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Amidst a challenging moment of transition in American higher education, this article uses Arendt’s examination of American educational institutions and her reflections on the human condition to develop a philosophy of education that speaks to communication studies. Sharply critical of the unreflective emphasis on newness and normalization that she saw in American schools, Arendt suggests an alternative philosophy of education grounded simultaneously in the contemplation of tradition and the pursuit of natality through the active life of labor, work, and action. Together, tradition and natality open a new approach to communication education in the liberal arts tradition that challenges educators and students alike not only to understand the world around them but also to take responsibility for its renewal.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of children’s college expenses on household savings. The theoretical model introduces life-cycle savings into the quality–quantity model of fertility and derives predictions for the impact of expected expenses on parents’ savings. Using the actual amount of parents’ financial support reported in the Survey of Consumer Finances, the empirical model estimates the expected expenditures on children’s college education and investigates the effect of expected expenditures on parents’ savings. The results show that parents’ support for each of their children’s college expenses decreases with the number of children. The results are consistent with the predictions of the life-cycle theory of saving and consumption that households save in advance for expected expenses to smooth their consumption.
Tansel YilmazerEmail:

Using the 1992–1993 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, with the 1997 follow-up, the parental decision to borrow and, for borrowers, the level of borrowing for dependent children’s college education was analyzed. Parents with smaller household size and those being college graduates borrowed greater amounts. White parents borrowed greater amounts than their non-White counterparts. The age of the student, dependent students’ income and parents’ cash and savings each had a significant negative impact on the amount parents borrowed, while home equity was a significant positive factor. Greater college costs significantly increased parents’ decision to borrow, as well as the borrowed amount. Greater amounts of grants significantly reduced the amount borrowed.  相似文献   

UNCHICHIGE held firmly to the beam of the tractor while the machine bumped its way deep into the pastures.The local school teacher was on her way to visit Unchige, a 13-year-old girl forced out of school by poverty. Unchichige brought with her the news that the school had decided to remit the girl's schooling fee and grant her a  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A thematic and critical literature review was conducted to determine what is known about adolescents’ experiences with online sex education. Four major themes could be discerned from the literature, revealing that: (a) adolescents report engaging with sex information online; (b) adolescents are interested in a number of topics, including sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy; (c) the quality of adolescent-targeted sex information online can be lacking, but adolescents can evaluate these sources; and (d) Internet-based interventions can increase adolescents’ sexual health knowledge. Inconsistencies in the literature are discussed and suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   


Given higher family spending for education and the relative poverty rate in Japan, the recent (2013–2021) tax incentive for grandparents’ support for educational expenditures for children might widen opportunities offered to the younger generation. Using nationally representative data from the 2017 Keio Household Panel Survey (n?=?502) and a double-hurdle model, this paper examined the associations between grandparents’ financial contributions and family expenditures for school age children’s education, controlling for family characteristics associated with such expenditures. Although examining just the period when the tax incentive is in effect limited the ability of this study to suggest the findings were related to the incentive, overall, variations in financial support from grandparents were not associated with family expenditures for children’s educations in the multivariate model. Although there was no evidence of an educational advantage from intergenerational transfers during the observation period, financial transfers from grandparents may have served as a substitute for the overall family expenditures for children’s education, thus potentially widening the opportunity gap among children.



A content analysis of 266 recommendation letters showed that males are more often associated with so-called male stereotype traits, while females are more often associated with so-called female stereotype traits. This outcome follows Gilligan's (1982) different voice theory: There are gender-based differences in values. It is argued that male and female voices should be merged to strengthen social work education and the profession and that an artificial male-female dichotomy should not set up.  相似文献   


This article aims to extend the discussions that confront the intersectionality of Black American feminists to the ‘consubstantiality of social relations’ espoused by French materialist feminists. It proposes to do so by moving away from this ‘geo-cultural’ territory in order to better anchor the reflection in an epistemological and methodological ground. In order to do this, the article begins with some contributions and controversies of the intersectional approach to the renewal of feminist theories, and then addresses the issues that this renewal raises to the approach of consubstantiality. It then situates the approaches of intersectionality and of consubstantiality on the same epistemological continuum to discuss the middle way unlocked by the intersectionality of Black feminists. Finally, the effects of knowledge of this third way are examined.  相似文献   

The Verses on the Nativity of Christ written by Pamvo Berynda in 1616 bear witness to the first trace of an oral performance in Ruthenian by school children. The work is embedded in the author’s specific interest in terminology, but also exemplifies the educational orientation taken by civil and ecclesiastical Orthodox Ukrainian authorities in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. This collection of poems, written for the Christmas week, responds to the music and the hymns of the liturgy. As such, these verses also echo a Byzantine culture that Ukrainian Orthodox scholars tentatively hoped to revive. The present analysis seeks to uncover the influence of the Byzantine element in Berynda’s Christmas poems and illustrates both the success and failure of attempts to revive the Byzantine roots of seventeenth-century Orthodox Ukraine.  相似文献   

THE difficulty girls have receiving an education equal to boys is one of the topics that will be discussed at the Fourth World Conference on Women. For years, education of females has always been a chief problem to make elementary education universal for the world's developing countries, said  相似文献   

Over ninety years ago Lev Vygotsky warned of a growing crisis in psychology and social science research. Vygotsky’s warning has been echoed on many occasions but his solution to the problem has not been widely acknowledged. He advocated for a form of meta-science which he called “general science”, an integrative science that could connect and guide the development of specialised disciplines and schools of research. In this paper I explore the parallels between Vygotsky’s general science and contemporary forms of meta-level research and discuss their relevance and implications for addressing global challenges.  相似文献   

Crowdfunding, the practice of asking for money from others using the Internet, is a major private means through which Canadians are funding their health care and education. Crowdfunding has proliferated in Canada during the 2010s and continues to grow, approaching the revenues of Canada's major traditional charities. Proponents describe it as an empowering practice from which anyone can benefit. If its gains are inequitably distributed, however, increasing reliance on this private funding mechanism, especially in core areas of welfare state provision, can further exacerbate inequalities of opportunity and income. This study asks why Canadians turn to health care and education crowdfunding and how equitably funds are raised using this novel method. Based on a mixed methods analysis of 319 campaigns conducted on two prominent crowdfunding platforms between 2012 and 2014, we find that crowdfunding users’ needs frequently correspond to known gaps in the contemporary social safety net, including in the area of cancer care, and that campaigns for older and visible minority Canadians face a disadvantage. We argue that health care and education crowdfunding is a response to the shortcomings of Canadian welfare state provision, but one that reproduces offline inequalities with potentially perilous consequences for democratic life and individual suffering.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the gender wage gap for full-time formal sector employees, disaggregated by education level. The gap between the labor force participation rate of women with tertiary education and those with lower levels of education is substantial. There is no such gap for men. Hence, existing gender wage gap studies for Turkey, where we observe lopsided labor force participation rates by education levels, compare two very different populations. We disaggregate the whole sample by education level to create more homogenous sub-groups. For Turkey, without disaggregation, the gender wage gap was 13% in 2011, and women are significantly over-qualified relative to men on observed characteristics. Once we disaggregate the sample by education level, we show that the gender wage gap is 24% for less educated women and 9% for women with tertiary education in full-time formal employment. Observed characteristics only explain 1 % of this gap in absolute terms. We further disaggregate the data by public and private employment. The gender gap is higher in the private sector. However, women with tertiary education in the public sector are significantly better qualified compared to men, and consequently the adjusted gender wage gap is higher for women with tertiary education in the public sector. Our estimates also indicate a rise in the gender wage gap between 2004 and 2011.  相似文献   

We examine effects of Child Development Accounts on savings for postsecondary education in a statewide experiment (N = 2,677), which automatically opened state-owned college savings accounts for treatment-group children, and encouraged their caregivers to open and save in participant-owned college savings accounts. The experiment achieves universal participation for children in the treatment group; almost all treatment-group children hold an account with more than $1,000 in college assets. Treatment participants we expect would hold their own participant-owned accounts without the intervention have $395 more in savings than their counterparts in the control group; those who are motivated by the intervention to hold a participant-owned account have mean deposits of $888. Those who are motivated by the intervention to save have mean deposits of $1,826. The intervention reduces the socioeconomic disparity in asset accumulation for children. The program has the potential to promote asset building for children’s education.  相似文献   

As the developed world has experienced a shift away from the traditional two-biological parent family, scholars have sought to understand how children are faring in non-traditional homes. Debate has arisen over assertions that children from non-traditional families do less well in school. Concerns about selection issues as well as a paucity of cross-cultural evidence, have led some scholars to question the influence of family structure on educational attainment. Using data from the 2006 Uruguayan household survey, we evaluated the relationship of family structure with children’s education using two different methods to deal with selection problems, an instrumental variables approach and propensity score matching. Both approaches yield evidence that growing up in non-traditional family structures seems to be negative related with the schooling of Uruguayan boys, with more muted results for girls. Interestingly, Uruguay is a developing country with two peculiarities, that is, a culture that experienced fairly rapid modernization in terms of institutions—including family transition—especially compared with other South American nations, and meanwhile an intriguingly high level of school drop-out, unusually high for Uruguay’s overall level of development.  相似文献   

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