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市政建设与养护管理一直是市政行业两大核心经济工作。随着改革开放的不断深入,市场经济不断完善,这个传统的经济格局在天津市政工程局已发生变化。 改革开放以来,天津市政工程局面对基建规模压缩,市政建设市场竞争日益激烈的形势,面对养护管理“资金不足缺口大”的不利局面,在积极开发局外、市外、  相似文献   

对市政、公用产业政策和管理的研究,应确立近期目标和长远目标两个议题。2000年以前应划为近期目标,并列为研究的重点。一、自上而下地广泛宣传市政公用设施有偿使用的观点。二、充分利用经济杠杆的调节作用,提高市政公用设施的经济效益。  相似文献   

随着我国经济发展水平的不断提升,城乡发展的步伐越来越快,市政道桥建设作为城市交通道路建设的主体部分,发挥越来越重要的作用。与此同时,市政道桥施工安全管理也就越来越多地引起相关人员的关注和重视。市政道桥施工安全管理工作是有效避免安全事故出现,提升质量水平的前提和基础。本文立足于市政道桥施工安全管理工作的现状,从道桥施工的要求以及难点为出发点,分析了市政道桥施工过程中存在的安全问题,并结合问题的存在提出了合理可行的建议。希望本文可以给相关行业人员一些借鉴和思考,为我国市政道桥施工安全管理注入新鲜的血液。  相似文献   

市政规划是城市管理的重要内容,是为了实现城市自身经济和整个国家经济发展而编制的,为城市职能的履行和城市活动的正常运转提供基础和条件。本文基于社会转型的大背景,论述了市级政府职能,并基于这一视角对市级城市的市政规划管理提出了几点建议,希望为市政设施规划及其建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

李春国 《现代交际》2014,(3):64-64,63
近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展和公路建设事业的不断进步,对公路养护管理工作也提出了更高的要求,如何做好新时期的公路养护管理工作,成为我国交通建设事业发展过程中的重要研究课题。本文将对当前国内公路养护管理过程中存在的问题进行分析,并从公路养护管理技术、制度以及管理人员素质提高等方面,谈一下自己的观点和认识。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,市政公用设施投资建设和修复维护也与日俱增,但苛刻的现实条件使得市政公用设施建设和管理必须探索新的施工工艺和方法。该文从市政公用设施建设者和管理者的角度,探讨非开挖技术的应用及面临的问题,提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

王旭东 《城市》2014,(7):5-8
正市政公用行业是城市政府管理的,为城镇居民提供必需产品或普遍服务的行业,主要包括供水、排水、污水处理、供气、供热、公共交通、垃圾处理以及园林绿化等。从广义上看,城市基础设施和市政工程建设也属于这个范畴。市政公用行业的自然垄断性质  相似文献   

现代世界各国的城市经济中存在着一类特殊的企业——市政企业,它的产生揭示了人类寻求公共目标的尝试与实践,它作为现代经济管理的一个特殊领域,直接影响着城市生产和生活的质量与未来。于是,如何办好这类企业,成为现代经济发展的课题,本文拟对市政企业的性质与目标进行探讨。 一、市政企业的双重性质  相似文献   

李全润 《城市》2003,(1):46-48
加入WTO,中国被正式纳入世界经济一体化的范围,我国的经济行为将逐步与国际规则接轨,国内市场的开放必然会突破封闭条件下资源的制约,极大地提高国内资源的配置效率,带动国民经济的各个产业在经营理念、产业结构、管理和技术上的革命。市政公用事业作为国民经济中的基础性行业,在这次社会经济大调整中将受到深远的影响。天津市要面对加入WTO后的新形势,积极探索加入WTO对天津市政公用事业的影响及推动市政公用事业发展应采取的对策。一、天津市市政公用事业发展现状及加入WTO对天津市市政公用事业的影响分析(一)天津市市政公…  相似文献   

改革开放以来,市政行业在城市化发展中为城市的基础建设做出了重要贡献,城市的道路、桥梁、给排水、广场等建筑都是这些企业的作品。他们为现代城市完善了功能,也增添了艺术氛围。尽管它的社会职能十分重要,但由于历史的原因,市政行业在机制转换方面普遍滞后,发展形势不容乐观。首先,随着国家改革开放的不断深入和城市建设与管理步伐的日益加快,市政行业面临的困难与挑战越来越大,现有的管理机制和经营机制,诸如企业所有制实现形式单一,内部结构不合理;集权式管理,基层单位责权不统一,计划经济的烙印依然存在;产权不明确,职工主人翁地位虚置…  相似文献   

陈桂生 《城市观察》2012,(3):112-120
随着社会经济的不断发展,城区交通拥挤已成为一个普遍性问题。机动车快速增加、道路建设滞后、城市规划不合理、交通管理水平落后,造成的日益严重的交通拥堵影响了市民出行,也制约了城市治理及其经济发展。借鉴域内外先进经验,不断加强市政路网建设、完善公共交通,合理规划城市建设、公民文明交通意识建设,可以逐渐缓解城市拥堵问题。  相似文献   

Researchers and advocates are calling for ecosystem services management to advance from theory to implementation. To do so, they argue, requires two things: information on the science and practice ecosystem services management to be more widely developed and distributed, and support for ecosystem services management be incorporated into decision-making. These changes require adding to urban ecology an understanding of the political and information relationships supporting work in this field. To gain insight into these relationships I surveyed the national membership of the Society for Municipal Arborists about their efforts in managing municipal green space to produce ecosystem services. A significant percentage of respondents reported their organizations currently engaged in managing green space assets to produce ecosystem services and predicted such activities would increase over time. Foresters noted they relied on public and informal peer relationships as primary information sources in these efforts and reported little interface with private sector entities, viewing the latter, rather as most likely to constrain their efforts to enhance the production of ecosystem services. While foresters noted that they sought information from public and academic sources, the foresters themselves were less frequently sought out for their expertise. Respondents, however, foresaw becoming engaged in more reciprocal relationships around information exchange. The private sector’s absence in these relationships suggests insufficient legal and regulatory structures necessary to support private engagement in the growing demand for urban ecosystem services. The broad base of local grassroots and public support, however, suggest the emergence of constituencies that could lay the basis for new coalitions to advance green infrastructure and its related ecosystem services into the mainstream of municipal resource management.  相似文献   

The performances of urban growth management are often criticized because their original objectives are frequently inconsistent with local development facts. Underlying the many reasons for this are the political and institutional contexts that influence policy-making and development activities. The urban fringe, a zone is managed to against urban sprawl in many countries, represents the conflicts between urban management system and local development resulting from political transformation. This study examines the case of decentralised-concentration strategy, one of the most important metropolitan growth management in Beijing since the 1990s, and sheds some lights on the performance of the growth management in the transformation context. The results suggest that the aims of municipal growth management to concentrate developments in urban fringe have partly been achieved through actual local developments; however, some unexpected and illegal local developments outside the planned areas are counterproductive from the perspective of municipal growth management. The performance of the present growth management is being challenged by new trends towards political decentralisation and locally fiscal responsibilities. In the interest of future policymaking, the dominant central planning system in Beijing should take these decentralisation trends into growth management account, compared with the great progress in decentralisation in economy system. The urban policy needs to shift from the dictatorial manner and put more efforts into creating a harmonious relationship between municipal growth management and actual local demands on development.  相似文献   

The urban domestic gardens that are part of urban green areas have become a very important element due to their ecosystematic benefits and the poor information about them. Information regarding the floristic richness of three socioeconomic stratifications from the city of Heredia, Costa Rica is presented in this study. Research was conducted from October 2011 to May 2012. Information was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire, which was provided to 61 garden owners, including the owner’s personal data, time living in the dwelling, area of the property and the garden, variation of its size in time and the garden’s location on the property. In addition, a floristic inventory was conducted in each garden as well as a taxonomic identification of all plants. Vegetative forms and substrates were also noted. Characteristics of the gardens and their owners were then analyzed to determine the relationship of species richness between the three sites studied. The number of plant species recorded was 618, corresponding to 102 families (19 % exotic). Regarding geographical origin, 64, 4 % were exotic, 35,6 % native. Orchidaceae (93 spp.) and Araceae (39 spp.) were the most dominant families. The variables of garden area and location and owner's age determined the garden’s floristic richness. In addition, the garden’s area and vegetative forms varied among the sites studied probably due to socioeconomic differences among them. Diversity of pioneer plants increased with the garden’s area. In sum, this research provides important floristic information of domestic gardens, since, being private property, data about them is scarce and municipal management guidelines are nonexistent.  相似文献   

The year of the fire horse (called “Hinoeuma” in Japanese) is one of the sixty Chinese zodiac symbols used to count years. According to superstition, fire horse women are said to have troubled marriages, to mistreat men, and to cause early deaths for their husbands and fathers. No such stigma applies to men born in these years. This paper attempts to investigate the impact of women’s birth in the most recent fire horse year (1966) on the outcome of their lives by using individual-level microdata. We find that there is no evidence of disadvantages to fire horse women in human capital investment, performance in the marriage market, or intra-household allocation of resources after marriage. We provide two plausible explanations for this lack of impact from the stigma: a cohort size effect and a dynamic transition in the share of arranged and love marriages. The latter affected parents’ decisions in 1966 as well as the performance of fire horse women in the marriage market and in intra-household resource allocation after marriage. This finding suggests the importance of careful attention to the dynamic effects of society and the economy that may occur before the emergence of a cohort size effect.  相似文献   

顾巧明 《科学发展》2013,(10):28-33
发行地方政府债券是地方政府筹措资金比较规范的途径,应逐步放开地方政府发债限制,引入市场化融资机制,允许符合条件的省级政府发行一定规模的地方债券。首先由财政部制定地方发行债券总规模控制指标,再由全国性信用评级机构评级后发行。允许地方政府发行债券,可以将贷款风险转化为显性的可控制的政府债务风险。通过债券发行等形式筹资建设的项目,往往具有相对较高的透明度以及相对较严格的自我约束;通过市场的监督机制,可以更有效地避免地方政府负债的非理性扩张。  相似文献   

Urban trees are an essential component of urban ecosystems, and management of this resource constitutes an essential element of urban open space management. However, municipal tree inventories in Sweden and elsewhere have received limited attention. It is unknown how common municipal tree inventories are in Sweden, factors governing whether a municipality has an inventory and what the inventories are used for. This study therefore sought to: Create an overview of the state of Swedish municipal tree inventories and determine how municipality size, green space budget and management organisation affect the presence and scope of municipal tree inventories. The research questions examined were: What is the current state of Swedish municipal tree inventories? and what affects the status of these municipal tree inventories? A survey with questions related to strategic and operational perspectives of municipal tree inventories, e.g. how they are conducted and used, together with questions relating to budget and potential use of consultants, was sent to all 290 Swedish municipalities. The response rate was 55.5%. The main findings were that municipality size affects whether a municipality has an urban tree inventory and that the municipal organisation form affects how inventories are used. The existence of an inventory also increased the probability of the municipality having a tree management plan. Based on these results we recommend further research related to strategic management perspectives of tree inventories.  相似文献   

Bob Hodge 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(3):351-364
This article uses a case study of a TV programme, Atlantis Uncovered, an archaeological programme debunking popular ideas of Atlantis and the ancient past, as an instance of a discursive paradox, or discursive pathology, in which defenders of traditional canons of scholarship (science and rationality) decide they must go feral, fighting fire with fire, using the illogical and irrational methods of thought they attribute to what they perceive as the enemies of reason in order to defeat them. The devices used in the archaeological programme are compared with the devices used in a more famous and influential ‘hoax’, Sokal's so-called ‘spoof’ of postmodernism published in the journal Social Text, used to discredit ‘postmodernism’ and cultural studies. The two episodes, with all their differences, suggest that whether these tactics are successful or not, they contradict the core beliefs in rationality and science of their protagonists, illustrating instead the ‘postmodern’ decline in intellectual values that they claim to deplore.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how stories shaped treasurers’ expectations in municipal swap activities and contributes to the sociological debate on the mechanisms of expectation formation. Employing a deductive variant of process tracing, it synthesizes the literature on expectations in economic decision making with the literature on the diffusion of “ideas,” “myths,” and “fashions” in organization theory and management studies. The swap story has spread since the mid-1990s among German municipalities. At the heart of this story is the replacement of traditional borrowing with active portfolio optimization; financial instruments known as swaps play a leading role. This paper examines how stories shape expectations. Specifically, it delves into how the swap story, as a solution to the financial woes of local governments, shaped these governments’ expectations despite the uncertainty resulting from the instruments’ complexity. We argue that the effect of stories on expectations depends on timing. Expectations at an early stage are shaped by economic analyses to reduce uncertainty, while expectations at a later stage are primarily shaped by societal pressures and an established trend. These two distinct mechanisms produce expectations related to economic and social consequences, respectively. Selecting four typical cases, our analysis confirms that stories affected the formation of treasurers’ expectations regarding the use of swaps through these different mechanisms.  相似文献   

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