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在建筑与场所之间寻找一种诗意关系的过程中.方整的体量强化城市肌理.引入斜向线性无素增加各种叙事的可能.  相似文献   

The adult day services (ADS) industry continues to grow and develop in providing care to larger numbers of older adults and their caregivers. Despite the growth in the number of programs and the changes in the way services are delivered, a systematic examination of the development of the ADS industry from a policy perspective has not been published since the mid-1990s. This article provides an analysis of the development of the ADS industry using the resource dependence model within a values-based context to determine whether public reimbursement opportunities are congruent with the needs of older adults and caregivers. Potential directions for the future development of the industry are presented through analysis of the collaborations of adult day providers with the providers of other services for older adults and the effort by public and private funders to connect quality outcomes and resources.  相似文献   

Conclusion Critical theory is critical because it reflects on the circumstances of its own existence. It is critical too because it takes utopia seriously, which means, in part, never short-circuiting the distance between reality and Utopia. Reparative reason, it has been argued, is no substitute for this philosophical project, but a source of support for it, one better suited to the concerns of the Frankfurt School than eros. What both reparative reason and the reparative impulse require is guidance as to the most deserving objects of our care and concern. Critical theory can provide this guidance.At least two objections to this reformulation of critical theory in light of Klein's insights into love, hate, and reparation are possible. The first would argue that reparation remains insufficiently relational, still selfish, more concerned with the satisfaction of the one who makes reparation than its object. The second objection is almost the opposite of the first, that reparation lacks what makes eros such a powerful oppositional force: not merely its selfish, demanding character, but its teleological orientation. Freed of the distorting effects of social domination, eros requires no guidance. By its very nature it seeks out the truly beautiful and good, much as Plato argued in the Symposium and Phaedrus. Such objections are, I believe, quite mistaken. They do not, however, lack insight into the issues involved.Regarding the first objection, Klein argues that we seek to make reparation out of genuine concern for the object. Reparation is truly an object-related passion, motivated by our relationship to the object, our love for it. Reparation may reduce guilt and anxiety, but this is an effect, not a cause. But, if reparation puts the object first, there is nonetheless an individualistic cast to the Kleinian account missing in Benjamin and Chodorow. For Klein, we care for others not because they are part of us, but because they are different, and we are concerned about them. In a certain limited sense the other remains an object, not in Freud's sense of an object of our drives, whose humanity is unimportant, but as a person who is distinct and separate from ourselves. This does not make reparation selfish. It does make it an expression of individuality, not its denial or transcendence.Regarding the second objection, it is true that reparation is not as autonomous as eros, and perhaps not as inherently oppositional either. But, neither is it as subject to corruption as eros (repressive desublimation), for reparation harnesses not the desire for pleasure, but guilt over the harm we have done to others. But, perhaps it was a mistake all along to try to found critical theory in eros, as though biology (Marcuse calls eros a biological basis for socialism) could take the place of critical consciousness, social opposition, or a revolutionary class. Insofar as it finds a material basis for hope for a better world in apparently transhistorical human attributes (albeit attributes that exist only within particular histories), reparation supports the Utopian project of the Frankfurt School. Reparation is, however, no deus ex machina. Historically situated human beings will have to confront the tragedy of human history on their own, a tragedy that stems, ultimately, from the way in which our fear and aggression constitute a world that requires so much reparation. It is, of course, this insight that keeps reparation from short-circuiting the path to utopia. For not only does reparation not exist apart from particular histories, but it does not exist independently of the hatred and aggression that bring it into being.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the differentiation process, involving the emergence of a distinction between parents' own personal values and their socialization values (the values they want their children to adopt), and on the contribution of children's values to their parents' socialization values. Measures of personal and socialization values were administrated to 603 Israeli adolescents and their parents. As we hypothesized, parents differentiate between their personal values and their socialization values. Moreover, adolescents' values had a specific contribution to their parents' socialization values. These findings provide new support to the notion that the socialization process should be considered as the result of the interaction between parents and their adolescent children rather than as a unidirectional process affected by parents alone.  相似文献   


As the formative figure in the emergence and development of Environment-Aging Studies, M. Powell Lawton influenced virtually every facet of this realm of research. Among his many contributions, Lawton helped shape the philosophical foundations which underlie the field and give direction to goals, theories, methods, and strategies of research. These philosophical foundations of Environment-Behavior Studies are analyzed from five complementary perspec-tives-axiological, ontological, epistemological, methodological, and praxeological-with particular attention paid to Lawton's position on each. Though unwavering in his position with regard to values, Lawton explored a variety of philosophical positions and continued to work to ward a meaningful synthesis of what are often seen as conflicting world-views.  相似文献   

Classroom teachers routinely face the values crisis of the divorce explosion that has become characteristic of a society that no longer considers marriage and family a sacred trust. Frequently students bring their problems to school with them where they reach out to their teachers for help they often are not able to get elsewhere. More teachers should learn to accommodate the needs of the growing number of children experiencing a values crisis associated with divorce. The first step is for school systems, schools, and teachers to become better prepared to teach human values along with facts and concepts. The second step is for teachers to develop ways to supplement the school counselor's role in working with the children of divorce, a task often requiring a system-wide or school-wide effort. Without such help, however, teachers still can learn to recognize and respond to pleas for help when they occur in the context of a math, science. English, or other course. Often teachers can help by just being willing to listen and to allow a free exchange of ideas within the framework of generally accepted community values and proven counseling theory.  相似文献   

It is important for psychoanalysts to educate themselves about variant forms of sexual expression, such as the fact that heterosexual cross-dressers virtually never give up their preference because of psychotherapy. A more realistic therapeutic aim is to help the couple negotiate a workable relationship. Infidelity, too, has many possible definitions that can be negotiated by the couple. In some instances, the wish for extramarital contact may be motivated less by sexual desire than by other psychological needs, such as the fear of death and the wish for immortality. The sustenance of sexual passion in a long-term relationship is a phenomenon that requires greater understanding. Variation in lifestyle, as well as modifications in characterological ruts, can often help revive passion.  相似文献   

Less than optimum strategies for missing values can produce biased estimates, distorted statistical power, and invalid conclusions. After reviewing traditional approaches (listwise, pairwise, and mean substitution), selected alternatives are covered including single imputation, multiple imputation, and full information maximum likelihood estimation. The effects of missing values are illustrated for a linear model, and a series of recommendations is provided. When missing values cannot be avoided, multiple imputation and full information methods offer substantial improvements over traditional approaches. Selected results using SPSS, NORM, Stata (mvis/micombine), and Mplus are included as is a table of available software and an appendix with examples of programs for Stata and Mplus.  相似文献   

Scholars suggest that evolutionary psychology may provide a foundation for assumptions regarding human values. I explore this suggestion by developing two arguments regarding the permissiveness of norms regulating male and female sexual activity. The first relies on the standard rational choice assumption that people value resources, and the second relies on an assumption suggested by evolutionary psychology that actors value seeing their children successfully reach adulthood. These two assumptions produce contrasting predictions regarding sex norms. I describe the implications of these predictions for explaining cross‐cultural variation and present evidence that supports the evolutionary psychology‐based predictions in this context. I also suggest implications of the two approaches for explaining norms cross‐nationally and within the United States. The article provides support for the utility of evolutionary psychology in developing assumptions about values.  相似文献   

未成年人价值观的演变是未成年人生活世界的一种常态,任何时代的未成年人都要经历价值观演变.只是由于社会背景与自身生活环境的不同。不同时代的未成年人的价值观演变有着各自的表现形式、特征、特点、阶段性结果以及基本趋向。本研究对安徽省合肥、芜湖、马鞍山、淮北、巢湖、安庆、黄山、宣城等地2426名城乡初中生进行了问卷调查。对54名闲散青少年进行个案访谈。探讨了当代未成年人人生价值观的基本特点。并进行了相关思考。  相似文献   


The value system for defining family violence is frequently based on the cultural beliefs imbedded in mainstream Euro-American values. This paper examines domestic violence from a cross-cultural perspective and evaluates how cultural beliefs and societal rules impact the incidence of family violence as well as the relative acceptability of this form of oppression. In this analysis, Asian, Latino, and African American cultures are examined in light of varying cultural perspectives on family violence.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):19-35
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):53-73

In recent years the federal government has made marriage promotion a central part of its welfare reform initiatives. These promotion efforts are based on the assumption that poor women, particularly women of color, have family attitudes that differ from those of other women. This article tests that assumption using the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, a nationally representative sample of births to single mothers in urban areas. Results show significant differences in family attitudes between married and unmarried White women, but few differences for women of color. In fact, unmarried women of color tend to be more traditional than White women. In addition, welfare recipients are similar to non-recipients in gender traditionalism and attitudes towards marriage, and low-income women often express the most support for traditional gender roles. Implications for marriage promotion policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty years ago, Robin M. Williams Jr. described eight notable changes in U.S. sociology, one of which was the “widespread diffusion of a relatively clear and sophisticated conception of the place of values in sociological study, as an object of research, as a factor in behavior, and as an element to be controlled in the prosecution of research” (Williams, 1958:621). In this essay, I ask what has become of that rising interest in the sociological study of values? I follow three distinct trajectories of sociological research on values, briefly describing the contributions of each, and identifying several lines of inquiry that strike me as particularly important and promising for the future.  相似文献   

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