed to substantiate the factors that could help mediate rural well-being.  相似文献   

Abstract As they examine the complex issues currently facing rural America, rural sociologists draw increasingly on studies of community attachment. Because this research tradition has established the superiority of the systemic model, recent studies in rural and urban settings have focused on the conceptualization and operationalization of its components. We introduce four operational refinements to this model, and we test our refined model with data from one geographic area in south-west Louisiana. We find that, although our operational refinements improve our understanding of community attachment, additional refinements are necessary. We conclude by exploring the implications of community attachment studies for attempts to revitalize community in rural settings.  相似文献   

Abstract The objective of this investigation is to elaborate and test the linear development and systemic models of community attachment. We focus on the interplay of community size, five social position variables, and three dimensions of community attachment, namely, involvement, amity, and sentiment. Data are obtained from a statewide migration telephone survey of 851 respondents aged 18 and over, conducted in Utah in October 1988. We focus on a weighted subsample of 415 nonmetropolitan respondents. Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA) techniques are employed. Contrary to the linear development model, community size did not have an independent inverse impact on community involvement, amity, and sentiment. Results do vary by social position and community attachment dimensions.  相似文献   


This is a report of the second and final stage of a research project evaluating courses for community activists in Israel. We compared 286 graduates of Schools for Community Activists, of whom 198 were still active in their communities and 98 were not, with 138 activists and 131 non-active residents of the same neighbourhoods who had never participated in courses for activists. We noted no significant socio-economic or demographic differences between the graduates and the non-graduates. However, on a range of variables, we found consistent and generally significant differences between the graduate and non-graduate activists: the former reported higher levels of activism, knowledge and skills, higher community involvement and deeper community roots, and assessed more highly the prestige of community involvement. Few differences were noted on their assessment of the benefits and losses of community activity. Since the graduates and non-graduates come from similar backgrounds, we conclude that the courses made a significant contribution to the development and socialization of those activists who participated in them.  相似文献   

Abstract Conventional wisdom says that social capital is more common among families in rural communities than urban communities. Using data from the 1988 wave of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we compare the prevalence, type, and extent of social exchanges in these places. Results indicate that families living in rural areas are more likely to exchange exclusively with kin than are families living in urban areas. In particular, families living in rural areas are more likely to receive money help from kin than families in urban areas. Results on patterns of giving are more complex, with rural origin families with younger household heads more likely to give support to kin, and rural origin families with older heads less likely to provide such support, as compared to otherwise similar families of urban origin. Finally, only modest urban-rural differences in amounts exchanged (in dollars) are found among otherwise similar families. Overall, some of the urban-rural differences in patterns of exchange are explained by different family characteristics; however, key urban-rural differences remain, probably reflecting differences in norms and the availability of institutional support services in different areas.  相似文献   

Abstract Many urban analysts studying poor inner city communities argue that social isolation in poor neighborhoods perpetuates poverty. This paper extends analysis of social context to rural areas, comparing a chronically poor coal-dependent Appalachian community with a more diverse, resource-rich community in northern New England. The Appalachian community has more limited job opportunities and over time the scarcity of jobs in a volatile coal economy generated a divided social context. In contrast, the community in northern New England offers both more opportunities for work and has a stable, working middle class that invests in and uses public goods; the poor are not deliberately segregated. These differences in communities' socioeconomic context are reflected in poor women's experiences and aspirations.  相似文献   

L'échelle de Buckner, qui comporte trois dimensions—sentiment communautaire (SC), attractivité et voisinage—, fut appliquée à 1,995 personnes de 20 villages canadiens afin d'y mesurer le sentiment de cohésion sociale. Le nombre d'enfants, un revenu dépassant 20,000 $, l'âge, le lieu de naissance et le nombre d'années dans la collectivité exercent une influence positive sur le SC et l'attractivité. Le nombre d'enfants, un revenu dépassant 40,000 $, le lieu de naissance et le nombre d'années dans la collectivité influent de manière significative sur le voisinage. L'interaction accroît généralement la cohésion sociale individuelle. La localisation sur une île étant la seule variable communautaire significative, les politiques individuelles sont à privilégier pour accroître la cohésion. One thousand nine hundred ninety‐five individuals in 20 rural Canadian communities were measured on perceived social cohesion by the three Buckner scale subdimensions: psychological sense of community (PSOC), attraction, and neighboring. Number of household children, income over $20,000, age, birthplace in, and years lived in the community significantly positively influenced PSOC and Attraction. Number of household children (positive for income over $20,000; otherwise negative), income over $40,000, birthplace, and years in the community significantly influenced neighboring. Increased interaction generally increases individuals' social cohesion. As the only significant community variable was being on an island province, individual‐oriented policies are recommended to increase cohesion.  相似文献   

Abstract Community satisfaction has often been linked to the level of satisfaction with a community's infrastructure, job opportunities, and social support networks. Yet most empirical analyses of community satisfaction have focused on only one aspect of the available theory to predict community satisfaction. In this paper we integrate multiple models to analyze community satisfaction of almost 4,000 rural Nebraskans. The integrated model indicates that social ties may have a greater role in predicting community satisfaction than had been thought previously.  相似文献   

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