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农村群体性事件作为社会转型期社会冲突的主要形式之一,已经引起了人们的注意。运用社会冲突的功能理论来研究农村群体性事件的正功能,对农村群体性事件进行界定,根据科塞的社会冲突的功能理论,从四个方面对农村群体性事件进行了详细阐述,以期更加全面认识农村群体性事件。  相似文献   

丁颖  侯琰婕 《社科纵横》2014,(3):97-101
近年来,群体性事件持续高发,规模和影响都在增大,根据2005年的《社会蓝皮书》披露,从1993年到2003年间,中国群体性事件数量已由1万起增加到6万起,参与人数也由约73万增加到约307万。2006年超过9万起……社科院2013年《社会蓝皮书》:近年来,每年因各种社会矛盾而发生的群体性事件多达数万起甚至十余万起。群体性事件变成当前最热门的话题——官方重视,学界研究,媒介关注,公众热议。本文在传播学视域探讨什么是群体性事件,为什么发生群体性事件以及如何解决群体性事件。  相似文献   

农村群体性事件是影响中国经济发展和社会和谐的重要因素,科学分析农村群体性事件产生的原因,深入探讨农村群体性事件的预防和处置措施,对于新形势下加强和创新社会管理具有巨大的理论价值和深远的实践意义。  相似文献   

随着全球化浪潮的不断冲击和市场经济的持续发展,我国已进入社会结构重组、利益结构分化、社会矛盾迭出的转型期。在当前的社会转型期,由于社会阶层结构断裂、利益表达机制缺位、政府管理能力滞后、社会群体心态失衡等原因致使群体性事件频频发生,而其中绝大多数又以利益表达型的群体性事件最为突出,接连不断的群体性事件在某种程度上已成为影响社会良性运行和协调发展的重要症结。面对群体性事件的诸多负功能,必须采取行之有效的措施对群体性事件加以防范和治理。  相似文献   

依意识形态观念去看待并处理群体性事件,会基于对参与者忠诚性的排斥而将群体性事件定位于先在的恶,并试图在实践中消除群体性的权益诉求方式。现代多元社会中群体性事件的出现乃社会常态,应在政治文明建设目标的指引下和法治国家的框架内,实现对群体性事件的认识态度和处理方式的转换。主体间性是群体性事件处理的思维进路,坚持处理者与参与者平等原则,重在改进政府工作并深化与公众的理性沟通。群体性利益诉求乃群体性事件处理的核心,应通过认真对待权利及回应型处理具体事件等化解和保障群体性利益诉求,以达发挥群体性事件外部正效应之目标,并促进法治秩序的实现。  相似文献   

李萍 《探求》2010,(5):70-75
随着经济社会全面转型,改革开放和现代化建设进入关键时期,社会利益格局的调整引发的群体性事件逐渐增多。其中一些地方环境群体性事件的纠纷,已成为影响社会稳定的新诱因。分析环境群体性事件的特点和存在问题,探讨有效应对环境群体性事件的思路,是当前摆在各级政府及广大环保工作者面前的一个重大而紧迫的课题。  相似文献   

胡述宝 《社科纵横》2009,24(12):15-19
构建社会主义和谐社会的一个很重要任务,就是要科学对待和处理群体性事件,保持社会稳定。从历史的角度,重新梳理我们党六十年来处理群体性事件的历程,总结经验教训,无疑对我们党当前正确处理群体性事件、构建社会主义和谐社会具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   

尹淑玲 《社科纵横》2007,22(7):83-84
在当前的社会条件下,因人民内部矛盾引发的群体性事件呈现多发、规模大、主体多元化、组织化程度高、激烈程度加剧的态势,已经成为影响社会稳定的突出问题。如何在维护治安稳定、社会稳定中发挥职能作用是公安机关面临的一项紧迫的重大任务。公安机关在处置群体性事件中应正确认识当前的群体性事件,树立长期作战的思想;正确把握群体性事件的性质,坚持教育疏导,防止激化矛盾;明确自身角色,认真履行职责,积极作为,有所不为;依法行使职权,坚决维护法律尊严。  相似文献   

骆正林 《阅江学刊》2012,4(4):19-29
近年随着农村社会矛盾的激化,很多地方相继爆发了一些影响重大的群体性事件。群体性事件是群体舆论的行为表达,是广大农民通过肢体语言宣泄来表达意见的一种方式。由于少数地方政府没有认识到现代农民公民意识的觉醒,依然用强制手段来处理基层社会矛盾,致使基层干群关系紧张,群体性事件的矛头越来越向基层政府集中。群体舆论的传播有其固有的规律,基层政府只有尊重和服从客观规律,把握农民的社会心理,才能对群体性事件进行有效的舆论引导。  相似文献   

孙静 《创新》2013,(2):93-98
群体性事件日益增多,已成为影响社会和谐稳定最突出的问题之一。作为现代社会结构的衍生物和反应物,不满与怨恨已经成为现代社会心理和情感的基调,在对待具有某类特征事件时具有被泛化的情感记忆。情感是社会的多棱角,从中折射社会事实,聚焦社会冲突。群体性事件就是由特定的刺激类型被还原为不公、腐败等原型后所激活的各种思维、情感认知和行为模式。对群体性事件的情感认知机制进行深入探讨,有助于及时疏导不满情绪,引导良性的社会情感认知。  相似文献   

Lorentzen T, Dahl E, Harsløf I. Welfare risks in early adulthood: a longitudinal analysis of social assistance transitions in Norway This study assessed the significance of critical life events and socio‐economic background in relation to the likelihood of young Norwegians receiving social assistance, asking how each of these factors contributes both independently and interactively. The data set was derived from a nationwide, longitudinal register and includes the entire 18‐year‐old cohort in 1993. A discrete‐time proportional hazard rate analysis controlling for unobserved heterogeneity was applied. The results indicate that both socio‐economic background and indicators of critical life events have strong independent effects on the likelihood of receiving social assistance. Significant interaction effects between socio‐economic background and certain indicators of critical life events were detected. However, contrary to our expectations, under certain circumstances, coming from a group with low socio‐economic status does not seem to ameliorate the effect of being exposed to critical life events.  相似文献   


A debriefing is a structured group process that responds to the cognitive, emotional, physical and social reactions resulting from disasters and other traumatic events. This article describes debriefings and reviews research critically examining their effectiveness. The author proposes ways that social workers can contribute to theoretical frameworks, expand debriefing models, contribute to skill development and advance debriefing research and scholarship.  相似文献   

In their struggle to realize their goals, social movements must develop a rhetorical frame that resonates with the world-view of potential adherents. This cultural dimension of social movement activity is addressed by exploring how movements construct meanings and, in the process, make sense of events both for their supporters and for wider audiences. This essay outlines a typology of “master frames” that provide a discursive grounding for classifying events and creating a coherent social order. The typology is then used to chart the evolution of rhetorical frames adopted by the Christian Coalition of New York in the debate over public school curriculum. Content analyses and interviews conducted for this study suggest that, despite a group’s underlying world-view, the effectiveness of master frames is governed largely by the discursive grounding of the arena in which the conflict is taking place.  相似文献   

陆少平  崔德群 《学术交流》2001,2(3):140-142
新闻传媒对一个社会、一个民族的价值观念、道德准绳的确立作用巨大,就观念参照来讲,其主流媒体所起到的社会心理定位的坐标功能是不容忽视的.如人物报道群体模式可以形成社会人格的参考坐标;灾难性报道的真实传播可以唤起人性的关爱情感,而组成道德伦理坐标;纪实性报道则可以形成社会的价值观坐标.正由于新闻报道对人群的社会价值定位有着这种不容忽视的坐标功能,就要求我们新闻工作者在讲究符合传播规律的同时,更要高度重视它的价值引导和道德取向.  相似文献   

In this article, social identity theory is used to explore the disparate perceptions of Blacks and Whites regarding the O. J. Simpson case. In social identity theory, the desire to view one's own social group positively is seen as a primary motivation underlying causal attributions for disturbing social events. This work suggests that racially polarized judgments of the O. J. Simpson trial may be related to (a) perceptions of the nature of status boundaries between Blacks and Whites in American society; (b) the relative importance of social identity; and (c) the degree to which the out-group is seen to pose a threat to the in-group's objective interests and identity concerns. Theoretical and empirical work in social identity theory is discussed.  相似文献   

农民的社会保障近年来备受关注,但观念层面的讨论却很少出现在学术视野当中。保障观的研究有助于自下而上地理解农民作为底层群体的生存及发展状况,有利于加强社会保障政策的针对性和实效性。本文从农民立场出发,透过农民个体的生命历程及家庭中重大事件,分析农民“浸润”在日常生活中的对于保障的看法,从中探究作为农民“生存之道”的保障观的形成及意义,使社会保障研究和决策真正了解到他们的需要,真正有利于农民生存状态的改善。  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(3-4):33-52

The lack of social work intervention models targeted toward the specific mental health needs of Black women has been recognized as a major gap in our knowledge concerning effective treatment. More recently, group work has been recognized as a useful and effective method of treatment for this population. This paper discusses the utility of a culturally specific, group intervention with Black women aimed at enhancing psychosocial competence as an effective mechanism to assist Black women in coping with the tasks of life and contributes to their ability to master life events. The model incorporates the use of literary works, authored by Black women as an innovative tool for enhancing the group process. Case vignettes are offered.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a structured group coping skills intervention designed to reduce stress. The treatment focused specifically on modifying cognitive mediation of events and on improving coping with ongoing routine stressors, and contained relaxation, cognitive restructuring, and social skill training components. The experimental treatment was compared to a relaxation-only treatment and to a waiting list control condition. Treated subjects significantly improved on three of four dependent measures of stress. Although no statistically significant differences were found between the conditions, the study provided support for further examination of the intervention.  相似文献   

陈钊陆铭  徐轶青 《社会》2014,34(5):68-87
本文利用CGSS2010的调查数据,考察了户籍身份对城市居民公共意识与公共参与的影响。研究发现,户籍身份对移民的公共意识有一定的负面影响,这种影响并没有随着移民收入或教育水平的提高而明显减弱。在公共参与方面,移民表现得更为消极,其中部分原因是由于现有制度对他们的公共参与形成制约。但在群体性事件参与和面临政府不公对待的态度方面,不同户籍身份人群之间却没有显著的差异。虽然收入水平或教育水平更高的居民的确具有更强的公共意识,但并不明显具有更高的公共参与度。  相似文献   

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