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<正>公元925年,辽太祖耶律阿保机统率大军亲征渤海国,次年,灭渤海国,改名东丹国,命长子突欲(耶律倍)为东丹王,为辽的附属国。928年12月,辽又将东丹国迁到东京(今辽阳),同  相似文献   

清嘉庆初年,朝廷已在盛京沿海20个港口设局收税,由山海关税务监督统一管理。20个港口中,岫岩境内分别有红旗沟、大孤山、青堆子、英纳河、鲍家码头、小沙河和尖山子等7处。由于岫岩口岸设置较晚,文献记载不多,后人很少提及。有鉴于此,作者收集整理相关的档案和文献,对这些口岸的设置原因及其后来的变迁加以考证。  相似文献   

时尚名人说"气味让女人敏感,让男人冲动。"古有"暖玉温香"一词来形容极品女人,而男人的魅力来自于对香水的热爱和敏锐,讲求品位的男人说起DIOR、CK、HUGO BOSS等经典男香的后味,更是有一种潜在的虚荣性质。  相似文献   

正炎热的夏季,让人又爱又恨。爱她让人们变得性感可人,因为难耐的高热高湿又恨之切切。投入水世界,或徜徉大海,或流连泳池,是盛夏中最爽的事情。炎炎夏日,就让我们做一只爱潜水的鱼吧,跟水缠缠绵绵,在水中做出各种花样,娱乐自己,给难熬的暑期解闷打趣。  相似文献   

<正>中国玉的历史,离不开岫岩玉的历史。为什么这样说?岫岩玉自古以来就是岫岩的特产之一,岫岩玉以其资源丰富,开采利用历史悠久,玉雕工艺精湛的鲜明特色和独到之处,创造了不胜枚举的中国玉文化历史之最。  相似文献   

用物华天宝来形容营口市的资源一点也不为过.这里的菱镁矿为世界4大镁矿之一,滑石、硼砂的储量位居中国首位;被称为山上双宝的绒山羊、柞蚕质量优产量高,分别被定为国家级生产基地;水稻、水果、水产更是出类拔萃,因此营口素有三水之乡美称.  相似文献   

雷平阳 《东西南北》2010,(12):75-75
崇圣寺扩建以前,从洱海的东岸往西看,崇圣寺三塔像苍山的门庭,洱海则是水做的广场。我始终觉得,人工建筑包括寺庙、纪念碑和坟墓,都不是神住的地方,而是一种近神的场域。对我来说,1998年是一个近乎疯狂的年头,我曾两次爬上苍山的顶峰。一方面,想知道崇圣寺三塔的门内,雪峰、云朵和杜鹃花之间,是否存在着无止无休的自然之神的集会:另一方面,我想在那个时段我所迷恋的所谓高处,走走,独处几天。  相似文献   

天气渐热,着装趋向轻、薄、透,床品几乎也是同样原则。一套色彩淡雅、质地舒适的床品,不仅从视觉上带来清凉感,也给你带来一夜好梦。新近调整的麦凯乐床品区,不仅汇集几十种世界名牌,更有令人心醉的花色让人心动。  相似文献   

黄锡之 《社会》2004,(1):39-40
状元是我国科举制度的特殊产物,也是传统文化的组成部分。人们把考中状元视为人生中莫大的喜庆盛事。纵观历代状元之分布,据《登科考记》、《文献通考》、《明清进士题名碑录索引》等史籍统计,自隋唐至清代约1300多年间,共出文状元596名,自宋至清代共出武状元115名。其间苏州(包括下辖各县)共出文状元45名,占总数的7.55%;共出武状元5名,占总数的4.35%。尤其是在清代,苏州共出26名文状元,占全国状元总数的22.81%,超过其它任何一省之总数,无论是绝对数还是平均数,均为全国第一,因而赢得“状元之乡”的美称。  相似文献   

盘锦是一座年轻的城市,1984年经国务院批准建立省辖市,它生机勃勃,到处洋溢着青春的气息,特别是"五点一线"纳入国家战略以来,这里更是涌动着创造的激情. 盘锦在20多年的建设中,成为国家级生态建设示范区,全国有机食品生产示范基地,全国创建文明城市作先进城市、全国优秀旅游城市、全国社会治安综合治理先进市、全国双拥模范城.  相似文献   

以农业生产为主体,加强绿色农业和果树等经济作物生产和养殖业,保持原有林业,严格限制小采矿和小选矿发展。努力发展大工业,提高采矿和选矿技术含量,对已破坏植被环境要有计划进行恢复,要执行谁开发谁恢复原则,使生态环境保持良好循环。  相似文献   

, 《今日辽宁》2012,(6):42-47
桓龙湖水域面积2.22万公顷,总容量为34.6亿立方米,最深的地方有60余米,平均水深15米,年产鱼200多吨,是辽宁省最大的人工湖和淡水鱼养殖基地。桓龙湖沿岸线长81公里,森林面积9900公顷,木材蓄积量为31万立方米,整个湖区为国家级库区森林公园。为什么叫桓龙湖呢?因为从高空俯视或地图上看,整个水系的分布形状像一条腾飞的巨龙,又  相似文献   

<正>Editor's words: Xiuyan is the Manchu autonomic county in Liaoning province. It is an ageold town with long history of Manchu and is famous  相似文献   

As human beings, we share many historically developed, language-game interwoven, public forms of life. Due to the joint, dialogically responsive nature of all social life within such forms, we cannot as individuals just act as we please; our forms of life exert a normative influence on what we can say and do. They act as a backdrop against which all our claims to knowledge are judged as acceptable or not. As a result, it is not easy to articulate their inadequacies in a clear and forceful manner. However, within most of our forms of life, we have a first-person right to express how our individual circumstances seem to us. And by the use of special forms of poetic, gestural talk—talk that can originate new language-games—we can offer to make our own 'inner lives' public. In this paper, I want to claim that this is just what Wittgenstein is attempting to do in his later philosophy: by use of the self-same methods that anyone might use to express aspects of their own world picture, he is offering us his attempts to make the background 'landscape' of our lives more visible to us. These methods are explored below.  相似文献   

We combine two research lines: preference reversal research (Lichtenstein and Slovic, 1971) and research on lottery-based risk preference induction (Roth and Malouf, 1979). Our results are informative for both research lines. We show that inducing risk preferences in preference reversal experiments has dramatic effects. First, while our subjects still display reversals, they do not display the usual pattern of predicted reversals suggested by the compatibility hypothesis. By inducing risk averse and risk loving preferences, we can dramatically reduce reversal rates and even produce the opposite pattern of reversals. Our results are consistent with the assumption that subjects maximize expected utility with error. This provides evidence that Camerer and Hogarth's (1999) framework for incentive effects can be extended to include the risk preference induction reward scheme.  相似文献   

Stereotypes about gender and emotional expression tend to be imprecise and misleading. They fail to acknowledge situational, individual, and cultural variations in males' and females' emotional expressiveness. They also tend to generalize across emotional intensity and frequency, as well as across different modalities of emotional expression, e.g. verbal vs. behavioral modalities. Moreover, they tend to exaggerate the extent of gender differences in emotional expression. I argue that when gender differences in emotional expression do occur, they can be traced to social processes such as dissimilar gender roles, status and power imbalances, and differing socialization histories of males and females. These processes may predispose some males and females to express emotions differently in some cultures and in some contexts. To support this argument, I present data from two studies, one showing that the amount of time fathers spend with their children relates to the gender stereotypic nature of their children's emotional expressiveness; and the other showing that gender differences in emotional expressiveness are culturally specific in a sample of Asian international, Asian‐American, and European-American college students. Finally, I note the potentially destructive limitations imposed by stereotypes on males' and females' interpersonal functioning as well as on their mental and physical health.  相似文献   

尼印传统关系中,友好与合作是主流,但“控制与反控制”的较量也时常影响双边关系的发展。两国的地缘位置、传统联系、战略关切、民族主义、国内政治以及中国因素始终是影响双边关系的重要因素。尼印《和平友好条约》、边界划分、边境管理、贸易不平衡、水资源的利用与管理以及经济援助等问题是目前两国间存在的主要问题。在印度对尼政策更加积极与务实的背景下,双边关系的未来发展取决于两国能否彼此照顾对方的安全关切。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Jill Humphrey, Adoption and Family Finding Unit, 3 Unthank Road, Norwich NR2 2PA, UK. E-mail: jill.humphrey.socs{at}norfolk.gov.uk Summary Joint Reviewers are the central regulators of social servicesauthorities in England and Wales. This article explores howreviewers arrive at their judgements about the performance ofsocial services authorities and how these authorities respondto Joint Review reports and recommendations. It also offersa framework for evaluating the costs and benefits of Joint Reviewswhich enables us to appreciate the ambivalence which local authoritystaff harbour towards their central regulators.  相似文献   

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