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The purpose of this empirical study was to explore the perceptions of Argentinean managers and non-managerial employees about managerial and leadership effectiveness, and the extent to which the findings are generalized to other countries. The central research question addressed was as follows: How do people employed in Argentinean companies behaviourally distinguish effective managers from ineffective managers, and to what extent are the findings culture-specific or context-general? A total of 42 employees from private and public sector organizations in Cordoba, Argentina, were interviewed using critical incident technique. The interviews generated 302 critical incidents of which 155 were examples of positive (effective) managerial behaviour, and 147 of negative (ineffective) managerial behaviour. The findings suggest that Argentineans perceive as effective those managers who are supportive, considerate, motivating, caring, good decision makers, approachable, participative, fair-minded, communicative, actively involved, and who act as role models. This challenges the widely held belief that Argentineans prefer authoritarian managers over democratic ones.  相似文献   

Using the critical incident (CI) technique, concrete examples of effective and ineffective managerial behaviour (CIs) were collected from managers and non-managerial employees within private and public sector organizations situated in the north and southeast regions of Mexico. The CIs were content analysed using open, axial and selective coding to identify a smaller number of thematic categories. A total of 38 ‘manager’ and 35 ‘non-managerial employee’ behavioural categories were identified respectively, of which 82.19% (n = 60) were found to be either convergent or polar opposite in meaning. The findings suggest that what behaviourally differentiates effective managers from ineffective managers is perceived, described and defined by Mexican managers and non-managerial employees in much the same way. The study provides new insights on the issue of perceived managerial and leadership effectiveness in Mexico and is a rare example of indigenous managerial behaviour research in a non-Anglo country.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an ‘HRD professional partnership’ study of perceived managerial and leadership effectiveness carried out within a UK third sector (non-profit) organization. Using the critical incident technique, concrete examples [critical incidents (CIs) ] of observed effective and least effective/ineffective managerial behaviour were collected from a purposive sample of senior and middle-level managers of the collaborating registered charity. The CIs were content analysed to identify themes and analytical categories. Behavioural statements were then devised to reflect the constituent CIs of each category. The paper also reports the results of a subsequent cross-sector comparative analysis that explored the similarities and differences between the identified behavioural statements and the results of equivalent studies in the UK public and private sector organizations. The findings challenge the widely held image that managers need to adopt different managerial behaviours to be effective in non-profit organizations because of inherent differences between the sectors. How the resultshave been used by the collaborating organization is outlined. Finally, thelimitations, implications for practice and research recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   

This qualitative multiple case derived etic study focuses on perceived managerial and leadership effectiveness. It explores what employees in various organizations, organizational sectors and culturally diverse nations perceive as effective and ineffective managerial behaviour. Empirical findings from six emic replication studies carried out previously within three European Union countries were subjected to cross-case, cross-sector, and cross-nation comparative analysis. High degrees of sameness and similarity were found. Further analysis led to the emergence of a behavioural taxonomy comprised of 10 positive (effective) and 9 negative (ineffective) behavioural criteria. We find that managers and non-managerial staff in British and Romanian public-sector hospitals, and in British and German private-sector companies, perceive effective and ineffective managerial behaviour in much the same way. Our findings challenge past literature which argues that managers need to adopt different managerial behaviours to be effective in different organizational sectors and countries.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study of managerial and leadership effectiveness carried out within an Egyptian public sector hospital in which concrete examples of ‘effective’ and ‘least effective/ineffective’ manager and managerial leader behaviour, as observed by superiors, peers and subordinates, were collected using the critical incident technique. These critical incidents were then content analyzed to identify a smaller number of discrete behavioural statements and criteria of effectiveness. The paper also reports the results of a subsequent comparative analysis of these Egyptian findings against equivalent behavioural criteria that emerged from studies in two different British NHS Trust hospitals. This latter multi-case/cross-nation study revealed high degrees of overlap, commonality, and relative generalization across all three organizations. The results lend strong empirical support to those who believe in ‘generic’ and ‘universalistic’ explanations of the nature of managerial and leadership effectiveness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine what behaviourally distinguishes effective and ineffective managers within a Moroccan Higher Education Institution (HEI). The critical incident technique (CIT) was the methodology deployed to collect data from participants in terms of how they perceive managers as either effective or ineffective. The collected data (CIs) were subjected to content and thematic analysis that resulted in derived positive and negative behavioural statements (BSs). A total of 42 participants/informants were interviewed and revealed a total of 418 CIs, of which 189 were positive CIs and 229 were negative. The analysis revealed a total of 49 BSs, of which 19 were positive and 30 were negative behavioural indicators. The findings of this investigation bring empirical evidence to understand what and how managers are perceived as effective or ineffective in the Moroccan academic context and, therefore, adds to the literature. The information obtained can also provide rich information/knowledge that can be used as a basis to address the behavioural developmental needs of managers in HEIs. This research adds value by following by following two previous replication studies in a French and a Hungarian HEI; moreover, this study is the first to be conducted in the Moroccan/North African region.  相似文献   

当今西方主流的领导力研究主要以绩效和能力为评价基准,以实现组织经济利益最大化为目的,而近年来层出不穷的商业丑闻引发了人们对如何实现组织与社会持续良性发展的深度思考,伦理型领导力正是针对这一问题的有效回应.在阐述了一种用儒家的德性观构建适合中国本土伦理领导力的设想,即儒家德性领导力,来强调在当今企业界,特别是中国企业界,需要呼唤领导者的德性回归.如何在当下这个主要以绩效和利润为标准的企业模式中评价领导力,是现代社会亟需思考的问题.  相似文献   

企业环境、领导行为、领导绩效互动影响分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
结合对价值观型领导理论的分析以及过去针对这一理论在中国所作研究的基本结论,将环境因素纳入到领导过程研究中,提出了一个关于企业竞争环境、价值观型领导行为以及领导绩效三者之间互动的理论模型并进行实证分析.结果显示:激烈的竞争环境会削弱企业内部的领导绩效,但实施价值观型领导,将有助于企业领导扭转不利局面,提升领导绩效,价值观型领导在严酷的竞争环境中适用.文章也讨论了此研究的局限性和未来的研究发展方向.  相似文献   

This paper explores receptivity creation in cross-cultural coordination. Qualitative data from an inter-organizational relationship between culturally dissimilar and unequal groups are used to show that, while practices fostering defensiveness inhibit receptivity, those promoting civic virtue create partial receptivity. Partial receptivity falls short of cross-cultural synergy, but is a more achievable outcome.  相似文献   

复杂环境下企业适应性领导行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竞争环境的复杂性要求企业领导行为具有较强的适应性。在复杂适应系统刺激-反应原理的基础上,构建复杂环境下企业适应性领导行为模型,指出在政府、市场、企业等组织内外部环境因素作用下,企业的适应性领导行为由文化识别、知识管理、风险管理和协同创造4个方面构成,并对员工绩效、组织承诺和员工满意度等领导有效性指标产生影响。在问卷调查的基础上,采用因子分析、相关分析、层次回归和逐步回归等方法对调查数据进行统计分析。实证研究结果表明,企业适应性领导行为对员工绩效、组织承诺、员工满意度等结果变量有不同程度的影响;企业文化、领导-成员交换关系与企业适应性领导行为和领导有效性存在相关关系,并且作为调节变量对企业适应性领导行为与领导有效性之间的关系起调节作用。企业应从适应性领导行为层面和调节变量层面加强管理,构建有效领导行为机制,提高环境变化中的领导有效性。  相似文献   

This article examines the behaviours associated with managerial coaching and assesses the implications for leadership theory. Survey data from 521 line managers are analysed to: (i) identify the behaviours associated with managerial coaching, (ii) examine factors that affect the propensity of managers to undertake coaching and (iii) discuss the implications of the manager as coach role for leadership theory and practice. First, the analysis indicates that workplace coaching is distinct from specialized coaching practices. Second, demographic characteristics of individual managers, such as their age, experience or level of management qualification are unlikely to affect their propensity to undertake managerial coaching. However, leader-team member relationships (leader-member exchange) and occupational self-efficacy (OSE) are predictive of managerial coaching behaviours. Third, managerial coaching challenges traditional leader-centric models of leadership and requires an acknowledgement of reciprocity, collaborative ‘meaning-making’ and a diminished ‘distance’ between leaders and team members.  相似文献   

通过227名中国企业中高层领导者样本,基于心理类型论和管理认知过滤机制理论,分析了领导者信息获取偏好通过变革型领导对领导有效性产生影响的内在作用机制,即领导行为的中介效应;同时,基于素质激活理论,揭示了状态不确定性对上述间接作用机制的有调节的中介效应。研究表明:变革型领导部分中介了领导者信息获取偏好对领导有效性的作用;状态不确定性对上述中介关系起到调节效应。此外,对研究结果的理论和实践意义进行了探讨,并指出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

不同组织文化中影响领导者有效性的性格因素研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以领导理论研究为基础,以组织文化为控制变量,以领导者的绩效为因变量,以领导者的性格特征为自变量,对来自六家不同企业的118名中层管理者为研究对象进行了问卷研究,并用多元回归的统计方法分析了不同组织文化下领导者的绩效与领导者性格特征的关系,结果表明,在革新导向型文化中,卡特尔十六项人格因素中的“幻想性”和“独立性”、八项次级人格因素中的“创造能力个性因素”等三项性格与领导者绩效有显著的正相关;在支持导向型文化中,卡特尔十六项人格因素中的“乐群性”、“情绪稳定性”以及“世故性”等三项性格因素与领导者绩效有显著的正相关;在目标导向型文化中,卡特尔十六项人格因素中的“有恒性”和“自律性”与领导者绩效有显著的正相关。据此可以说明,在不同的组织文化中,对有效领导者所需要具备的性格特征的要求是不同的。  相似文献   

In the new era, Chinese organizations must confront the emergence of the new generation of staff, a diversified labor forces and innovation-driven development. It is urgent for such organizations to develop practices of inclusive leadership that are characterized by toleration of subordinates’ personal traits and understanding their differentiated demands to improve the organizations’ own innovative capabilities and core competitiveness. Due to its emphasis on interdependent relationships with subordinates, inclusive leadership has attracted a great deal of attention, especially in the Chinese context. Chinese inclusive leaders are quite different from those in Western countries in terms of definitions, emphases and dimensions. Therefore, it is both necessary and helpful to explore the influence mechanisms and corresponding boundary conditions of inclusive leadership specifically in the Chinese context. Based on social exchange theory (SOT), this article conducts a periodical meta-analytic investigation of the effectiveness of inclusive leadership in the Chinese context (ILC) based on 104 empirical studies. Specifically, the article systematically evaluates Chinese inclusive leaders’ effectiveness and draws conclusions that suffer less from second-order sampling error. Second, the differing effects of ILC on subordinates’ job attitudes, workplace behaviors, performance and creativity/ innovation as well as the specific indicators of those factors are also explored. Third, the article examines the moderating effects of 4 potential factors, including regional distributions ( macro level), industry types ( middle level), organizational attributes ( micro level) and measurement tools (measurement level), on the relationship between Chinese inclusive leaders and subordinates’ efficiency. Fourth, both the discriminant validity and the various impacts of the 3-dimensional construct (openness, availability, accessibility) associated with Carmeli et al. ’s (2010) scale are evaluated. In the first part of the article, the direct model highlights the relations of ILC and 4 types of subordinates’ work efficiency, including job attitudes, workplace behaviors, performance and creativity/ innovation. The article notes that Chinese inclusive leaders benefit their followers in terms of these 4 aspects. Among all 4 types of outcomes, ILC exerts the strongest promoting effect on subordinates in terms of job attitude, followed in descending order by creativity/ innovation, performance and workplace behavior. Specifically, inclusive leaders exhibit stronger positive correlations with employees’ job satisfaction (compared with job burnout and turnover intention, listed in order), workplace proactive behavior (compared with voice behavior and failure-learning behavior, also listed in sequence), contextual performance (compared with task performance) and innovation (compared with creativity). The second part of the article discusses the moderating effects of 4 potential factors, including regional distributions, industry types, organizational attributes and measurement tools, on the relation of inclusive leaders and subordinates’ efficiency in the Chinese context. Regional distributions and industry types are identified as moderating this relationship, but these moderating effects are not significant with respect to organizational attributes and measurement tools. This finding indicates that ILC exerts a stronger promoting effect in developed areas (compared with undeveloped areas) and in the service industry (compared with the manufacturing or hightech industries) in China. The third part of the article examines the discriminant validity and various impacts of the 3-dimensional construct (openness, availability, accessibility) of the widely used scale developed by Carmeli et al. (2010) in the Chinese context. There exists sufficient discriminant validity among these 3 dimensions, thus indicating that the concepts included in the construct can be differentiated overall. Furthermore, these dimensions are all positively correlated with followers’ efficiency. This article also finds that the dimension of availability has a stronger promoting effect than the openness and accessibility dimensions, listed in sequence. In summary, these results indicate that ILC benefits followers overall. Inclusive leaders have stronger promoting effects on employees’ job satisfaction, workplace behavior, contextual performance and innovation. Moreover, in developed areas and in the service industry in China, ILC is even more effective. Finally, the availability dimension of Carmeli et al. ’s (2010) scale has a stronger promoting effect than the other two dimensions, and the corresponding construct could be differentiated overall. Research and practical implications are discussed. On the one hand, based on the principle of using the right crops for right land and varying from person to person, Chinese inclusive leaders can have more positive impacts on their subordinates and organizations. On the other hand, it is necessary to develop a local construct and measurement scale for inclusive leadership based on the inclusivity of Chinese culture. © (2023). All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   

本文通过对108家中国企业的高管团队问卷调查所获得的数据的分析,探讨了CEO的家长式领导对高管团队有效性的影响机制,结果表明:仁慈领导和德行领导对团队有效性有显著的积极影响,威权领导对团队有效性有显著的消极影响;团队凝聚力起到了部分中介的作用,威权领导通过降低团队凝聚力对团队有效性产生负面影响.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report level 3 evaluation findings from a leadership development programme. This paper comprises a case study, quantitative data analysis, and results from critical incident semi-structured interviews. A unique research model was developed from a literature review. There are many problems associated with the design and delivery of leadership development programmes. Senior executive-taught workshops, 360° feedback, and action learning were deliberately employed to increase the adoption and application of specific behaviours after the programme. The results substantiate previous findings on the impact of these elements by demonstrating concrete behavioural changes rather than perceived enhancement in leadership capabilities as often cited in other studies. The model should be further tested, applied and refined as necessary.

Organizations wishing to develop leaders could be guided by the model and findings of this research. A novel and innovative design model was developed from a literature review, tested against a leadership programme in a large well-known multi-national organization, and later refined based on the empirical results. It will be of value to HRD managers and researchers.  相似文献   

A survey study of twenty-two Australian CEOs and their subordinates assessed relationships between Australian leader motives, Australian value based leader behaviour, subordinate tall poppy attitudes and subordinate commitment, effectiveness, motivation and satisfaction (CEMS). On the whole, the results showed general support for value based leadership processes. Subsequent regression analyses of the second main component of Value Based Leadership Theory, value based leader behaviour, revealed that the collectivistic, inspirational, integrity and visionary behaviour sub-scales of the construct were positively related with subordinate CEMS. Although the hypothesis that subordinate tall poppy attitudes would moderate value based leadership processes was not clearly supported, subsequent regression analyses found that subordinate tall poppy attitudes were negatively related with perceptions of value based leader behaviour and CEMS. These findings suggest complex relationships between the three constructs, and the proposed model for the Australian context is accordingly amended. Overall, the research supports the need to consider cultural-specific attitudes in management development.  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between psychopathy and leadership effectiveness has adopted very different perspectives on psychopathy. To advance this field of research, the current paper introduces an overarching framework of “successful psychopathy” (Lilienfeld, Watts, & Smith, 2015) to the leadership domain, comprising three conceptual models (the differential-severity model, the moderated-expression model, and the differential-configuration model) and their “hybrid” forms, which are combinations of two or three models. We test the three alternative conceptual models and four hybrid models in two independent samples of leader-subordinate dyads (N1 = 178 and N2 = 668) whereby leaders’ self-reported psychopathy is related to a range of subordinate-rated effectiveness criteria, including three performance dimensions and charismatic leadership. A recurrent pattern of findings across both studies provides evidence for differential effects for the various psychopathy subdimensions, whereas little support was found for the models assuming curvilinear and/or moderated effects. Implications for research on leader psychopathy are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing upon prior research, we identify strategic value and transaction effectiveness as two significant HRD contributions and examine their dyadic effect on leadership and people management practices, and influence on firm performance. Results of path analysis on 138 participants supported the dyadic effect hypothesis. More significantly, we found leadership and people management practices as a significant predictor on the relationship between strategic value and organizational performance, which suggests that organizational performance is affected by the combined effect of leadership and people management practices. A key implication of this research is that where organizations had effective leadership and people management practices, both types of HRD contributions – strategic value and transaction effectiveness – significantly enhanced firm performance.  相似文献   


This Type 4 (emic-and-etic) indigenous cross-case/cross-nation comparative study compares the results of two Type 3 (emic-as-emic) indigenous replication studies of effective and ineffective managerial behaviour carried out within private companies in India and South Korea respectively. The method used was ‘realist qualitative content analysis’ involving inductive open and axial coding. Of the Indian findings 100% were found to be convergent in meaning with 94.43% of the equivalent South Korean findings. This has led to the identification of a two-factor emergent Asian behavioural model of perceived managerial and leadership effectiveness comprised of 16 positive (effective) and 6 negative (ineffective) generic behavioural criteria. These criteria could be used in both countries to critically review and improve extant, or develop new, competency-based management/leadership development programmes. The research findings lend no support to claims that national culture has a major impact on managerial and leadership practices, styles, and effectiveness.  相似文献   

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