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近些年来,随着我国农村经济的深入发展,农村生态环境理念缺失,农村农业生产方式粗放,农民生态环境面临着严峻提出了几点构建农村生态文明建设的对策,进而我国农村生态的改善和优化提供可行性的建议。 相似文献
据报载,在河北省邢台市内丘县东阳村农户魏桂林家院落里,2平方米的湿地上各种蔬菜郁郁葱葱,与其相连的是污水处理罐,生活污水在处理罐里沉淀48小时后,流入湿地再由植物根系二次去污后,用作农田灌溉。这是邢台市为推进新农村生态文明建设而创新推广的庭院式人工湿地,同时也是一套家庭式农村污水生态处理系统。据了解,为解决农村污水问题,该市以3个县23个农村地区为试点,己建成庭院式人工湿地2588个。这种湿地既处理了生活污水,也节省了水资源,得到农户的 相似文献
在乡村振兴发展过程中,出现了很多人与自然不和谐的情景,导致生态环境的进一步恶化.本文以农村为背景,以自然观为切入点,基于生态道德建设的需要,展开对农村生态道德建设中所存在问题的原因及解决途径的探讨. 相似文献
农村环境法治建设仍存在有法不依,执法不严等问题,为实现生态文明,研究农村生态环境法治建设势在必行。调查显示,农民具有了一定环境保护法律意识,但农业环境立法体系有待完善,农民缺乏环境保护具体行动,农村环境保护执法措施欠缺,农村环境司法救济有待加强。因此,应采取完善农业环境立法体系、加强农村环境普法宣传工作、加强农村环境执法工作、加强农村环境司法工作等措施,推进农村生态环境法治建设。 相似文献
李梅 《爱情·婚姻·家庭(生活纪实)》2021,(7):0282-0282
经济的迅猛发展以及科技的飞速进步推动了国内各行各业的高速发展。当前,林业资源是国内生态文明建设与经济生产的关键组成部分,而生态林业建设可大大提高社会效益与经济效益,有效解决水土流失与大气污染问题。本文将简要分析在生态林业建设工作中应用林业技术推广的现状,重点探究在生态林业建设工作中应用林业技术推广的有效策略。 相似文献
在新型农村社区建设中,社区建设吸引青年返乡回流,青年成为新型农村社区建设的突击队和生力军,两者之间形成良性的互动关系。从实践来看,青年参与新型农村社区建设,主要表现为思想带动型、就业促进型、项目带头型和社会管理型4种介入方式。共青团组织依托新型农村社区建设的契机,通过组织格局创新、终端阵地建设和活动品牌融入,实现对农村青年的再组织化,成为新型农村社区建设的一支重要力量。 相似文献
我国幅员广阔,因地理区域不同建筑风格也多种多样.因此,在新农村住宅建设中,既要充分体现生态观,又要保持多姿多彩的建筑风格.优秀的规划和建筑设计方案对于村容村貌整治具有重要的先导作用,有利于改善现在新农村建设过程中随意建设、模仿严重的状况,有利于改变农村面貌、改善农民居住条件.新农村住宅应统一规划、合理布局、功能齐全.土地作为一种不可再生的资源,具有短缺性.新农村规划应以土地的集约使用为宗旨,以节约尽可能多的土地,为农村长远的发展留有足够的空间. 相似文献
当前,浦东集体建设用地低效、闲置和浪费现象比较普遍,资产价值尚未真正体现,尤其是乡镇工业用地聚集度低,布局分散,点多规模小,建筑密度和容积率低;工业产出率不高,厂房、场地闲置严重。通过集体建设用地的流转,实施土地二次开发,可以有效利用存量用地,盘活土地资源。要通过确权登记发证,进一步理清产权界限,避免产权主体虚置与权能重叠;建立合理的收益分配机制,确保农民利益;加快相关财政体制衔接.保障流转工作有序推进。 相似文献
Rural development and the regional state: Denying multifunctional agriculture in the UK 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Under the emerging rural development paradigm, we argue that to be multifunctional an activity must add income to agriculture, it must contribute to the construction of a new agricultural sector that corresponds to the needs of the wider society and it must reconfigure rural resources in ways that lead to wider rural development benefits. By evaluating UK rural policies on the basis of whether or not they attempt to meet these conditions, this paper shows that an implicit recognition of agriculture's multifunctional character has occurred recently through the shift from a sectoral to a regional and territorial perspective that reintegrates farming into rural development. However, in practice, and especially in England, the UK government has been unable to turn multifunctional activities into a real rural development option. In fact, by continuing to support agri-industrial/retailer interests on the one hand, and post-productivist— environmental and amenity— interests on the other, the State is governing mostly by setting up competitively organized ‘projects’ and schemes that continue to justify the concentration (and limitation) of resources allocated to agriculture. Based upon a critique of policy developments over the past decade, this paper emphasizes the need for more innovative forms of state innovation that provide opportunities for new, creative and more spatially embedded forms of supply and demand management in agri-food. In the conclusions, the paper also argues that more critical research is needed to uncover the existing and potential role of both governments and producer networks in progressing sustainable rural development through agricultural multifunctionality. 相似文献
生态问题是世界城市建设的制约因素之一。全球公认的三大世界城市在生态建设方面各有特色,效果显著。建设世界城市过程中的北京可以借鉴三大世界城市的相关经验,并结合自身的生态问题,积极寻求解决问题的途径。运用博弈理论,提出北京要解决生态问题,为建设世界城市扫清障碍,需要从都市圈整体的角度思考问题,即要进行区域生态合作建设,具体的对策是改变思想观念、强化政府作用和建设相关机制。 相似文献
农村青年对新农村建设主体的认知和实践是农村青年研究的重要方面。共同的利益驱动使农村青年获得主体认知,农村青年认为自己有一定的社会地位并对主体义务有明确的认知。依据在农村的身份、地位、经济实力等因素,农村青年自觉地分成不同的类型,并展现出惰性与积极性并存、紧张性与闲散性并存、责任性与谋利性并存的行为特点。角色分类是客观反映农村青年主体行为的有效方法,农村社会与农村青年是利益社会与社会利益中的人,中间型农村青年可以成为新农村建设的非正式领导力量。 相似文献
生态文明城市建设关系到资源和环境约束下的城市可持续发展问题,低碳化发展为推动生态文明城市建设指明了发展方向。本文以长株潭城市群为例,通过介绍生态文明建设与"低碳转型"的关系,并阐述长株潭城市群低碳转型过程中生态文明建设的必要性及其路径。 相似文献
Julia Anwar McHenry 《Journal of Rural Studies》2011,27(3):245-253
To combat social and economic inequity in rural Australia, governments, communities, and policy makers are seeking ways to empower local residents to find local solutions to local problems. Through an exploratory review of the literature and semi-structured interviews conducted in the Mid West of Western Australia, this research examined the role of the arts as a vehicle for increased social and civic participation to build resilience to inequity. For those interviewed, the arts were observed to strengthen sense of place and community identity. The arts were utilised as a means for encouraging and enabling civic participation, as well as providing opportunities for social interaction and networking, which are essential for the health and wellbeing of rural and remote residents. While providing a context for civic and social participation, the arts were viewed by several of those interviewed as a means for facilitating understanding between divisive and disparate groups. Yet, it was noted that the execution and drive for arts activities and events was dependent on the availability of human capital, but also on support from governance and funding authorities to build capacity to sustain these activities. If, as suggested by this exploratory review, the arts are a vehicle for building resilience in rural Australia, then further research is needed to support these claims to enable continued and future support for not just the arts, but the capacity of communities to engage in the arts. 相似文献
上海深化农村改革应着力发展现代农业经营的"三类主体":家庭农场、农民合作社和农业企业;着力保障农民的"三项权利":农民的土地承包经营权、农村集体经济组织成员权利和农民宅基地用益物权;着力盘活农村的"三块土地":农村承包土地、农民宅基地和农村集体建设用地;着力完善涉农的"三项制度":农产品价格形成制度、农业支持保护制度和土地征收制度;着力提升农村公共服务的"三项水平":农村义务教育水平、农村社会保障水平和农村医疗服务水平。 相似文献