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高充彦  郝辽钢 《管理学报》2010,7(1):103-110
以我国企业的中高层管理人员为对象,通过实证分析,研究期望和竞争对员工满意和忠诚度的影响,并进一步建立基于期望和竞争的员工满意与忠诚度模型。实证分析显示,员工价值低于期望对满意度评价所带来的负面影响要比员工价值高于期望所带来的正面影响大。此外,本企业的员工价值与竞争对手企业所能提供价值的比较也直接影响到满意度的高低,高层管理人员的满意度更受竞争情况的影响。对于忠诚度,高层和中低层管理人员离职倾向都显著地受到期望与竞争的影响,对2组人员来讲,竞争比期望对离职倾向的影响要更显著,而且中低层管理人员的总体离职倾向要比高层管理人员高。  相似文献   

刘帮成  周杭  刘明  吴琼 《管理学报》2013,10(6):847-852
在对公安部下属的4个省市的15家科研机构236名员工的两阶段调研基础上,从心理所有权角度,对公共研发机构高承诺工作系统的心理机制问题进行研究。结果发现,当将心理所有权作为高承诺工作系统与员工职业满意度之间的中介变量时,高承诺工作系统与员工职业满意度之间的关系不再显著,即组织的高承诺工作系统通过影响员工感受到的心理所有权状态,进而影响员工的职业满意度评价。  相似文献   

已有研究证明职业承诺和组织承诺是决定员工工作行为的关键因素.本研究以项目经理为研究对象,通过问卷调查来了解他们的职业承诺、组织承诺以及其他相关变量的水平.调查数据用sPss软件进行分析,结果显示,具有项目管理硕士学位的项目经理职业承诺水平显著高于其他人员.项目经理的职业承诺和组织承诺积极相关,其交互作用对工作满意度有积极影响.这些研究结论对实现项目管理人员的职业化和制定组织的管理策略有应用意义.  相似文献   

对职场Tweens的生活态度和消费态度进行了探索性研究,发现可将职场Tweens的生活态度分为随性洒脱、固执自负、积极进取和乐观平和四种类型,可将职场Tweens的消费态度分为炫耀型、变动型和理智型消费三种类型;同时发现,消费态度在影响职场Tweens日常生活消费总支出时与生活态度存在显著的交互影响。  相似文献   

To help employees better balance work and family responsibilities, organizations are increasingly offering a variety of work–family programmes. However, anecdotal reports suggest that employees without spouses or children perceive that they receive fewer organizational benefits and bear greater burdens than their married or parent counterparts. By providing a more ‘family‐friendly’ work environment, organizations may foster perceptions of inequity in people without families (single adults without dependent children, SAWDCs), possibly resulting in lower job satisfaction and other work‐related outcomes. Using a sample of 454 employees of a professional services firm, we examined attitudinal differences between individuals with and without families. Findings suggest that SAWDCs and non‐SAWDCS differed in terms of age, organizational level, use of flexible work arrangements and firm tenure. However, we found no differences in hours worked, job involvement, job satisfaction or organizational commitment. Interestingly, SAWDCs had more favourable perceptions of the organization's work–family culture than non‐SAWDCs, suggesting that those who do not utilize family‐friendly benefits view them more favourably than those who actually need or use the benefits. In addition to identifying directions for future research, we offer suggestions for organizations, including taking a more universal approach to benefits to the advantage of all employees.  相似文献   

职业成长与离职倾向:职业承诺与感知机会的调节作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文构建了职业成长对离职倾向的关系模型,实证分析了职业成长对离职倾向的作用机理。识别了职业成长与离职倾向关系中的两个重要调节变量,即职业承诺和感知机会。通过对九个城市961名企业员工的调查,采用回归分析处理数据,研究结果表明:职业成长对离职倾向具有很好的预测作用,职业成长四个因素对离职倾向均存在显著的影响;职业目标进展与职业能力发展交互作用于离职倾向;职业承诺越高的员工,他们对自身的职业能力发展、晋升速度越加关注,更可能会因为职业能力发展受限和晋升速度缓慢而产生高的离职倾向;随着员工感知机会的增加,职业成长对离职倾向的预测作用逐渐增强。  相似文献   

自我职业生涯管理与职业生涯成功的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
龙立荣  毛忞歆 《管理学报》2007,4(3):312-317
运用问卷调查方法,研究了自我职业生涯管理(ICM)以及职业承诺对职业生涯成功的影响及其影响机制。职业生涯成功包括职业生涯竞争力和满意度2个因素,通过对IT行业员工调查所获得的315份有效问卷的数据分析,发现在控制了人口学变量后,ICM和职业承诺仍然对职业生涯成功有预测作用,而且职业承诺的影响部分地通过ICM中介影响职业生涯成功。  相似文献   

企业薪酬管理公平性对员工工作态度和行为的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作者对广东省七家饭店的员工及他们的主管进行了前后两次问卷调查,通过纵断数据分析,探讨员工的薪酬公平感和满意感与他们的情感性归属感、工作积极性和工作绩效之间的因果关系。数据分析结果表明,企业薪酬管理公平性是影响员工薪酬满意感的重要因素,员工的薪酬公平感和满意感会影响他们的情感性归属感,薪酬管理信息公平性会影响员工的工作积极性和工作绩效,员工的薪酬满意感与他们的工作积极性和工作绩效存在双向因果关系。  相似文献   

感知实绩、顾客满意与顾客忠诚--微观层次上的审视   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
最近几十年来,对顾客满意-企业利润之间关系的认识不断深化,使得对顾客满意的研究得到了很大的发展.其中,顾客忠诚被认为是顾客满意影响企业利润的中介.然而,对于顾客满意影响顾客忠诚的微观过程,目前缺乏一致的结论.我们采用声誉、重复消费意向和推荐他人消费意向作为中间变量,对顾客感知实绩、满意和忠诚之间的因果联系进行了实证研究.结果表明,顾客满意同顾客忠诚之间并无直接的因果联系,因此,企业在制定市场份额策略时,不应该仅局限于提高感知实绩和顾客满意的范畴,而应从多个角度出发来提高顾客忠诚.  相似文献   

A unique data set of post‐war English trained soccer players is used to study the impact of the youth training program they attended on their career and spell duration. Duration models in the spirit of Abbring and van den Berg are employed to estimate local treatment effects of different training programs on players — survival in the top European leagues. The results indicate that the duration patterns of players are dependent on the youth academy they attended. Certain clubs, with a well‐established reputation in developing youth talent, outperform others in terms of producing and evaluating the ability of their youth players to succeed in top European leagues. The spell analysis outlines the nature of the competitive environment in which smaller clubs have a chance to keep up with the larger ones in terms of producing and holding on to homegrown talent. Finally, the results of both analyses addressed unobserved heterogeneity, allowed for nonlinearity of covariates using the cubic spline methodology, and were tested for endogeneity bias using a split sample test.  相似文献   

After nearly 30 years as a subject of inquiry, mentoring remains a mainstay in the organizational literature, as relationships are arguably more important than ever to employees' personal and career growth. In this paper, we take an ecological perspective to situate and review topical areas of the literature with the intention of enhancing our understanding of how mentoring outcomes for protégés and mentors are determined not only by individual differences (e.g., personality) and dyadic factors (e.g., the quality of a relationship)—both of which represent the most frequently examined levels of analyses—but also the influences of the people from various social spheres comprising their developmental network, the larger organization of which they are a part, and macrosystem factors (e.g., technological shifts, globalization) that enable, constrain, or shape mentoring and other developmental relationships. Our review examines multi-level influences that shape mentoring outcomes, and brings into focus how the study of mentoring can be advanced by research at the network, organizational, and macrosystem levels. To help guide future research efforts, we assert that adult development and relational schema theories, Positive Organizational Scholarship, a social network perspective, signaling theory, and institutional theories can help to address emerging and unanswered questions at each ecological level.  相似文献   

本研究选取我国浙江杭州和广州深圳市各一中型民营企业员工共780人作为被试,采用自编的民营企业员工满意度调查问卷(问卷由8个分量表构成,共61个项目)探查我国民营企业员工的工作满意度情况及其影响因素.结果表明:(1)民营企业员工满意度调查问卷的信度系数r为0.9555,内容效度和结构效度的相关系数均达到了可接受水平,是一个可接受的满意度调查问卷;(2)民营企业员工满意度调查问卷的维度"培训与发展"、"高层管理"、"所在部门"和"客户服务"对员工的满意度具有较大的影响,而"直接主管"、"薪资与福利"和"工作目标与绩效"等对员工满意度几乎没有什么影响;(3)民营企业B(深圳)的员工在所有八个分量表上的工作满意度均显著地满意于民营企业A(杭州)的员工的工作满意度;(4)无论是在总体水平上还是在各个分量表上,男员工的工作满意度均显著地高于女员工的工作满意度;(5)在总体水平上,在企业服务两年以上的员工(下简称为"老员工")的工作满意度显著地高于在企业工作2年以下的员工(下简称为"新员工")的工作满意度.具体地说,老员工在"所在部门"和"高层管理"两个维度上的工作满意度显著地高于新员工,而在"工作目标与绩效"、"直接主管"、"培训与发展"、"薪资与福利"以及"客户服务"等维度上,两者没有显著的差异.  相似文献   

颜爱民  王维雅 《管理学报》2007,4(2):222-229
以中小民营企业基层员工为研究对象,通过相关量表对其工作压力和工作满意度关系进行调查研究。结果表明:教育程度和职能部门在工作压力上差异显著;职能部门在工作满意度上差异显著。角色认知压力、职业发展压力、组织因素和人际关系压力与整体工作满意度显著负相关;组织因素、人际关系压力、职业发展和社会因素对工作满意度具有预测作用。  相似文献   

曾垂凯 《管理评论》2012,(11):106-113,157
LMX对员工离职意向的影响一直不清晰,提示二者的关系可能受到其他因素的干扰。本研究通过对350名企业员工的问卷调查,探讨员工的情感承诺对LMX与离职意向关系的影响。研究结果显示:情感承诺在LMX负向影响离职意向的过程中,既起着中介作用,又起着调节作用。本研究的创新之处在于,通过实证方法揭示了情感承诺对LMX与员工离职意向关系的双重影响。  相似文献   

基于不同产品属性探讨顾客满意过程.首先通过深度访谈和预研究确定研究框架和研究对象,进而借助问卷调查共收集360个有效样本,利用回归和结构方程模型等方法对数据进行深入分析.研究发现,对于顾客强调功能性属性的产品,其功能性属性对顾客满意将产生更明显的影响;而对于顾客强调享受性属性产品,其享受性属性对顾客满意将会产生更明显的影响.同时研究同一产品的享受性和功能性属性,强调产品在享受性和功能性两方面高于或低于期望水平时时满意产生的影响.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey of career attitudes and intentions was administered to 1646 middle managers from eight organizations in the UK finance sector. Lengths of time in the organization, in previous and in present job were shown to predict career attitudes and intentions. Longer-serving managers were less ambitious and were unwilling to accept various career options. Those who had spent longer in their present job neither expected any change nor were willing to accept it. While decreased inter and intraorganizational mobility are consequences of cost-cutting and recession, it is argued that efforts to increase mobility are likely to pay dividends. Other measures may also succeed, given the finding that organizations differed in terms of their managers' career attitudes and intentions over and above the effects of mobility.  相似文献   

以14家企业的506份薪酬满意度问卷及其客观薪酬数据为样本,以SPSS13.0软件为工具,采用曲线估计和分层多元回归分析探讨绩效工资强度对员工薪酬满意度的影响,以及职位层次对这一关系的调节作用.研究结果表明,绩效工资强度与薪酬满意度之间呈倒U型关系,职位层次对这一关系具有调节作用.最后,讨论了对企业薪酬管理实践的指导意义以及该领域未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

Although extensive academic research has examined the dynamics of interpersonal interactions between service providers and customers, much less research has investigated customer service encounters through technological interfaces such as the Web in electronic commerce transactions. Corporate websites have become an important point of contact with customers for many companies. Service has been described as one of the most important attributes for online business to influence traffic and sales. However, more research is needed to understand how Web‐based technological capabilities of services affect customer satisfaction. In this paper, we propose viewing the interface between online buyers and sellers through the lens of service management to identify possible determinants of online customer satisfaction. A company's website is considered its electronic service delivery system. We look at this electronic service delivery system from its process point of view. Our findings indicate that as the electronic service delivery system process improves, a customer's perception of the website's ease of use increases, leading to increased service value and perceived control over the process, which increases customer satisfaction. The research provides evidence that the technological capabilities embedded in the website processes are an important factor in determining service quality and ultimately online customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

周雪梅  柴俊武 《管理学报》2009,6(9):1236-1244
对职场Tweens的消费态度进行了研究,发现可将职场Tweens的消费态度分为炫耀型、变动型和理智型3种类型.分析了性别、文化程度等人口统计学变量对某一特定消费类型影响的差异程度,结果显示:不同性别的职场Tweens在炫耀型消费方面无显著差异,而在变动型消费和理智型消费方面有显著差异;不同文化程度的职场Tweens仅在炫耀型消费方面有显著差异;处于不同城市的职场Tweens也仅在炫耀型消费方面有显著差异.  相似文献   

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