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正略钧策管理咨询公司近日发布了《正略钧策2010员工离职与招聘调研报告》。调研显示,受政府4万亿投资及相关配套政策的影响,我们经济复苏势头强劲,企业业务发展迅猛,达到并超过危机前水平,企业招聘力度不断加大,人才市场趋于活跃,员工流动性提高。  相似文献   

民营企业员工离职因素调查及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的发展,民营企业作为改革的后来者面临着若干问题,尤其是员工不稳定的问题十分突出。因此,采取有效措施提高员工稳定性是民营企业发展的重要问题。笔者在查阅有关文献资料的基础上,采取问卷调查的方法,对现代书城、奎星楼房地产公司、长安跨越集团公司、同创集团公司、协信集团等重庆地区14家民营企业的员工进行分层随机调查,并做了分析。本次调查发放问卷250份,回收有效问卷202份,问卷统计分析采用spssfor windows11.0进行。员工离职的诱因分析1.内部诱因内部诱因是指导致员工离职的企业内部因素。经调查发现,民营企业员工离职…  相似文献   

中小企业员工高流失率的问题一直困扰着企业的发展,针对这一难题,本文从五个角度进行分析,为中小民营企业出谋划策,提出了对策策略,以减少员工流失,提高在职员工的稳定性。  相似文献   

随着劳动力市场管理规则的变化,员工自我权利主张意识的增强,员工离职已经成为一种常态,保持在一定合理范围内的离职率对于企业来讲是有益的,但员工的离职无疑会对现有员工产生一定的心理冲击。本文将从对员工离职的界定入手,剖析员工离职对于员工的心理冲击,进而探索企业应采取的减小这种冲击的途径和措施。  相似文献   

中小民营企业是目前我国最具活力的经济增长点,是区域发展中最活跃、最具优势的经济成分.可以说中小民营企业发展的稳定与否已经成为影响我国经济与社会健康稳定发展的重要因素之一.而当下影响中小民营企业健康稳定发展的最主要因素之一就是严重的员工流失现象.  相似文献   

高乃明 《职业》2012,(22):55-56
如果说,工作如爱情,那么离职就是分手。现代社会似乎给予人更多的宽容,并不要求每个人都从一而终,所以身为老板或HR,无论你有多爱你的员工,都要有接受员工和你说拜拜的心理准备。当你无论晓之以理还是动之以情,都无法阻止员工投入别人怀抱  相似文献   

时下,不少企业对离职人员的通常看法往往集中在"是对单位的背叛",只因这些人或多或少地掌握了本单位的技术信息,突然离职,企业担心会因此流失技术信息.而世界知名的咨询龙头麦肯锡(McKinsey)公司却反其道而行之,他们把离职员工视为"毕业离校",并为之付出真情,为离职人员建立校友通讯录,进而构筑一条顺畅的沟通渠道.  相似文献   

如果说,工作如爱情,那么离职就是分手。现代社会似乎给予人更多的宽容,并不要求每个人都从一而终,所以身为老板或HR,无论你有多爱你的员工,都要有接受员工和你说拜拜的心理准备。当你无论晓之以理还是动之以情,都无法阻止员工投入别人怀抱的时候,你会因爱生恨从此反目成仇,还是祝福他只要你过得比我好?好的离职管理,可以让员工离开后仍旧对你念念不忘,反之则可能引起一系列的人事动荡。本期汇编多家名企的离职管理方案,与您分享名企如何对跑路员工说明天我依然爱你。  相似文献   

潘家永 《职业》2009,(5):34-34
Q:我是一家公司的人事主管,经常碰到一些员工不辞而别的情况。发生这种情况的原因主要有两种,一些员工认为自己没有与公司签订竞业限制条款,也没有接受过公司的培训,解除合同可以不打招呼就走人;另有一些员工认为无事情需要交接,也无档案转移等问题,可以不办离职手续。请问:用人单位是否可以要求自动离职的员工承担违约责任?员工离职后没有办理离职手续,我们也不予理会,是否有法律风险?  相似文献   

About 400 children in need in Japan are placed in a “special adoption” each year. The modest numbers are partly the result of a cultural predisposition to think of adoption in terms of family lineage, which discourages the adoption of nonrelatives or children of “bad blood.” Special adoption is also limited by concerns over the confidentiality of family registers, by a heavy reliance on institutional care, and by a narrowly defined concept of an “ideal child.” The limited professional organization of adoption services in Japan makes national reform difficult. However, some adoption agencies have made local efforts to increase placements by avoiding institutional care or assisting in maintaining confidentiality. Potential parents have also been encouraged to extend their idea of an acceptable child in trial placements, and some children have been placed with mixed couples and foreign residents.  相似文献   

The Japanese vocational, or career, guidance movement dates back to 1915 and derives largely from advances and developments in the United States system of vocational guidance. Extracurricular or social welfare activities in the U.S. initially spawned vocational guidance efforts and programming in Japan. Subsequently, the Japanese Ministry of Education included vocational guidance in its primary curriculum as early as 1920. At that time, graduates of Japanese educational programs received placement guidance services. By the decade spanning 1930 to 1940, however, policies resulting from the war between Japan and China, as well as from World War II interrupted vocational guidance programming established in educational settings. In 1947, on the heels of the recently ended war, the Japanese Constitution, the Fundamental Law of Education, and the School Education Law were established to regularize the 6-3-3-4 school system. Specifically, the Japanese Constitution prescribed “freedom of vocational choice,” the Fundamental Law of Education advanced the “idea of personal accomplishment,” and the School of Education Law (Article 36, 42) decreed that a primary purpose of the secondary school concerned cultivating students' abilities to make career decisions. In support of this decree, the Ministry of Education published a Course of Study in 1949, which directly addressed vocational guidance in the schools. Moreover, by 1953 vocational guidance educators appeared in secondary schools and in 1958 the term career guidance replaced vocational guidance consequent to the School of Education Law.  相似文献   

中国的传统家庭教育是中华文化与文明的重要组成部分。传统的家训基本可以分为帝王家训、名人家训和女性家训三种。尽管在不同的历史时期各类家训的内容有一些区别和不同的侧重,但是总的目的都是为了引导子女能够学会做人做事,并强调首先要具备“德”和“序”。  相似文献   

The wealth gap between the rich and poor is widening and contributing to Japan’s shrinking middle class. This study examined concerns about the future and life satisfaction and their association with household financial preparedness (e.g., savings, investments, life insurance) among married women in Japan. Double-hurdle models assessed the probability of having savings and the amount of these savings, using the sample from the 2006 Japanese Panel Survey of Consumers (n = 1,206). Supporting earlier works from several other countries, concerns about the future were positively associated with the probability of having supplemental life insurance. Moreover, life satisfaction levels were positively associated with the probabilities of having savings, investments, and supplemental life insurance and with the amount of the investments. The findings suggest economic inequalities among women could widen in the future, as those who have and are expecting to have more financial resources are more likely to be prepared for future financial needs than those who do not.  相似文献   

沈杰 《科学发展》2016,(5):31-36
歌剧演出收入在上海目前演艺产业中所占的比例极低,歌剧还是一个有待开发的领域.一旦上海确立建设大歌剧院,就需要同步开展管理运行方式和相关产业链研究,积极宣传推广歌剧文化和培育歌剧表演人才,切实保障上海大歌剧院成为上海深度融入国际文化交流,带动市民艺术鉴赏水平整体提升的重要载体.  相似文献   

Mathematical sociology in Japan was born in the mid-1970s and has actively developed since then. Mathematical sociologists in Japan have studied various topics of mathematical sociology as well as of quantitative sociology. The Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology (JAMS) was established in 1986. It holds semi-annual conferences and publishes Sociological Theory and Methods, its official journal. Thus, the JAMS is a platform for mathematical sociologists in Japan to present and publish papers, contributing to the institutionalization of mathematical sociology in Japan. It has also co-sponsored five joint conferences with the Section on Mathematical Sociology of the American Sociological Association. Based on these activities, mathematical sociology in Japan could be judged to be vibrant domestically and internationally; it has a bright future. I argue, however, that mathematical sociologists in Japan have tended to confine themselves to areas where mathematical modeling is relatively easy. These areas are not necessarily attractive to sociologists in other fields. I propose that mathematical sociologists in Japan should tackle social phenomena that other sociologists think are critical to sociology so that they further contribute to advances in the discipline.  相似文献   


Since 90% of older adults prefer aging in place (Wang, Shepley, & Rodiek, 2012), it is important that neighborhood design supports successful aging. Beyond basic needs, research indicates quality interaction is associated with positive health and well-being benefits, particularly for older adults. In this, design supporting social relationships plays an essential role. This study's purpose was to identify New Urbanist neighborhood and social space design attributes supporting older residents' physiological and social needs. This case study used keyword-in-context analysis with focus group interview data to identify domains supporting social interaction for residents aging in place including: location factors, social factors, design factors, and programmatic factors.  相似文献   

随着网络媒体的兴盛和移动互联网的发展,其在大学生中产生的影响与作用越来越大。近些年,网络上出现的大学生群体后宗教现象对广大青年产生影响,因此,要在后宗教背景下加强对大学生的价值引领及其路径选择,即坚定立场、理论武装、宣传普及与实践引导。  相似文献   

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