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据我国官方统计数据,1978~2000年国内生产总值的年平均增长率为9.5%。我国经济的迅速增长引起了国内外学者的广泛关注,有研究显示出了对我国GDP增长率可信度的质疑。这项统计数据的可信度直接影响宏观经济政策的合理性和准确性,进一步可能会影响经济运行。文章主要论述了国内外学者对我国GDP增长率不同的估算方法。 相似文献
Prakash Narayan 《Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics》1982,24(2):160-164
Several authors have studied and derived bounds for the mean extinction time of a discrete branching process. In this note, we obtain the mean and variance of the extinction time, given extinction of a continuous time Markov branching process. We also obtain bounds for the mean extinction time in terms of moments of the offspring distribution. 相似文献
Studies on maturation and body composition mention age at peak height velocity (PHV) as an important measure that could predict adulthood outcome. The age at PHV is often derived from growth models such as the triple logistic fitted to the stature (height) data. Theoretically, for a well-behaved growth function, age at PHV could be obtained by setting the second derivative of the growth function to zero and solving for age. Such a solution obviously depends on the parameters of the growth function. Therefore, the uncertainty in the estimation of age at PHV resulting from the uncertainty in the estimation of the growth model, need to be accounted for in the models in which it is used as a predictor. Explicit expressions for the age at PHV and, consequently the variance of the estimate of the age at PHV, do not exist for some of the commonly used nonlinear growth functions, such as the triple logistic function. Once an estimate of this variance is obtained, it could be incorporated in subsequent modeling either through measurement error models or by using the inverse variances as weights. A numerical method for estimating the variance is implemented. The accuracy of this method is demonstrated through comparisons in models where explicit solution for the variance exists. The method of estimating the variance is illustrated by applying to growth data from the Fels study and subsequently used as weights in modeling two adulthood outcomes from the same study. 相似文献
We consider finite systems of diffusing particles in with branching and immigration. Branching of particles occurs at position dependent rate. Under ergodicity assumptions, we estimate the position-dependent branching rate based on the observation of the particle process over a time interval [0, t ]. Asymptotics are taken as t → ∞. We introduce a kernel-type procedure and discuss its asymptotic properties with the help of the local time for the particle configuration. We compute the minimax rate of convergence in squared-error loss over a range of Hölder classes and show that our estimator is asymptotically optimal. 相似文献
一、保持适度的工业生产发展速度,是发展我国社会经济的重要指导思想工业生产发展速度,是确定社会经济发展战略,制订社会经济发展规划,估量社会经济发展形势的重要指标。保持多快的工业发展速度,直接关系到社会经济全局的许多重要问题,必须认真对待。一方面要充分估计到社会生产中蕴藏着的巨大潜力,另一方面要认真分析研究发展工业生产的各种基本条件,研究速度与比例、速度与效益、速度与分配等相互之间的内在联系。赵紫阳总理在《关于第七个五年计划的报告》中指出:“要确定适度的经济增长率,促进国民经济按比例、高效益地向前发展。”又指出:“历史的经验反复告诉我们,只有认真地从需要和可能两个方面考虑问题,瞻前顾后,保持适当的增长率,才能促进经济的稳定发展,使人民 相似文献
工业发展速度是工业生产成果的发展速度,而不是效益、管理、销售及其他成果的发展速度。工业发展速度的计算问题主要集中在两点。一是指标的选择;二是计算方法的选择。 一、关于计算指标的选择 (一)不变价格总产值。它反映工业企业生产的最终成果。由于它包含工业企业之间物质消耗转移价值重复计算的因素,所以它不是工业部门的最终生产成果。 我国一直采用不变价格总产值计算工业发展速度。实践证明它能准确地反映工业发展速度。1970年到1987年主要产品产量的综合发展速度与不变价工业总产值发展速度相比研究发 相似文献
基于时变参数的中国教育投入对经济增长贡献率估计 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用中国1952-2005宏观经济数据,分别建立固定参数模型、时变参数模型估算教育投入对经济增长的弹性,估计结果表明:无论从静态还是动态角度看,教育投入对经济增长的影响是显著为正;平均而言,样本期内滞后两期教育投入每增长1%,可使当期的GDP大约增长0.1034%,但是教育投入弹性在样本期内随着中国经济体制、经济政策、教育体制、教育改革、教育政策以及国际经济环境的变化呈现较大的波动. 相似文献
A method is proposed for estimating the covariance structure of a nonparametric estimator for the reduced second moment measure, K(s) , of a homogeneous planar Poisson process. The method relies on the invariance of the reduced second moment measure to random thinning, and the known covariance structure of the estimator under random sampling from a fixed set of points. The possible extension of the method to stationary Cox processes is discussed. 相似文献
In this paper we present a simulation study for comparing differents methods for estimating the prediction error rate in a discrimination problem. We consider the Cross-validation, Bootstrap and Bayesian Bootstrap methods for such as problem, while also elaborating on both simple and Bayesian Bootstrap methods by smoothing techniques. We observe as the smoothing procedure lead to improvements in the estimation of the true error rate of the discrimination rule, specially in the case of the smooth Bayesian Bootstrap estimator, whose reduction in M.S.E. resulted from the high positive correlation between the true error rate and its estimations based in this method. 相似文献
I. Rahimov 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(12):2096-2110
Consider a Bienayme–Galton–Watson process with generation-dependent immigration, whose mean and variance vary regularly with non negative exponents α and β, respectively. We study the estimation problem of the offspring mean based on an observation of population sizes. We show that if β <2α, the conditional least squares estimator (CLSE) is strongly consistent. Conditions which are sufficient for the CLSE to be asymptotically normal will also be derived. The rate of convergence is faster than n ?1/2, which is not the case in the process with stationary immigration. 相似文献
在GDP增长的要素分析中,国内学者一般强调单一要素的作用,如资本的高积累、劳动参与率或技术进步等,并且对不同要素在所研究的特定时期内的贡献率变动趋势缺乏分析;而能源对GDP增长的作用往往被认为是不明显的,这显然与中国政府非常重视能源消耗与GDP增长的关系的事实不吻合。因此,把能源资源引入模型GM(1,4),构建灰生产函数,借鉴"索洛剩余"的思想,对中国2001—2008年期间GDP增长的主要生产要素贡献率进行分解,结果发现:2001—2008年期间,资本对GDP增长的贡献率处于绝对强势地位,其产出弹性保持着强进的增长势头;相反,劳动、能源与技术等要素对GDP的贡献率处于绝对弱势,并且劳动的产出弹性保持着直线式的下降趋势,能源的产出弹性则始终处于比较低的平稳状态,技术的贡献率呈现波动性下滑趋势。鉴此,提出了与之相应的建议。 相似文献
G. G. Hamedani 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(3):510-514
A characterization of the uniform distribution based on distributions of spacings is presented which extends the existing result in this direction. Also, a result on the distribution of spacings for distributions close to the uniform one is discussed. 相似文献
Abstract. Motivated by applications of Poisson processes for modelling periodic time‐varying phenomena, we study a semi‐parametric estimator of the period of cyclic intensity function of a non‐homogeneous Poisson process. There are no parametric assumptions on the intensity function which is treated as an infinite dimensional nuisance parameter. We propose a new family of estimators for the period of the intensity function, address the identifiability and consistency issues and present simulations which demonstrate good performance of the proposed estimation procedure in practice. We compare our method to competing methods on synthetic data and apply it to a real data set from a call center. 相似文献
利用两种方法估计中国GDP的潜在增长率,用传统方法估计了中国经济的潜在增长率,这个增长率在9.1%-9.5%之间,但是这个潜在增长率在近年来低于实际增长率。在资本驱动的假设下,用中国的经济数据建立了相应的模型,对模型的各个参数进行了确定与检验,用估计方程计算出了在资本驱动假设下的潜在增长率,发现中国近年来的潜在增长率高于实际增长率,对之的解释是由于过多的投资所致。 相似文献
Estimating the Nitrous Oxide Emission Rate from the Soil Surface by Means of a Diffusion Model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Asger Roer Pedersen 《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》2000,27(3):385-403
Soil cover methods are probably the most widely used methods for measuring the nitrous oxide emission rate from the soil surface. The methodology involves estimation of the emission rate from repeated measurements of the nitrous oxide concentration beneath a soil cover. Based on a deterministic model proposed by Hutchinson & Mosier (1981) we propose to use a diffusion process as a stochastic model for the evolution of the nitrous oxide concentrations beneath a soil cover. From this model we derive methods for statistical inference about the emission rate that significantly extend the method proposed by Hutchinson & Mosier (1981). In particular, the derived methods provide solutions to important problems with the method proposed by Hutchinson & Mosier (1981). 相似文献
中国式的国民经济核算体系正在建立。对这个体系来说,怎样更好地反映政府服务在整个国民经济活动中的地位,是值得研究的。目前在我国,人们普遍认为,旅游、文化、公用事业等方面的服务活动是一种创造价值的生产性活动,应该把它们的成果计入国民收入生产额中。但是,对于政府的行政管理、国防、教育等活动应如何反映,存在着不同的意见。国家统计局曾提出按四个层次计算国民生产总值的设想,建议把不包括政府服务在内的产业部门增加值作为国内考核的基本指标,将包括这一部分在内的国民生产总值作为国际对比的指标。 相似文献
本文将贝叶斯吉伯斯样本生成(Bayesian Gibbs Sampling,BGS)方法应用到状态空间模型的估计。首先介绍了BGS方法的基本内容和计算步骤,然后给定参数生成满足状态空间模型的模拟数据,并对模拟数据应用BGS方法估计。结果表明参数与状态向量的估计值与参数值与状态向量的真实值相当接近,明显优于基于Kalman滤波的最大似然估计结果。最后,本文将BGS算法应用于中国1980年至2008年的潜在增长率与增长率缺口的估计。 相似文献