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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 171 毫秒
A I'll treat you tonight.今晚我请客。B H ow nice!太好了!A You look greattoday.你今天气色真好。B Thank you.Youlook good,too.谢谢,你也不错啊。语读A You look so beautiful.你看起来真漂亮。B Thank you.谢谢。A Please follow m e.请跟我来。B O K.好的。A W ait a m  相似文献   

入口在哪儿?那儿,我们进去吧。A Where is the entrance?B There,let's go in.我可以用你的卫生间吗?当然。A Can Iuse your bathroom,please?B Of course.A Where is the toilet?厕所在哪儿?BIt's in the cornerdow n here.在那边拐角处。AH ow do youlike the haircut?你觉得这个发理得怎么样?BIt's nice.Thank you.不错,谢谢。AW ho is it?谁呀?BIt's m e.是我。英语读吧…  相似文献   

今天天气怎么样?A How's the weathertoday?晴天。B It's sunny.A It's fine today.今天天气真好。B Yes,itsure is.是啊。A Is that enough?够了吗?B Yes,it is.是的,够了。A Is it yours?这是你的吗?B Oh,No,it isn't.哦,不是。A Thank you verymuch.非常感谢!B You're welcome.没什么。英语读吧  相似文献   

A May I take a message?我可以留个口信吗?B Yes.Say it,Please.可以,请说。A May I come in?我可以进来吗?B Come in please.请进。A One moment,please.请等一下。B OK.好的。A My telephonenumber is6543297.我的电话号码是6543297。B I got it.我记下了。A Hello.This isAlice.你好,我是艾丽丝。B Hello.This isDan.你好,我是丹。英语读吧…  相似文献   

A O K.I'lltakethis toy.好,我买下这个玩具了。B H ere's yourchange.找您钱。A M ay I helpyou?您想买点什么?B N o,thanks.I'm just looking.不,谢谢,我只是看看。AD o you have aneraser?你有橡皮吗?BH ere you are.给你。AI'd like apencil.我想买一支铅笔。BH ere youare  相似文献   

洋话美眉在纽约1完成赴美第一站Amber: (To the flight attendant) Here's my ticket and seat assignment.Attendant: Thank you. That way, please. (Indicates the correct aisle)Amber: May 1 have a pillow and blanket, please?Attendant: An attendant will pass them around  相似文献   

实用会话Coins for the phone-Hi,Jim!Do you haveany change?-What for?-I want some coins forthe pay phone.-I see.Here you are.-Thank you.-You're welcome.译文:-嗨!吉姆,你有零钱吗?-干吗?-我想要些硬币打投币电话。-我明白了,拿去吧。-谢谢。-别客气。  相似文献   

At the bank, Amber must wait for another client before her turn. Then she gets some general accountinformation before being directed to the right place for opening a new account.Clerk: Good afternoon, Miss. What can I do for you?Lady: Could you give me my account balance? My account number is ...Clerk: Just a moment, please (enters the account number into the computer). Your name?Lady: Barbara Winters.Clerk: Here is your balance (hands her a computer printout).Lady: Thank you. I want to…  相似文献   

Are you Mr Wang?你是王先生吗?Can you tell me your name,please?请告诉我你的名字可以吗?What’s your family name?你姓什么?What’s your full name?你的全名叫什么?  相似文献   

A:Hello,Modern English,Drew speaking.你好,洋话连篇,我是Drew。B:Hello,Drew,It's Marco again.I have some ques-tions to ask you.你好,我是Marco,我有几个问题要问你。A:Yes,goahead.说吧。B:How do you say that when you have a large bill,but you need some change?当你想破钱时用英语怎么说?A:Well,that'seasy,Wesay Can you break a large bill?ie:If you havea$100bill,you just say:Can you breaka$100bill?很简单,你就说你能打开这张大票吗?比如说,你有一张一百的大票要破,你就说您能打开一百的吗?B:And what do y…  相似文献   

Bear has a doorbell. If you visit him,you must ring his doorbell. One day, Mr Panda visits him. He knocks at his door. After a while, Bear shouts in the room, "Please ring the doorbell!" But Mr Panda doesn't hear it. He knocks again. This time, Bear opens the door and says, "Don't knock at the door. I can't hear. Ring the doorbell, please."B ear has a doorbell.If you visit him,you m ust ring hisdoorbell.O ne day,M r P anda visits him.He knocks at his door.A fter a w hile,B ear shout…  相似文献   

面试之中有奥秘 [Interview]A:Hello, Modern English. Drewhere.你好,洋话连篇, 我是Drew。B:Hi, buddy, it's Marco。嘿,哥们儿,我是Marco.A:How can I help you today?今天想聊些什么?B:Well. I am going for an interview tomorrow. Can you giveme an idea of what the inter-viewer will ask?明天我要参加面试。你能帮我想想他们都会问什么问题吗?A:well, they may ask you to tellthem about your educationalbackground and your workingbackground.他们会问你关于你的教育背景和工作背景的问题。B:But they can see my re…  相似文献   

A:H认厂n、holne. 啦,我回来一了。B:Hi. 11海。尺愁.姗闷曰U.‘如劲翻创引翻A:How are you?你好吗?B:工’m一f ine,thankyou.我很好,谢谢你。能110.你178爬jsL初由盼ar’s尸u厂刀召刃己夕 A:Hello.Myname1 5 L 1 n da.What’syour name? 你好。我叫琳达,你呢? B:Myname 15Jack. 我叫杰克。一 洲姗溯儡姗碱锄︽欲︺﹂一匕10吧加咒组盯口,卜卜‘、们二︺月刁.涵,、十七A:I’m Chinese. 我是~中国万人浪B:I’m Amereean.我是美国人。瑞禁李澳盔{A:N icemeetyOU, .见到你很高兴。 B:N 1 e e t 0 meetyou,too, 见到你我也很高兴。看…  相似文献   

Student: Is there anything more? 还有别的吗? Teacher: You'd better practice them before you learn more. 你还是先把它们练好再说吧。 Student: Thanks. I've learned a lot today. 谢谢。今天我学了很多东西。 Teacher: My pleasure. 很荣幸。 Attention Please...特别提醒 [1] 打电话的时候会用到许多功能句,比如,“你能再 说一遍吗?”或是“你能大点儿声吗?”等等。这里是几 个例子:Slow down, please. 请说慢点儿。Look at the time. Shall we talk next time? 看看表吧。我们下次…  相似文献   

【教材简析】 Could you please clean your room? Section B la-2c是人教版新目标Goforit!Students’Book八年级上册Unitll的第三课时。本单元围绕“make politerequest and ask. for permission politely”...  相似文献   

西南航空公司国际值机大厅,中外宾客陆陆续续来到值机柜台前,办理乘机手续。一位金发碧眼的俄罗斯小姐来到1号柜台,递上护照和机票。值机员满脸微笑,向外宾问好,验证以后,给了俄罗斯小姐一个13排的座位。她接过登机牌一看,大为不悦,用英语讲道:“seventh please。”(请换一张第7排)值机员深感不解。随后又给她换了一张第7排的登机牌。她接过一看,非常满意,连声说:Thankyou!Thank you!(谢谢您)原来,在俄罗斯,“13”这个数字表示不吉利,而数字“7”却意味着幸福或成功。 从航班服务工作注意事项中,我们不难发现世界各地的民俗习惯,如:日本人忌讳数字“4”和“9”,因为在日语中它们与“死”、“苦”同  相似文献   

电话练口语Unit 5 户外运动好潇洒——Outdoor activitiesPaul:Hello, how can I help you?你好,您有什么事儿?Allan:Hey, is that Paul? It's Allan here.是Paul 吗?我是Allan。Paul:Yeah, Paul speaking. What's up, Allan?是的,我是Paul,什么事儿?Allan:I have some questions about outdoor ac-tivities for you.我想问你几个关于户外运动的问题。Paul:No problem, ask away!没问题,说吧!Allan:My first question for you is, what do youcall it when you go and sleep in t…  相似文献   

1.Hello,double eight double sixdouble four,O.喂,这儿是8866440。2.Hello.May I speak to Mr WangLin,please?你好,我可以与王林先生通话吗?  相似文献   

一一一一一一一一一,二~~ L00k!Wll之It’S A:What are 这些是什么? B:They are 这些是梨。A:Where’5 the tree? 树在哪? B:It’5 over there. 树在那边。A What are 那些是什么? They are 那些是苹果。those? B aPP 1 e 5. A:I’m very haPPy today. 我今天很开心。  相似文献   

多幸运啊!How Lucky!太好了!Oh,that's great!谢天谢地!Thank God!我真高兴!How happy I am!干得好!Well done!了不起!Excellent!太棒了!Super!我们真开心!We're so happy!Do You Know? 如何表达“高兴”~~  相似文献   

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