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区域形象,是某个区域给人们的总体印象和整体感知。在漫长的历史进程中,河陇地区既见证过汉唐的繁荣,也经历了清代以来的衰落。宋人颂"天下称富庶者无如陇右",清代则体现出"陇中苦瘠甲于天下"。直至今天,甘肃仍是贫穷落后的指代。这些描述,是不同身份的人对甘肃在不同时期地域形象的表达。形象的变迁,表面是经济、社会的变迁,体现的是甘肃政治经济地位的变动,是不同时期国家边疆经略的体现。  相似文献   

罗石 《学术交流》2005,2(2):15-20
道德终极标准是各种道德规范和道德行为的根本准则。用经济学的方法分析、解读道德终极标准,道德的根本目的就是通过调整利益关系,达到利益最大化。这种道德终极标准体现了义利统一的道德价值观,它不仅是评价一切道德行为善恶的根本标准,也是评价一切道德规范优劣的根本标准。道德终极标准具有三种形态:一是在利益冲突时,增加边际效用大的利益;二是在利益不冲突时,不损害一人地增加利益总量;三是无论利益是否冲突,“自我牺牲”的利他行为一般都是善的、道德的。  相似文献   

家庭道德环境是和家庭成员的道德活动紧密相关又对家庭道德发展变迁起着熏陶作用的各种人文条件的总和。家庭道德环境对个体道德的影响是直接的、长期的、潜移默化的。融洽的亲情氛围、家长良好的文化道德修养以及长幼有别、民主平等的新型伦理关系都对良好个体道德的形成起着关键作用。  相似文献   

国际私法(冲突法)的产生是制度变迁的结果。法律制度变迁的原因可以从主观、客观两个方面来分析。通过分析可以得出如下结论,国际私法(冲突法)作为法律制度变迁的一个结果,既是制度间均衡的体现,又是制度自身均衡的体现。它是法律规则进化的一个必然结果,它的出现带动了法律借鉴和法律移植的进一步发展,从这个角度来看,它本身也是法律制度变迁的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

从传统到现代:建国以来城市邻居关系的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张学东 《社科纵横》2007,22(5):58-59
“邻居”与“邻居关系”具有空间性与社会性两种特征。邻居关系的变迁实质上是以空间临近为基础、以人际关系“冷热”为标志的社会性变化。建国以来,我国先后出现了传统老街坊式、单位家属院式、陌路型以及新睦型等四种邻居关系,这些类型的出现体现了我国城市邻居关系变迁的历程。建筑空间的窄化、网络技术的提高、人际网络的多样化、社会转型的推进等因素促进了我国城市邻居关系的变迁。  相似文献   

唐礼勇 《社会理论》2006,(2):232-253
涂尔干认为道德的要素有三——纪律精神、对社会群体的依恋以及自主或自决,在儿童身上可以培育这些道德思想。涂尔干的道德教育思想体现了涂尔干一以贯之的社会学思想。同时对道德教育学产生了重大的影响,对后人影响甚大,通过从社会学和教育学两个角度,我们可以更深刻地理解涂尔干的道德教育思想。  相似文献   

以礼为核心的礼教是用来防止道德缺失的,是为了达到"致反始也,致鬼神也,致和用也,致义也,致让也"的功效。不同的礼仪具有不同的道德功能,不同的阶级和对象,礼仪的道德功效也有所差异,但其所体现的道德本质是一致的,即尊尊亲亲、仁义之道、敬爱之本。礼通过章明疑似不清、辨别隐微不明来提防人们的不轨之举,其作用具有隐微性和局限性。  相似文献   

柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论主要包括道德发展论、道德教育论和公正群体途径理论。这些理论对我国德育具有重要的借鉴意义,主要体现在:在德育内容方面,根据学生心理、道德发展水平应呈现不同层次的德育内容;在德育观念上,对德育需要重新认识,德育不是外部的强加,而是学生理解、选择、体验的过程;德育目标不仅注重传递道德知识,更应侧重于道德判断力的培养;德育课程要增强情境性,贴近学生生活。与此同时,我国德育需要加强学生道德实践能力的训练。  相似文献   

道德体现的是人口生产中人与人之间的平等互助关系;文明体现的是物质生产中人对自然改造的标志性成果,科学技术是文明的核心和标志.道德维系社会的和谐和稳定;文明既是社会发展和进步的标志,也是推动社会发展的动力.只有实现道德与文明的和谐,才能促进社会的和谐,才能为人的自由全面发展提供社会条件.道德与文明的冲突是现代化进程中的一个普遍现象,因而必须深入分析道德、文明与社会制度之间的关系,探寻社会发展中道德与文明的关系及其发展规律,这样才能在实现道德与文明和谐的过程中促进社会的发展、道德的进步和人的自由全面发展.  相似文献   

转型时期中国社会信用缺失的政治经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用是市场经济的基础和命脉。从本质上讲,信用是外在强制内化为社会主体自觉的心理取向,是社会主体自我约束的行为准则和基本规范。它既反映了交易主体追求预定目标的道德诚意,也体现了交易主体履行承诺的能力。转型时期,中国之所以会出现社会信用体系的全面危机,除了社会制度变迁过于剧烈的原因以外,还有三个不容忽视的重要因素:一是制度短缺条件下的信用机制转型所造成的真空与漏洞;二是激励结构的缺陷所造成的逆向激励;三是信用监控机制的弱化加剧了信息的不对称。建设信用社会的前提是建立起信用的政府、良性的产权制度以及法治的社会等宏观的基础性条件。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the organization of formal long‐term care (LTC) systems for the elderly in ten old and 11 new EU member states (MS). Generally, we find that the main responsibility for regulating LTC services is centralized in half of these countries, whereas in the remaining countries, this responsibility is typically shared between authorities at the central level and those at the regional or local levels in both institutional and home‐based care. Responsibilities for planning LTC capacities are jointly met by central and non‐central authorities in most countries. Access to publicly financed services is rarely means tested, and most countries have implemented legal entitlements conditional on needs. In virtually all countries, access to institutional care is subject to cost sharing, which also applies to home‐based care in most countries. The relative importance of institutional LTC relative to home‐based LTC services differs significantly across Europe. Although old MS appear to be experiencing some degree of convergence, institutional capacity levels still span a wide range. Considerable diversity may also be observed in the national public–private mix in the provision of LTC services. Lastly, free choice between public and private providers exists in the vast majority of these countries. This overview provides vital insights into the differences and similarities in the organization of LTC systems across Europe, especially between old and new MS, while also contributing valuable insight into previously neglected topics, thus broadening the knowledge base of international experience for mutual learning.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the boundary between public and private responsibility in old‐age pension provisions has been redrawn throughout Europe. A new, public–private mix has emerged, not only in pension policy, but also in pension administration. The purpose of this article is to map and conduct a comparative analysis of the administrative design of public–private partnerships (PPPs) in European pension regimes, with a specific focus on how accountabilities are institutionally enforced within the PPP design. Previous literature has recognized accountability as an important factor in promoting trust in mandated pension schemes. However, as the literature on PPPs suggests, institutional arrangements of accountability are more complex in the case of PPPs than has been suggested by previous studies on pension administration. Thus, there is a need for further elaboration of existing comparative models. This study's analysis examines 19 old‐age pension schemes that existed in 18 European countries at the beginning of 2013. The findings suggest that significant variations in accountability structures exist, even among schemes that are similar in terms of their pension policy targets. It is concluded that various schemes suffer from ineffective accountability structures that may compromise the legitimacy and sustainability of PPP‐type pension schemes.  相似文献   

Using a two‐period overlapping generation (OLG) model, this article seeks to identify the optimal redistribution policy instrument in terms of aggregate welfare when agents differ according to their labour condition. We use five policy specifications: (i) early redistribution to the young informal generation; (ii) late redistribution to the informal old generation; (iii) a mix between early and late redistribution; (iv) redistribution from the current formal young generation to the current formal old one; and (v) a non‐redistribution scenario. With inelastic labour supply, we show that transferring to the young performs better as a redistribution policy. This result is robust across different parameter values.  相似文献   

Although non-State sectors have played an important role in people's welfare, their expenditures have usually been excluded from social policy studies when measuring the welfare efforts of a nation. This article experiments with a new approach synthesizing welfare mix research using an expenditure study as a tool and applies the model to the Korean case. It presents the following major findings: first, the welfare system of the Republic of Korea has presented a genuine welfare mix in which the role of non-State sectors has been of immense importance; and second, the dynamics of the welfare mix since 1997 have been largely due to the growing role of the State in social welfare, both directly and indirectly. Based on these findings, this article ultimately urges the necessity of the welfare mix approach in comparative social policy research.  相似文献   

The reform and the development of pension schemes are affected by the values society places on the provision of income security in old age and the resources it is prepared to allocate for the purpose. This paper examines those values and the issues arising from them. The objective is to propose reforms which will simultaneously provide full coverage with good governance, prevent poverty in old age, and result in indexed, guaranteed and reliable pensions for those onaverage incomes, all with minimum economic distortion or adverse economic effects. The question of the most appropriate design has to be weighed against these other factors, which will determine not only what is feasible and what is not, but also where the most desirable balance lies. The optimum structure would seem to involve a mix of defined benefit and defined contribution schemes.  相似文献   

Allocation of housing and support services for people with intellectual disability is based on three major sets of criteria: an assessment of the applicants' needs; considerations of social mix; and the applicants' own choices. This article examines the philosophical and institutional rationales underlying each of these notions and the tensions arising when seeking to achieve a balance between them. The first section of the article is based on a review of related studies in the UK, the USA and Australia, mainly on allocation policies in mainstream social housing. The second section presents original empirical work carried out in the state of Victoria, Australia, in 2007–08, illustrating some of the implications of a new balance that was created between needs, mix and choice in allocation of housing and support for people with intellectual disability. The article argues that the concepts of needs, mix and choice should be redefined in a way which reflects the interdependencies between them. Further, the article calls for more extensive mutual learning between studies of mainstream social housing and housing for people with intellectual disability.  相似文献   

秦敏 《社会工作》2009,(8):40-42
进入21世纪,全球老龄化趋势正在加速发展,诸多老年人问题当中老年妇女再婚问题尤当引起关注。本文从当前我国老年妇女生存及婚姻现状出发,就老年妇女再婚的心理生理特征进行分析,进而运用社会工作理论与实务进行介入,以期达到对老年妇女再婚问题的新视角剖析,从而实现助其自助,促进社会和谐与健康发展。  相似文献   

何萍 《社会工作》2009,(4):34-35
在老龄化进程中,老年妇女问题在老年问题中慢慢凸显,她们承受着性别与年龄的双重歧视,生活质量普遍比男性老人低。笔者拟从社会工作和社会性别视角来分析老年女性个案工作的方法与技巧,以帮助老年女性树立新的希望,得到更多的支持和理解。充分享受晚年生活。  相似文献   

芝加哥舞女、中国洗衣工与北平囚犯:都市中的陌生人   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周晓虹 《社会》2005,33(4):1-25
本文指出,受齐美尔“陌生人”命题启发的“边缘人”概念,体现了形式社会学与美国实用主义在芝加哥学派理论中的交融,并催生了以考察个体生命史为核心的研究方法。通过比较二十世纪初芝加哥学派的学者运用生命史的视角对三类都市陌生人(芝加哥舞女、中国洗衣工与北平囚犯)的研究,本文考察不同人群的新旧历程及其进入都市新生活的不同状态。研究发现,无论是身处异国的中国洗衣工,还是背井离乡进入城市生活并沦为罪犯的中国农民,都不能以“边缘人”抛弃乡土与家族的个体化方式进入都市生活。文章最后尝试以帕克对“文明”的讨论来解释现代个体进入都市生活时呈现的不同状态。  相似文献   

This paper juxtaposes discussion of pressures impinging on the contemporary welfare state with material highlighting remarkable changes taking place in the condition of aged populations in industrial nations. Toward acknowledging both the pressures and the new exigencies facing many who are now old, I suggest a means for reassessing how we weigh and address different risks facing the old. Universalism and adequacy are taken as bedrock concerns, but how and where those principles are applied is opened to new exploration.  相似文献   

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