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中国的人口老龄化经济压力及其调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用作者提出的AECI指数法并借助人口模拟,对1980~2050年中国人口老龄化经济压力的强度、趋势和调控进行系统的定量分析和国际比较,发现:本世纪上半叶中国将面临巨大的人口老龄化经济压力,按中方案预测,2020年代中至2030年代末将是压力增大最快时期,压力高峰将出现在2040年前后,高峰时的压力将可能达到2010年压力的4倍;巨大的人口老龄化经济压力将有可能显著地削弱中国崛起的后劲;缓解未来人口老龄化经济压力必须以经济手段为主、人口手段为辅;在坚持计划生育基本国策的前提下中等幅度逐步放宽现行生育政策,既可有效地缓解未来人口老龄化经济压力,又可同时将人口规模压力控制在可承受范围内,这是调控中国人口老龄化经济压力的合理路径。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,中国迫于巨大的人口压力开始实行严格的计划生育政策。这一政策的实施,一方面使巨大的人口规模得到了有效控制,取得了举世瞩目的成就,另一方面也使得中国老年型社会在经济社会尚不发达的情况下先期而至。从未来经济社会发展情况和人口发展趋势来看,传统养老模式将面临前所未有的压力,甚至陷入无法超越的困境。在这种情况下,寻求新的养老模式成为学术界和政府共同关注的问题,而上海市亲和源老年社区以市场化运营方式对养老问题所做的探索,无疑给人们带来了诸多启示。这是一种有可能从个案走向模式的案例,它可能成为解决中国未来养老问题的一条重要途径。  相似文献   

Fourteen countries in Asia have total fertility rates at or below replacement level. This is more pronounced in China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Thailand. The implications are far-reaching and profound as they affect the age structure of the population, giving rise to population ageing, labour force shortages, increased elderly dependency ratios and feminization of the aged population. Evidence from European countries suggests that although fertility may rebound, in most countries it is highly unlikely that fertility will recover sufficiently to reach replacement level in the near future. Mortality reduction will continue to be an overriding policy goal, which would further enhance the ageing process. Therefore, the greatest challenge will be to pension systems, old-age care systems, and health systems or health insurance. This paper first examines the fertility transition in five low-fertility countries. It then discusses the policy measures that these countries have adopted in response to low fertility and population ageing. The paper concludes with the policy implications for healthcare, social care, income security and caregiving facility, and the scope for further study.  相似文献   

中国矿产资源与经济可持续发展研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
矿产资源在中国经济发展中占据非常重要的地位。中国的石油、天然气、铁、铜、铝土矿、金、钾盐等关系国计民生的大宗矿产不是储量有限 ,就是质量低劣。中国矿产资源存量和开发方面都存在问题。根据预测 ,即使我们采取最严格的控制人口的生育政策 ,未来中国总人口也将持续增加 5 0年。总人口的增加意味着我国未来人均矿产资源变得更少。因此 ,在未来相当长的时期内 ,我们一方面要继续实行低生育率政策以控制人口数量过快增长 ,使我国的人均矿产资源控制在可接受的范围内 ;另一方面要提高矿产资源可持续利用以促进经济可持续发展  相似文献   

人口老龄化与区域经济发展之间有着必然的内在关联性。因为生产和消费是区域经济发展中的重要环节,而人口老龄化对生产和消费均有影响,也就必然会影响区域经济的发展。因此,本文首先在梳理国内外相关研究的基础上提出人口老龄化对区域经济发展的双重效应——正效应和负效应;然后以新古典经济增长模型为基础,尝试引入人口老龄化因素从而对该模型进行扩展,分析得到的结论是:①进一步验证了人口老龄化对区域经济发展的双重效应的存在;②不同的区域,人口老龄化程度不同,人口再生产所处于的发展阶段不同,人口老龄化对区域经济发展的经济影响程度,即其正效应和负效应之和也就不尽相同,但存在的一个基本规律是,人口老龄化程度越高,其负效应就越大,其对区域经济发展的减速效应也就越明显。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the issues in evaluating public policy interventions that are designed to address the economic burden of population ageing. It then briefly reviews the main public policy options with application to Australia. The economic burden of ageing is defined as the burden on national economic well-being over time and the extent to which this burden is shared between the public and private sectors. A key policy issue is the extent to which the economic burden of ageing should be spread out over present and future generations. This depends on how we value the economic well-being of future generations relative to our own, future projections of economic growth, and the rate at which our subjective sense of well-being improves with our living standards. The paper discusses policies to boost the labour force participation rates of older workers, measures to boost fertility and immigration policy. Also discussed are several policies to shift the burden of ageing from the public to private sectors: the establishment of government financial funds such as the Future Fund, superannuation policy, and health and aged care policy.  相似文献   

As one of the world’s two population ‘billionaires’, the future of China’s population is truly of global significance. With its very low fertility and a rapidly ageing population, it might appear that the country’s famous (or notorious) family planning restrictions are somewhat anachronistic. Here, we explore the process of reform seen over the past three decades and, most recently, in late 2013. We suggest that the popular notion that the family planning restrictions are acting as a pressure valve suppressing a pent-up demand for childbearing, particularly in rural China, is likely to be inaccurate. We also suggest that further reform of the restrictions will not solve the problems of population ageing or many of the other issues widely associated with the restrictions. We conclude that the prospects for further reform are wide-ranging, but likely to be beset by many challenges.  相似文献   

The recent years witnessed a sharp drop in China’s demographic dividend; therefore, some reform measures about China’s fertility policy have been adopted to optimize population structures and to maintain demographic dividend. However, our simulation results reveal that the new two-child fertility policy cannot effectively deal with population ageing, and that China’s fertility policy needs further adjustment. Specifically, we find that the new two-child fertility policy will deteriorate demographic dividend before 2050, through combination of simulation results and formula derivation. Aiming to stabilize demographic dividend at ideal range all the time, we build nonlinear integer programming model to propose an appropriate reforming path for China’s fertility policy. Then, we simulate and compare demographic developments under the proposed reforming path with those under three possible fertility policies: one-child, two-child and no fertility restriction, verifying that the proposed reforming path has better performance on stabilizing demographic dividend than these three fertility policies have. Finally, sensitivity analysis of upper bound of research interval is conducted to evaluate the effect of the upper bound on proposed reforming path. Based on these results, we suggest that China should continue to execute current strict fertility policy before 2032, then begin to relax it gradually especially during 2036–2041, and completely cancel fertility policy after 2065.  相似文献   

The key challenge facing contemporary society is a process of population ageing rooted mainly in past fertility cycles. The goals of the study reported in this paper were (i) to analyse jointly the post-1930s baby boom and the baby bust that followed, (ii) to consider the specific ways this particular combination influenced the process of ageing in different societies, and (iii) to evaluate some possible implications for policy of different historical experiences. Demographic time series for 27 nations in the developed world were used. The main results confirm the importance of the boom and bust fertility cycle of the second half of the twentieth century for population ageing. Some countries will experience ageing processes driven mainly by the growth of elderly populations while others will age largely as a result of declines in working-age populations. These differences underscore the need to tailor policy priorities for specific patterns of ageing.  相似文献   

国内关于特大城市人口调控政策的研究已有多年,但是这方面的政策量化分析还比较缺乏。以北京市为例,通过构建特大城市人口调控概念框架和指标体系,并收集和筛选北京市20世纪80年代中期以来涉及人口调控的相关政策文件,综合采用文献统计法和文本分析法,对北京市人口调控政策的总强度及演变规律、政策手段和措施的转变及特征等进行了量化分析。研究发现,北京市人口调控政策强度总体上呈现上升趋势,并且表现为明显的五阶段特征;人口调控政策发布的主体层次多元化且层级有所下移,基层调控的力度明显增大;人口调控政策手段已经基本摆脱依靠直接的行政管控措施为主,进入以间接手段为主、多手段并存的新阶段;人口调控措施从过去“以证控人”为主转变成“以业控人”为主,并表现为多措并举的新调控模式。最后,针对上述研究发现,得到一系列的政策启示并提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

Zero population growth within the next 5 years in China would be reached only if many couples were not allowed to have their own child. On the other hand, if every couple were allowed to have 2 children China's population would reach 1500 million within the next 50 years. It seems advisable to advocate the "1 couple 1 child" idea; couples will have to keep in mind both the national interest and the communist ideology; social welfare to assure good living conditions for the old people will relieve the worries of parents with 1 child only. Most people are willing to follow this decision made by the Communist Party; many people declare their willingness to stick by this rule during their wedding ceremony; many couples send back their permit to have a second child, and many women choose abortion when pregnant with a second permitted pregnancy. By the end of 1979 the proportion of "1 couple 1 child" couples was 90% in many large cities; people realize that the practice of "1 couple 1 child" is the best assurance for the future of the country and of their children. This policy will not result in aging of the population, lack of manpower and shortage of soldiers; even if birth rate were 1% in 1985 the proportion of older people for the next 25 years will still be lower than that in European countries. The problem of aging of the population will not occur in this century, and population policies can always be adjusted when needed. Today's problem is to control population through the "1 couple 1 child" policy, even if it may result in many lonely old people, which is a lesser problem than too many people. Even if China has reduced its population growth by 10 million births each year from 1970 to 1979, the necessity to control population growth is still present, in the interest of the country and economic development.  相似文献   

中国人口出生控制成效的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国 ①的计划生育工作起始于 2 0世纪 5 0年代。从 1 95 5年到 1 971年 ,中国推行的是一般性的家庭计划生育政策 ,从 1 971年至今 ,中国推行的是家庭计划生育与国家计划生育相结合的政策。如果不实行任何形式的计划生育政策 ,2 0 0 0年末中国人口将会达到 1 8 5 8亿 ,如果象印度那样只倡导自愿实行家庭计划生育 ,将会达到 1 5 3 2亿。过去 45年中 ,中国一共少生了 5 88亿人 ,其中由于实行国家计划生育政策少生了 2 6 2亿人 ,而一般性的家庭计划生育政策少生了 3 2 6亿人。计划生育为中国的社会经济发展做出了巨大的贡献  相似文献   

我国人口形势的新变化直接影响未来经济发展的潜力和活力。在人口环境发生剧烈变化的背景下开展关于第二次人口红利的讨论和研究非常必要。本文在以往相关文献的研究基础上,定位分析我国储蓄率的高水平特征,从人口变化、政策、社保等多个角度探讨未来储蓄持续走高的可能性。并利用全国30个省市地区的面板数据重点分析人口结构与居民储蓄之间的关系,发现老年抚养比与居民储蓄之间存在显著的负相关关系。文章得出结论,“第二次人口红利”在我国难以实现,抓紧开发第一次人口红利、拉动经济增长才是我国现阶段社会经济发展的重点。  相似文献   

中国人口转变、人口红利与经济增长的实证   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
我国人口年龄结构的变动使得劳动负担逐渐下降,这对于储蓄水平的上升和劳动力投入效率的提高具有显著的促进作用;我国劳动负担比与经济增长呈现出明显的负相关,劳动负担比每下降1个百分点,经济增长将提高1.06个百分点,在过去的30年里劳动负担降低累计带来的经济增长占总增长的27.23%。通过计量检验证明人口年龄结构变动所产生的促进经济增长的人口红利是存在的。由此我们推断,由于未来的人口年龄结构变动趋向人口老龄化,劳动负担逐步上升,这将会对未来的经济增长造成制约。利用未来10~20年时间较轻的劳动负担的机遇期,我们应当建立良好的教育、人力资本投资、社会保障等方面的制度以及制定积极的人口政策,调整当前生育政策、适时执行宏观经济政策(劳动就业政策)来应对已发生的、正在进行的人口变动,使我国的经济继续保持强有力的增长态势。  相似文献   

Exploration of Chinese paths of socialist construction and demographic transition paralleled each other from 1949 to 1978.Mortality rate decreased rapidly during the early 1950s as a result of the public health campaign,which initiated the process of demographic transition in China.Countering the problem of rapid population growth in 1950s,China put forward the theory and the concept of "realizing planned childbearing",and the Chinese model of demographic transition was brewing.Orientation of the Chinese path of demographic transition was reinforced in the 1960s in the context of intensifying contradiction between population and socio-economic development.Finally,China launched the demographic transition by vigorously implementing population control and family planning in the 1970s in the midst of "Cultural Revolution" when the rapidly increasing size of population exerted great pressure on economic development.The Chinese path of demographic transition is determined by the changing characteristics of the times and China’s special national conditions.  相似文献   

从1949年到1978年,中国在进行社会主义道路探索的同时也在进行着对中国人口转变道路的探索。建国初期,通过开展群众卫生运动,死亡率迅速下降,开启了中国人口转变的进程。20世纪50年代,初次面对人口快速增长问题,中国提出了"实现有计划的生育"的理论和构想,人口转变的中国道路开始孕育。经历了"大跃进"时期的思想动摇、工作停滞和此后的人口继续快速增长等种种波折之后,人们在人口与社会经济矛盾激增的过程中明确了中国人口转变道路的方向。最后,在"文革"期间,脆弱的国民经济和日益增长的人口压力迫使中国选择了一条主动控制人口过快增长、实行计划生育的人口转变道路。这条道路是由时代发展特征和中国的特殊国情共同决定的。  相似文献   

苏杨  尹德挺  黄匡时 《当代中国人口》2008,25(5):7-18,34-40
改革开放三十年来,随着中国人口形势的变化和人口管理理念的转变,中国人口政策发生了巨大变化:人口政策目标由单纯的严格控制人口增长和人口迁移逐渐转变为“优先投资于人的全面发展,稳定低生育水平,提高人口素质,改善人口结构,引导人口合理分布,保障人口安全,促进人口大国向人力资本强国转变,促进人口与经济、社会、资源、环境协调和可持续发展”。与此相对应,中国的人口政策已经发展为包括人口数量控制和人口分布控制两个大类及其相关的优生、就业、福利等公共服务的社会政策体系。  相似文献   

城镇化加速人口老龄化,人口老龄化影响城镇化进程。在人口老龄化和城镇化交织影响下,我国农村人口老龄化发展迅速,其老龄化水平远高于城镇,这将给我国新农村建设、农村社会保障、城乡协调发展等方面带来不同程度的冲击和挑战。应该按照城乡发展一体化要求,积极推进适应人口老龄化的新型城镇化,培育新型农业发展方式,推进以城支农的新农村建设,统筹城乡就业以改善农村老年人从事经济活动的条件。  相似文献   

许非  陈琰 《西北人口》2008,29(4):1-6
在过去三十年里,中国历经了发达国家要用一百多年才能完成的人口转变过程。生育率、死亡率快速下降,接踵而至的是日益严重的少子、老龄化过程。基于以上背景,本文扩展了Diamond(1965)的基本叠代模型,以不确定性寿命为切入点,在个人的微观行为基础上,致力于分析以下问题:中国是否需要调整当前的计划生育政策;随着人口红利的逐渐消失,中国长期的经济增长如何持续。本文的分析结果显示,预期寿命与生育率、人力资本投资、储蓄率以及经济增长的关系是非单调性的。  相似文献   

Population policy in Communist China has little demographic significance. It is of interest mainly for what it reveals about the nature of the administrative and decision making process in Peking. Although the evidence is often ambiguous, six fairly distinct phases of population policy can be distinguished, during which policy shifted from categoric denial of population problems to an endorsement of birth control and back to the denial of population problems. There are indications that the birth control campaign was first activated in response to fears of overpopulation, that it was abandoned during the “ leap forward ” in 1958 because the Chinese Communist leaders actually believed their economic expedients had achieved miraculous success, and that the recent absence of explicit policy reflects both a disillusionment with the “ leap forward ” and reluctance to resume openly the birth control campaign. Apparently, Peking is at present waiting hopefully for good news from the agricultural front before undertaking another major policy revision; if this hope is disappointed, the consequences may have great international significance.  相似文献   

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