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This reflective discussion draws on data from a collaborative enquiry into kinship or family and friends practice. It introduces perspectives from complexity and chaos theory as a way of re‐examining the challenges of kinship practice. The discussion highlights the enduring challenges for practitioners, not least, managing anxiety and uncertainty, sustaining continuity and containment, becoming experienced and taking account of the complex developmental needs of the children and their families. The discussion particularly raises questions about appropriate settings for practitioners to undertake such a demanding area of child and family social work.  相似文献   

李霞  李恭忠 《求是学刊》2002,29(2):118-120
文章从认知主体、认知对象、认知媒介和认知方法四个方面 ,论述了历史认知活动的客观性问题。文章认为 ,纯粹客观的历史认知只是一个神话 ,批判这一神话是为了剖取其合理内核。历史学的客观性其实处于一种弹性状态 ,有一个伸缩范围 ,决定其是伸是缩及伸缩维度的是史料、认知主体及其认知方法 ,其中认知主体又是最具主动性和导向性的因素。在这样的格局中 ,如果仍然坚持追求客观性这一主观意向 ,则人类的历史认知仍然能够达到某种维度的客观性  相似文献   

This article applies a series of concepts from Niklas Luhmann's systems theory in an analysis of modern welfare organisations. The point of departure is that social help in late modern welfare states has become 'polycentric' in that 'help' is today being defined by various different agents: public, voluntary and private care providers. Empirically, this article investigates re-housing work with homeless people, a kind of social work which involves several different welfare organisations. The case study shows how these organisations define themselves by making internal constructions of their surroundings, and how their self-enclosed nature creates a certain 'insensitivity' towards one another. How to coordinate and translate within this 'polyphony' of incomparable observations and values represents a major managerial challenge for present-day social workers.  相似文献   

In his provocative article on theorizing about myth, Jon Mills kindly cites my own work on the subject. Let me confine my remarks to his comments on me. I now see, thanks to Mills, how confusing some of my statements have perhaps been.  相似文献   

After decades of acrimonious debate on the nature of scientific knowledge, researchers in the human or social sciences are reaching a state of relative equanimity, a condition that may be characterized as a reflective pragmatism. Yet, even while the context has favored the development of new forms of research, the longstanding ocular metaphor of inquiry remains pervasive. That is, researchers continue the practice of observing what is the case, with the intent to illuminate, understand, report on, or furnish insight into given states of affairs. And, while selectively useful, such an orientation is not only limited in potential but subject to a receding span of application. As I will propose, when the logics of reflective pragmatism are fully extended, we enter a new territory of understanding, one in which the vision of research is radically altered. We replace the captivating gaze on the world as it is with value based explorations into what it could be. This conception of a future forming orientation to research opens the way to new aims, practices, and reflections.  相似文献   

Methods are not neutral instruments but construct the phenomena under investigation and convey meaning about what is important. This paper explores a methodological framework to investigate parental care for children. As part of the results, the following characteristics of how parents take care of their children are presented: continuous responsibility; predictable routines that are adjusted to the child; and interpretations and negotiations about developmental goals. The argument is that methodological approaches that analyse larger temporal units of contextualized practices as presented by the participants themselves open up for more context‐sensitive knowledge about the task of taking care of children. Thus, the understanding of the process of development is widened and specified in a way that may be useful for fields of practice where developmental psychology is ‘at work’.  相似文献   

This paper discusses cultural psychology and psychological training in football (soccer). Self‐Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1980) has shown to be pragmatically successful in sport and suggests that being regulated by autonomous forms of motivation leads to better psychological outcomes. Cultural psychologists would be tempted to dismiss SDT because it is predicated on an a‐cultural approach to mind. It is possible to nurture a stronger and more effective team culture by reframing SDT in a cultural direction. As such, this paper outlines a cultural approach that reconceptualizes SDT in a way that retains the latter's pragmatic value while not approaching mind in a self‐contained individualist manner.  相似文献   

A survey on authorship issues was conducted with academic chemists in Ph.D.-granting institutions in the United States. Six hundred faculty members responded. The respondents reported a wide range in their attitudes and behavior regarding giving credit in a publication. The various guidelines for authorship are independent of academic background factors such as the relationship between the senior author and the contributor-potential author. However, the survey data reveal significant context-dependency by the respondents. Many respondents would give more credit to their own student than to another professor's student for the exact same contribution to a research project. The survey data further shows that the faculty who received their Ph.D. in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s are the most likely to provide authorship, while those who received their Ph.D. in the 1990s and 2000s would most likely give either no credit or acknowledgments.  相似文献   

陈国庆 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):66-69
梁启超是中国近代史学的重要创始人 ,他对 2 0世纪中国历史学的发展起到过奠基作用。梁启超对史学理论的研究和史学方法的创新 ,在当时学术界起到了积极作用 ,对后世的中国史学研究有很大影响和参考价值。  相似文献   

卢华国  李平  张雅 《阅江学刊》2012,(6):111-114
词典学的发展迄今经历了编者中心范式、文本中心范式和用户中心范式。由于这三种范式仅以某一要素为中心而忽略其它要素,所以,必将为对话交际的新范式所取代。交际词典学的问世宣告了新范式的创立,是词典学研究由独白走向对话的标志。  相似文献   

In this mixed-method study of education in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) in psychology, phase one survey respondents (n?=?141) reported that faculty and students were familiar with RCR standards and procedures to educate them were believed to be adequate. However, educational methods varied widely. In phase two, seven survey respondents completed in-depth interviews assessing RCR training and education and research review procedures. Educational methods through which RCR content was presented included the following ones: traditional (lectures), technical (web-based), and experiential (internships), but RCR was often minimally considered in the formal curriculum. Our results suggest that psychology training programs might benefit from more formal consideration of RCR education and training in the curriculum.  相似文献   

Several explanations of the current syndrome affecting advanced democracies make reference to a process of cultural change that has been triggered by the complex and interrelated phenomena known as globalization. The rise of populist-authoritarian parties, the advent of post-truth politics and the increasing dissatisfaction with democracy are seen by many political scientists as rather direct consequences of social and economic transformations which had changed the context in which the democratic process takes place. The main limitation of this literature is that it treats culture as a black box receiving inputs from the social context and translate them into political consequences. By doing so it cannot explain why the same conditions produce different consequences in different contexts and it is silent on the criteria to develop anti-crisis policies. This article argues that some of the insights offered by the Semiotic Cultural Psychology Theory, most notably the idea that cultural evolution is moved by the need to find affect-laden, simplified interpretations of the reality to restore the capacity of making sense on an uncertain socio-political context, can enhance the ability of political scientists to understand the current political phenomena and to develop methodological criteria to counteract the current scenario of democratic crisis.  相似文献   

敬乂嘉 《社会》2006,26(6):165-165
组织理论是有关组织现象的松散理论集群。由于缺乏清晰定义的研究客体、主流的研究方法和强有力但是简练的假设,组织理论内部频繁地出现紧张和分裂的现象。对组织理论历史发展的回顾和评论构成了对于组织的边界和内容进行规范理论界定的实用替代。本文通过文献回顾,探讨组织理论发展过程中三个重要支流的互动关系,即组织实践、多学科进入和范式演进之间的内在关系。论文的研究表明,组织实践的丰富性、多学科进入的宽口径和范式共识的缺乏,构成组织理论研究的重要特征。  相似文献   

意思表示理论为大陆法系行为论、契约理论的基础,更是契约法规则、法规范的理论源头。英美法的契约法法理论、法规则以关系理论为核心,但也曾受到意思表示理论的影响。对大陆法和英美法意思表示理论的研究,能深入地揭示契约法法理论的本质论的认识。  相似文献   

Bengt Westerberg missed the point in his critique of "Pollution rituals in Sweden: pursuit of a drug-free society". The effectiveness of Sweden's restrictive line was not the issue. Moreover, Westerberg's defence of Swedish policy was highly selective in its use of statistics. Other statistics cast some doubt on his case. His reply also failed to mention that the opposition to some aspects of the restrictive line had included his own party and other political parties. The main point of my original article was ignored – the argument that it is unjust and illiberal to sentence an individual to prison for self-harm. It is also illiberal to argue that the end of a drug-free society is justified by means that encroach on basic human rights.  相似文献   


Appropriately disseminating results to children are important because it respects the role they played in the research process. Clearly conveying complex messages to children, however, can be challenging and take a substantial amount of time for researchers. This paper reports on the results dissemination processes and accompanying critical reflection, that occurred during Neighbourhoods for Active Kids study – a community-based health research project with 1102 children aged 8–13 years residing in Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand. The results dissemination items included: an individual physical activity and food-purchasing behaviour summary, school physical activity and food-purchasing behaviour summary, colouring-in poster, a video, comic, results booklet, school summary report and school data. The results from critical reflection have been developed into five tips for disseminating results to children. The tips are: consult with children and incorporate their feedback throughout; allow space for change and adaptation; meet children where they are at in the digital world and in the physical world; it’s OK to ask for help; and be careful of the words you use. Findings can be used to inform results dissemination activities across a range of social science disciplines.  相似文献   

新时期以来的散文研究已走过了30年的历程。由于种种原因,散文研究一直受到 轻视和责难。本文从作家作品研究、专题性研究、散文史建设和散文理论建构诸方 面,对30年来散文研究进行了全面系统的梳理和评析,并追寻散文研究长期被冷落的 原因。文章认为21世纪的散文研究要走向深入和阔大,必须从三方面用力:其一是要 建立现代意识的散文批评视野;其二是“化西方”与“中国化”;其三是思维方式与 研究方法的改变。这三方面不但是认识和解决当代散文问题的重要维度,而且对散文 研究具有方法论的意义。

关键词: 新时期?散文研究?现代视野?理论建构

New Era research on the essay and other occasional writing already has a history of thirty years. For various reasons, however, such research has consistently been slighted and condemned. This article offers a systematic and comprehensive review and analysis of the last thirty years of research in this field in terms of writers and their works, research on special topics, and the construction of the history and theory of this genre, and explores the reasons why it has been slighted for so long. To deepen and broaden this research in the new century, we must exert ourselves in three areas: first, we must adopt a modern vision of criticism of the essay; second, we must “digest Western theories” and “Sinicize essay writing and research”; and third, we must change our research methods and way of thinking. These three points not only offer an important dimension for understanding and solving contemporary issues relating to the essay, but also have methodological significance for research.  相似文献   

严明  孟维杰 《学术交流》2004,31(11):28-33
心理学发展以库恩范式论来予以考察和审视,究其内在逻辑线索,是哲学心理学、科学心理学、人文心理学和文化心理学四种范式的更替与兴衰过程。按照库恩范式论中所表达的价值相对主义以及真理是科学家的主观约定性理念,心理学四种范式也只是心理学家基于不同的立场对人类心理不同理解和假设而已,这就为这四个范式的合理性与合法性找到了立论根据。以库恩范式论为视角,会重新理解心理学内在发展问题。  相似文献   

新时期以来的散文研究已走过了30年的历程。由于种种原因,散文研究一直受到轻视和责难。本文从作家作品研究、专题性研究、散文史建设和散文理论建构诸方面,对30年来散文研究进行了全面系统的梳理和评析,并追寻散文研究长期被冷落的原因。文章认为21世纪的散文研究要走向深入和阔大,必须从三方面用力:其一是要建立现代意识的散文批评视野;其二是“化西方”与“中国化”;其三是思维方式与研究方法的改变。这三方面不但是认识和解决当代散文问题的重要维度,而且对散文研究具有方法论的意义。  相似文献   

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