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Raising employment, in particular employment among older individuals and low educated individuals, stands high on the agenda of policy makers in many OECD countries. Increased sensitivity in recent years to rising inequality has made the challenge only larger. In this paper we evaluate alternative fiscal policy scenarios to face this challenge. We construct and use an overlapping generations model for an open economy where individuals differ not only by age, but also by innate ability and human capital. The model allows us to study effects on aggregate employment, per capita income and welfare, as well as effects for specific age and ability groups. We show that well-considered fiscal policy changes can significantly improve macroeconomic productive efficiency, without increasing intergenerational or intragenerational welfare inequality. Our results strongly prefer a reduction in the labor tax rate on older workers and on all low-wage earners, financed by an overall reduction in non-employment benefits. An alternative financing option is to raise the consumption tax rate. These results are to be seen as long-run effects for economies at potential output.  相似文献   

This paper provides an applied general equilibrium analysis of several alternative taxation regimes applying to private pensions. The analysis focuses on the implications of this and other pension tax regimes for intergenerational equity, national living standards, labour supply, saving and social welfare. The method of analysis is simulation of an open economy overlapping generations CGE model. The model is calibrated to Australia and is used to examine the decision, announced by the Australian Government in its 2006 Budget, to exempt from tax all superannuation (the Australian term for superannuation) benefits received by recipients over 60 years of age.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of the “end of double taxation” (on dividends) policy in stabilizing an economy. Both announced and unannounced policies are considered. A reduction in double taxation stimulates investment and improves welfare, but its impact on output is moderate and it has a negative effect on work hours. A temporary cut creates an investment boom but also generates an investment slump when the tax cut expires. Announcements of future tax cuts are found to have important effect on output dynamics. Agents respond to the tax policy even before it is implemented. If the tax cut is announced to be temporary, its impact on output is greatly reduced. Our study suggests that a temporary dividend tax cut is most effective in stabilizing a recession stricken economy when the policy change comes as “news” to the economy.  相似文献   

It is claimed that tax policy is neither time- nor space-independent due to cross-border tax base mobility, which induces spillovers. Specifically, fiscal shocks in one country are supposed to have an impact on fiscal policies in other countries. Different types of taxes influence economies differently. This paper addresses the question of their impact on government debt. Within a framework of spatial econometric modeling, we evaluate the impact of capital, labor and consumption taxes on public debt in 34 European countries in 2002–2011, and find strong spatial spillovers. We show that a consumption tax and, to a lesser degree, a capital tax significantly affect the sovereign debt, and that the global relations play a leading role (i.e. dominate the local ones) in shaping fiscal policy.  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地的财税金融支持政策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨忠海 《学术交流》2005,(5):103-106
振兴东北老工业基地,在财政政策上,应进一步完善转移支付制度,采取财政参股、财政补贴和财政担保等形式,支持老工业基地的发展。在税收政策上,应加强税收法律法规、管理制度的建设力度,分步实施税收制度改革,实行适当的税收优惠政策。在金融政策上,要用改革和发展的办法化解银行的历史包袱,尽快完善商业银行的经营机制,加快金融创新步伐,推进资本市场的发展,建立和完善振兴东北老工业基地的信用制度与体系以及合理的金融机构组织体系。  相似文献   

周喜梅 《创新》2012,6(5):111-115,128
泰国政府于2011年颁布了第530号皇家法令,规定了降低企业所得税税率的政策,但该政策在泰国学界引起了很大争议。通过全面介绍泰国企业所得税制度,阐明了第530号法令规定的减税政策所造成的影响及泰国企业所得税制度存在的其他相关问题,提出了解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

Since the economic reforms launched in 1986, the Vietnamese economy has registered impressive economic growth. While foreign investment is providing much needed capital, through the conduct of monetary policy, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), which is an integral part of the government of Vietnam, is also playing an important role in nurturing the economic growth. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the success of the SBV policies. Monetary policy actions affect all sectors of real economies with a significant lag. Without a good understanding of the transmission mechanism, monetary policy actions may not achieve the desired outcomes. Using quarterly data from 1995 to 2010, this paper focuses on monetary policy transmission mechanisms in Vietnam. Specifically, we consider the dynamic response of the Vietnamese economy to interest rate, exchange rate and foreign shocks. The estimated results based on structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) methodology suggest that monetary shocks tend to have a strong influence on Vietnam’s output. We find that Vietnam’s monetary policy is relatively more susceptible to foreign shocks.  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2020,42(6):1169-1186
The ultimate purpose of macroprudential policy is to avoid financial instability, such as banking crises, which have a long-lasting and devastating effect on the economy. Although a growing number of studies have examined the effects of macroprudential policy on credit growth, few empirical studies have analyzed its effect on the probability of a banking crisis. Does macroprudential policy actually affect the probability of a banking crisis? Do other macroeconomic policies matter for the effectiveness of macroprudential policy? To answer these questions, this paper empirically investigates the effect of macroprudential policy on the probability of a banking crisis and its relationship with other macroeconomic policies. Specifically, using data on 65 countries from 2000 to 2016, we employ a probit model to analyze the effect of changes in the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio on crisis probability. Our results show that macroprudential policy is effective in changing the probability of a banking crisis via a credit channel and that its effectiveness depends on other macroeconomic policies. Changes in the LTV ratio are found to be effective in influencing the probability of a banking crisis in countries that have inflation targeting frameworks, floating exchange rate regimes, and/or no capital controls. Our results underscore the importance of policy coordination among different government bodies to design an appropriate macroprudential policy, especially in the current context of the Covid-19 crisis.  相似文献   

Mobility of capital has been studied by examining savings–investment correlations, real interest rates differentials, covered and uncovered interest parity, and equity home bias. All these examine the capital mobility question indirectly. This paper directly tests the return/total flow specification of the Mundell–Fleming model. It finds that while portfolio equity and debt flows are, direct investment is not; and in every case, the inclusion of direct investment makes the aggregative-capital variable unresponsive to interest rates. Asset-based exchange rate models may benefit by looking at the composition of cross-border assets, countries can have independent monetary policies with full capital mobility, and macroeconomic policy trilemma for open economies disappears.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the implications of stabilisation policies in a small open economy that were introduced to reverse burgeoning public sector deficit. In particular, I examine the hypothesis that such stabilisation policies can actually have expansionary effects on business investment. While this goes against the standard Keynesian view that the institution of more conservative fiscal and monetary programmes will, at least initially, lead to deflationary outcomes, there are important reasons for believing that such policies will in fact be expansionary. Such predictions are made in a dynamic setting, which weighs the short-term consequences of curtailed government expenditures against their long run implications for future increases in government spending, a reduction in debt burdens and greater stability. With the introduction of expectations, the positive implications of such policies can be immediate. This paper tries to clarify the ‘expectational crowding-in’ process and investigates whether the effects of stabilisation on business investment were due to that process or to other features of the stabilisation programmes. The policy message from my analysis is that budget consolidations producing expansionary effects are more than a theoretical construction. The experience of small open economies mentioned above should be taken into account also in policy making. Empirical findings indicate that EMU countries may need to carry out budgetary consolidations to dispose of room for manoeuvre against first the fiscal constraints in smoothing the business cycle imposed by the Stability Pact, and second, the looming budgetary implications of ageing populations.  相似文献   

This paper describes an applied general equilibrium model for policy evaluation in the small open price-taking economy case. We use the approach to analyze the effects of Canadian energy price policies. The net outcome in terms of national welfare depends on two separate effects. Consumer and producer prices set below world prices result in over-consumption and under-production of energy, and welfare loss. Producer prices of energy set below world prices reduce the factor returns accruing to owners of resources in Canada, many of whom are foreigners. Our results portray the rent transfer effect against foreigners as the dominant effect of these policies. Removing price controls is a nationally welfare worsening change, since the increased rents transferred to foreigners more than outweigh the welfare gain.  相似文献   

李曦  袁泉 《创新》2013,(3):87-90,125,128
1998年以来,我国房地产行业发展迅速,并逐步成为国民经济的支柱产业,极大地推动了我国的经济增长。但房价的过快增长也增加了人们的生活压力,并对经济运行造成不利影响。为了抑制房价的过快增长,国家推出了一系列的调控政策,包括金融政策、土地政策和税收政策。2010年政府推出了限购政策,通过抑制需求来控制房价。研究表明:1998至2002年的调控政策取得了较好的效果;2003至2008年调控效果不佳;2008年底至2009年政府并没有对房价进行有力调控;2009年末至2012年初,限购令的效果非常明显。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the ex ante effects of fiscal policy harmonization that might be necessary for the adoption of the common currency on economic growth in Poland using a neoclassical dynamic two-sector general equilibrium model. We study two fiscal policy scenarios. In the first one, we adjust all taxes to German and EU-27 levels, respectively, while in the second one, we change only consumption taxes to German and EU-27 levels. We find that in the first scenario, the current Polish taxes yield the highest rate of growth due to lower capital taxation. However, in the second scenario, German and EU-27 taxes yield the highest rate of growth due to the lower consumption tax on capital-intensive good. From a policy perspective, our results suggest that fiscal policy with lower taxes on capital and capital-intensive goods can generate a higher rate of growth in the long-run. In the case of fiscal harmonization, our findings propose adopting only German or EU-27 consumption tax structure into the Polish tax system.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel financing scheme, reserve financing, for government infrastructure investment in China. A two-sector open economy model explores the consequences and policy implications of a surge in infrastructure investment financed by international reserves. The results show that reserve financing, coupled with a managed float exchange rate system, can maintain the country's fast growth rate while mitigating fiscal pressure on local governments. Productive infrastructure capital stimulates domestic demand, reducing the country's dependence on exports. To promote growth and maintain price stability, three factors are critical: return on infrastructure, swift fiscal adjustment, and rapid infrastructure financing.  相似文献   

谢舜  魏万青  周少君 《社会》2012,32(6):86-107
本文利用CGSS2006数据库,对政府转型下的宏观税负、民生财政支出和地区收入差距等与个人主观幸福感的关系进行实证检验后发现:(1)宏观税负对居民主观幸福感有显著负影响;(2)总体而言,政府公共支出增进了居民的主观幸福感;(3)从公共支出结构看,地方政府基建投资对于城镇居民的主观幸福感有显著负效应,政府用于科教文卫和社会保障的支出对居民的主观幸福感有显著正效应;(4)科教文卫支出与社会保障支出对市民与外来人员幸福感的影响存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Objective. Intergenerational transfers of wealth and ability can influence the distribution of wealth. This research examines the empirical relationships among intergenerational variables and cross‐sectional wealth distribution. Methods. Models pioneered by Gary Becker set out the conditions necessary for regression to the mean in wealth across generations. However, empirical testing of such models has been incomplete because large, reliable, intergenerational data sets—especially with data from three generations—are hard to find. This article unveils a remarkable new source of intergenerationally linked data: federal estate tax records filed in Wisconsin from 1916 to 1981 and linked across three generations of families. Results. Wealth tends to regress to the mean at the top end of the distribution, but slowly. Consequently, wealth inequality in the United States is likely to persist. What is more, recent federal tax changes, particularly the repeal of the estate tax and the reduction in capital gains tax rates, will exacerbate cross‐sectional wealth disparities. Conclusions. In the long run, intergenerational forces may help overcome inequalities in wealth across U.S. families. Empirical results suggest, however, that regression to the mean will occur quite slowly, and the long run could be long indeed.  相似文献   

The paper sketches an approach to exchange rate modeling that links currency values to the prospective income streams associated with claims on physical capital in different countries. This framework represents an alternative to general equilibrium models in which asset preferences are derived essentially from the use of different transactions currencies in different countries. The new framework provides perspectives on: the safe-haven phenomenon; the role for monetary policy and the debate over fixed versus flexible exchange rates; the effectiveness of exchange market intervention; and the dual nature of policies toward capital flows and policies toward tradable goods industries.  相似文献   

目前我国宏观经济运行呈现出有效需求不足导致的通货紧缩迹象.采取的扩张性财政与货币政策对这一通货紧缩态势效果不明显,因而应进一步考虑汇率管理方面的改革,尝试利用汇率管理政策的调整来促进中国经济的增长.汇率管理政策与经济增长的各种关系的实施对人民币汇率调整的各种效应及传导机制的影响更有益于目标的实现.加快人民币汇率管理体制改革,对人民币汇率向下进行合理幅度的调整.  相似文献   

丛明 《创新》2012,6(1):5-8,126
2011年中央经济工作会议提出,2012年我国要继续实施积极的财政政策。结构性减税政策在积极的财政政策中具有重要的地位和作用。近年来,我国实施的结构性减税政策具有多税种并用、多手段并举、多环节并促的特点,这一政策在减轻企业和居民税收负担、鼓励和扩大内需、引导经济结构战略性调整、保障和改善民生等方面产生了积极效应。从动态上看,减税政策对经济的刺激作用在一定程度上增强了经济活力,培育了新的税源,为国家继续实施积极的财政政策提供了可靠的财力保障。  相似文献   

The effects of an oil supply disruption on the U.S. economy are analyzed along with the various policy options. Part of the analysis is based on a computerized model of the U.S. economy and the world oil market. Micro as well as macroeconomic issues are considered. The paper argues against the use of price controls and allocations and also against a disruption tariff used as a stand-alone measure. It advocates the use of some stabilizing macroeconomic measures and a temporary producer tax similar to the windfall profits tax.  相似文献   

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