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公众舆论、市民社会与法治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关雁春 《学术交流》2003,(11):36-39
公众舆论是市民社会的重要结构性要素。它作为市民社会民主权利表达的最基本方式,发挥公共领域的合法性功能,为政治的合法性提供基础。它还是权力制约机制的核心,通过舆论监督实现对公权力的制约,从而促进民主与法治的实现。然而它在垄断资本主义阶段却产生了异化,丧失了对公权力的制约功能。因此,我国在建构市民社会的过程中,在保证公众舆论发挥应有作用的同时,也要避免这种异化现象。  相似文献   

邱林川 《社会》2014,34(4):119-137
什么是数字资本主义条件下的世界工厂?它与过去的资本主义世界体系有何区别,又有何关联?在互联网和智能手机的时代,劳工真能形成自己的网络,抵御资本吗?本文以史鉴今,首先回顾17世纪“大西洋三角贸易”的奴隶制世界体系,再讨论当代富士康劳工问题、“21世纪奴隶制”及其内在的新三角贸易结构。四百年沧海桑田,不料在变劳工为奴隶这个问题上,无论是实证材料的细节,还是世界资本主义体系的宏观层面,依然存在种种勾连。文章在此基础上勾勒出网络化抵抗与新三角团结关系,并强调:劳工研究需要重新认识过去,让思想在全球历史的长河中重新扎根。 在关注生产过程之外,还须重视消费,特别是虚拟空间里的生产性消费行为。  相似文献   

王坤 《唐都学刊》2013,(6):109-113
文化交流是人类社会和各民族发展进步的重要推动力。在世界各国对外文化交流的历史中,古代中日文化交流格外引人注目。传播学是研究人类社会信息传播规律的科学,人类一切与精神或精神文化有关的历史,其实就是传播的历史。运用传播学的基本原理和传播活动的构成要素分析古代中日间的信息传递,为研究中日文化交流史提供了新的、独特的视角。  相似文献   

马克思和恩格斯认为“异化劳动”和“商品拜物教”随着资本主义的发展而兴起,这一过程中,人被异化,尊严被剥夺.异化是指人的存在及行为都不能被自我所掌控,表现出与自我的疏远和对立.尊严是人作为人的存在被自我和他人承认和肯定.人的异化及尊严感丧失,造成了物质主义、消费主义、虚无主义在现代社会的盛行.马克思和恩格斯的尊严与异化理论,提供了从伦理学的角度研究尊严和异化的丰富思想资源.  相似文献   


This narrative is about how a WhatsApp friendship group was turned into a process reminiscent of social group work and how it became a promising practice for its group members during the coronavirus pandemic. The narrative portrays the struggles of middle-class families of Indian society in this crisis situation and how some of their issues were addressed using the digital platform in a group context.  相似文献   

“数字鸿沟”:当代社会阶层分析的新视角*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李升 《社会》2006,26(6):81-81
当代社会,随着信息技术的发展以及信息重要性的增强,以互联网等为基础的电子信息网络已经浸透于社会的各个领域之中,在产业、经济和社会中生成着一种新的信息场域,影响着人们的社会生活。本文从社会阶层的研究视角出发,透过“现代——后现代”的二维分析模式对信息及信息技术带来的“数字鸿沟”现象进行理论上的阐释,对其究竟是实现着“阶层化”还是“去阶层化”进行探讨,并对信息化高度发达的日本社会进行了“数字鸿沟”的实证分析。可以看出:信息、信息技术已经成为一种新的变量,并与社会阶层之间产生着密切的关系,重塑着社会阶层化机制。  相似文献   

2009年,江西省南昌市东湖区被确定为全国第二批人才队伍建设试点城区,两年来,东湖区从实际出发,进行了本土社会工作的探索和创新.东湖区位于南昌市的中心城区,同时也是一个老城区,社会转型烙印深刻,辖区人口老龄化严  相似文献   

社会工作作为职业概念已经在中国内地(尤其是上海)得到一定程度的普及和认可。本文从社会学的角度出发,分析社区社会工作作为职业的异化过程。通过对专业社工进驻社区和开展工作这一系列进程的个案分析,得出结论:社区社工的异化原因在于社工职业目标和从事具体工作的个人目标的分离。其解决办法在于社工职业的长远发展“非政府化”以及近期目标的“彻底政府化”,并分析了目前社会现实下“政府化第三部门社工”的不稳定性。  相似文献   

民主政治:和谐社会的政治基础   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从理论或实践上看,民主政治是和谐社会的政治基础。民主政治就是用和谐的方式控制、解决社会矛盾和冲突的制度体系。承认人的主体地位、多元利益和高度的社会流动是民主政治与和谐社会共同的根基。实现利益表达的规范化和制度化是夯实和谐社会政治基础的关键。利益表达的规范化和制度化建设具有完善公共政策、消解社会矛盾、强化政治认同等重大意义。完善人民代表大会制是夯实和谐社会政治基础的根本之策。人民代表大会制度既是社会主义民主政治进一步发展的基本制度资源,也是直接承载法治发展的制度体系。  相似文献   

张晓峰 《阅江学刊》2014,(3):82-87,112
中国改革进入深水区后个体极端暴力事件呈高发态势,暴露出的是政府与社会关系长期疏离致使社会进入转型期后一些社会个体境遇问题愈益突出和复杂,而基于传统管制思维的公共危机管理应对乏力。治本之策是立足“以人为本”,从国家治理体系和政府治理能力现代化层面推动创新社会管理向创新社会治理转变,构建善治意义上的治理服务型政府,通过改进社会治理方式解决公共安全问题,为民造福。  相似文献   

This essay reconstructs Marx's relationship to democracy and liberalism through an examination of his early work which was directly concerned with the issues of understanding democracy as a kind of society. Only with an analysis of the dynamics of civil society—a political economic, sociological, and historical understanding—could the true nature of citizenship be discerned. In contradistinction to liberal political theory, he would argue that political theory could not stand on its own if it analyzed only the state. Marx came to understand the contradiction between the liberal state and civil society as what he called a sophistry because it undermined the possibility of the democratic agency of workers. This was a sophistry, not because he opposed political democracy, but because the development of capitalism undermined the possibility of democratic agency. Citizenship could be nothing but a “lion's skin” of politics concealing the nature of civil society beneath it. This contradiction would drive Marx's thought forward as he moved from liberalism to democratic socialism with his developing understanding of the structure and dynamics of capitalism from 1843 until the end of his life. The essay illustrates two closely related claims about Marx's thought regarding liberalism and democracy. First, I argue that Marx engaged in a democratic critique of liberalism; second, and as a response to his democratic critique of liberalism, Marx developed a more sociological understanding of democracy, and hence believed that political democracy was a necessary condition of freedom, though not a sufficient condition.  相似文献   

陈福平  许丹红 《社会》2017,37(4):217-240
群体政治极化是互联网传播领域长期关注的重要现象,然而进入社会化媒体时代,网络群体极化的状况和形成机理是否发生了变化?为此本文分析了从观点生产到链接构建的群体极化机制,并结合在线社交网络用户数据与跨国比较数据进行了验证。研究发现,在社交网络的技术、媒介和社会网络三重特性的相互作用下,使用者会选择观点的隔离并转而链接同质群体,这一建构过程最终导致网络群体极化的产生。对跨国数据的分析也表明,在政治观点表达更为活跃的社交网络中,人们认知到相异观点的几率却下降了。因此,如何在新媒体时代构建一个多元协商的网络治理环境,我们或许可以从观点和链接两个方面入手。  相似文献   

民主行政:价值·框架·生态环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在当今各国的公共行政改革中 ,民主的价值日益得到人们的重视。民主行政的基本框架主要包括建立参与型的公共行政决策架构 ,实施程序化的公共行政管理模式 ,推行竞争性的公共服务机制。民主行政运作所需要的社会生态环境是 ,以法治为保证的民主政治体制的确立、以市场为基础的公民社会的培育和以公开为前提的社会信息传播机制的发展  相似文献   

互联网作为一场全新的技术革命,对社会领域产生了巨大的影响作用。互联网迅速地改变和重塑着中国传统的社会结构,使其经历着一场解构与重构的革命,形成和凸显着一种全新的社会关系和社会运行模式。由此,中国社会在交往互动、舆论表达、利益诉求、价值观念、生活方式等方面都呈现出不同于传统的新特性。互联网的影响既带来显著的社会进步,也给管理者带来了前所未有的压力。十八大报告提出全面建成小康社会需要创新社会管理、加强社会建设。本文认为"互联网社会建设"也是创新社会管理的重要内容,因而提出互联网社会建设的相关政策建议,旨在提高互联网的管理水平,规范社会秩序,实现互联网社会的良性互动,最终推进和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   

樊凡 《唐都学刊》2011,27(3):73-77
在当代政治哲学中,人们主要从以下两个维度来定义民主:一种是以公共利益为基本导向的民主理论;另一种民主理论认为,在现代社会中,随着实质性的共同利益的消失和单一的群体性意志的不可能,民主不可能在以公共利益为基本导向的模式上建立起来,所以,它们认为"多元"和"竞争"才是民主的本质性特征。在这两种民主理论中,前者往往被认为是一种压迫性的、独裁性的民主理论;而后者则往往被认为有着重陷霍布斯状态的倾向。  相似文献   

闫志洁  闫方洁 《创新》2012,6(5):24-27,126
女性在社会发展进程中扮演着重要的角色,同时女性面临的各种问题一直以来也备受社会关注。西方女性主义马克思主义者借鉴了马克思的异化理论,并将其运用于家庭和私人生活领域,创造性地提出了性别异化理论。她们认为,当代社会女性异化表现在两性关系领域、家务劳动领域、心理和精神智力领域等。而消除异化实现女性解放需要通过消除性别角色、提高女性经济地位、扩大女性政治参与权等途径来实现。她们的探索为人们理解两性问题、实现性别和谐发展提供了有益的理论借鉴与指导。  相似文献   


Gerontological Social Work education has been substantially altered by the advancement of today’s digital technologies, influencing both the training and tools required to ensure student success in social work research, policy, and practice. The goal of this paper is to present the state of the science on gerontological digital social work education, identify implications for emerging technologies, and define areas for social work student competencies and proficiencies to advance the field of gerontological digital social work. This paper underlines the role of gerontological digital social work education in preparing future researchers, practitioners, and policymakers when engaging in Digital Therapeutic Teams. We provide insightful considerations pertaining to emerging technologies which present unique opportunities for innovation. Furthermore, this paper presents training and education opportunities for social work education in preparing future gerontologist practitioners, researchers, and policymakers to engage in multidisciplinary team efforts and leverage digital technologies and digital therapeutics.  相似文献   

摘要:社会工作是承载“强烈价值”的专业实践,而“强烈价值”的介入,常常伴随着冲突,其背后正是“批判诠释论”所强调的“理解”与“沟通”的缺失。从“批判诠释论”角度看,“争吵”是彼此缺乏沟通与理解的产物,是实践“沟通互动论”中相对激烈的讨论形式,在一定程度上说明项目“充权”存在异化,专业关系中带有压迫的痕迹。依照“批判诠释论”的社会工作范式,坚固项目过程中平等合作的角色定位,立足自我觉醒与最大可能的相互理解,通过最大限度的沟通对话,才能营造真正意义上的社区。  相似文献   

Like Marxists before, greens are trenchant critics of the commodification of human life by consumer capitalism. They have been persistent advocates of less materialistic ways of living but, as such, have been easily dismissed as champions of frugal, small‐scale community living. This essay argues that a society which fostered non‐materialistic ways of living could offer more rather than less to its citizens if it put at the centre of its vision the quality of human and social relations. A relational perspective insists that human capacities—aesthetic, spiritual, practical/intellectual, ethical and convivial—are developed through our relations to others and to nature, including the nature and otherness in ourselves. The primary aim of an ecowelfare society should be to create the conditions for such human capacities to flourish in a balanced way. The essay frst describes four areas of our everyday social relations where qualitative change is necessary if a democratic culture is to flourish. Capitalism privileges the development of the practical/intellectual and, in consequence, our over‐extended technical powers now put the world at risk. Green democracy must be approached in this light. Participation in political discussion and decision making at all levels of society enhances individual and collective ethical and convivial capacities and therefore fosters citizens who have the capacity to respond to social and ecological insecurity. To be convincing, green democracy needs to recognize the actual complexity of society, a complexity that direct, face‐to‐face models of democracy cannot deal with. In opposition to the markets and managerialism of existing governments greens should develop a vision of the extended democratization of all levels and institutions of society, from housing estates and health centres to universities and non‐departmental public bodies like the Arts Council. In doing so it must recognize the differences, tensions and conflicts in all communities irrespective of whether these are generated around place, identity or lifestyle. It must therefore promote the maximum diversity of democratic forms.  相似文献   

As digitalization binds society to an apparently perpetual acceleration, questions about the nature of time and speed have gained new urgency in the social sciences. Yet, theorizations of these issues have neglected their implications for social life and generations. Linking these lacunae, this article articulates how digital media and social networking sites (SNS) shape social life through cultural transformations in the generation. This article rationalizes predominant patterns of SNS user behaviors in the context of social theoretical and philosophical frameworks informed by Mannheim, Simmel, Adorno, Benjamin, Arendt, social presence, action, and acceleration theories to offer a relational reconceptualization of the generation as a set of social relations and processes for visualizing changing conceptions of time and speed in a digital (izing) modernity. This article introduces the concept of general and local generationing processes to articulate the processual nature of the generation and to assert that trends in SNS use and content production are underwritten by grammatical logics that collectively “flatten” separate traditional generations to form a cross-demographic and cross-temporal digital generation.  相似文献   

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