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范叶超  洪大用 《社会》2015,35(3):141-167
本文利用2010年中国综合社会调查数据,比较分析了城乡居民的环境关心差异:城乡居民在看待环境问题的方式上存在一种相似且连贯的心态体系;城乡居民的环境关心水平存在显著差异,城市居民在诸多方面都较乡村居民表现出更多的环境关心;国外关于“居住地假设”的三种理论,只有“差别暴露理论”可以解释一部分城乡差异,其余两种理论均没有得到数据的有效支持;环境知识和媒体使用在城乡居民环境关心差异形成过程中具有重要的中介作用;城乡居民的环境关心差异在趋于缩减,并开始走向同构。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine how environmental attitudes and concern about water scarcity translate into water conservation behavior. The study considers whether Oregonians environmental concern measured by the New Environmental Paradigm scale and sociodemographic characteristics influence personal water conservation activities. Using a survey conducted in the spring of 2010 of Oregon residents, the interaction of environmental concern and sociodemographics that predict identified water conservation behaviors are considered.  相似文献   

Objective . This study examines key factors that are identified as theoretically probable influences on levels of public acceptance of pesticide use. Research questions were generated about the relationship between levels of acceptability of pesticide use and measures of trust in information about pesticides from various sources, perceptions of the safety of pesticides, concerns about exposure, personal experiences with pesticides, place of residence (urban/rural), and several other demographic variables. Methods . These factors were examined using data gathered in a random-sample, self-completion survey of residents in urban and rural areas in a northern Utah county. Results . Bivariate analysis indicates significant differences between urban and rural respondents that disappear when examined in multivariate analyses. The perception of the safety of pesticides is the variable most strongly associated with levels of acceptability of pesticide use. Conclusions . Personal experience with pesticides is more important than residency in predicting acceptability levels. Trust is a significant predictor for perceptions of safety, but not for acceptability.  相似文献   

北京市城乡结合部人口管理模式的制度选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城乡结合部“人户分离、农居混居” ,原本是一种很正常的、公民自主选择居住地的现象 ,现在却因城乡分割、人户合一为特征的“户籍属地管理”模式无法适应变革的社会形态所构成的体制障碍 ,加上政府控制性思维与管理方式的缺陷 ,给现代城市的社会管理带来诸多难以调和的矛盾。本文以北京市第五次人口普查资料为素材 ,通过深入分析现行户籍管理体制的缺陷 ,从制度创新的角度 ,阐明在社区层面 ,构建政府与社会互动的人口治理模式的理论依据及其政策选择  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom suggests that different views held by native and in-migrant rural residents lead to a division that ultimately damages community. Using a sample of rural residents in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, we seek to (1) determine whether these groups differ and, if they do, (2) explain the predictors of the difference. Our results suggest that there are demographic and attitudinal differences between natives and in-migrants, although a significant number of in-migrants share native attitudes. Proportion of lifetime spent in the region and perception of threat to cultural heritage play important roles in determining shared attitudes among the groups, implying that natives and in-migrants may not be as different as previously assumed and that in-migrant status by itself may not be sufficient to explain changes in rural community.  相似文献   

如果一个社区中的老年居民的社区福利得到了足够的保障,那么这种社区福利也同样会让所有社区居民获益的。目前城市老年居民的社区福利供给与福利需要之间存在不一致性。如何建构一个自主自立的适合老年居民的居住环境,形成一个良好的以居住地为基础的社区福利环境,首先要对社区的福利需要进行评估,然后动员社区的各种福利资源,开发合适的福利项目,增强社区居民的福利感,提升社区福利。  相似文献   

如果一个社区中的老年居民的社区福利得到了足够的保障,那么这种社区福利也同样会让所有社区居民获益的。目前城市老年居民的社区福利供给与福利需要之间存在不一致性。如何建构一个自主自立的适合老年居民的居住环境,形成一个良好的以居住地为基础的社区福利环境,首先要对社区的福利需要进行评估,然后动员社区的各种福利资源,开发合适的福利项目,增强社区居民的福利感,提升社区福利。  相似文献   

“十五”期间,北京市的城乡差距进一步拉大、农村内部发展不平衡问题引起各级政府和社会各界的广泛关注。2004年,北京市城乡居民收入比例为2.18∶1。城乡在社会、经济、居民生活质量、基础设施等诸多方面都存在显著差距。农村居民内部贫富差距大于城镇居民,且近年来有扩大趋势。北京市城乡差距的不断扩大和区域发展不平衡的问题,有利于城乡和农村内部均衡发展、促进社会稳定。  相似文献   

北京市城乡居民收入分配差距变化的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放后,北京市城乡居民收入分配差距不断扩大。分析结果表明:转移性收入差距和工资性收入差距表现明显;14个区县城乡居民收入分配差距规模出现了"两极分化"现象,但是不同功能区内部结果存在差异,城市功能拓展区和生态涵养发展区内的城乡居民收入分配差距规模正逐步缩小;城乡居民收入分配差距与经济发展水平基本适应,具有一定的合理性;今后城乡居民收入分配差距有可能继续扩大,但是城乡居民收入比的差距将逐渐缩小。特别值得注意的问题是,城市发展新区城乡居民收入分配差距规模可能明显扩大。  相似文献   

As part of the national project of advancing citizens’ fitness and developing mass sports in China, public sports services (PSS) have been implemented rapidly throughout the country. However, how citizens of different social backgrounds evaluate PSS is still an open question. Drawing on the survey data from the Study of Community Sports in China collected in 2012, this article detects a significant urban–rural disparity in the satisfaction with PSS. Relative to urbanites, rural residents show a significantly lower level of satisfaction with PSS. This urban–rural difference primarily concentrates on the provision of supporting services such as sports consulting, but least on the availability and price. In terms of regional variations, the rural–urban gap in the satisfaction of PSS is less severe in eastern provinces, relative to either middle or western provinces. Implications of the urban–rural differential in the appraisal of PSS are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the differences between rural and urban older adults on level of life satisfaction and depressive symptoms, focusing on the effect of social support. Data were collected through structured interviews at senior centers and senior meal sites in eastern and southeastern Iowa. The Duke Social Support Index (DSSI), the Life Satisfaction Index-Z (LSI-Z), and the Geriatric Depression Scale 15 (GDS15) were used. Correlations (Pearson's r), independent sample t-tests, and multiple regression were computed. Findings indicated that urban residents reported more depressive symptoms, as compared to rural residents. Subjective level of social support was a stronger predictor of life satisfaction and was more negatively related to depressive symptoms among rural than among urban older adults. Results suggest that social workers who work with aging people need to be aware of rural–urban differences in mental health. Furthermore, social workers need to have knowledge of older adults' social networks and work to ensure greater opportunity for social interaction.  相似文献   

A survey was mailed to elected officials (mayors and city council) from a sample of 52 rural communities in Idaho and all 7 communities with populations above 20,000 to examine whether there is a relationship between environmental policy issues and various independent variables such as economic type, age, gender, rural/ urban, political ideology, and percentage of life lived in the current community. One-hundred and fifty-five (155) out of three hundred twenty seven (327) respondents returned the survey for a response rate of 47%. The findings reveal that while the rural/urban dichotomy consistently predicted for questions on “trust of information sources,” overall economic base was a better predictor of attitudes toward environmental issues and policy.  相似文献   

为研究省域居民自我刻板印象,采用特征形容词评定量表测试了2610名甘肃省域的城乡居民,结果发现:城乡、受教育程度、年龄组在自我刻板印象上的主效应差异显著,但性别的主效应差异不显著。城乡居民在宜人性高分特征、认真性高分特征、外倾性高分特征、开放性高分特征、神经质高分特征及神经质低分特征等方面差异显著;受教育程度不同的居民在文化特征、神经质低分特征和开放性高分特征等方面差异显著;不同年龄段的居民在宜人性高分特征、认真性高分特征、外倾性高分特征、外倾性低分特征、文化特征及神经质低分特征等方面差异显著。通过比较研究,有助于特定文化背景下区域心理学的发展以及地区之间的交流与合作。  相似文献   

本文在描述我国城乡养老保障制度框架及主要保障政策的基础上,分析了现行城乡养老保障制度的运行情况。从建立覆盖城乡养老保障制度的角度,可以发现现制度存在的问题,包括城乡社会保障发展失衡、群体差距大、制度缺失、制度碎片化和被人为分割、政府责任不清等。本文提出了建立城乡无保障居民老年补贴制度、完善城镇职工基本养老保险、改革机关事业单位退休养老制度、建立农村养老保险等方面的建议。  相似文献   

China's public assistance system has been urban–rural divided ever since its implementation in the 1990s. Despite the intention in recent years to promote an integrated public assistance system, there has been little empirical research that has systematically examined the differences between urban and rural areas. Moreover, research has focused mostly on the Minimum Living Assurance system (“Dibao”), paying little attention to other types of public assistance. This study contributes to filling this gap by analyzing a recent data set collected primarily from two Chinese provinces. The findings show substantial differences in the amount of public assistance received by urban and rural low‐income households, even after controlling for demographic and socioeconomic factors. Compared with urban recipient households, rural recipient households have disproportionally lower public assistance benefits and higher medical costs relative to their household expenditure, which suggests that assistance inadequacy is especially prominent among rural households. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective. This article investigates how urban environmental vulnerability to hazards reflects in the perceptions and attitudes of the public in three major cities in Israel: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa. Our central argument is that the differences between the residents' perceptions and attitudes toward environmental issues are related mostly to the actual hazard levels of their communities, whereas individual differences in socioeconomic characteristics are of lesser importance in this regard. Methods. The research was based on survey data of representative samples of the adult residents in the three cities. The differences in attitudes and perceptions among the three samples were statistically assessed by means of analysis of variance. Results. We found relatively strong and consistent relationships between actual environmental vulnerability to hazards in the three cities and their residents' attitudes toward environmental issues. The relationships with socioeconomic characteristics, such as education and income, were considerably weaker and less consistent. Conclusions. The results of this research indicate that environmental concern is not exclusive to groups and individuals characterized by postmaterialist values. Rather, the urban public in general is responsive to the environmental vulnerability of its community. This conclusion supports the argument that attitudes toward the environment are mainly affected by instrumental considerations of objective environmental problems rather than by subjective values.  相似文献   

乐小芳  张颖 《创新》2013,(2):52-55
我国工业化和城市化的高速发展导致了工业废弃物迅猛增长,同时城市生活垃圾和生活废水的产生量也迅速增加。由于城市污染物处理系统跟不上废弃物的增长速度,大量的污染物被转移到农村。当前我国农村环境问题日益突出,表现之一就是城市污染向农村转移加速。因此,研究我国城乡环境污染转移具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

试论提高农村居民生存质量的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩慧玲 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):155-158
中国 6 4 %以上的人口在农村 ,没有农民的小康就不会有全国人民的小康。目前 ,我国城乡居民收入差距账面上看是 3:1,实际差距可能已达到 6 :1。城乡之间长期存在的不同身份制度、教育制度、公共服务制度、公共财政制度等等是造成这种差距的根源。这种不公正的体制已严重妨碍了对农村人力资本的投资 ,妨碍了农村劳动力的转移 ,这是束缚我国农村社会生产力发展的最大的体制性障碍。从制度和政策层面改变现行城乡二元结构状态是提高农民生产、生活水平 ,促使城乡共同富裕 ,实现全面小康的最有效的途径。  相似文献   

陈颂东 《创新》2012,6(6):41-45,126,127
2001年以来,随着工业反哺农业政策的实施,农民的工资性收入、经营性收入、转移性收入和财产性收入均有所增加,城乡基尼系数逐渐下降。但是,以流转税为主的税制结构和现行财税制度仍制约着城乡居民收入差距的进一步缩小。因而,为增强财税制度调节城乡居民收入的作用,应构建以所得税为主的税制模式,完善增值税和个人所得税,健全房产出租的税制体系,开征资本利得税并增加财政"三农"支出。  相似文献   

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