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The link between language, communication and open discrimination has been the focus of numerous studies. For many years, language has been a vehicle of prejudice and negative stereotypes. However, in the last few years, overt verbal aggressions have diminished thanks to the implementation of equality policies and awareness-raising initiatives. Despite that, negative attitudes against protected groups might not have disappeared and may instead be transmitted subtly, such as through uncivil language. The goal of this research is to study the relation between language and subtle discrimination against lesbian and gay (LG) workers. With this goal in mind, 39 in-depth interviews were conducted. The analysis showed that LG people are victims of subtle discrimination and that language is one of the most common vehicles of prejudice and negative stereotypes. Jokes, inappropriate comments and questions are the expression of negative attitudes, which are probably present at an implicit level. Due to the ambiguity of these expressions and the settings where they have been studied — the workplace — these acts could be defined as uncivil behaviours. Practical implications, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Since the public sanctioning of anti-Semitism after 1945 has mostly prevented the articulation of anti-Semitic attitudes in public they outlast in private. This development was taken into account by the theory of anti-Semitism, in particular by the concept of communication latency, but had almost no impact on the data collection process. For the sensitive character of anti-Semitic attitudes it is uncertain whether they are reported truthfully in surveys. Respondents are assumed to answer in a socially desirable manner. Using an experimental setting, we demonstrate that the cognitive activation of an anti-Semitic primary group norm increases the prevalence of self-reported anti-Semitism. In addition, we show that under statistical control of this communication mechanism the explanatory power of established determinants of anti-Semitic attitudes such as education, political attitudes, and political interest decreases.  相似文献   

This paper is drawn from research conducted with gay and bisexual men with learning difficulties, a project that included participants' various struggles to self-identify within these alternative sexualities. Significant parts of this identity work were mitigated by participation in what is referred to here as 'politically radical support groups'. Three facilitators of these groups, professionals in the areas of sex education, were interviewed and a common itinerary was uncovered, namely a subversive and political praxis. At its heart, such praxis argues that educational endeavours for people with learning difficulties must not only account for disabling practices, but more importantly, maximally prioritise the mitigation of such prejudice within educational activities. Furthermore, it is argued that political praxis is not merely theoretical; six practical strategies are offered. In these ways, caregivers are offered concrete approaches to (genuinely) support the choice, power and control for people with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Due to their focus on variable-oriented comparisons and large-N samples, survey methods are prone to lack information on the context-specific, practical meaning of measured constructs. This issue is explicated via the concept of “ecological validity”. A sequential quantitative-qualitative mixed-methods-study on anti-American prejudice in Germany is presented to demonstrate how semi-structured qualitative interviews (n = 22) can compensate for lacking ecological validity in standardized prejudice measurements (CATI-survey, n = 808, summer 2011). Qualitative analyses provide context-sensitive insight into the rhetorical functions of anti-American speech. They are used to generate explanatory hypotheses for correlations between anti-American, anti-Semitic, and racist prejudice in the survey data. This complementarity of research methods is closely connected to an enhanced theoretical perspective: The combination of attitude-based and speech-act-theoretical concepts of prejudice helps to increase construct validity in the example study.  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》2005,31(1):101-109
This study of a large sample of public relations educators (n = 342) found substantial evidence that professional prejudice and discrimination towards public relations and public relations education exists. More than half (56.6%) of the respondents said they have had a dean, director or department chair who was prejudiced against public relations, and many of these administrators evidently have made use of exaggerations and stereotypes about public relations while criticizing it. Results also suggest this prejudice is more pronounced among print journalists and journalism faculty than it is among other groups of communication educators and practitioners.  相似文献   

1. In 1975, the American Psychological Association stated that homosexuality was not a disorder and that homophobia was a form of prejudice based on stereotypes. 2. Because homophobia, like racism or sexism, is learned, it can be unlearned. 3. People who feel homosexuality is a choice hold more negative attitudes toward individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered. 4. Homophobia not only damages individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered, but also limits heterosexuals by locking them into rigid gender-based roles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes of MSW practitioners toward lesbians and gay men using a recently developed instrument. Whereas prior research focused on blatantly homophobic or heterosexist attitudes, this research uses a measurement tool based on the concept of queer consciousness (QC) and measures subtle forms of prejudice, including both positive and negative attitudes along four dimensions: Value gay and lesbian progress/diversity, resist traditional sex and gender roles, positive beliefs about lesbians, and positive beliefs about gay men. Research findings indicate negative attitudes toward lesbians and gay men in three out of the four dimensions for the sample of social work practitioners. This article concludes with suggestions for social work educators who want to redress areas of subtle prejudice and promote higher levels of QC.  相似文献   

Many authors have raised the question whether Islam scepticism is different from more general expressions of xenophobia. This paper argues that in order to give the thesis of a differentiation between these attitudes a fair chance (1) it should be tested among the more highly educated part of the population, and (2) the analysis should include controls for determinants that might be specific to Islam scepticism. Therefore this contribution researches the specificity of Islam scepticism among first-year university students. Five forms of prejudice are distinguished, alongside Islam scepticism. It is observed: (1) that Islam scepticism is empirically distinct from those forms of prejudice; (2) that there are nonetheless very strong relationships between the different forms of prejudice and Islam scepticism, and the latter is to a large extent determined by more general forms of prejudice; (3) yet, even when such influences are taken into account, the latter attitude is still additionally influenced by feelings of insecurity.  相似文献   

The claims that locality, kinship, and social class are no longer the basis of ties that bind and of limited significance for identity in late modernity, remain seductive, despite their critics. Those who remain rooted are then presented as inhabitants of traditional backwaters, outside the mainstream of social change. This article presents young people's reasons for leaving or remaining in a rural area of Britain, the Scottish Borders. Young people's views about migration and attachment demonstrate a contradictory and more complex pattern than that of detached late–modern migrants and traditional backwater stay–at–homes. These stereotypes have some resonance in local culture, for example in disdain for rootless incomers lacking real sympathy with 'the community' and in the common accusation of the parochial narrow mindedness of locals who have never been elsewhere. However, such stereotypes emerge from complex social class antagonisms and cross–cutting ties to locality. Many young people's ties contradict the classifications these stereotypes imply. There are young out–migrants who are the children of 'rootless' in–migrants, but also, nevertheless, have lasting attachments to the locality of their childhood. Then there are young 'stayers' who are the children of 'born and bred' locals but yet feel serious disaffection from their locality. These 'attached migrants' and 'detached stayers' may not represent settled orientations to their locality of childhood, but they, nevertheless, contradict both certain local stereotypes and Baumanesque 'late modernist' sociological theorising.  相似文献   

Using data from a unique series of surveys collected between 1963 and 2013, this study examines racial attitudes among young white adults in the Deep South over a 50-year period. Repeated surveys of University of Alabama students in 1963, 1966, 1969, 1972, 1983, 1988, and 2013 measured racial stereotypes, support for racial segregation, and in the 2013 study, racial resentment and support for ameliorative racial policies. Analyses show that in the 1960s endorsement of racial stereotypes was a powerful predictor of support for racial segregation. By the early 1970s, racial integration became a reality in the Deep South and, paralleling broad trends in U.S. society, endorsement of racial stereotypes and support for racial segregation declined. Simultaneously, threats to whites' position in the form of ameliorative racial policies (including affirmative action) emerged along with racial resentment. By 2013, racial resentment, rather than racial stereotyping, was the primary determinant of white students' opposition to racial change. Our findings support Herbert Blumer's (1958) argument that racial prejudice exists in a sense of group position, and that it functions to preserve the advantaged position of the dominant group regardless of changes in the form that prejudice takes.  相似文献   

Research on ethnic prejudice among children is important for contemporary multicultural schools seeking to enhance communication among students from different ethnic groups and provide effective intercultural education. Current scientific discourse points to the appearance of new implicit forms of prejudice, witnessed in modern multicultural societies, while traditional explicit prejudice tends to decline. However, empirical studies concerning the blatant–subtle distinction of prejudice in children are scarce. This paper examines ethnic prejudice in 329 ethnic majority preadolescents (aged 10–13?years) attending 10 urban and rural schools in central Greece. Data were collected using questionnaires constructed on the basis of focus group discussions with children, in addition to sociometric tests. Findings support the subtle–blatant distinction of prejudice in children and indicate that although blatant prejudice expressed as personal rejection is indeed low, perceptions of ethnic minority groups as a ‘problem’ for school life, as well as subtle prejudice, are substantial. Ethnic minority children are less popular and stigmatizing behaviour is common. Intimacy with an ethnic minority classmate is associated with lower levels of blatant prejudice at the individual level but the other forms of prejudice are not affected.  相似文献   

It has been the subject of much debate in the study of vocal expression of emotions whether posed expressions (e.g., actor portrayals) are different from spontaneous expressions. In the present investigation, we assembled a new database consisting of 1877 voice clips from 23 datasets, and used it to systematically compare spontaneous and posed expressions across 3 experiments. Results showed that (a) spontaneous expressions were generally rated as more genuinely emotional than were posed expressions, even when controlling for differences in emotion intensity, (b) there were differences between the two stimulus types with regard to their acoustic characteristics, and (c) spontaneous expressions with a high emotion intensity conveyed discrete emotions to listeners to a similar degree as has previously been found for posed expressions, supporting a dose–response relationship between intensity of expression and discreteness in perceived emotions. Our conclusion is that there are reliable differences between spontaneous and posed expressions, though not necessarily in the ways commonly assumed. Implications for emotion theories and the use of emotion portrayals in studies of vocal expression are discussed.  相似文献   

While previous research on immigration attitudes among the American public has focused on factors such as economic threat, social context, and racial prejudice, fewer studies have examined the psychological determinants of immigration policy preferences. This study analyzes the results of an implicit association test (IAT) procedure that measures automatic nativist preferences for a traditional American culture versus a Latino‐American culture (i.e., implicit nativist attitudes). In brief, this study demonstrates that implicit nativist attitudes are fairly common, that they are an independent predictor of immigration policy attitudes, and that they affect those who are not explicitly nativist but who still hold restrictionist policy views.  相似文献   

Based on the effects of framing on audience opinion, the attitudes towards Palestinians and Israelis are evaluated when a news item reports on a violent event between the two sides. To do so, a short inter-group experiment was conducted. A 3 (manipulation of the news item) x 2 (group evaluated) design was applied. Three news formats were presented: (1) about a Palestinian attack on Israel; (2) about an Israeli attack on Palestine; (3) no news item. Half of the participants evaluated the Israelis while the other half evaluated the Palestinians. The results of the study, which was performed with a Spanish sample (N = 319), showed that there were no differences in the evaluation of the group according to the group evaluated, although there were differences according to the manipulation of the news item: in both conditions in which one group attacked another, the group evaluated was rated more negatively than the control group. The results also showed that both emotions and stereotypes mediated the effects of framing on prejudice. These results suggest that the participants’ attitude seems to depend more on the violent framing of the news items than on the role assigned to each group and that emotional processes and stereotypes are what regulate these attitudes.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the problem whether the transformation process in Germany since 1990, the year of unification of East and West Germany, has influenced the cognitive and affective structure as well as the amount of anti-Semitic attitudes. Data on these aspects come from three representative social surveys, conducted in 1994, 1996 and 1998 by three different research institutes. An attempt to cumulate the three data fileds leads to some severe problems, referring to the (in-)comparability of sampling procedures and data collection methods. Depending on the nearly complete absence of equally measured indicators, and of differing operationalizations of the remaining, it was not possible to construct a time series that would contain data on cognitive and affective aspects of anti-Semitism in the period studied. Nevertheless, the overall sample, which included information on 6671 respondents, was used to construct a summated scale of the amount of anti-Semitic attitudes in Germany. The data analysis yields evidence that the amountof anti-Semitic attitudes seems to increase slightly in East and to decrease slightly in West Germany. Results of a multiple regression analysis show that sociodemographic variables — gender, age, formal education, income — effect the amount of anti-Semitic attitudes in both parts of Germany, but differently.  相似文献   

This project draws on the self-regulation of prejudiced responses model and politeness theory to investigate the role of politeness strategies in interpersonal confrontations of prejudice. One hundred and three participants were exposed to experimental confrontations of prejudiced remarks made about Native Americans. The results generally indicate that direct confrontations, which included an explanation of why the response was perceived as prejudiced, were most effective in reducing prejudiced responses and reducing levels of reported prejudice. Furthermore, participants generally accepted confrontations of their prejudiced responses and did not negatively evaluate their confronters. Finally, the more positive politeness participants perceived in the confrontations, the more positively they evaluated their confronter. Implications for theory and the confrontation of prejudice in everyday life are discussed.  相似文献   

This article compares the significance of race among Jamaicans in London and NewYork. Drawing on research among 1st generation migrants in both cities, it is contended that being a black Jamaican must be understood in terms of the racial context of the receiving area. In New York, where segregation of blacks is more pronounced, being part of the large and residentially concentrated local black population cushions Jamaican migrants from some of the sting of racial prejudice and provides them with easier access to certain occupations and social institutions. In the US, women, not men, dominate the Jamaican immigration movement, and it is common for women to migrate 1st, later followed by their children and, in many cases their husbands as well. Whether Jamaicans settle in London or New York, they experience a painful change: being black is more of a stigma than it is in Jamaica. One reason why the Jamaicans interviewed in New York complained less about racial prejudice than the London migrants is that they had more realistic expectations of the racial situation, and thus were less disillusioned when they arrived abroad. The presence and residential segregation of the large black community in New York means that Jamaicans there are less apt than in London to meet whites, and thus to have painful contacts with whites in various neighborhood arenas. A key aspect of New York Jamaicans' own identity--and a source of pride and a sense of self-worth--is their feeling of superiority to black Americans.  相似文献   

Aversive disablism: subtle prejudice toward disabled people   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Blatant forms of prejudice towards disabled people appear to be disappearing in the UK. However, subtle forms of prejudice remain and may be highly damaging to the achievement of the vision of disabled people being 'respected and included as equal members of society'. In order to assist placing subtle forms of prejudice within a framework, the term aversive disablism is introduced, developed from aversive racism theory and building on Miller, Parker and Gillinson's definition of disablism: 'discriminatory, oppressive or abusive behaviour arising from the belief that disabled people are inferior to others'. Aversive disablists recognize disablism is bad but do not recognize that they themselves are prejudiced. Likewise, aversive disablism, like aversive racism, is often unintentional.  相似文献   

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