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本文着重研究了工作流中各活动间的定量时序关系,提出了一种分析工作流中时间约束的方法。该方法针对基于ECA规则的工作流,通过建立及分析工作流的约束图,对工作流中活动间定量时序约束的一致性进行了分析,从而保证了工作流的正常运行。  相似文献   

We formulate and solve a range of dynamic models of constrained credit/insurance that allow for moral hazard and limited commitment. We compare them to full insurance and exogenously incomplete financial regimes (autarky, saving only, borrowing and lending in a single asset). We develop computational methods based on mechanism design, linear programming, and maximum likelihood to estimate, compare, and statistically test these alternative dynamic models with financial/information constraints. Our methods can use both cross‐sectional and panel data and allow for measurement error and unobserved heterogeneity. We estimate the models using data on Thai households running small businesses from two separate samples. We find that in the rural sample, the exogenously incomplete saving only and borrowing regimes provide the best fit using data on consumption, business assets, investment, and income. Family and other networks help consumption smoothing there, as in a moral hazard constrained regime. In contrast, in urban areas, we find mechanism design financial/information regimes that are decidedly less constrained, with the moral hazard model fitting best combined business and consumption data. We perform numerous robustness checks in both the Thai data and in Monte Carlo simulations and compare our maximum likelihood criterion with results from other metrics and data not used in the estimation. A prototypical counterfactual policy evaluation exercise using the estimation results is also featured.  相似文献   

论文运用动态模型对软预算约束的形成路径进行了理论研究,并对中国国有企业改革的路径选择进行实证研究。研究结果表明软预算约束起源于企业要素投入与生产模式的匹配模式,而中国国有企业改革路径选择的结果是使要素投入和生产模式满足弱匹配条件。  相似文献   

We present an axiomatic model depicting the choice behavior of a self‐interest seeking moral individual over random allocation procedures. Individual preferences are decomposed into a self‐interest component and a component representing the individual's moral value judgment. Each component has a distinct utility representation, and the preference relation depicting the choice behavior is representable by a real‐valued function defined on the components utilities. The utility representing the self‐interest component is linear and the utility representing the individual's moral value judgment is quasi‐concave. The addition of a hexagon condition implies that the utility representing the individual's preference is additively separable in the components utilities.  相似文献   

Current work on risk communication offers practitioners helpful guidelines and rules such as "speak clearly" and "speak with compassion." While important, these guidelines have limitations. They offer practitioners and scholars little aid in determining why a communication encounter failed. Also, they do not help practitioners anticipate and overcome likely difficulties in future risk situations, nor can they help locate information about how to reduce these difficulties. To overcome the limitations of rule-based approaches to risk communication, this paper describes a diagnostic or problem-solving approach. This approach maintains that instead of rules, people need bases for anticipating likely obstacles to effective communication and selecting approaches that reduce these difficulties. Research on building trust, increasing awareness, deepening comprehension, gaining agreement, and motivating action is available in fields such as communication, educational psychology, science education, marketing, counseling, negotiation, and disaster response. This paper describes a framework that assists scholars and practitioners in: (a) identifying communication goals; (b) determining principal obstacles to those goals; and (c) selecting research-based methods for overcoming or minimizing these difficulties and achieving communication objectives.  相似文献   

企业融资约束对创新绩效具有重要的影响作用。现有相关研究对企业融资约束与创新绩效之间可能存在的、更为复杂的非线性关系考虑不足,同时偏重从企业外部宏观的角度提出缓解二者之间消极关系的方法,不利于企业能动性的发挥。本文通过结合领英(LinkedIn)在线简历大数据和国泰安(CSMAR)上市企业相关数据,实证研究了我国上市企业融资约束与创新绩效之间存在的复杂关系以及人力资本社会网络在其中发挥的重要作用。研究结果表明,企业融资约束与创新绩效之间存在显著的倒U型关联,企业中高层管理者、科技人才的流动所形成的人力资本社会网络对企业融资约束与创新绩效之间的关系存在显著的积极调节作用。研究结论延续和深化了企业融资约束与创新的相关研究,并进一步丰富与拓展了人力资本社会网络在企业行为研究中的应用。  相似文献   

征收燃油税在实现节能减排的同时也会增加企业的财务负担。如何在保护环境的同时减少对经济的冲击,有赖于对燃油税的科学评估。本文构建了一个包含燃油税和融资约束的随机动态一般均衡模型,并基于1995年第1季度至2018年第2季度的数据对相关参数进行了校准和估计,系统考察了融资约束下征收燃油税对环境经济以及企业行为的影响。研究结果发现:征收燃油税对促进节能减排有显著效果;但同时也会抑制消费、投资和产出,增加失业,对经济产生负影响。此外,融资约束会通过金融加速器的作用放大燃油税冲击的影响。而且,当融资约束越强时,降低燃油税对经济的刺激作用也越明显。  相似文献   

深入认识绿色金融对经济发展质量的影响机制、实证检验二者的关系,是科学引导绿色金融体系构建、助力高质量发展的基础,但该领域的理论研究和实证证据都十分有限。本文从绿色金融研究的理论脉络入手,构建了带有资源环境约束和金融部门的一般均衡模型。在模型中,自然资源的“公共物品问题”导致经济增长路径偏离最优水平,而绿色金融机构能够通过优化资本配置,改善经济增长路径,降低稳态中的环境损害水平,提高经济增长的质量。基于理论模型,本文使用2005年至2017年的省级面板数据检验了绿色金融活动与经济增长质量之间的关系,实证证据有力地支持了理论模型的推论。据此,本文指出,发展绿色金融的核心是“绿化”金融机构的运营理念和投资决策,从改善经济体的资源配置状况入手,促进经济的绿色发展。此外,本文的理论模型将绿色金融的研究与经济增长理论结合起来,也为绿色金融的理论体系构建提供了参考。  相似文献   

When applying the contingent valuation method (CVM) in risk reduction studies, some studies report that willingness to pay (WTP) is insensitive to the magnitude of risk reduction while other studies do not. On the other hand, social-psychological research has shown that the affect heuristic biases judgments on probability, relative frequency, and risk. This article examines both magnitude (or scope) effect and affect heuristic (or representation) effect on WTP for risk reduction measures against tsunamis by introducing two experimental (i.e., absolute and relative) systems with four different representations to evaluate public behaviors in two different scenarios of risk reduction. Two common denominators (100 and 10,000) are introduced into absolute risk reduction representation (i.e., "of every 100 persons, from present 2 deaths to 1") to form different formats (i.e., "of every 10,000 persons from 200 to 100," and "of every 100,000 persons from 2,000 deaths to 1,000"). There is little evidence that WTP estimates are sufficiently sensitive to the magnitude of risk reduction, but relative risk reduction representations may be better than the absolute one given in CVM mail surveys when the risk is small. There is a statistically insignificant effect of risk reduction representations on respondent frequency, but mixed effects on the monetary values of WTP at the level of 0.05. The representation effect of absolute risk reduction on the WTP value varies with the common denominator. The larger the common denominator, the less the WTP to reduce the risk of tsunamis, and the significance probability is improved to less than the level of 0.05 when the common denominator becomes large enough. The findings suggest that improved methods are required for estimating the rates of tradeoff between fatality risk and other goods among consumers.  相似文献   

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