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郭红  徐文培 《学术交流》2008,(3):166-168
后现代小说中的时间机制与现实主义小说、现代小说迥然不同,其独特的时间机制能够赋予后现代小说极其丰富和深刻的内涵,促成后现代小说独特的叙事手法和结构.<五号屠场>是典型的后现代小说.在创作的过程中,冯内古特采用的后现代小说叙事手法,使事件时间和叙事时间产生错位,使作品中的时间显得杂乱而无序.这样的叙事手法可以增大小说在时间上和空间上的跨度,表现出后现代状态下人类所感受到的无助、迷茫以及其处于分裂状态下的精神世界.  相似文献   

姚皓华 《学术交流》2005,(9):167-171
郁达夫小说的叙事时间,突破了中国传统小说的注重物理时间的叙事时间模式,以心理时间态势展示出来,时间被充分主观化,是一种偏重心理时间的叙事时间模式.这种强调心理、情绪的叙事时间模式呈现出叙事时序的错位、时长的被压缩和重复等.郁达夫小说的多维叙事时间模式,提高了小说叙事的自由度,增大了小说叙事内容的密度,使人物的精神状态、心理现实及作品的内在意蕴都得到了最大限度的发挥.  相似文献   

彭利芝 《学术交流》2007,(11):146-150
从题材与主题考察,我国古代长篇章回历史小说最初最根本的类别是易代小说。易代小说就是以易代之际为主要叙事时间,以主宰王朝兴亡的历史人物为描写对象,以易代"兴废争战之事"为主要内容,以兴衰为叙事线索与情节模式,有着强烈兴亡之感、易代之思的历史小说。易代小说有着悠久的历史文学渊源,明清两朝现存的易代小说共33部。易代小说蕴藉着丰富的文化内涵,对国人影响极其深远。对易代小说这一类型进行专门研究能揭示我国历史小说的本质问题,将历史小说的研究引向深入,为历史小说和易代问题的研究提供一个新视角。  相似文献   

清代白话小说在叙事方式上对说书程式进行了多方开掘,对说书情景的戏仿是成就独特的一点,<儿女英雄传>用叙事层次的颠倒内化了小说评点功能;作者变成人物进入故事层,由说书人对其叙述过程进行评价.作书人形象的出现使限制叙事更自然.评点式叙事降低了叙述的权威性,用评点家的"文法"标注出小说的大结构.小说将读者熟悉的通俗文学经典中的故事和人物拆解变形,作为组成情节的模块,以表达作者批评意见以及反讽的意味.重复叙事因小说独特的时间结构而来,解决了线性结构与立体的时间和人物的矛盾.  相似文献   

新写实小说的出现引发了一场批评的盛宴,热闹而喧嚣的背后,很多值得思考的问题被无形地遮蔽了。新写实小说以历史循环的时间观作为根基,解构了集体的乌托邦叙事,揭开了一个个体自由言说的时代;新写实作家对现实的暧昧态度消解了小说应有的批判锋芒与力度,这是新写实小说成就不高的主要原因;新写实小说注重小说的"自我表现",继承了先锋小说对形式的青睐,而又摒弃了简单的模仿。  相似文献   

徐文培  李增 《学术交流》2012,(3):148-151
"侵入式"叙事手法和"自传"成分为《五号屠场》注入了一定的真实性,主人公因罹患时间痉挛症而具有超越时空的能力,在地球和外星之间进行的时间旅行赋予小说文本极大的虚幻色彩。虚幻和现实的交错展现为小说构筑了多维度和开放式的叙事结构。现实性和虚幻性为小说分别搭建的外围框架和内部结构为小说增加了叙事维度,在一定程度上契合了主题。  相似文献   

《新中国未来记》中表现出来的未来与现实的强烈对比,表达出作者对追赶西方国家的现代化焦虑;小说中“留学生构建民族-国家”的主题,开创了具有历史现代性的留学生小说类型;梁启超把小说用于宣传历史现代性,即将小说作为构建民族国家共同体的现代性话语,以推动民族建设与革命进程,对于五四文学革命的发生乃至20世纪的中国文学潮流有着前瞻性的引领作用;此外,从留学生主人公的角色设置到叙事时间的倒叙手法,《新中国未来记》均仿自西方政治小说,显现了梁启超试图调和历史现代性和审美现代性之间矛盾冲突的努力。  相似文献   

吴琪 《唐都学刊》2012,28(3):111-114
巴赫金的时空观表现在他的"时空体"理论中,他对时间与空间的看法凸显出较浓的现代特色。巴赫金在整个《希腊小说》中将自己的"时空体"观点表现得非常具体,小说作为一种艺术形式,成为巴赫金显现自己"时空体"的载体,他的这种分析丰富了小说理论的基础,也是独立自由精神的体现。  相似文献   

李桂奎 《求是学刊》2005,32(1):109-113
中国古代小说的"百年"叙事时间机制不仅来源于人们认识历史发展规律所操持的"天运"、"气运"等思维方式,而且还受到了"百"以及其约数"108"等神秘数字的定向影响.这种构架在史学基础之上的时间机制蕴含着人们对社会人生的深层思考,从而使得小说文本内部散发出充满空幻感和梦幻感的人文气息.同时,这种时间机制所固有的循环意识还为古代小说营造了天造地设的圆转结构,具有独特的叙事功能.  相似文献   

针对网络小说如何进入中国文学史这一命题进行研究,是在网络小说20余年发展与"断代"时间概念形成之后,通过对网络小说自身价值定位、媒介定位与小说经典定位的整合,在中国小说的发展流脉与创作模式里,找到网络小说的时代节点与文学史价值。通过对网络小说"入史标准"的梳理和网络小说史学责任、文学责任与社会责任的阐释,最终探讨在大众审美与经典价值之间网络小说创作与当今文学价值体系的融合。  相似文献   

The largest, the cruelest empire in the history of mankind is rapidly disintegrating. But we must not be deluded. The ruins of great empires do not yet mean the emergence of a new, happier, and wiser society. The empire has not yet disintegrated entirely. But even when it does, this will not mean that the people inhabiting one-sixth of the earth's surface will live better, that life will become happy, and that our countrymen will be freer, richer, healthier, better educated, and more humane. Even the cessation of the activity of the CPSU does not mean that the destructive force of lawlessness, militarism, the suppression of human dignity, stagnation, conservatism, the terrible discomfort of everyday life, unprecedented exploitation, general incompetence, parasitism, and technological backwardness is a museum relic forever consigned to the past.  相似文献   

Little is known about the circumstances that give rise to blushing and there have been no systematic attempts to classify and analyze the types of situations where it occurs. The study reported here analyzes a sample of recollections of occasions and a selection of literary episodes. The two sources of evidence yield somewhat different patterns but prominent themes in both are being the centre of attention, whether this is positive, neutral or negative, and the disclosure, or threat of exposure, of a private or sensitive topic. Inspection of example suggests that a blush is associated with self-consciousness. More specifically, it is elicited when circumstances cause someone to take another's perspective on the self, and this generates awareness of a discrepancy between his or her position and this position as it appears to the other. A blush does not require that the other take an adverse view of the actor's position. The blush shows sensitivity to the opinions of others and it is its capacity to communicate this that makes it effective in deflecting aggressive or rejecting responses from others.  相似文献   

In this paper, we look at the interaction of terrorism with immigrants’ quality of life (measured by the foreign-born unemployment rate and globalization level) for OECD countries, and its impact on GDP per capita. We find strong evidence that GDP per capita is adversely affected by domestic terrorism. The magnitude of this effect is also substantial: at the sample mean, a one-standard-deviation increase in the number of domestic incidents is found to decrease GDP per capita between 5.7 % and 7.8 % of the sample average depending on the specification used. These results contrast with previous research which finds that transnational terrorism primarily affects these economic indicators. We find strong evidence that when we factor in the interaction of the foreign-born unemployment rate with either type of terrorism, an increase in the foreign-born unemployment rate decreases GDP per capita. On the policy front, we show that peace is valuable, and OECD countries will benefit by adopting policies to reduce the problem of terrorism. We also find that an increase in the foreign-born unemployment rate has a large negative impact on GDP per capita and policies that close the gap between foreign-born and native-born unemployment rates (for example, those aimed at reducing discrimination against immigrants) help the economy.  相似文献   

The Zeuthen bargaining model occupies a prominent place among those theories of the bargaining process that have been formulated and expounded by economists. Its solution to the bargaining problem is essentially economic, since invariant utility functions based on economic factors alone determine the outcome. However, this paper shows that a necessary condition for reaching the Zeuthen solution (shown by Harsanyi to be mathematically equivalent to the game-theoretic solution of Nash's theory) is that bargainers initially take up positions on opposite sides of the outcome that maximizes their utility product. Whether utility functions are mutually known or unknown, inherent in the bargaining situation itself is the requirement that bargainers be at least initially uncertain as to each other's subsequent concession behaviour. With uncertainty, von Neumann-Morgenstern rationality implies that each bargainer would make an initial demand that maximizes the expected gain from holding fast. Therefore, even if Zeuthen's concession criterion should subsequently dictate concession behaviour, expected utility maximization within the context of subjective uncertainty may well yield initial demands that are inconsistent with reaching the Nash-Zeuthen solution. Finally, a general methodological conclusion that emerges from the analysis is that, since the bargaining process necessarily proceeds from a context of subjective uncertainty, greater emphasis needs to be placed on its role as a device for affecting expectations.  相似文献   

In the division problem with single-peaked preferences, an allocation rule is strategy-proof for same tops if no one can gain by reporting a false preference relation having the true peak. This new condition is so weak that it is implied by strategy-proofness and tops-only. We show that the uniform rule is the only rule satisfying this mild property under efficiency and envy-freeness. We then analyze how largely the preference domain can be extended with admitting a rule satisfying the three axioms, and show that the single-plateaued domain is the unique such maximal domain.  相似文献   

College athletics,universities, and the NCAA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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