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本文采用“安徽省农村老年人生活福利状况”2001-2018年7期专项追踪调查数据,聚焦年龄效应构建个体增长模型,深入探究年龄视角下家庭结构转变对农村老人代际支持的动态影响。结果表明,代际支持策略随家庭结构而异,同时该策略会因老人年龄调节而有所调整。其中,随年龄调节,“变为独居”老人会为子女提供更多经济支持;“一直二代及以上同住”老人与其子女间情感亲密越差;“变为二代及以上同住”老人逐渐获得更多日常照料;“一直隔代同住”与“变为隔代同住”老人会得到子女更高水平经济支持,并减少照料支持提供。结果揭示了在老龄化与城市化并行推进的背景下,家庭养老在农村的主体地位仍牢固,巩固家庭养老的主体地位对缓解农村社会养老压力意义深远;揭示了社会应重视不同家庭结构老人的群体异质性,提倡老人接受符合其养老期待的差异化社会养老服务;揭示了孝道观念深刻根植于子女内心并不断驱使其改进代际支持策略,通过两代人的不同支持行为,利用各自优势实现需求互补,这对促进家庭代际和谐至关重要。  相似文献   

韩枫 《西北人口》2017,(1):77-84
本文基于2014年中国家庭发展追踪调查数据,从双向代际支持的角度详细对比分析城乡空巢老人代际经济支持、生活照料和精神慰藉间的差异。结果表明城镇空巢老人给予子女经济支持多,农村空巢老人则更依赖子女经济支持;城镇空巢老人的子女与其日常沟通更为紧密;子女对空巢老人的日常照料相对较少,目前主要还是靠空巢老人自己和配偶。  相似文献   

劳动力外流下农村家庭代际支持性别分工研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2001年、2003年和2006年"安徽省老年人生活福利状况跟踪调查数据",采用随机效应的Logistic模型,从老年父母和成年子女两个角度研究农村老年人家庭代际支持性别分工机制的变化。结果发现,农村老年人家庭代际交换仍然符合合作群体模式,由于不同性别在家庭中的角色和性别分工不同,老年父亲从子女外出中直接获益更多,老年母亲更多地是获得补偿性支持;儿子仍然在家庭养老中承担主要责任,女儿得到老年父母帮助时提供的补偿性支持更多,劳动力外流促使儿子和女儿对老年父母代际支持的性别差异缩小,女儿在家庭养老中的地位和作用显著提高。  相似文献   

本文基于武汉和深圳两个城市727位流动老人的调查数据,采用实证分析方法研究了社会支持对流动老人社会融合的影响.研究发现,流动老人主要的社会支持主体是政府、社区和家庭;社会融合包括社会适应、心理融合和行为融合三个因子.实证结果表明,除家庭的经济支持外,社会支持的其他维度对流动老人的社会融合均有显著正向影响.对总体社会融合影响最大的是家庭情感支持,其次是社区提供的养老服务支持和医疗服务支持,再次是政府提供的老年福利和异地就医即时结算.基于此,本文从政府、社区和家庭三个层面提出如下政策建议:政府应增加流动老人的福利,并推动异地就医即时结算,方便流动老人就医和报销;社区支持的重点是建立和完善医养融合的养老服务体系;家庭成员须加大情感支持力度,关心流动老人的情感需求,并支持其继续学习,帮助流动老人融入社会.  相似文献   

北京市老年人养老家庭支持力度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前北京市大多数老人选择了家庭养老,因此家庭支持力对这些老年人显得尤为重要。本文利用2005年北京老龄协会调查数据,从经济支持、生活照料支持和精神慰藉支持三个方面分析研究了北京老年人养老家庭支持力及老年人对这方面的评价。  相似文献   

就我国目前的经济发展水平和人民生活水平而言,城市第一代独生子女父母进入老年后首选养老方式仍是居家养老,然而独生子女对家庭养老的支持力度却在降低,特别是在老人的生活照料和精神慰藉方面,如何解决好独生子女父母的养老问题,本文就建立和完善社区服务,政府建立辅助制度以及加强独生子女父母自身养老意识等方面给出了建议。  相似文献   

在人口老龄化不断加深的背景下,研究居住安排对老年人生活质量的影响具有重要现实意义。文章使用2017~2018年中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查(CLHLS)数据,实证检验了居住安排对老年人自评生活质量的影响。研究发现,相比于居住在养老机构的老年人,与家人同住的老年人自评生活质量更高,而独居老年人的自评生活质量没有明显差异。机构养老对少子女或无子女、高龄空巢的老年人积极意义更加明显。日常照料、精神慰藉和医疗服务可及性是提升老年人自评生活质量的三种重要的机制。其中,机构养老的短板是精神慰藉功能较弱,非机构居住的不足在于医疗服务可及性相对较差。对此,文章提出加强养老机构的精神慰藉服务建设、增加机构养老服务供给、注重关爱非机构居住老年人的政策建议。  相似文献   

参保行为与养老观念存在双向因果关系,倾向于子女养老的居民参加养老保险的概率较低,而参加养老保险也改变着居民的养老观念。通过联立方程模型以及工具变量控制内生性后,得出了养老保险淡化“子女养老”观念的净效应,进而指出养老保险制度不仅挤出了子女对老人的经济支持,同时也弱化了人们的家庭养老观念。国家大力推行的养老保障体系在行为与观念两个层面上挤出了家庭养老,以国家制度化养老保障体系为主体的社会养老模式对家庭养老模式具有替代性。在养老模式的变迁中要综合考虑各主体的功能与责任,联合各界力量共同承担社会养老责任。  相似文献   

子女数对家庭养老功能的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
通过因素分析法,在大型经验调查数据上构建出测量家庭养老功能的多项指标,并据此分析了子女数对家庭养老的经济供养、生活照料和精神慰藉三种功能的影响。其结论是:子女数对此三种功能没有直接影响,或影响甚微。因此,“随着子女数下降,家庭养老功能将削弱”的观点是值得商榷的。  相似文献   

公共机构养老发展分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于潇 《人口学刊》2001,(6):28-31
21世纪,我国将进入快速人口老龄化时期。随着经济发展和老年人口增加,老年群体将日益分化,对养老方式的需求呈多元化趋势。发展公共机构养老不仅能够缓解家庭分散照顾老人的矛盾,而且有利于创造新的就业机会。目前,养老机构存在的主要问题是缺乏规范、无序竞争、优惠政策不足。  相似文献   

Comparative studies on inequality have suffered from severe methodological problems, which mean that issues related to the causes of cross-national variation in inequality remain unresolved. In comparative welfare state research, the preoccupation with expenditure data has also meant that the welfare state itself has remained a black box. By examining new comparative data on social policy institutions and income inequality among different population groups, this study provides a more precise empirical basis for evaluating different, and divergent, theories on the welfare state and equality. Three cases will be used as illustrations: family policy and child poverty, unemployment benefits and poverty among working aged, and old-age pensions and poverty among the elderly. The results suggest that the key for understanding the effect of the welfare state lies in the institutional design—in the level and distribution of social rights. The importance of the welfare state for social stratification deserves to be given more attention by sociological research in the future.  相似文献   

M Zhang 《人口研究》1985,(6):22-23
Prior to 1984, Gangshang village, Hebei province, China, was known for its filth, poverty, and disorder. A clean-up campaign was launched by provincial, military, and county authorities in 1982; since then Gangshang village has made tremendous socioeconomic improvement. The 5 key problem areas tackled by Gangshang authorities were: eliminating poverty; improving medical services and public health care; eliminating illiteracy among the young; providing welfare services to the elderly; and doing away with socially expected and traditionally extravagannt customs. The mean annual income in 1979 was 102 yuan; this amount increased steadily until by 1984, the mean annual income for Gangshang village was 640 yuan, or a 6-fold increase in 5 years. The trend toward smaller families among residents of Gangshang village clearly reflects the successful economic development of this northern Chinese village.  相似文献   

In September 2013, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region established Hong Kong’s first official poverty line. The new poverty line is used as a major yardstick in social welfare policy formulation and in the allocation of public resources aimed at combating poverty; despite its importance, however, its robustness has not been examined. Using data from the 2011 Population Census, we examined the robustness of the official poverty line in measuring child poverty in Hong Kong through assessing the sensitivity of child poverty measures to the choice of different equivalence scales. The results show that the child poverty profile in Hong Kong is generally not sensitive to the choice of equivalence scale and that the official poverty line correctly identifies those children who live in poverty. Rates of child poverty among boys and girls of different ages, with different family backgrounds and living in households with different compositions, were calculated and ranked using different equivalence scales; these rankings were found to be very similar to those yielded by the official poverty measure. Thus, the choice of adult equivalence scale does not favour any subgroup. We also examined the child poverty profile in Hong Kong based on the official poverty measure and with our 2011 census data. We found that the children in our sample were more likely than the adults to live in poverty household; that more than half of the children who lived in poverty belonged to working poor families; and that children living in public housing were particularly likely to suffer from severe poverty. In light of these findings, we urge the government to prioritise taking measures aimed at lifting children out of poverty.  相似文献   

本文依据中央和地方政府部门的统计数据和人口迁移的福利磁力理论,对广东省范围内所可能产生的移民贫困和财政压力问题进行了估算。估算结果表明:部分地区由于区域隔离机制放开、贫困移民增多所加重的财政压力,尽管可以通过中央财政的转移支付予以解决,但这项政策安排的巨大财政成本,使它在现阶段并不具备足够的可行性。  相似文献   

Cambodia experienced violence during the rule of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s. Many who died were the children or spouses of today's elderly. This may have resulted in an erosion of family support in a country where formal channels of assistance are virtually absent. This article examines the extent to which current Cambodian elderly experienced deaths of children or spouses, forced migration, and separation from family during the Khmer Rouge period and the extent to which these experiences are associated with adverse welfare conditions of older adults. Data come from a 2004 representative survey of persons aged 60 years and older. More than one in four report that a child died from violent causes during the Khmer Rouge period. More than one in five report death of multiple children. A striking, and on the surface counterintuitive, conclusion is that the impact of deaths on welfare is modest. The reasons, elucidated in the article, include close family integration, high fertility among the current generation of older adults, the probability that losses depended on family size, and the pervasiveness of poverty.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is to capture multi-poverty with values for welfare dimensions rather than the typical approach of a composite welfare indicator. The method used to explain, measure and calculate the scores for five dimensions of welfare is Structural Equation Modeling. Poverty analysis methods applied on these scores show that each type of poverty has specific determinants, although some determinants are common to several dimensions of poverty. Similarly, each region is affected by particular types of poverty while no form of poverty is unique to a single region. We thus propose to target multi-poverty via dimensional scores to formulate policy. A comparison with previous approaches shows that dimensional scores are more appropriate for identifying the specific needs of the population in the fight against poverty.  相似文献   

万国威 《西北人口》2010,31(2):80-84,88
在中国经济快速增长的过程中,城市新贫困社群的福利供给出现了贫困陷阱的困境。对于这种福利供给所形成的贫困陷阱。当前学术界的主要研究是从个体的福利依赖角度来进行的。但是,基于湖南省长沙市区400余住新贫困社群的调研和对政府的走访资料.本研究解析了城市新贫困社群在现行福利供给体系下出现贫困陷阱的政策原因:缺乏赋权参与社会政策的建设理念,是制约当前新贫困社群需要满足得以实现的症结。建议政府采取针对社会发展需要与社会参与需要的社会政策来优化政府的福利供给效率。  相似文献   

Do elderly parents use coresidence with or financial transfers from children to reduce their own labour supply in old age? This paper is one of only a few studies that seeks to formally model elderly labour supply in the context of a developing country while taking into account coresidency with and financial transfers from children. We find little evidence that support from children—either through transfers or coresidency—substitutes for elderly parents’ need to work. Thus, as in developed countries, there is a role for public policy to enhance the welfare of the elderly population.  相似文献   

Peng  Chenhong  Fang  Lue  Wang  Julia Shu-Huah  Law  Yik Wa  Zhang  Yi  Yip  Paul S. F. 《Social indicators research》2019,144(1):219-250

This study aims to investigate into the determinants of poverty in Hong Kong. Previous research on poverty, which usually adopted a logistic regression model to examine individuals’ probabilities of being poor, could not adequately reveal the heterogeneity in experiences among people across the poverty spectrum, therefore has limited policy effort to address diverse needs of individuals struggling with poverty. In the present study, this concern is addressed by using a quantile regression model to examine the differential effects of the determinants of poverty across the poverty spectrum. Data were drawn from the Hong Kong Panel Survey for Poverty Alleviation (n?=?1668). Logistic regression indicated that being elderly, being female, not having a partner, from a single-parent household, not being employed, living in public rental housing, have lower educational attainment, and have poor self-rated health, increased the probability of being poor. Informational support was a protective factor of poverty, while several negative life events, such as having family member(s) with disabilities/chronic diseases and having financial burden, were risk factors of poverty. Quantile regression analysis was adopted to further examine the extent to which determinants of poverty unfold across poverty spectrum, which was captured by five groups of “extremely poor”, “deeply poor”, “at the poverty line”, “near poverty” and “marginally poor”. Quantile regression indicated that people living across the poverty spectrum were similarly affected by not having a partner, living in single-parent households and not working. However, extremely poor and deeply poor were more adversely affected by old age than those near poverty and marginally poor. It is also discovered that public rental housing buffered the poverty risks more in those who lived in deep poverty than those who were near poverty and marginally poor. University education protected the near poverty and marginally poor to a larger extent than those who were extremely poor and deeply poor. Information support also buffered the poverty risks, and people living across the poverty spectrum were equally benefited from it.


We examine the effects of child policies on both transitional dynamics and long-term demo-economic outcomes in an overlapping-generations neoclassical growth model à la Chakraborty (J Econ Theory 116(1):119–137, 2004) extended with endogenous fertility under the assumption of weak altruism towards children. The government invests in public health, and an individual’s survival probability at the end of youth depends on health expenditure. We show that multiple development regimes can exist. However, poverty or prosperity does not necessarily depend on the initial conditions, since they are the result of how a child policy is designed. A child tax, for example, can be used effectively to enable those economies that were entrapped in poverty to prosper. There is also a long-term welfare-maximising level of the child tax. We show that a child tax can be used to increase capital accumulation, escape from poverty and maximise long-term welfare also when (a) a public pay-as-you-go pension system is in place and (b) the government issues an amount of public debt. Interestingly, there also exists a couple child tax–health tax that can be used to find the second-best optimum optimorum. In addition, we show that results are robust to the inclusion of decisions regarding the child quantity–quality trade-off under the assumption of impure altruism. In particular, there exists a threshold value of the child tax below (resp. above) which child quality spending is unaffordable (resp. affordable) and different scenarios are in existence.  相似文献   

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