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This paper explores accounts and understandings of dementiathat are encountered infrequently. Children’s views ofdementia are under-explored and yet children, too, must be beinginfluenced by the growing public knowledge of dementia as anamed disease, particularly of old age. The first section notesthat many children will encounter dementia among family members,their grandparents and great-grandparents in particular. Thesecond section considers fictionalized accounts of dementia.These are assuming greater exposure, not so much in the professionalwelfare domain, but as a plot or character device in contemporaryfiction. This paper combines these two areas by discussing anumber of publications written for young people where dementiais a central issue, motif or characteristic. These include dementia-relatedmaterial targeted at a children’s readership. This isfollowed by development of themes arising from analysis of threenovels written for young people, emanating from Canada, Australiaand the UK. The paper ends with a series of discussion pointsfor social-work practitioners, educationalists and voluntary-sectorsupport or self-help groups working in dementia care and inolder people’s services.  相似文献   

Colored maps depicting electoral results may exacerbate perceptions of polarization, rather than merely reflecting them. Participants viewed maps of state-by-state Presidential election results that were either Electoral (red/Republican or blue/Democrat) or Proportional (purples that proportionally reflected each group's support). Half of the maps also displayed state-level numeric electoral results. Participants viewing Electoral maps perceived the nation as more politically divided, stereotyped the political beliefs of residents of various states more, and saw people holding views in the political minority as less agentic and less likely to vote. These differences occurred even in the presence of numeric data. Implications of these findings for intergroup perception in several domains are discussed, including the impact of electoral depictions on political campaigns and elections .  相似文献   

This study investigated the socialization of children's emotion regulation in physically maltreating and non‐maltreating mother–child dyads (N = 80 dyads). Mother–child dyads participated in the parent–child emotion interaction task ( Shipman & Zeman, 1999 ) in which they talked about emotionally‐arousing situations. The PCEIT was coded for maternal validation and invalidation in response to children's emotion. Mothers were also interviewed about their approach to emotion socialization using the meta‐emotion interview‐parent version ( Katz & Gottman, 1999 ). The meta‐emotion interview‐parent version was coded for maternal emotion coaching. Mothers also completed measures that assessed their child abuse potential and abuse‐related behaviors as well as children's emotion regulation. Findings indicated that maltreated children demonstrated fewer adaptive emotion regulation skills and more emotion dysregulation than non‐maltreated children. In addition, maltreating mothers engaged in less validation and emotion coaching and more invalidation in response to children's emotion than non‐maltreating mothers. Finally, maternal emotion socialization behaviors mediated the relation between maltreatment status and children's adaptive emotion regulation skills.  相似文献   

城市移民的政治参与:一个社会网络的分析视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙秀林 《社会》2010,30(1):46-68
在中国,随着城市化进程的加快,大量来自乡村的移民进入城市,城市移民群体在城市社区中的社会融合与公共事务参与,对于中国未来的城市发展与社会整合具有重要的意义。使用上海地区“2009年社会网络与职业经历问卷调查”, 本文采用一个社会网络的分析视角,实证地验证了社会网络对于城市移民政治参与的效果。结果显示:“拜年网”的规模对于城市居民(包括上海户籍与非上海户籍)的政治参与具有负向的效果;“讨论网”的规模只对城市移民群体(非上海户籍居民)具有正向的促进作用;而 “社会参与网”表现出了非常显著的正向作用,而且,城市移民群体的“社会参与网”比上海户籍居民具有更强的正向效果。  相似文献   

非政府组织参与农村公共服务的理论分析与政策选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在政府和村集体提供的公共服务严重不足的情况下,非政府组织在参与农村公共服务供给的过程中具有特殊的地位和作用。为此,必须创新农村公共服务供给模式,扩大非政府组织参与空间,培育新型非政府组织,实现非政府组织均衡发展,建立非政府组织参与农村公共服务的长效机制。  相似文献   

论公众参与公共气象服务的重要意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共气象服务属于公共事务,涉及广大社会公众的共同利益,公益性是公共气象服务的本质属性之一,公众参与公共气象服务具有内在的合理性和必然性。当前我国公众参与公共气象服务存在着地方气象部门对公众参与公共气象服务重视程度不够,公众参与公共气象服务的领域不宽,公众参与公共气象服务的水平不高等问题。公众参与是我国建设服务型政府的必然要求,公众参与公共气象服务的意义在于:保障公众的气象权,提高公共气象服务的公众满意度;提供服务信息,实现公共气象服务的最终目标;维护公共利益,有效防止气象部门的权力垄断;增进理解互信,共同面对气象预报风险;扩展均等服务,促进社会的稳定与和谐。  相似文献   

Parent responses to children's emotions vary within and across cultures. The present study compared mothers' reports of their emotional and behavioral responses in hypothetical situations depicting their children experiencing anger, sadness, or physical pain in two communities in India (traditional old city, N = 60; suburban middle class, N = 60), with a suburban middle‐class group in the USA (N = 60). Results showed that mothers in both groups in India reported more explanation‐oriented problem‐focused responses to their children's emotions than US mothers. US mothers reported the most solution‐oriented problem‐focused responses, followed by suburban Indian mothers, followed by old‐city mothers. US mothers reported behaviorally‐oriented punitive responses (i.e., time out, removal of privileges) towards child anger more than the other groups. Suburban Indian mothers reported briefly not talking to the child in response to child anger more than the other groups whereas old‐city Indian mothers reported scolding/spanking more than the other groups.  相似文献   

This study aims to experientially verify which factors of non‐profit human service organizations affect market sharing activities in the public social service market. Due to market‐oriented government policies, non‐profit human service organizations, which used to enjoy stable financial resources, are now placed in a competitive position to provide their services. It is necessary to find out which organizational factors give a competitive advantage to various service providers in competition, including profit organizations, and apply them to the management and operation of non‐profit human service organizations. This is how this study started. Independent variables were organizational characteristics (organization age, total budget, number of employees), externally oriented culture (development culture, rational culture), and organizational structure (centralization, formalization), while dependent variables were the number of vouchers and total profits. Data was collected from 35 community welfare centers, rehabilitation centers, and senior centers (163 respondents) in Busan, Korea. Multiple regression analysis was conducted for data analysis. As a result of the analysis, the number of vouchers was found to be affected by development culture (+) and formalization (?), and total profit from voucher business was determined by organization age (?), total budget (+), and number of employees (+). Based on the results, this study suggests that non‐profit human service organizations should have an externally oriented culture and a flexible organization system to hold more market share in the public social service market.  相似文献   

Exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) is a traumatic life event. Almost 50 percent of IPV‐exposed children show subsequent post‐traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), and they are at increased risk for depression. We examined maternal emotion socialization and children's emotion regulation as a pathway that may protect IPV‐exposed children from developing PTSS and depression. Fifty‐eight female survivors of IPV and their 6‐ to 12‐year‐old children participated. Results showed no direct relations between maternal emotion socialization and child adjustment. However, several indirect effects were observed. Higher mother awareness and acceptance of sadness and awareness of fear predicted better child sadness and fear regulation, respectively, which in turn was related to fewer child PTSS. Similar indirect pathways were found with child depression. In addition, mothers’ acceptance and coaching of anger was associated with better child anger regulation, which related to fewer depression symptoms. Implications for prevention and intervention with high‐risk families are discussed.  相似文献   

受家庭养老功能弱化的影响,学界对老年人养老方式的研究与探讨也日益丰富和激烈,机构养老对于弥补家庭养老功能弱化的重要性日益凸显;当前学界对社会化机构养老的研究涉及面甚广,但缺乏不同学科视角下宏观层面的概括研究以及对新模式发展的探讨,通过将已有研究以社会学、经济学、管理学及近年兴起的老年学为视角进行归类梳理,厘清不同视角的...  相似文献   

Should the exemption from Institutional Review Board (IRB) evaluations currently in place for quality improvements research be extended to public administration research that addresses questions of improving the quality of public service delivery? As a means to both reduce the level of disdain held by a group of social science researchers for IRBs and to reduce the cost of review for minimal risk studies, I argue here that much of the current public administration research should also be exempted from normal processes of review by IRBs on the basis of their similarity to Quality Improvements (QI) research, a category of studies already granted exemption. This argument dovetails provisions currently in place for studies of public service and public benefit, but reframes these exemptions in the language of “quality improvements,” which may be a more comfortable language for IRBs concerned to demonstrate compliance for review of all fields. To expedite this argument into the practices of IRBs, I included a checklist that researchers could use to self-identify their studies as QI, not research as such.  相似文献   

Children of incarcerated mothers are at increased risk for psychological, social, and emotional maladaptation. This research investigates whether perceived maternal socialization of sadness and anger may moderate these outcomes in a sample of 154 children (53.9 percent boys, 61.7 percent Black, M age = 9.38, range: 6–12), their 118 mothers (64.1 percent Black), and 118 caregivers (74.8 percent female, 61.9 percent grandparents, 63.2 percent Black). Using mother, caregiver, and child report, seven maternal socialization strategies were assessed in their interaction with incarceration‐specific risk experiences predicting children's adjustment. For sadness socialization, the results indicated that among children reporting maternal emotion‐focused responses, incarceration‐specific risk predicted increases in psychological problems, depressive symptoms, increased emotional lability, and poorer emotion regulation. For children who perceived a problem‐focused response, incarceration‐specific risk did not predict outcomes. There were no significant interactions with incarceration‐specific risk and perceived maternal anger socialization strategies. These results indicate a critical need to examine how socialization processes may operate differently for children raised in atypical socializing contexts.  相似文献   

加强和完善城市社区公共服务职能是贯彻、落实"以人为本"执政理念,进一步推动行政体制改革,建立公共服务型政府,维护社会和谐稳定的重要内容.当前,我国特大型城市在社区公共服务建设方面已经进行了诸多探索,出台了许多举措,其经验值得总结,不足需要归纳.本文以个案、抽样为研究方法,在总结经验,归纳不足的基础上认为,应当在树立与更新理念,建立需求与供给信息收集与反馈机制、提高服务效率,改进服务设施与机构设置,改进服务方式与方法,建立科学、弹性的绩效评估体系以及培育和强化非政府公共服务职能六个方面,进行完善、改革.  相似文献   

Summary This study is based on an analysis of social workers' viewsof their work with 168 clients referred over a six month periodin 1977 in a health centre setting. A wide range of referralswas made and there was close collaboration with other primaryhealth care professionals as well as outside agencies. Far morepsycho-social problems were encountered by the social workersin the course of their intervention than were apparent on referral,although most of the work was short term. Social work with theindividual predominated and a variety of traditional socialwork skills were employed, although the elderly received relativelylittle help with emotional problems and were offered mainlypractical help. Social workers' perceptions of their clientsare discussed in relation to their choice of methods of interventionand feelings of efficacy. The attachment scheme emerges as generallyfruitful both in terms of social workers' job satisfaction andclients benefitting from a multi-disciplinary approach; howeverthe need for closer inter-professional collaboration in meetingthe needs of the elderly is highlighted.  相似文献   

我国农村基本公共卫生服务的均等化发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以制度化设计为重点的均等化公共卫生服务可以减少居民消费不确定性,促进社会公平和稳定,是国外经济社会发展政策的普遍趋势。我国农村公共卫生服务从均等化发展的目标来衡量,仍面临城乡环境差距较大、卫生资源布局不合理等诸多障碍,因此,必须加大改革力度,从推进农村公共服务设施与城市衔接、加强农村基础设施投入和完善农村医疗卫生体系等重点领域进行突破,全面推进农村公共服务与城市的融合。  相似文献   

以制度化设计为重点的均等化公共卫生服务可以减少居民消费不确定性,促进社会公平和稳定,是国外经济社会发展政策的普遍趋势。我国农村公共卫生服务从均等化发展的目标来衡量,仍面临城乡环境差距较大、卫生资源布局不合理等诸多障碍,因此,必须加大改革力度,从推进农村公共服务设施与城市衔接、加强农村基础设施投入和完善农村医疗卫生体系等重点领域进行突破,全面推进农村公共服务与城市的融合。  相似文献   

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