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On the Development of Tibet from the Perspective of Scientific Outlook on Development: Based on an Understanding of the Spirit of the 5th Forum on Work in Tibet Xiao Fangren (College of Politics and Law, Yan'an & Sun Xiayun University, Yan'an, Shaanxi 716000) Abstract: Development and stability are the two major issues in Tibetan society. Development is the key to solve all the problems in Tibet and the Great-leap-forward development is the most urgent task. Therefore, implementing the spirit of the Fifth Forum on Work in Tibet is the most important practice of the Sci- entific Outlook on Development in the new era. Based on the understanding of the spirit of the 5th Forum on Work in Tibet, the author maintains that development in Tibet must rely on the people-centered development, sustainable economic and social development and the overall planning to mobilize all the favorable factors for the development. Key Words: Tibet; two major issues; scientific development; the 5th Forum on Work in Tibet  相似文献   

Reform and Adjustment of International Energy Strategy of China
Analysis on the Ethnic Psychological Distance in Interaction between Uyghur and Han  相似文献   

Based on some materials from field-work, this paper mainly analyzed the sociality, organiza- tionality of Tibetan folk religion and its activity location in Tibetan area, holding that these folk organizations and people's activity location have influence of some degree to folk religious life and social life, being an imnortant adiustable oower in people's belief.  相似文献   

The enlightenment of modern education in China was in the late Qing Dynasty, and it was originated from the Tibetan schools in the area of Western Sichuan. This paper tries to provide a review of the Tibetan schools' establishment, development and evolution, and to explore its unique role in the social and historical process at the time.  相似文献   

Lin Haitao  Ma Ling 《学术界》2015,(2):257-261
Through analysis of the relationship between heaven and man and the development of the ideology in the developing process from the pre- Qin Confucianism, the cosmology Confucianism of the Han Dynasty to the formation of the Confucian School of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties, this paper attempts to explore the Confucianism ideology from social structure, cultural integration and environmental change and so on, so as to points out that Confucianism does not collapse with the disintegration of the social structure; instead,it realizes self- reconstruction and renovation.  相似文献   

Investigation on the Pronouncing Variations from Lhasa Speech to Mandarin
Li Yongbin (Institute of Social Linguisties, Huang Huai University, Zhu Madian, Henan, 463000)
Abstract: Lhasa Speech and Mandarin have many similarities in syllable formation. In Mandarin using, Tibetan residents in Lhasa have some variations in initial consonants, compound vowels and tone and so on, such as points of articulation, glottal stops, opening of vowels, tones points. There are some differences between primary and middle school students, cadre and staff, business men and other crowds. The social influences mainly inelude sex, age, occupation and education.  相似文献   

The Word "Guozhuang" and its Meaning
Ren Xinjian, Li Shaodong (Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610072; Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064)
Abstract: The present paper, through historical documents and discrimination, from the perspective of the Tibetan and Chinese trade and history of the city of Kangding, analyses the historical background of "Guozhuang" in Kangding, and interprets its origin and transformation.  相似文献   

The Embodiment and Protection of the Right of Freedom of Religious Belief in Tibet: A Commemoration for the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of Tibet Autonomous Region;Review on the Studies of Regional National Autonomy System in Recent Years and its Prospect;The Origin of Oirat Mongol Tribes in Qinghai (IV);  相似文献   

Xunzi's Position on the Issue of Human Nature - -A Concurrent Discussion on Three Realms of Human Nature Development ,Some Views on the Promotion of XinjiangS Leap Forward in Development and Its Long -term Sta- bility - -Grasping the Spirit of the Central Work Conference on Xinjiang's Development,On Public Opinion Security in the Internet Age and Social Stability in Ethnic Minority Frontier Areas of Western China  相似文献   

A Review of Tibet History: from 1950 to 1959
Guo Guanzhong (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 100081)
Abstract: Based on historical facts and understanding of the spirit of 18th CPC National Congress, the present paper states that democratic reform in Tibet began from 1951, and ended in 1965. The "17-Article Agreement" in 1951 claims the peaceful liberation of Tibet. From then on, Tibet stepped on Socialism and millions of slave started their new lives.
Key words: Tibet; history (1950-1959); democratic reform; reconsideration  相似文献   

Wang Wei 《学术界》2015,(2):262-270
Can the jury system replace the system of people’s assessors and find a way out of the jury system dilemma in our country? The author gives an affirmative answer that the jury system should be established as soon as possible in our country in order to give full play to the efficacy and value of judicial democracy and supervision. This paper tries to analyze from the following three aspects. Firstly, it analyzes the differences and advantages and disadvantages of two jury patterns including the jury system and the mixed court system; then,based on the statement of development and existing problems of the mixed court system in our country,it analyzes the feasibility of application of the jury system in our country combining with national conditions; finally, social effect of the introduction of the jury system is evaluated,which affects the situation as a whole domino.  相似文献   

The Plural Society and the Consociational Democracy in India,Strategic Planning and Policy Direction of Economic Development of Xinjiang in the New Period,Discussion on the Definition of Nationality Issue.  相似文献   

程雁雷  宋宏 《学术界》2012,(2):16-28
The academic community now increasingly appeals for and researches on optimizing Culture Industry Legislation in China,but scholars are debating on some important issues. The paper w ill be focused on the necessity,purpose of adjustment,feasibility,design and some other aw areness issues and propose some relevant view points. ( 1) Culture Industry Legislation has many draw - backs and lags behind the grow th,so w e should accelerate the progress and promote the development of the legal system of the culture industry,( 2) the purpose of legislation is to manage and regulate social relations in the culture  相似文献   

Thomas Pikettys Methodology and Theory on Capital in the Twenty--First Century
Abstract: Thomas Piketty's research on capital in the 21st century mainly has made some a- nalysis on the accumulation and distribution of wealth in Europe and America in the past 250 years. His conclusion is that social inequality will intensify when the income value by capital grows faster than the value of economic growth and human capital was defeated by financial cap- ital and real estate capital. Inequality is not coincidental but an internal logic of capitalism. If the capitalism system is not changed, the meritocratic value which is capitalism faith will be under punch, and the capitalism democratic order and so--called "justice" will be threatened.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了《王统世系明鉴》(rGyal rabs gsal bavi me long)一书的英文译注本《十四世纪西藏佛教史籍<王统世系明鉴>译注》(The Buddhist Historiography,The Mirror Illuminating the Royal Genealogies,An Annotated Translation of the XIVth Century Tibetan Chronicle:rGyal-rabs gsal-bavi me-long),点明该书的翻译特点,列出该书的章节内容,指出其具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

Zhang Lü 《学术界》2015,(2):303-307
Linguistic civilization orientation is a necessity for all eras,with which the motivation,viable model and pragmatic hypothesis of the language can be formed."Chinese character— Chinese language"takes on different cultures in different regions, embodying the integration of language and civilization. As a result, in order to analyze linguistics, it is necessary for us to compare the Chinese language at home and abroad, and it is the linguistic construction based on the public. The modern Chinese language inherits the cultural connotation of the Chinese linguistics and answers the regional hypothesis and establishes the new linguistic system for the Chinese language in different regions.  相似文献   

We offer a new understanding of the scientific world and the contents of the basic question of philosophy,which is based on an analysis of the phenomenon of the specific information in the various components of the structure of reality.It is shown that,in addition to material objects,processes,and events,in the real world are also intangible objects,processes and conditions that are in its information content.So the basic question of philosophy is proposed to treat the relationship as a tangible and intangible component of reality.More succinctly it can be formulated as the ratio of matter and information.This allows you to point to some new challenges studying the phenomenon of information in various components of the structure of reality.  相似文献   

Among the traditional Chinese classic novels, the traces of Tibet exist in legendary stories of Tang until novels in Zhanghui style of Ming and Qing. This phenomenon is caused by frequency of minorities, confidentiality level of imperial courts and their policies on Tibet, and the developmental features of novels as a literary form. This paper, even though constrained by the lack of sufficient evidences, is beneficial to display the cultural exchanges between Chinese minority groups in hundreds of years.  相似文献   

Ma Yuli 《学术界》2015,(1):271-275
Coke was undoubtedly a milestone in the history of the legal thoughts in Britain and even in the whole western world.Coke stressed the restriction of royalty and the suprem e status of the common law.In the British Parliament’s struggle against the monarchy in the 17th century,he put forward the creative constitutional ideas about independence of judges and judicial review,advocating the protection of due process and the civil rights,which provided valuable ideological inspiration especially for the development of judicial review and the due process in the U.S.C onstitution.Just as the saying goes,"the old farmland would grow out new grain",looking back on traditional legal thoughts is im portant to the construction of a legal country for the present China.  相似文献   

Triple Explores on the Value Pursuits of National Governance of China Yang Xinglin(6) Abstract. The national governance of China not only has general value pursuits but its own special value pursuits. Perfecting and developing socialism system with Chinese characteristics is the direct value pursuit of the national governance in China; promoting social harmony and mak- ing people happiness is its basic value pursuit; returning state power to society and people con- sciously and gradually is its fundamental value pursuit. The three pursuits mentioned above are relying on each other, promoting each other, and reflect the essence of national governance and distinctive characteristics of China profoundly.  相似文献   

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