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In this study associations are sought between certain biographical, family, personality and career variables and the likelihood that managers will develop their own business venture. Results, based on an analysis of questionnaires completed by 194 managers, reveal that ownership of a business by self or parents together with certain personal characteristics predispose managers towards business founding. Contrary to expectations, job and career frustration does not incline managers towards proprietorship.  相似文献   


This study investigated the mediating effect of mentoring on the relationship between the Five Factor Model (FFM) Personality traits and occupational commitment (OC). The study used cross-sectional survey-based research design. Data were collected from 362 managers of public and private sector organizations located in North India. The results indicated that psychosocial mentoring acts as a partial mediator for facilitating the linkage between all the FFM traits and OC. Contrary to this, career mentoring was found to partially mediate the link between only conscientiousness-OC, agreeableness-OC and emotional stability-OC. No mediating effect of career mentoring was found for personality factors of openness and extraversion. HRD practitioners are encouraged to implement train-for-trainers’ sessions for raising awareness among senior managers/mentors about the importance of psychosocial mentoring functions. This study is unique, because it is among the few to appropriately capture the mediating role of mentoring functions vis a vis the personality and OC relationship. Further, it also enriches the existing body of research on workplace mentoring and careers, especially in the South-Asian context.  相似文献   

This article studies the management of software developers through the lens of the psychological contract and from the perspectives of employees and employers. Data were gathered through interviews with software developers and their human resources (HR) and/or direct managers in French high-tech companies. Our findings show the crucial role of HR and direct managers who shape a balanced professional psychological contract with developers as a specific HR strategy in order to respond to their job specificities and values. Specific HR practices (nature of the processes, involvement of developers in these processes, credibility of HR/direct managers and career development opportunities) and the working environment contribute to the development of trust and fairness, which form part of the content of the balanced contract.  相似文献   

The present study aims to enhance researchers' understanding of career self-management behaviour by introducing proactivity along with human capital variables into the analysis. By modelling employees' career strategies, this empirical investigation assesses the relative importance of human capital predictors as well as that of proactive personality. A survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire. There were 328 participants in the survey, consisting of individuals working for firms across all sectors of the Greek economy. Factor analysis was used to form implemented career strategies reported in the survey. Regression analysis was applied for assessing the impact of each predictor on career self-management behaviour. The main findings indicate that the primary sources behind shaping employees' career strategies are their own proactive personality and their work experience in full-time jobs. The importance of combining human capital variables with employees' proactivity in modelling career development is stressed by the present study.  相似文献   

This study tracked the career progress of general managers over a seven-year period. The main aim was to identify those competencies (skills, abilities, values) and personality characteristics assessed seven years ago which are associated with current success and rate of advancement. The sample consisted of 72 out of 100 managers who had been assessed on the Henley General Management Course in 1988/89. Comparisons were made between their current salary and responsibilities and the equivalent data gathered in 1988/89. Factor analysis revealed two main criteria of success: current seniority and rate of advancement. Correlations were computed between these two factors and assessments of competencies (by the managers and their boss) and their personality profiles derived from the occupational personality questionnaire. The sample was also divided into discrete groups of ‘high fliers’ and ‘low fliers’, based on their respective rate of advancement. Almost all of the ‘high flier’ group are now directors, and receive an average salary of £80 000 (compared to the mean for the total group of £29 000 in 1988/89). Ten characteristics differentiated the ‘high-fliers’. These included: willingness to take risks; an exceptional ability to manage and motivate staff; a need to achieve really demanding targets and a strong competitive streak.  相似文献   

为了解我国人力资源经理工作压力现状,探讨其与工作倦怠、工作满意度及工作绩效之间的作用关系及作用方式,本研究采用问卷法对北京地区89名企业人力资源经理进行施测。结果表明,人力资源经理工作压力处于中等水平,造成工作压力的主要因素分别是职业发展、组织氛围、工作责任及组织结构;工作倦怠处于中等偏下水平,其中效能感低下这个倦怠因素相对严重。另外,工作压力与工作倦怠正相关,工作倦怠与工作满意度、工作绩效存在负相关关系,而工作倦怠在工作压力与工作满意度、工作绩效之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

This monograph reports on a survey of physician executives who are members of the American College of Physician Executives. The survey emphasized four areas--factors in an individual's move into management as a career choice; satisfaction with management as a career or as an element of a career; factors that prepare a physician to manage; and factors in future development of physician managers.  相似文献   

The economic psychological article describes an online study of health-oriented self-management of managers with implications for corporate practice. Resilience and personality factors, subjective leadership success and self-management skills are examined variables. The most important outcome of the study with high relevance for modern working world is that self-confidence and conscience are the best pedictors for the experience of success, but managers still take care too little of their own health.  相似文献   

Current models of the factors underlying management performance make use of a variety of variables at different levels of analysis. A framework is presented in which variables of three different types are linked together. Using data from a sample (n = 437) of British managers this article explores relationships between personality factors (using the big-five factors), work competencies and managerial performance. Results from the analyses reveal a set of underlying competency factors, which show different patterns of correlation with two facets of performance: current proficiency and promotability. In turn, these factors and the facets of performance show relationships with the big-five personality factors. Current proficiency is more closely related to competencies of organization, specialization and analysis – competencies more likely to be displayed by people who are conscientious and introverted. Promotability is linked more closely to competencies concerning action/motivation, flexibility/sensitivity and communication – competencies more likely to be displayed by people who are extroverted with lower conscientiousness and agreeableness.  相似文献   

The present study examined the career advancement prospects of MIS and non-MIS employees, as well as the relationships of career advancement prospects with job performance evaluations, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, and organizational commitment for MIS and non-MIS professionals and managers. Participants included 134 MIS professionals and managers and 397 non-MIS professionals and managers of a large communications company. The results provided no evidence that MIS employees experience more restricted career advancement prospects than non-MIS employees. In addition, job performance evaluations generally had positive effects on career advancement prospects; career advancement prospects had a number of positive effects on job satisfaction, career satisfaction, and organizational commitment; and job satisfaction and career satisfaction had positive effects on organizational commitment. These findings are related to prior research, suggestions for future research are offered, and implications for the management of MIS employees are identified.  相似文献   

The particular focus of this paper is on the workÐfamily conflict experienced by senior female international managers within a European context. This research is particularly relevant as existing European studies have not specifically addressed issues pertaining to the senior female international manager. For the purpose of this study 50 senior female expatriate managers were interviewed, representing a wide diversity of industry and service sectors. The study establishes that work–family conflict still prevents many female managers from progressing to senior management. The results of the study show that the senior international career move has largely been developed along a linear male model of career progression, a development which, together with gender disparity both in organizations and family responsibilities, frequently prevents women employees from reaching senior managerial positions. The study extends work primarily in the international human resource management literature, while also contributing to the research literatures on women in management and career theory.  相似文献   

Investigating career patterns of top managers has been a prominent topic in European Management Journal (EMJ) since the 1990s. Our article contributes to ongoing debates about national differences in top managers' career patterns between European countries. An open question is whether globalisation processes may have challenged the existence of specific career patterns and whether they may have transformed the profiles of business elites in Europe. Our article uses recent data from four European countries (France, Germany, Switzerland and the UK), collected in a way similar to an EMJ article published in 2013, with the objective to assess potential developments that have taken place over the last decade. Some of the major changes relate to the growing relevance of business school degrees or certificates (such as MBA degrees), a higher proportion of non-nationals and women on boards, more managers with international experience and an increasing number of top managers with a prior career with auditing or consulting firms. The article provides not only new empirical insights, but also a review of the key characteristics of top managers’ careers, some methodological reflections on cross-national comparison and new research avenues at the cross-roads of career literature and upper echelons literature. By shedding light on the career patterns of key decision-makers in large European firms, the article offers new insights for researchers, educators and managers alike.  相似文献   

This paper describes the findings of a qualitative study which analyses how managers define career success for themselves on their own terms. In exploring career success from the perspective of the individual, not the organization, the research attempts to fill an identifiable gap in the career literature. The paper examines the criteria which individuals use to describe what career success means to them, and expresses them by means of a series of orientational categories – Climbers, Experts, Influencers and Self-Realizers – which classify the different ways in which managers talk about career success. The variations in the way that the male and female, and older and younger, research participants describe what career success means to them are discussed and compared. The women managers and older managers who took part in the study appear less inclined to define career success in terms of hierarchical and financial progression: the paper considers the implications of this for individuals and for organizations.  相似文献   

Research literature indicates the importance of workforce development in the successful implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs). However, the relationship between advanced technologies and workforce training is assumed to be a direct one with limited consideration provided to factors that may influence it. This study examines the impacts of environment and human resource (HR) manager perceptions on the provision of workforce development activities. A human-centered technology philosophy is proposed as a conceptual framework for examining the role of HR manager perceptions to mediate the relationship between AMTs and workforce development. Results from hierarchical regressions indicate that the perceptions of HR managers regarding technology-driven workforce need to explain a large portion of the variance for both individual and process development activities. Findings support that the managerial role of assessing workforce developmental needs from basic AMTs places HR managerial perceptions at the focal point of social–technical systems. The role of environmental uncertainty is also examined as a moderator of managerial perceptions of technology-driven needs in an AMT environment. The results suggest that environmental uncertainty did not moderate the relationship between HR perceptions as a predictor of workforce development activities. This could imply that HR managers may not consider critical external environment issues when making decisions of workforce development activities. The implications of these findings for HR perceptions in an AMT environment are discussed, and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

The authors argue that there are trends currently present in industry and management which require human resource (HR) managers to have much higher levels of competence and skills. Concepts and techniques from marketing can provide means by which HR managers can be more effective.It is also pointed out that Chief Executive Officers have failed to recognize the importance of HR managers in their organizations — a weakness for which HR managers must also carry some blame.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey of career attitudes and intentions was administered to 1646 middle managers from eight organizations in the UK finance sector. Lengths of time in the organization, in previous and in present job were shown to predict career attitudes and intentions. Longer-serving managers were less ambitious and were unwilling to accept various career options. Those who had spent longer in their present job neither expected any change nor were willing to accept it. While decreased inter and intraorganizational mobility are consequences of cost-cutting and recession, it is argued that efforts to increase mobility are likely to pay dividends. Other measures may also succeed, given the finding that organizations differed in terms of their managers' career attitudes and intentions over and above the effects of mobility.  相似文献   

Western business expatriates assigned to Hong Kong responded to a mail survey regarding availability and usage of corporate career development activities. Despite the strategic need for expatriation, it was found that corporate development activities had a low availability indicating little interest on the part of parent organizations to assist in the development of expatriate careers. Large-size parent organizations, with substantial interests in international business operations, generally provide more expatriate career development assistance as opposed to small and medium-sized enterprises with fewer resources and little experience to cater to such needs. Experienced expatriate managers generally use more career development activities than less experienced managers, which could pose a problem for the procurement and advancement of new generations of expatriate managers. Implications of these findings for managers and their employers are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Since Ulrich (Human resource champions: the next agenda for adding value and delivering results, Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1997) shaped the strategic role of HR managers, his concept of an HR business partner has been controversially discussed by researchers and practitioners. Explanations about when and how HR managers act as strategic business partners have found limited attention in the literature. Based on the theory of reasoned action developed by Ajzen und Fishbein (Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1980; J Pers Soc Psychol 27(1):41?C57, 1973), we hypothesize a positive relation between personal attitudes as well as subjective norm and the behaviour of HR managers to act as a strategic business partner. Results of the German Cranet survey in 2009 show that expected positive consequences influence the personal attitude, whereas the acceptance of the human resources as well as the existence of an HR strategy within the organisation is positively related with subjective norm. Hence, both attitude and subjective norm positively influence the behaviour of HR managers to act as a strategic business partner.  相似文献   

城市居民环境行为影响因素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对现有国内外相关研究系统整理的基础上,界定了环境行为的概念,归纳出环境态度、个性和情境因素这3类环境行为的影响变量;探讨了上述变量对我国居民环境行为的影响差异,结果表明:环境态度因素中的环境敏感度、个性变量中的环境道德感以及情境因素中的行为约束和公共规范是影响我国城市居民环境行为最为重要的变量。最后提出了改善我国公民环境行为的相关对策。  相似文献   

Career variety has recently received attention in management literature in general, and top management literature in particular. While existing publications have predominantly linked career variety to individual adaptability, agility or competences, this paper focuses on the relationship between top managers’ career variety and their tenure on the board. We rely on the boundaryless career approach and argue that there is a negative relationship between career variety and board tenure. Drawing on a sample of executive directors in UK FT 100 firms, we provide empirical evidence that increased career variety leads to shorter tenure on the board. We also reveal that this relationship is further strengthened with international educational experience. In addition, we show that in-house work experience mitigates the negative association between career variety and board tenure. We contribute to the literature on top managers’ careers by unravelling the consequences that career variety during early and mid-stages of a career has on tenure on the board – and hence on career stability in later stages of a career.  相似文献   

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